My Red5 installation guide is getting quite a lot of traffic these days. I’m glad it helps people! Cool stuff!
-“Remember that thing - what’s it called? We had in the 90’s… With a cassette in it; before MP3 and iPods…”
+ “… A walkman?”
- “…”
Things change…
“You can’t reach us via phone support, but you can of course reach us via social media and email”
- Companies in 2012
@fdenkens Thanks man! Exactly what I was looking for! Perfect! RT @fdenkens: @noCreativity
Could anyone tell me if Facebook recently changed their API? I’m looking for recent changes that might break existing apps.
Mobile Vikings is handing out a whole lotta’ top-ups. How far do you think they’ll go? #countingup
Overheard in the office:
A: “I go to the fitness! I do training.”
J: “I do training too. I do fullbody sex training.”
saatchiza How to get a job at Saatchi: advice for wannabe advertising execs - by @mlgreenhalgh of @saatchilondon via @guardian
How to get more Likes on Facebook: Less marketing douchebaggery. More tanks. Now you know.
To whoever drew this: Thank you! I love it!