Off to bed. Not to impressed by mobileMe (since the push is not working on the iPhone..)
Setting up MobileMe on my iPhone, Macbook and iMac
Pfff, you really need Visa for everything…
Had (some sort of) dinner…Now back to work
Picture selecting time!!
Transformed my room into a photo studio for my next assignment.
I love how school is motivating me again, to be doing stuff. I’m so full of energy… Like you wouldn’t believe it!
I love ppl mailing me ‘your deadline has changed.’ and bringing deadlines closer by 2 weeks…
@desaturated If the price is good… ;)
Opdracht HTML == 5 minuten werk… Het niveau mag net iets hoger en sneller…
Int hiepso nog wa drinken voor de les begint
I just crashed Notepad.exe in less than 60 seconds!!
Onderweg naar de helpdesk.
oh shit… i hope i am mistaken….
off to bed! Looking forward to tomorrow. Lot’s of cool stuff to do !
Hmz… First recording a video demo of the Flash lite app
Finished my work for today… should go to bed.
Getting some fastfood
@bomega Nothing wrong with Fight Club! But you should remember the first rule … :p
Homework!!! This is fun! I feel like a nerd though…
It almost felt like a miracle…
My latest project: Flash on the Beach Mobile:
Class is out. Time to go.
Prerendering stuff. This is awesome!!
to everybody at FOTB: Have fun guys! Make sure to keep us posted :)
@anthonyvanoyen Who wouldn’t? :p
Op tijd aanwezig in de Image Design theorieles.
Heading to school
Something cool is about to happen… Only a few more hours befor the cool shit kicks your ass!
Wow. Yesterday there were about 980 games in the app store. Today that changed to 1020. Impressive
@LadyElena Volgens Wikipedia en Google is dat ongeveer hetzelfde, ja :)
Ok, i finally get the difference beteen MOUSE_OVER and ROLL_OVER
Allright! Let’s create a masterpiece!
Should get started…
@niqui Thx! We love you too! ;)
Note to self: Re-release super-mini soon! Same for Playr 2.0
Out to get my pizza order
Had a little nap
Enough pictures for now. Heading home.
Trust fund seems ok. Let’s head out to make some pictures :)
Heading out to the bank
Just watched a documentary on Youtbube about The Falling Man… That story really strikes me…
En vanwaar komt dat breezer taaltje eigenlijk?? Beseffen 18-jarigen dan niet hoe kinderachtig ze overkomen, als ze zo schrijven???
Ik hou van uitscheld-combo’s. Ze verheffen het ‘breinloze vloeken’ naar een salvo van ongeëvenaarde rustgevende feiten opsomming…
Waking up with bugreports. Breakfast and bugfixing it is!
And that’s it for today… Got some cool blogposts lined up. Now lets get some sleepness!
Oh man, I might just need to get myself a license to ‘kick ass’, cause this is what this thing is gonna do!
For a long time I feared I’ld have to pay for the mistakes I made…. And I always knew it would happen one day… But not like this…
another last feature. Let’s build it!
While I’m waiting for cool shit to happen, i’ll look into dinner. That sounds like a good idea :)
Wohoo! Tech review ready! Waiting for some more cool stuff to happen before hitting the ‘Publish’ button! :)
Done with my first tech article. Waiting for feedback before publishing this though :)
I just wondered if Adobe is the only company in the world listing ‘air’ as a product…
writing an article on Flash, Flex, AIR, and more cool stuff on the web
Langzaam maar zeker komt het ervan…
@imkedielen (Re: Plurk) Vraag ik me ook af :D
Note to self: Never ever forget to copy class files when moving FLA’s around like that again (and make sure not to panic)
at home, doing the last fixes
Hmz… Battery health == 98% and my lifetime dropped an hour…
Just posted 2 of my latest poems
Finished the layout update. Might wanna look into that some more…
Not even awake for 5 minutes and already got scared the crap outta me…. :(
Out with Mathias and rik for lunch
Done with the name project. Very productive.
Taking a break with the guys
Taking a break. Having a drink
Waking up. Slow motion stuff…
Aha, google put me down… Went from 6 to 5… Not very cool :(
Last bugfix done… Looks like i’m ready…
Tiesto - Live @ The point (Dublin). What a god…
Wow the defenition of a back button is actually a pain in the buttocks…
Back home. Lot’s of good stuff today :)
Meeting time !!
