The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 2009

Cool! @wirward’s new profile picture rocks! That peleng lens is a real ‘piece of art’-generator!

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Right on! RT @adobeted Now let’s work on getting SWFAddress as the default HistoryManager. Whaddya say?

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Rethinking the idea for my new site. Might just want to try something totally different…

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Too much pressure, so I finally added a Flash Platform ‘Twibbon’. I still wonder why they keep Twitter-fying every word…

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Support Flash Platform Development, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! -

via Twibbon

Back from my daily run. Wondering if Nike is about to release an Intel version of the Nike+ util anytime soon…

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Out to get my bike fixed. This should be interesting

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Outside to shoot some pictures.

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Home from another run. This is really growing on me. Considering to go for 12KM tomorrow, since 8KM isn’t much of a challenge anymore…

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So now my room finally looks nice! (Procrastination is a bitch…)

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At the movie with @LadyElena, @wirward and pascale. Waiting for “the proposal” to begin.

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Great. We were on our way to @wirward and pascale when my bike’s chain broke. Shit.

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It wouldn’t be the Belgian nmbs if they weren’t too late…

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@Hanne_L Zie 1 tweet verder in mijn stream ;)

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Got on the train, got the money, date set. Looking forward to my new toy!

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Up & Running! Great news: I’m going to get my new 8mm Fisheye lens!

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Totally digging the Google logo today. “WHOOOOHOOW!” - Micheal Jackson

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Had the greatest night with @wirward, Pascale and Sasha. Back home now… Kinda tired and somehow I feel like heading out for one more drink

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Cool stuff! I’m sooo close to getting a new fish eye lens!

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Heading over to @wirward’s place to see what progress he made today.

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@lievenvos Ik heb een 3G die een nieuwe eigenaar zoekt :)

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Anybody knows a fix for the GrabUp/TinyGrab bug in Snow Leopard?

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The new way of highlighting windows in Exposé really looks like shit… What, a blue glow?

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On my way home. You all know what I’ll be doing there

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Opening Photoshop for some last fixes for this little project

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Oh yes… She still is my favorite waste of time…

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Really digging the new Facebook app for OS3.0. Good job!

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ran 8.12 km @ a 05:47/km pace with Nike+ on 08/27/2009 (run time: 47:06) #nikeplus

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Awesome! RT @sebleedelisle: Brilliant google #easteregg! search for “ascii art” and look at the logo (via @dasflash)

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And that’s it for today!! @wirward’s new living room!

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Waiting for @hofa to arrive so we can go help @wirward out

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No way I’m believing this. Is probably a fake…

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Nothing like watching people work

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The elevator is ready. Let’s get those new sofa’s up here!!

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Waking up. Getting ready to go and help out @wirward with his new furniture.

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Looking through old emails, and finding quotes of myself… ‘V till I die’… Man, those were the days… Off to bed… Calling it a night

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Sorted 200+ cards in order of color… I’m dead tired..

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Ohwell there we go again then.

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Karting evening with @Exotic_Maui. Exhausted already but having lots of fun

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@joggink True true… De kerk voor de Echte Gelovigen eh ;)

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Lunchtime featuring @Exotic_Maui

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Made it on the train in time. On my way back to Kortrijk. This went way better than expected.

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@anthonyvanoyen wat is daar “organisatie van mn kloten aan”?? Tis meerdere dagen op voorhand via mail gezegd. Wa verwacht je wel nog??

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That was it for today. Heading back to Oostende. Hoping to catch my train to Kortrijk just in time

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On my way to oostende one more time. There’s a great morning going on outside. Let’s wake up… Slowly.

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So I open iPhoto, and all of a sudden my ‘Previous track’ key on my keyboard goes to the previous event in iPhoto when pushed? Wtf?

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Just mailed @AlexAlbrecht and @KevinRose. Wondering if my mail will make it to their attention…

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I bet you a 100 bucks: If _buying_ a movie were as easy as buying a song on iTunes, illegal movie downloads would make a major fall.

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So, who of you Apple fanboys can answer me this: How’s buying OSX in the stores on release day? Is it like ‘iphone day’?

