samengland Got an iPhone? Turn it into a virtual ‘Blackberry by enabling airplane mode.
Now the waiting for the untethered jailbreak starts…
joristi I wouldn’t want to be an Apple server admin right now. :) #osxupdate #ios5
I’d guess that the iOS5 release is the most anticipated mobile operating system upgrade ever. #captainobvious
RT @joristi: RT @Auka: BlackBerry toujours pas résolu #BBdown. Comme un client m’a dit “ils nous poussent a passer sur iPhone”, j’ai dis …
@prplps I’m intrigued :D We’ll see soon, I guess :D
@prplps Heard about the 5 userland exploits too. Haven’t heard anything about browser-exploits though :p (‘Slide to JB’ was a PDF exploit)
@joristi That’s what Youtube suggests…
@prplps Been thinking the same. But I suspect a few hours later (testing the JB on all devices on the new release) ;)
This crap needs to stop: THE INTERNET HAS NO BOUNDARIES!
@prplps Expected 7PM in Belgium ;)
Makes 2 of us! RT @webdevotion: Actually quite excited for the iOS 5 update.
Just wondering here: If Apple takes more ‘iOS features to the desktop’ (which they do)… Can we expect Siri in a future version of OSX?
@Format_ I went out in my shirt 2 days ago. I’m sick now. Either it’s winter over here, or you’re a real badass. :p
@Format_ I didn’t. Mother nature did. :(
</summer><winter sick=”true”>
gmunk oh fuck, yes:
The problem with being the smartest guy in the room is you, realizing you are the smartest guy in the room.