eliseeeckhout Because Paris and #MamaShelter are always a good idea…start 2015 with a party! instagram.com/p/xRK2XRkyue/
@eliseeeckhout haha! We were there a few weeks ago. Loved the lights there as well! (Girlfriend wants those in our bedroom as well now)

Jealous. Next year, I shall be there too. RT @DreamCorePics: danielcheongdubai setting up for New Years Eve in #Dubai instagram.com/p/xRh3hjxzaS/
Wow! How have I not seen this yet?? Scrabble Flickr and Paper Streetview! Cool! http://t.co/BsWPaJRLEI
RT @iamdevloper: Scientists: “We’re making great advances into space exploration and time travelâ€,
Devs: “Great, more timezones to parseâ€.
About being awake (and the future) http://t.co/KmIL1wveyU
It’s been more than 2 years and I still can’t believe the insane amount of balls it must have taken to do this: https://t.co/kOYVNPCN2O
What is it with cats and the internet?
@davykestens While the site doesn’t look like much, I’m sure the guy from BSCC can help you outbscc.euJjZx /@hannes_bhc_bhc
@roelvandommele Mijn eerste instinct was ‘four diamond star’. Ik was wel nooit goed in dit soort geschrift ontcijferen :p
Monday morning.
No mail.
This is Ronny Welter. I am a survivor of the apocalypse. If you read this message: mail me.
thereaIbanksy Everyone you meet has something to teach you.
I find it strange that not everybody knows this:Free stuff usually ends up not being appreciated. Don’t work for free http://t.co/W796QTVyzD
Seriously? Snow on websites? Again?
LizHackett You’re not a foodie. You’re 24. You went to a restaurant.
RT @iamdevloper: Shoutout to all the brands who triggered a Mailchimp campaign on Christmas Day and engaged with me.
I feel closer to you …
RT @__Mart_: Ha, die @noCreativity hier maar moeite doen om mij niet te volgen. Maar ik ben te interessant hé.

hannes_bhc De 3D functie van m’n #sony4k tv eens getest samen met @noCreativity topidee. pic.twitter.com/1GA44IjYTF
*googles ‘skateboard’*
*gets results for ‘longboard’*
Those are not even remotely the same, Google. You’re slipping.
This is brilliant. RT @mikehaugland: Just gonna put this here. https://t.co/EXs3QfTQTU
Just watched Rush again.That last scene with Niki’s face while he narrates “James was the only man I envied†always haunts me for some time.
“Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work†- Chuck Close
This quote still holds tinypinkpony.com/post/1438589800UuZD
@Ultimedia I was less lucky. Needed a separate pre-AMP as well. Ugly cable mess is ugly ;)
@slk8500 seems like multiple failures on their entire platform. Unacceptable for such expensive devices.
@Ultimedia yea, I got the AMP:connect for that same reason (phono). I did need to buy some external speakers though.
@Ultimedia Nice setup, dude. Sub seems nice but expensive, yea. Not too keen on getting one myself for that very reason.
@Ultimedia ah, what did you get? It’s pretty good most times but when the service let’s you down, you’re pretty powerless. So very annoying.
@Ultimedia of course it’s working right after I tweeted this. How could it be different? Thx for the heads up ;)
Somebody at @Sonos better be working on a fix for the Spotify problem that everybody seems to be having or my AMP:connect goes on sale.
Anybody know where in Belgium/Europe I can buy/order a skateboard wall rack for 4-5 boards? Seems to be a US-only business from what I see…

I mean, come on: This one clearly rocks! #breakingbad #letscook instagram.com/p/uPss7El3Dz/ (made by @boudewijndanser) pic.twitter.com/l2lbblNHFT

Shoutout to my old-time FlashFocus colleague @boudewijndanser: Check out his work and Instagram! Pretty rad! instagram.com/boudewijndanser
@SSSUPERMACHINE @bySebastian Alright! You caught my attention ;) Good luck met de nieuwe site. Prettige kerst ook!

Zeg @SSSUPERMACHINE,als ge dingen aan uw site wilt doen,roept gerust nekeer.Ik ken mensen die dingen kunnen centreren pic.twitter.com/8ztM0kePM6

UX_Betty RT @StacyZapar: For everyone who’s ever wondered the diff between #design and #userexperience, this is perfect. #ux pic.twitter.com/yKQeTrQued
RT @iamdevloper: “Founder & CEO of [website I made over the weekend]â€

