@Draitnn stylus voor te “schrijven” op de iPad? Reageerder iPad dan zoals hij zou reageren op uw vinger?
@mikehaugland 4.3”? Daaamn! I do most things single handed. 4.3” would be a major problem for me, then ;)
@mikehaugland Also a possibility. However I stand by my original point: 3.5” is the threshold for comfortable use for almost “anybody”.
This train is going to be _FULL_. So many people!
@mikehaugland Yea, but I expect to be able to handle a phone single handed for all general tasks. ;)
@QuaghM zoiets ja ;)
@davy_delbeke Brijt gij maar nekeer goe, jong ;)
@davy_delbeke lol. What? :p
@d_zy bah, geestig…
Trying to get to Ghent to @littlemissrobot’s office but the train is late. Again. The #NMBS is a joke.
@Dietah Lol, yea, it was a video featuring the new ‘secret’ Samsung Nexus phone. Not so secret anymore. :p
Perfect demo of why a bigger screen is a bad idea.He has to move to phone around in his hand to be able to use it. http://t.co/ppm05XpE
@voltje True story! But I don’t want to fuck up. ;)
@joristi @thomasjoos Heb ook niet bepaald een goed beeld over de Mobistar mensen. Kennen hun contracten etc ook maar half, zo blijkt.
Define “old skool”: The gold standard of asskicking.
@Format_ VERY exciting… But VERY scary too :D I don’t wanna screw this up ;)
Reading about what might be my job soon. Scares the crap out of me… Not sure if I’ve got the experience to pull this off.