The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

December 2010

RT @philipdubois: Having fun with @noCreativity, @lyntje Pascale, Sasha and Elke at @wirward’s. A happy New Year to y’all!

via Icebird for iPhone

One more cool MTV-ident before heading out to new year’s eve.

via Tweetie for Mac

@MrBrightSky Yesss, niets om u zorgen over te maken :)

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to MrBrightSky

@MrBrightSky Hij gaat de laatste versie van de gegevens (die dagge op uw iphone aangepast hebt) overal opslaan op uw pc. Gewoon sync’en ;)

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to MrBrightSky

@MrBrightSky @ikkekietje yea, exactly right. I tried it after tweeting, but still: I don’t think they should do that. _REALLY_ annoying

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Dear Google: If I tell you to search ‘iphonesim’ then only give me results for ‘iphonesim’.You are NOT smarter than me.

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RT @timparker: Loading 2011 ███████████████▒ 99%

via Icebird for iPhone

Doing some last minute shopping for new year’s eve.

via Icebird for iPhone

Magical sound that just hypnotizes you when you give in to it……

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Well, after a good night’s sleep I finally made it back into the world of the living…

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Off with the girlfriend to visit my family in Westende. Haven’t seen them ever since july.

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@BrunoByttebier En ook wij (@lyntje en ik) zijn nog wakker! Hoe vul je je laatste dagen van 2010, maat?

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close to 2011, and yet some companies don’t get Flash Player version detection right…

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As long as I can’t tear out that naked girl on the centerfold, digital magazines just won’t do it. There, I’ve said it

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@Format_ Go crazy! Weird thing with the shadows though the cast away from eachother (here: In real life they wouldn’t

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@Format_ And your building seems to be reflecting? :p (fresnel-like reflection at the outer bend part of the building)

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to Format_

@Format_ There’s a weird DOF in your image. The light is way to close-by (the rays aren’t casting parallel shadows), maybe try area shadows.

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API Authing, CURL POSTs and PHP for breakfast. Literally.

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@joristimmerman Hm, that’s a good point: I do the same to be honest. At some point you don’t care anymore I guess…?

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to joristimmerman

@joristimmerman yea, true, but you should stay connected to people you actually know, not to everyone you met once at a party ;)

via web in reply to joristimmerman

Decent health care rocks. An operation that actually costs almost 600€ ends up as a 1,76€ bill on my doorstep. Eat this US health care.

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RE: Can you tell when I quit Wunderlist from this graph? http://shots.nocreativit…

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And that’s it for Wunderlist. Sucking up lots of CPU…

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Awesome! :D RT @alexalbrecht: There needs to be a saying for brain storming while pooping… shit-storm doesn’t do it justice.

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@glenndavid WOW! That sucks! :o But there’s always proxies… right?

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@boskabout Jupjup, daarom vraag ik me af welke toegevoegde waarde er in de facebook-versie is ;)

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@boskabout Ge kunt uw leeftijd gewoon aanpassen op Facebook. Maat van mij heeft onlangs zijn verjaardag verplaatstst, just for kicks.

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“…have built a 1,500-pound X-ray camera that can shoot ten million frames a second…”. Right. I want one.

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That was pretty mindblowing. Enjoyed that like never before I think!

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In Belgium, people were asked to not use the car if not needed: Stop whining about 10cm snow… (via @scottjanousek)

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COOL! RT @ddura: RT @BBCNews: US blizzard filmed by time-lapse camera

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As long as I have to quit an app to toggle my wifi on/off, I’m not even going to think about not jailbreaking it.

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@BrunoByttebier Ik ik ik ! (kweet mijn username wel nie meer, kga hem sffs wel keer DM’en :p )

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It seems Firefox still sucks. Closing it frees up 1,5GB of memory. I’m sorry, but I’ll stick with safari then.

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Wunderlist ( is looking good. Giving it a run as well (via @MrBrightSky )

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@BobSermon Safari trips soms nekeer, waardoor er geen scrollbalken meer zijn. Of uw ‘overflow’ die op hidden staat :p

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RT @nickvegas: Long render times are not for bragging. SHORTER render times show the true skill. Learn to optimize.

via Icebird for iPhone

Watching tv with the girlfriend… Not thinking about work or anything. Life is perfect.

via Icebird for iPhone

Let’s check out Nimblekit!