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@glenndavid stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; nie vergeten?

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Watching Friends, working on a blog theme…

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ran 7.25 km @ a 06:17/km pace with Nike+ on 08/25/2009 (run time: 45:35) #nikeplus

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It’s cool to have such supportive friends!

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Waking up… Slowly… I feel like an old school Walkman with low batteries…

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Out with @ladyelena for some photo-experimenting

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Finally got my girl her birthday present. She seemed to be happy with it. I’m glad all the hassle was worth it

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Having lunch at the famous patabar in Kortrijk with @Hofa

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Getting quite a few visitors from Smashing Magazine. Apparently they replaced the old Supermini link by my version. Happy days…

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Hmz, intresting and new idea for a photography/timelapse experiment tomorrow… I love experimenting! <3

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Looking through some of my lab stuff. I did some cool stuff. Should really get back to pushing the envelope…

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First time in months I’m amazed by the work of a Flash Developer. Clicking the first link on his portfolio causes Firefox to crash.. Great

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Wondering if this works like expected…

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Helping out a fellow deviner with his work for school. Feels good to review a bit of that stuff. Already forgot quite some stuff…

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My new chair rocks! And it’s so fucking badass! (Will be posting a picture later on when I cleaned my room… It’s a Ikea-mess right now…)

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Waiting in the line in ikea with a new chair. ^^

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Heading to gent with @ladyelena

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Decided to get rid of the ads on my blog. Will be removing them later today… Having them right there makes me feel bad…

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Great movie! Kinda not what I expected but definitely awesome!

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Wow! First time I see the hall crowded like this!!

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On our way to the movie. Inglorious basterds, here we come!!

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Who said MS cares about the consumer? “You will be awarded not for download numbers, but for revenue”

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For those who didn’t know yet: I went out to shoot some pictures last night.

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Just got a Flickr Pro account. Yay!

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@Sneejk Pff, nie afdoen jong. Gewoon uzelf zijn. Mensen apprecieren da toch het meest ;)

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Home again. Shots turned out pretty cool. Uploading to Flickr. Time for some early breakfast while waiting…

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Every single shot is getting more and more fun. Scratch that about being impatient.

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Only downside: every single shot takes 5 minutes or more,so you want to get them right in a few tries. Pretty challenging for the impatient

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Lightpainting is pretty cool! Opens up a complete new world of possibilities

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Off to shoot some pictures… Time for some more experimenting!

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Writing a poem about a story I should never forget.

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One might say goodbye to Bkite RT @lode W00T! Twitter adds geolocation api on a tweet-by-tweet basis. … Blog post at

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Cool shit! Totally digging! RT @Boris: The most amazing, beautiful and realistic piece of computer art I have ever seen:

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this.difficulty++; this.quality++; this.speed++; this.strength++;

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Talk about good news! Things will turn out perfect by tomorrow! *sigh*happy*

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I declare the 20th of august as World Fail Day.

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Waking up. Having breakfast. Waiting for @HoFa. I am actually multi-tasking!!

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Wtf, and now there’s no more Yahoo pushing… I find it amusing to see how everyone has it working, but me…

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Finally set up a Yahoo Mail account, just for the ease of push-email on my iPhone. Mail me directly to my iPhone using i[at]

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Downloading the latest Diggnation episode, and playing some more Red Faction in the meanwhile

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Having a drink with @LadyElena. Pretty sweet outside

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@wirward Draait nekeer uw foto’s deftig alvorens ze te uploaden ;) Amuseert u ginder!

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Just played Red Faction: Guerilla for the first time. Took me a minute but I like it. Off for a haircut now

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ran 7.24 km @ a 06:10/km pace with Nike+ on 08/19/2009 (run time: 44:41)

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Had lightweight dinner. Going out with @LadyElena to the a ‘secret garden’… Wondering what’s waiting for me…

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Keith’s a genius :’) RT @bit101: Twansformers. More than tweets the I. Run with it. if you make money, give me some.

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“Ladies and gentlemen. This is the train with destination Kortrijk.” hoping this is the last time this week I have to hear that.