After months of postponing installing my lights, PLAY is finally back. pic.twitter.com/REg2bwfs5O
I’m looking at this website, wondering how these guys made this work… A little gust of wind could make this thing fall apart.
Watch this video about the SR-71 engine tech and then remember that this type of engineers turned up in F1 after WW2 https://t.co/oMsVNclkKx
Imagine living next door to that guy… https://t.co/bOWaj083TO
Portal trick shots. I’d totally do that. https://t.co/0B7YKixW0A
Dear Joe,you were my favorite artist as a kid. I’ll never forget the poetry that is your music.May you rest in peace https://t.co/ZKvIaq93kz
Don’t sell cheap. TIps and lessons for freelancers by Ine Dehandschutter aka @matuvu - https://t.co/4PP1MPxjnY
Whoa, just got a Flash project inquiry in the mail. Any freelance BE/NL Flash developers willing to take it? I left Flash a few years ago.
Good ways to start monday: Celebrate breasts from A to Z (and donate)! alphabreast.com (probably nsfw)
Pre-roll ads for videos on mobile are unacceptable. Waaaay too long and too much impact on data. Figure out another way, guys.
thereaIbanksy Seek respect, not attention.
. @joristi Lies always catch up with you; no matter if you lie to yourself or to your audience.
joristi @noCreativity And most payed for those numbers. Hence, the anger. :)
Define irony: the cry for privacy completely gets flushed down the toilet as people lost their celebrity status and want it back at all cost
Instagram users angry because their follower-count dropped after spambots were removed.
The count matters more than the followers. #shallow
Remember remember the 9th of December http://t.co/LcUO8l3Vky
Client: “This worked last yearâ€
Me: *looks at the code*
Me: “No. It didn’t work last year. The code isn’t even there.â€
@jvans @Telenet Ik vind de 8 char limitatie persoonlijk lastig. Al mijn wachtwoorden zijn langer… Also: https://t.co/wyA3MMMyE6
Zeg @Telenet: Waarom max 8 karakters voor een login wachtwoord? Slaan jullie dat plain-text op in de database!?
@svenpeeters Thanks, Sven. Ben benieuwd! @diskwriter, als je open staat voor een Ti project, ping mij even op hello@ioartfactory.com ;)
@Ultimedia I agree on Phonegap. I disagree on Titanium. It’s a pretty nice platform as far as I can tell and serves its purpose.
I’m surprised how few Freelance Titanium developers are in my network… (To be exact: I think none)

@minorissues Found it already but that seemed like a nice trick as well. But it doesn’t seem to work for everythingpic.twitter.com/BDSAfzcLxwxw
@spruyttej Found it right after I posted that tweet… Thanks though ;)
And Twitter’s law strikes again: Found it. Advanced Search -> ‘keywords†and check “1st grade connectionsâ€.
Is there a way to filter your LinkedIn connections based on a skill? Seems like that’s not possible or I’m missing something…
Girlfriend trying to talk to me about Gossip Girl while I wake up… I wonder what I did to her to deserve this…
Seeing this literally put tears of happiness in my eyes https://t.co/QL29q7ieu0 “Everything is achievable through technology†- Howard Stark
Nothing like typing ‘bastards’ in your project window and having your client’s site show up. (Nope, not an insult! How about that?)
So close to finishing this project. Can’t wait to show this to the client!

This image tells you everything you need to know about Instagram: Food, cats, coffee, & faux-hipsters. pic.twitter.com/AuczbWQndr
NathanJY “Patience is a virtue until the wrong person tests you, then patience becomes a liability.”
@jvans @FabianMeul @Telenet Was nie beter dan HTML5 maar had om te beginnen al een grotere penetratie. HTML5 had snel moeten volgen.
@jvans @FabianMeul @Telenet Ik heb mij altijd afgevraagd waarom ze voor SL gingen en niet voor Flash? Die hadden ook streaming etc.
@jvans @FabianMeul @Telenet Kijk, ’t is simpel: Tegen de mensen zeggen ‘het werkt nie in deze browser’ is niet ok in 2014. You make it work.
@jvans @FabianMeul @Telenet dat maakt toch niet uit? De audience van Telenet kan een heel andere demographic in browserstats hebben.
@jvans @FabianMeul @Telenet en die opmerking is gebaseerd op je harde visitor-stats die je van Telenet hebt ontvangen?
Our little home has quickly turned into a never-closed office building for 2 digital creatives…14-year-old me in me would be so proud!
Re-incorporating my company to celebrate the end of 2014. Good times. Also: legal hell-hole.
@Nonunsenses @Jonazzty @hetjoch @proximus That’s one tall order :p Ze hebben u uw eigen iPhone nog nie gegeven… Laat hun dat al maar doen ;)
@Nonunsenses @Jonazzty @hetjoch Da geeft al een veel beter beeld ;) Good luck, mannen.
@Nonunsenses @Jonazzty @hetjoch Ah, daar staat namelijk niets van in je bericht (Medium). Da’s idd een ander verhaal.
@Jonazzty @hetjoch @Nonunsenses Serieus? Ge gaat de #mfl social wave gebruiken om een iPhone te krijgen met een max inzet van 100€? Zielig.
And then one day you wake up,your girlfriend started her freelance career and you find yourself no longer mentioned in her bio #foreveralone
The fact that ass-kissing seems to be a viable way to generate business opportunities (at least around here) makes me physically ill.
Deminoodle Aan diegene die niet op het werk geraken: bij @m3tropoly werken ze remote en ze zijn nog op zoek naar een goeie front-end / WP developer.
RT @wouter: Research: Performance Impact of Popular JavaScript MVC Frameworks
http://t.co/CBVXM5gH5F #devinehowest
RT @joristi: First place in category “awkward places for men to be inâ€:
M.A.C. Store
Think I’ll go for a walk while my girlfriend gets her…

