A discussion yesterday still has me wondering: Are there any big projects (with many users) out there, running on NodeJS?
Just came across this: “Your fingernail has the same ingredients as fly poop”. Think about that the next time you bite your nails.
@tonylukasavage Well, aren’t you a pal? :p
Gamer or no-gamer: How bad do you want to try this gaming rig!? http://t.co/bxKbUgQT
That’s probably the first time anybody has ever said that. RT @aral: This city has so much texture. #berlin
Yup, ik wil ook een iPhone 4S. Who doesn’t…? http://t.co/CGwwdONk
People who say the Samsung Galaxy S2 is better than the iPhone 4S based solely on tech specs only proof their total lack of credibility.
2 interesting things in 1 article & comments:
1:Samuel L Jackson top grossing actor
2:Racism is still very real in 2011