I can’t help it. I tried. I really tried. But I really can’t suppress this any longer. OSX Lion looks like crap.
Remember Jarvis from the Iron Man movies? How long before that is reality? Siri is making big steps towards that future…
I should start keeping count of how many times people have told me I should be an Apple salesman…
woutr_be It’s shit like this Apple fanboys… http://t.co/czzaEJh3
@joristi Luckily for us, there are ISP’s that are not subjected to that ruling. http://t.co/KZ5VhBoy
Huge fail for Samsung and their lawyers. http://t.co/FqZLM7zA
GreenPois0n_JB Siri Ported Successfully To The iPhone 4 (VIDEO) http://t.co/UTg7jHp0 (RT!)
Ordered a new Macbook battery on Dealextreme for a sumtotal of 33,97€ (instead of the ‘original 139€’ battery). And now we wait.
peterelst found out shadows in WebGL Google Maps are rendered astronomically accurate to the position of the sun and local time of day - just insane