Told you! Took only a few hours once it was daytime in San Francisco:Digg is building a replacement for Google Reader
How badly do you want these?
@minorissues @bart_chanet @dimitrivh Met ogen open… recht derin… Nice pull.
@bart_chanet @dimitrivh @minorissues I knew that one was coming :p Het leek me al een rare zin… Annnyway… Who cares about the steak!?
@dimitrivh @minorissues Mijn misses is geen fan van steak koken. Dus zo verdelen we de kook-taak ;)
@dimitrivh @minorissues Dus als ik vanavond geen steak klaar maak voor de madam is’t peanuts? :(
You know that feeling when you are looking for an answer and you think you found it… And you just need to make sure you were right?
Oh look! More snow! Are we in Canada yet?
Instant e-karma! RT @prplps: Adagio is looking to hire a Communication Manager > < RT for some e-karma
True story. Did nobody else notice? RT @fwa: Don’t worry, twitter is the new RSS #GoogleReader
On another note, I’m quite surprised there’s no Kickstarter project yet to build a new Google Reader. Now it’s a game of who blinks first ;)
If you’re really so deeply sad because of Google Reader being dropped, try one of these. /via @ikbenmartijn
Define “class actâ€: @iamwill donates £500k to @PrincesTrust to improve science and tech in school
@jeroen_algoet @BrunoByttebier bestaat al. Systeem dat via motion detection muggen detecteert en met lasers de vleugels verbrand. ;)
So many people screaming for the loss of Google Reader. Is anyone of you thinking about building a replacement? There’s clearly an audience.
@aral it’s okay ;) publishing a localhost is like watching porn: nobody wants to admit but we all did it ;)
@aral Localhost? Really? Either I’m too late for the joke or you just copy-pasted the wrong URL ;)