Some of the replies I get for my call for freelancers are awesome. I love you this guy already! pic.twitter.com/ZmIjPrpjcF
Busy days at The Factory! CRAZY busy… But then again: Massively good news, so it’s all good ;)
@glenndavid He only had 9 ;)
And then the client gets mad at me because their previous developer built them a site that apparently imploded on my watch. Brilliant.
Cool find of the day: Select your preferred glyphs to create a custom-tailored iconfont using fontastic.me /via @Deminoodle
My inbox is exploding right now with tons of emails from Indian frontend/WP dev shops. Too bad their quality isn’t up to standards…
Looking for a Frontend/Wordpress developer with some time on their hands during jan/feb for some projects. Contact: hello@ioartfactory.com
BiIIMurray Sometimes, the first step to forgiveness is understanding that the other person is an idiot.
@Jannemans so true! Thans man!
You know those meetings where you arrive 5-10 minuten too late. This isn’t one of them. I’m 40 minutes early to the party.
First we were like “HTML5 comes with client side form validation!!â€
Then we were like: “Let’s use ‘novalidate’ to not use it!â€
Man, tomorrow I’ve got what must be the most important interview of my professional career. I’m so freakin’ excited!
If the design only works based on the length of your content: you’re doing it wrong.
Just completed the most stressful test ever. It is true what they say: Fear is a useful tool to understand what you want in life.
thomasjoos Learning to take away pressure from your team when shit happens. An art difficult to master. Most leaders actually increase pressure.
Over the past few decades, this is what filmstudios thought life in space could be like. I’m actually speechless. Wovimeo.com/113142476Rj
@jensdehaese @sumocoders Jazeker. Kan ik je een mailtje sturen ergens? of even bellen?
@amedee ’t Is alvast beter dan nog eens staken :p
Whoa, tons of ‘out of office’ replies today… What’s up with that? Is nobody working?!
Remember when we still had spinning hard drives… (I just realized none of my machines have had non-SSD’s in the past 3 years)
Any freelance frontenders out there that can take on a little project? Ping me! RT = “lifesaver achievementâ€

One of my clients drew a teaser of an upcoming project which I’m doing with him on my blog! Awesomeness aheadpic.twitter.com/VYMaRSOYYJYJ
katharinahaeb Another “finally”! paymentfont.io is a svg webfont of 74 payment operators and methods! I have been looking for a consistent set!
@tomhermans ACF5 is really powerful but the UI becomes clumsy fairly quick. So I might look into visual composer for future projects.
@tomhermans I’m actually using ACF5’s flexible content editor. My other option would be ‘Visual Composer’.
Building a page builder in WordPress. Totally excited to show this to the client. I can’t imagine they won’t love this!
Cool! PSY - Gangnam Style broke Youtube. Eat that Kim Kardashian. http://t.co/XwPwfxAaYB http://t.co/feZn0MfGwa

For those of you wondering what the hell that last retweet was about… ;#hardattackcpic.twitter.com/ep9uWCXHVJVJ
thecodezombie “hard attack”
WordPress REALLY needs to be a bit more consistent in some areas… single_month_title() VS $year…
Who would’ve thought that my beloved Dooodl plugin would bring me business one day. My mind is blownwordpress.org/plugins/dooodl/mX
@CaseyNeistat You should totally send out cards. But only to people who’ve sent you a prepared envelope first. Like with the sticker deals;)
RT @nixcraft: So true 😉 RT “@justincormack: Unix commands turned into companies by @goodmachine at @thingmonk http://t.co/SL3MFL4CWtâ… #clou…
TIL: Playstation is 20 years old. pic.twitter.com/JKsigaYg4c
CaseyNeistat now is always the right time
@robinwauters that already exists. Just look for @CaseyNeistat ;)
I remember the day vividly when Stan by Eminem first blasted through my radio. 15 years later Eminem still got it. Respect.
So many awesome projects lining up for 2015 already. If 2014 was not one of my greatest years in my career, 2015 surely will be.
There’s a solution for every problem. When in doubt, think about MacGyver. http://t.co/2OMdac6sUi (via @object404)
Also: Maximum password length? Seriously? Why??

You could even have site-specific passwords that are really easy to remember. pic.twitter.com/Ubq96aI6BJ

And if you really want to make things complex, they don’t have to be difficultpic.twitter.com/AbipKjhj2w2w

Seriously, why are we telling people to use weird symbols in passwords? Why not tell them to use longer passwords? pic.twitter.com/YwPomh97rm
Ah, they fixed it. It’s back to Jersey Shore and Pimp My Ride. For a second there, you had me worried, MTV…
Wait, what?! They’re playing music on MTV now?! Did I trip over something through a wormhole into an alternate universe or something?
Note to self: it’s 3 degrees outside. Wear a freakin’ jacket, you imbecile.
Starting of my monday morning with a ton of email. GO!
Beautiful film where @therealdcf1 explains the difference between being afraid to die and using fear to analyze risk https://t.co/HuCzLc3mla