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I like this :) RT @tonylukasavage: Apple app, Google app, your company’s app: #SadButTrue

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RT @bit101:Need a NY resolution idea? Try not using the word “FAIL” in 2011. It’s petty, annoying and whiney. Please call me out if I do it.

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Dreamcast? I actually forgot it existed…

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One of our (= @lyntje & me) Christmas presents: (Well, not actually that, but we’ll be visiting it ^^ )

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RT @prplps: RT @joestump: Leaked photos of iPad 2? Steve must be going apeshit.

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RT @ikkekietje: Whoepsie, woke up way too late!
Merry Christmas! Love & Kisses!

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Hungry at 5.30AM. Yea. The routine.

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Had the greatest christmas-eve with @Lyntje. Haven’t enjoyed this day so much in years.

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RT @joristimmerman: Toen in W-Vl. 10 cm sneeuw lag, bijna geen coverage, nu W-Vl. er geen heeft, kunnen we het er niet genoeg inwrijven.;)

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@ikkekietje Have you seen @lyntje unwrap a gift? I have seen brain surgeons operate faster than she unwraps presents!

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to ikkekietje

@delegatevoid She’s not the fast-opening-present kind of girl. I sometimes think she prefers the packaging over the actual gift :p

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When my girlfriend notices the horrible gift wrapping I’ve just done, she’s going to kill me dead! KILL ME DEAD!

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Waar is die tweet van gisteren, over hoe slecht mannen zijn als het op inpakken aankomt? Ik moet da duidelijk retweeten.

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@aral Seems cool! Will give it a run (although I was just getting my fet wet with xCode/Obj-C). Thanks for the link!

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to aral

@aral I’m looking at it right now. Wondering why I haven heard of it before. Is this native in the same way that Titanium is native?

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to aral

@aral But it seems kind of pointless to me why you would want to use it: It’s missing a ton of features xCode gives you and you know obj-C.

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to aral

@aral Told somebody else the same thing:Once you get it going it’s pretty darn awesome (exclu a few crulpits), so it’s worth looking into it

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Yes, this time it actually looks like I went christmas shopping.

via Icebird for iPhone

“United Earth”. I like the sound of that. How’s that for a christmas wish?

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Holy shit! That’s mindblowingly sweet! RT @UnitZeroOne: Great looking DIY sci-fi.

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@toStephen zet de map ‘iPhone’ terug in de ‘build’ folder. (die iphone map mag leeg zijn hoor) ;)

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to toStephen

Added one last tiny feature to my iPhone app. Now, it’s completely ready! #devine

via noCreativity for iPhone

RT @thibault_imbert: Molehill in the browser loading a Quake 3 environment, using HD textures -

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1 mind was blown during the viewing of this video. (via @aral)

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@devdev_be I fucked up the video compression the first time :p

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Really stoked about getting this thing out to the world. Just some minor changes before building the final version.

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A few things need some fixing buy I’ll get some sleep before finishing this puppy up.

via Icebird for iPhone

I’m probably to stupid to figure out how to export a decent-file-size-quality video out of Premiere, so I’ll take the high road and give up.

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If my iMac were to go any slower, time would start moving backwards and the iMac would probably start a lonely walk back to the store.

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Created 5 super short show reels of what I created in the past 2 years. Where the hell did all these experiments come from!? So many!

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@CarlDieryckx Apps voor Android & iPhone maken we (voorlopig) met Titanium(http://www.appcelerator….). In NMCT gebruiken ze wel/ook Flash

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to CarlDieryckx

@aral Looking neat, Aral! Looking forward to seeing the update in the app store! Good luck!