Sitting in the main hall. Waiting to leave for the devine admin meeting.
Looking good! Let’s head back to school :)
I just realized i must ‘ve passed the 1000 lines by now…
Checking out the bugs of the app. Very excited about launching it ^^
@BenjaminCarlier My pleasure :)
Paid for my software licenses.
Sending out one last email and heading to bed. I had a very bad day.
WOW! That logo just blew me away!
@anthonyvanoyen Gij kunt die les skippen, net als ik en heel wat anderen. ‘t Gaat me om die gasten die echt MOETEN gaan…
Had dinner… Yet i think i might have bad news…
LMAO: PIH wilt lesgeven tot 20u30… We gaan da morgen wel nekeer zien…
Note 2 self: Pay attention when posting comments!!!! (YOU CANNOT EDIT.)
Blogged about yesterday’s AUG meeting:
Waiting for the webservice to be up again, before gettting started.
Finishing the Flash Lite project. Adding the very last features…
Answerring mails, setting up some deals, turning down some others…
lol @ french people using english words in their mail. Always a pleasure :D
Aangekomen in static websesign. Nog altijd basislessen. Dat het maar snel geacanceerder wordt….
Lunchbreak with mattias
Heading to school
Calling it a night. Nite nite
I’m at Broelkaai 1, 8500 Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium (Broelkaai 1, Kortrijk, Vlaams Gewest 8500, BE) -
Back home. Had a very cool evening. The aug team did a great job making this happen.
Very productive and intresting meeting.
@aral just finished another piece of artwork presentation. Time for some food!!
@aral is about to start his session.
Application frames!! That’s what i call progressive thinking!!!
It’s the after effects guy, and he doesn’t dissapoint: he’s boring me… Again.
No hard feelings guys but the venue is too small!!
I’m at Zebrastraat, 9000 Gent (Zebrastraat, Gent, Vlaams Gewest 9000, BE) -
allways the same shit. i’m about give it all up..
@delegatevoid I don’t understand a word of that, but i WILL look into that! Thanks a bunch! :)
Hmz, geen IRC in’t Hiepso… Total uncoolness :(
Heading over to the hiepso
Desiging the UI of the last steps of my Flash lite project.
Having my first lessons in Flash (again). It’s fun to see what once was pretty hard to me :) Gives you a certain satisfaction :)
On my way to school
Went to 3 shops, found nothing, bought nothing. I am really sure tho, i’ll be switching back to Proximus soon…
Heading out for some more shopping. Looking into EAS3, Proximus and a Universal dock… Let’s see what will end up on my desk…
Heading to the shop. Grocery shopping time!
@peterelst That last tweet was about registering on the Devine-Forums ;)
@peterelst DUH! What you’re waiting for! Hup hup! :)
I wonder if I should look into buying EAS 3.0… Will that be an intresting buy for someone like me? (Note: I’m not new to AS ;) )
That’s it for schoolday 1!
This doesn’t look too intresting just yet..
Morning all!
Calling it a night… tired as hell… Should get crackin’ tomorrow… Running late on my schedule…
@bartclaeys I was used to the .NET debugger :p I never (or rarely) code PHP myself ;)
@peterelst Really looking forward to my next AS3 project. You wouldn’t believe how I didn’t miss AS2 at all :p
@bartclaeys t-t-t… You should change your way of using it then ;) I use trace() in _EVERY_ project, and it works just great :)
@bartclaeys trace(); does quite well for debugging imho ;)
I do NOT like scopes in AS2… They actually scare me…
Had dinner. Back to work.
Preparing dinner
All of a sudden my interval doesn’t want to trigger anymore… Pffff
Walter Ego heeft echt een dope album klaarliggen voor in November…
A zieder an us twiefeln oenderschatn z’uzze krachtn.
Wieder zien de toekomst ewwe zien ’t beu va te wachtn.
That list still is quite long, and there are a lot of complex fixes needed… Hmz
Quote of the day by @LadyElena: ‘who is chuck norris?’
Allright, ready to finish that project… Let’s check that todo list!