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Some people should be ashamed. Talking about the UI of their project and referring to it as “the last part of the project”. Tsss

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Just read all of my poems again. Still proud of what i wrote during all those years. Yet I wouldn’t ever want to feel like that ever again.

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Waiting for my train to Oostende. Have to get a little present to mom.

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Waking up with Idealistic - Digitalism. Feels great to listen to music coming out of real speakers (instead of laptop speakers) again

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Figuring out how to get my external hard drives hooked up with my X360 with Connect 360… Hoping this works…

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Weird… I’ve been away only for 6 weeks… Yet I feel very new again in this room… Have to get used to living in Kortrijk again…

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Safe and sound in Kortrijk. Thx to yen the taxi-man

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So here I am in my room. Let’s pack everything back in that car. I’m going back to Kortrijk.

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This life is only for the gifted. My life is only for the gifted. And I was made for it.

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Had a great last night at Westende. Calling it a night. Heading back to Kortrijk tomorrow. Night all

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Jailbreaking Mark’s iPhone to 3.0.1. Fingers crossed

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Note to self: add the following to your list of hobbies: “spending lots of money in very little time”

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Up & Running, getting ready to head to the gym.

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Home from fireworks and a drink with my cousin and her boyfriend. Kinda sleepy yet I would like to go out to shoot some pictures… Pfff

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Looking through some past experiments and projects. I did a lot of stuff during the past 6 months. Let’s not stop doing that :)

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Updated firefox yesterday, now it’s totally screwed… That browser is really nearing the end of its popularity…

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Every shop I wanted to go to today is closed… Feels like I might just go to all of those on monday…

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On my way to Oostende. By bike. Nothing like racing the boulevard when it’s crowded like this

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Already did a biketrip to middelkerke and back. Now on the road with yen for some shopping.

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@peterelst lol Peter. Impressive. “One in a lifetime”-event? ;)

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Hmz, can’t login to vimeo…

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That’s a win! Going to the beach with this concept tomorrow!

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Outside for a little experiment with lighting. I love experimenting!!

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ran 7.78 km @ a 06:59/km pace with Nike+ on 08/14/2009 (run time: 54:22)

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@HoFa Reject this one and look for something you really like doing. This the beginning of the rest of your life. Better make it worth it

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“Ich habe fertig!”

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@MarjoleinKl flartoolkit is awesome. Keep me posted, looking forward to seeing your experiments ;)

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Today’s my last day at work. Kinda feel happy about it. 5 more weeks of vacationing coming up and i’m really going to enjoy them!!

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(Just to be clear: the app will not cost a million dollar… it will make ME a rich man IF I CAN build it, and Apple let’s it in the store)

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I got a pretty intresting idea (The Million Dollar iPhone app). Need to learn some very complicated stuff before I can kick off…

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A blog without search box? Excuse me: WTF?

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ran 5.26 km @ a 06:45/km pace with Nike+ on 08/13/2009 (run time: 35:30)

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Starting a personal blog later tonight… Some people will _hate_ me for what’s coming.

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(yes I WILL die after 24 hours without Internet. It’s a geek thing)

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So my dad killed the internet at home. Again. Please tell me my last days in westende will not be internetless.

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Working my way through my Shazam list. Totally digging iTunes store/Shazam combo. A real must-have for every music-geek out there…

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Listening to ’10 million slaves’. Shazam rocks.

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Watching @leebrimelow answer the community’s questions:…

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Funny how some people expect to get an iPhone 3G 16GB for 200€… Can’t even get them on ebay below 350€, with days of bidding to go…

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Heading home. 2 more days to go. The end is in sight.

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Price is 400€. Good state. Bought sept 13 2008. Ensurance until sept 2011(99€) included. DM me if you’re still interested.

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Anybody intrested in buying an iPhone 3g 16gb black? (factory unlocked)(belgium)

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Heading to work. Still in the process of waking up. I should start my days with a cold shower I guess.