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to aral

@aral We want previews! And sneak peaks! ;)

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You hear that noise? That, my friend, is the sound of my iMac, dieing under the pressure of hardcore multitasking.

via Osfoora HD

I just realized that I’m not a woman. I really am not able to multitask. I can’t think about christmas presents while working on a project.

via Tweetie for Mac

So now you know: Your teenage kid wants an eggs-box 3,60. (via @prplps)

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I think this might be a wrap for today. One last test from the device before going to sleep. (I know, it’s getting early … Again.) #devine

via noCreativity for iPhone

RT @glenndavid: RT @stubru: We zijn zonet ‘geletterbombed’ door Howest Radio For Life, dankjewel!

via Tweetie for Mac

That mobile portfolio is coming along nicely. Pretty happy so far. #devine

via noCreativity for iPhone

One last device test before I go to bed for a few hours. Just a little more work tomorrow and then everything is done :)

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So, apparently I put that ‘//DO NOT TOUCH OR I KILL YOU DEAD!’ comment in that class for a reason…

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Highly customized this OAuthAdapter for Titanium, in order to be reusable and more flexible. Also now supports ‘deny’. Open source <3

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@appcelerator Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE Titanium, it’s the next best thing since sliced bread, but things like these drive me crazy.

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@appcelerator […] there.For example: Titanium.Map.createMapView() doesn’t exist. Titanium.Map.createView() works.And there’s lots of these

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@appcelerator I’ve been using them ever since I started working with Titanium, but there’s a lot of inaccurate documentation in […]

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The Appcelerator guys really need to start generating their docs from code instead of writing it themselves & adding tons of incorrect api’s

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This is pissing me off. I love how it states “We cannot verify all steps” and then just doesn’t let you do anything.

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Great: Titanium Developer crashes, and now all of a sudden it doesn’t find my developer certificate anymore. Ugh…

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Wow, most annoying bug EVER! Time to finally get some dinner. I’m starving!

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Running out of inspiration for one of the important screens of my app. Uncool.

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@joristimmerman If Tweetie:mac just had an easy way of blocking people… :(

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@joristimmerman I get quite a lot of those spam messages. I gave up blocking them some time ago. It’s just plain annoying.

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Wow, the amount of spam on Twitter is getting ridiculous…

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I need more RAM, more CPU and more pixels! Who wants to donate me a Mac Pro and 2 30” Apple Cinema Displays?

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@tonylukasavage […] But beyond that: It seems like a fun environment to be working with/for. 3D, interactivity, cross device, cool shit!

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@tonylukasavage Well, i’m not yet really up to speed with it, but as far as i can tell:The first steps are a little weird […]

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@tonylukasavage Oh yes you should! #Unity3D is the best/coolest crossplatform development combo you’ll ever see. No jokes ;)

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RT @AugustinDeBie: We should set deadlines to get our project results earlier. #Devine

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This app is starting to look good! I love animating stuff! Makes everything look so much fancier!

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Accidentally clicked the Flash Builder icon on my dock and realized I haven’t done anything in Flash for weeks now… Things change.

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That was one crazy speedcoding night, with some cool results! Pretty much what I wanted to create for quite some time now! #iphone #titanium

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Blazing fast iPhone development night, thanks to the power of Titanium!

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The will to animate will kill me one day.

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@thomasheylen Haha, ja @ikkekietje zei het net :) Mijn frank was nie direct gevallen :D

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I’m trying to read a pretty imortant mail. I’ve been seeing this for about 10 minutes now. http://shots.nocreativit…

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RT @BrunoByttebier: Snowboarden? Dat doe je toch gewoon in Kortrijk! via @F3lixDeClerck

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@AugustinDeBie You _can_ jailbreak the new bootrom 3GS, however it’s a tethered jailbreak (= you have to apply the JB every time you reboot)

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to AugustinDeBie

@AugustinDeBie What device are you using? (iPhone 3G, 3GS old bootrom can be jailbroken untethered using Redsn0w afaik)

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to AugustinDeBie

@AugustinDeBie As far as I’m concerned, @comex is working on an untethered jailbreak for 4.2.1 for 3GS with new Bootrom and iPhone4.