Pretty tired… Listening to this last track before killing the lights
Showing off (on purpose)
Trying to fix the WP upload error
Getting our pizza
Just ordered some pizza
@Marko I’ve been reading lot’s of bad reviews on this. Actually i’ld like a list of pro and contra arguments :p
Thinking about jailbreaking my iphone
Hmz… Mail isn’t downloading mail anymore… What went wrong…
Pfff, no imap for me…
Went to pick up @LadyElena at the trainstation
@bramzo Ikzelf gebruik nu iPhone my30, maar ben van plan om terug naar Proximus te gaan: Daar is de verbinding en de algemene service beter.
@bramzo Maar wel op 3G/EDGE ;) Voor mail/twitter is 50MB meer dan genoeg. Maar zover ik weet kost de 200MB optie bij Proximus maar 5€ meer
How the hell did my PHPBB3 blogpost make it the the most read post on my site?? A few days ago it only had 400 views.. Now it has 2900+
Flash en basic HTTP auth 101 (omdat het allemaal simpeler kan uitgelegd worden):
@bramzo defenitly not. However that might depend on the way you use it. I use it for youtube, and full blown websites. I Did 12mb in 3 days.
Writing a short blogpost about my Flash Lite and basic HTTP AUTH findings
*signing another… (i really have to doublecheck my tweets before posting them…)
Already thinking of leaving mobistar again, and sign another contract with Proximus…
@bramzo I had it (but not on the iphone), why?
Waking up… Had the sleep i needed… Ready for some breakfast
Allright! I just looked at some sourcecode of a sample iphone app, and i don’t understand A THING!
Waking up in westende. I forgot how cold it gets during winter, back here
Okay, something dissapeared, but I don’t have ANY clue where it went, or how it got there…
grabbing some more candy. Got some more work to do here.
I <3 CSS
@bramzo Why don’t you go ahead and create it for yourself? ‘Bits don’t byte’ ;)
Hmz… Stats van devineforum zijn verdubbeld sinds dat de dag van de presentatie. De boodschap was dus duidelijk :D
@bramzo Haven’t even started yet. Very busy with some other projects right now. Will look into it in 2 weeks or something :p
Hacking phpbb once more
Even tho I had a great day, I don’t like it how some people are talking to me right now… Did i do something wrong??
I’m at Broelkaai 1, 8500 Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium (Broelkaai 1, Kortrijk, Vlaams Gewest 8500, BE) -
I just made up a kickass something :)
I’m at Oostende, Natiënkaai, 8400 Oostende, Oostende, Belgium (Natiënkaai, Oostende, Vlaams Gewest 8400, BE) -
On my way to oostende. Heading to kortrijk tonight
Cool stuff. Heading back to westende to get some dinner
Getting some new clothes
With yen on y way to oostende.
And we’re back!
@desaturated Nog nie, da’s de volgende stap! :D
Trying to fix the DevineForum update with @stupidnoob
Out for a sandwich
Setting up my dad’s new cell phone
At the pitta bar with yen
Going to take a ride with yen
I’m at Steenstraat 13, 8434 Westende, Middelkerke, Belgium (Steenstraat 13, Middelkerke, Vlaams Gewest 8434, BE) -
World changes, life changes and best friends become strangers…
I’m at Oostende, Natiënkaai, 8400 Oostende, Oostende, Belgium (Natiënkaai, Oostende, Vlaams Gewest 8400, BE) -
Getting ready to leave Kortrijk
Back home, looking into the feedback on my project. Let’s get cracking. 60 minutes!!
In het hiepso aant wachten op de rest van de groep
Kicking ass in the shopoters
Waiting for the others to arrive. We’re about to crash the pastabar :)
Having a great time with my classmates
I’m at Graaf Karel de Goedelaan 5, 8500 Kortrijk, Kortrijk, Belgium (Graaf Karel De Goedelaan 5, Kortrijk, Vlaams Gewest 8500, BE) - ht…
Leaving for school. Let’s get set for monday :)
Wow! Major design change on Twitter: ‘We’re updating the IM updates’ disappeared! Good job guys :)
Calling it a night
Final brainstorm. Thinking about my work for tomorrow.
I can’t believe how it is even possible…
That went way better than expected. Let’s clean up!
Testing the application on the live services. We’re getting close to seeing the big picture :)
Back to the living… I seem to be pretty sick…