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Started keeping an eye on my heartbeats/min while running. Had to slow down quiet a lot. Running went easier than I’m used to…

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ran 3.02 km @ a 06:36/km pace with Nike+ on 08/11/2009 (run time: 19:58)

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On the train, heading back to Oostende for the last 4 days at work. Should’ve gotten something to eat before leaving. Hungry as hell.

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Got a cool new t-shirt from @HoFa and his girl! Cool stuff!

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Oh look! Some weird dude looking weird!!

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Going to visit @LadyElena at work with @HoFa

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Up way to early today. Taking care of some @FlashFocus stuff before heading out for some shopping.

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Listening to that song brings back so many memories. Music can comfort you, but right now it feels like selfdestruction.

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Done at work. Heading to Oostende hoping to catch my 7.14 train to Kortrijk.

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@Lieneuh da’s idd geen oplossing. Het zou er alleen maar heter worden ;)

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Printed out the invoice for the article I wrote. I kinda feel bad. I am actually charging people for stuff i’d normally do for free.

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. Hashtags should be used for stuff like , , . Not for full words.

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You people need to lay off hashtags. Seriously.

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Sent out a preview of the newsletter to one of our sponsors. Hope to get a reply soon. That’s my cue to call it a night. Ciao all!

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Home from ‘Public Enemies’. I love John Dillinger. Johny Depp truly amazes me. Another great piece of acting imho

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Heading to Oostende to catch a movie with Kim now.

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Finally got that off my chest. I feel way better already. I might just end up having a good day after all.

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Heading home early. Seriously thinking about stopping 4 days earlier. Might just stop Wednesday.

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@bouke be careful with the wire. It’s pretty fragile. Right earpiece isn’t working anymore. Mic is though

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On the road already. Enjoying the chill weather (and hoping it stays okay for the rest of the day)

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Broke my new apple in-ear headphones already. I had it coming. Pfff

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Reinstalling my brother’s Acer laptop. Welcome to hell. Please fasten your seatbelts.

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Dinnering with dad and my brother.

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Heading home. One day less to go. First time ever I’m counting down like that.

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Just sent out that email with the new card layout for work (featuring photographs I shot earlier today)

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I used to walk up to a girl and tell her that she’s beautiful (with no strings attached) without the slightest hesitation. Not anymore.

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Who is the dj today? Give me something to dance to, but please no techno ‘cause there’s war in my head and I’m ready to disco!

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Feel the rhytm! Feel the rhyme! It’s pineapple-time!!!

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Hmz. Not only is twitpic messing with my good nature. Twitterfon is giving me all kinds of errors and warnings too… What’s up with that?

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There’s something sexy and yet very funny in the air. Must be that time of the day where I “call it a night”…

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@Toppiewvl Gewoon letten op je voeding & elke dag een half uurtje op’t gemak gaan lopen (echt op’t gemakje) en ge zijt op weg naar succes ;)

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So here we are in Nieuwpoort not drinking cocktails but plain old water. We don’t want to mess up our diet now, would we?

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And we’re off to the gym. Last workout of the week.

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On my way home. Weather turned 180 since this morning. Great!!

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@HoFa lol thx. Dropping by monday-Tuesday ;)

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What’s up with twitpic. Can’t upload pictures using twitterfon or tweetdeck. Error 1001 all over the place.

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(Btw: Nobody EVER believes I’m coming from 92… apparently I didn’t “look 92”…)(And while writing this I notice I forgot to mention ‘KG’)

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Totally exhausted after today’s workout. Happy though. I went from 92 tot 85 in 5 weeks. Need to get rid of at least 5 more…

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@DaveFlash I tried it using safari which is really a fast (!!!) browser. Especially next to firefox. Missing my delicious bookmarks bar tho

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Checking out Cooliris. Digging it so far :)

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Ready to head to the gym. Going to my neighbour to (re)explain how to send text messages using their cellphone.

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At the sandwichbar. Been waiting for 20 minutes now and I haven’t even ordered yet. Waaaay too slow.

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@byDust hij blijft dus nog tot einde 2009. Blijft jammer. Tzal nooit meer hetzelfde zijn daarna vrees ik.

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@byDust ook gevraagd. Neeft nog nie geantwoord. Zaterdag samen nekeer gaan?

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