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to AugustinDeBie

comex Not imagining things about the 4.2 iPad keyboard being darker:…

via web (retweeted on 3:58 AM, Dec 20th, 2010 via web)

PS: I’m talking iPhone dev (if you were wondering)

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Any clue how I can add an overlay to the camera to appear UNDER the iris animation?(Otherwise it sits on top while the iris animation plays)

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I just realized how much stuff I created using BitmapData in Flash… Pretty mindblowing how much you can do with only 1 class :D

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Developing and testing apps on your iPhone has one big advantage: Your iPhone’s battery is ALWAYS charged when you go out the door.

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Probably one of the coolest timelapses I’ve seen so far:

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LOL RT @ikbenmartijn: Net een mail vh reisbureau gekregen met onderwerp “De zomer begint vandaag”. Yeah right. Het sneeuwt crystal meth ofzo

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Dear mother nature: for every cm of snow I can see now, I want a day of hot burning sunshine during the summer. Agreed? Good girl.

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You will meet a tall dark stranger. http://shots.nocreativit…

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@BrunoByttebier Ik heb melk. Ge moogt der morgenmiddag achter komen ;)

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to BrunoByttebier

@peterelst I’ve thinking the same earlier today when Mobistar texted me their Mobile TV thing: Why can’t I just watch it on any computer?

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In case you didn’t know yet: Free #iOSdev books by Apple in the iBookstore: (via @glenndavid)

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@glenndavid Thx Glenn! @toStephen had het me eerder vanavond ook al gezegd! Merci aan allebei! :)

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to glenndavid

@anatomic Sure, completey right. But it still is a bad signal to the Flash community who were waiting for Adobe to revolutionize once again.

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to anatomic

@danielalbu Their focus is now on gaming, video delivery and enterprise apps. It seems they have given up the ‘full flash’-websites business

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What Adobe is telling its customers with the recent Platform team splitup is that they know Flash is moving out the focus of the industry.

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@duivvv Was ook best onder de indruk. Ging ernaartoe met het gevoel dat het eigenlijk een tegenvaller ging worden.

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It’s quite weird to see your childhood home is being sold… So strange…

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Getting my hair cut while reading about objective-C. Yes, once I set my mind to something, I won’t let it go.

via Icebird for iPhone

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate of everybody drops to zero.

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I was tired and almost sleeping. Now I’m wide awake, I’m nervous and I feel ill. This weekend sucks already.

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Nice one! RT @tonylukasavage: With bad coders nothing is abstracted… everything is a copy of a copy of a copy #TechMovieQuotes #FightClub

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Please, go right ahead :) RT @kevinrose: I’d really like to buy and make a seriously rad social bookmarking site[…]

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@toStephen Desktop SDK is om desktop apps te compilen. Heeft niets met de Titanium Developer tool te maken :p (die is trouwens op 1.2.2 ;) )

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to toStephen

@ikbenmartijn Thx :) Het is allemaal ERG vreemd als je 7 jaar intensief Actionscript achter de rug hebt.Iets als Obj-C is dan echt absurd :D

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Trying to get my head around Obj-C syntax. I kinda get it… And at the same time kind of not.

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RT @newviewnetworks: we are looking to release Red5 1.0 in early Jan. P2P and IP multicast are on the roadmap and active.

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@newviewnetworks That’s great news, Dominick! Looking forward to it! Good luck!

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@joristimmerman Thanks man :) I think retina dev is possible, but there still seem to be issues with that…

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@MrBrightSky Hm… Tijd voor een andere hashtag: #itunesFail ^^ Thanks!

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@thijswostyn Oh! Goe punt! Thx! Laat maar horen als je nog dingen opmerkt :) Merci alvast!!

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to thijswostyn

@thijswostyn is hier nog altijd online. Krijg je een error? Of blijft het gewoon wit?

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My first iPhone app built with @appcelerator Titanium on the App Store!

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@glenndavid Laat weten hoe het bevalt. Geen zin om te betalen om ‘te testen’ ;)

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Just bought 2 German songs from my childhood. So many memories come back when hearing those. I feel pretty old and boring all of a sudden.

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Völlig losgelöst von der Erde schwebt das Raumschiff! Völlig losgelöst von der Erde schwebt das Raumschiff völlig schwerelos!

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@peterelst i was pretty sure Red5 dev was still ongoing. But it’s been 6 months since i last checked their site…

via Icebird for iPhone in reply to peterelst

@MrBrightSky kweenie wie da is :p is van da liedje over “sunscreen”

via Icebird for iPhone in reply to MrBrightSky

iPhone auto-correction just suggested to replace “ooooh” with “poopy”. What?

via Icebird for iPhone

RT @debreuil: Twitter reminds me of boozy family xmas parties. Everyone’s talking, no one is listening. Don’t bother replying to this btw.

via Osfoora HD

Cool! Got good news in an automated email (There’s a sentence I didn’t think I’d ever say!). Now I can finally write that blogpost!

via Tweetie for Mac

Your choices are half chance. So are everybody elses.

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I need 2 minor(?) bugfixes in Titanium:The Camera overlay bug and binary file blob.tostring().If those were fixed I could create 2 cool apps

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The girlfriend just went home by car in the most dangerous snowy weather possible. Saw a cop-car slide and bump a wall… I don’t like this.

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My app has been in review all day now. They seem to be testing that thing thoroughly. And it’s the most update ever…

via Icebird for iPhone

@dimitrivh I don’t think there’s anything quite like it… Time to start a million dollar business ;)

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to dimitrivh

RT @Nalden: everything looks better in super slo-mo

via web

@OttoJanHam Normaal gezien zou je die tegenwoordig gewoon moeten kunnen meepakken in de Mobistar winkels (zover ik weet).

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to OttoJanHam

I remember the days when entities iterated over new ideas. Some of them don’t anymore because they became lazy. I feel old all of a sudden.

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It’s freezing cold in my room! I hate winter! :(

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Well, what do you know… It’s 4AM and I’m not sleeping. My inner clock is really messed up. I should be tired for ####’s sake!

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Gaat een cocktail drinken om de gelegenheid te vieren :)

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I don’t think so ;)

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RT @junkiesxl: If you have to root a device to upgrade it, you have to stop calling it ‘Open’.

via Icebird for iPhone

Over at @wirward’s place together with @philipdubois, Pascale and Elke to have out weekly pizzanight.

via Icebird for iPhone

TIME’s 2010 Person of the Year is Mark Zuckerberg. I’d say he deserved it. (via @Lieneuh)

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From all of the photos I made in 2010, I think this one was the best…

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@prplps Let me put it into perspective for you: I sleep for about 8 hours and I stay awake for about 22. If I sleep 2 hours it’s the same :p

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Went to bed past 10AM, got back up a few minutes ago… Trying to restore my biorhythm… I bet you 50€ I won’t wear out until 6AM.

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RT @camfa: […] #ohboy <— vooral die tag doet het hem :p

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Just realized I could rewrite that AS3 app, to a pixelbender shader and use it in After Effects right away: Awesome!

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Moving the old archives of my website backups to another disk:7,57GB of HTML,CSS,JS,AS3 & SWF files.I created a TON of crap in those 7 years

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@robpenner I still have a 4 year old Dell XPS too. Great stuff. Most definitely worth its money. (I’m using a Mac these days, though :p )

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@nickvegas Wow! Those look great, Nick! Excited to see the tutorial (and what you mean by ‘shot with my iPhone’)

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I love these nerdy thugs. Totally awesome! RT @prplps: CMYKillah - Photoshop Rap >

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@AugustinDeBie Zolang da mensen nieuwe dingen doen, die cool blijven is’t allemaal nie zo erg. Dees is nog best cool eigelijk.

via Tweetie for Mac in reply to AugustinDeBie

@prplps Saw one guy doing it and I thought ‘ow, very creative’. Now everybody is just going to do the same… ‘Ow, very boring!’

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@joristimmerman Did you not read my username when replying? :p

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Oh good lord! Everyone’s going to be doing this… :( RT @joristimmerman: Facebook ‘Profile Picture Hack’ Tutorial

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!!! RT @frank_be: Als dit bevestigd wordt, is dat wereldnieuws! “…strongly suggest that cure of HIV has been achieved”

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RT @savvas: RT @destroytoday: MIT shoots water droplet at 10,000 fps:

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“I swear to God, if I even feel somebody behind me, there is no measure to how fast and how hard I will bring this fight to your doorstep.”

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