Another night at the fair with @lyntje and @philipdubois. I love all the attractions. Adrenaline ftw!
Tested Preso with @Joristi on his #Playbook. I’m pretty impressed. That thing seems to hold up pretty nicely.
I’m thinking about a new blog theme. Seriously considering going back to K2 (Wordpress). That’s a great one… Suggestions, anyone?
Everything I wanted to do today is done! Will be blogging about this soon!Happy times!Now off to spend some quality time with my girlfriend!
Interesting! Thanks! RT @wa_ver_ @noCreativity…
@davy_delbeke That thing is difficult to make, man :p I’ve tried about 10 different things.Need brilliant idea that makes this thing work ;)
Well, finally somebody did it. I wanted to do something similar for years now. I’m kind of sad now :(
Just so you know (if you didn’t already): I’m an idiot.
@prplps @killthedinosaur Inderdaad: Kheb gezien dat Kortrijk nu 3G heeft (good stuff!). Maar kzou gewoon keer een overzicht op kaart willen
I’m seriously thinking about moving to #mobilevikings (and my friends know that means A LOT). Can’t find a map of the 3G coverage though.
That should do it… More features/fixes/polish tomorrow! I love this thing!
I need to go to sleep! Must fix tiny bug!
Looking good! Man, I can’t say I didn’t miss coding this kind of apps! I love Red5!
If you’re thinking about moving your email to Google Apps, you should start deciding soon:
Updating an old project that I’d like to finish soon. You know… At some point in my life…
@prplps Ah, that blows! Damn bootrom lockdown shit :(
@prplps I thought the software unlock was updated for your bootrom? (UltraSn0w) ?
Yikes! Lost an .htaccess file while moving a site between servers. Very annoying…
Went to the gym with @philipdubois and @wirward. It’s been a while…
So, what have I learned in 7 years? A lot.What have I forgotten? 1 thing: To just do what pops into my head. I stopped having (so much) fun.
Hey, how cool is that!? I just found a file where I wrote down I started working with Flash in march 2004! Time flies!
Looking through my projects from about 6 years ago.I did some crazy shit.And seeing the utils I made back then, I realize I haven’t changed.
@joggink Man, I’m SO bummed out! You, my friend, are so lucky!
@joggink Yea, Vexxhost is very affordable! Their uptime is not too bad either. Support is very good but sometimes takes some time.
@joggink Vexxhost? Check your spam (just did a password recovery which ended up in the Spam folder)
Thinking about moving my VPS to the Vexxhost Cloud service. I hate server moving… Will think this through before making any decisions…
The SurpassHosting Support guys are pretty awesome! Lovely! Keep up the good work!
Transferring my girlfriends email from her own servers to Google Apps for email. Gmail is awesome.
@dimitrivh Well it _IS_ running iOS… So I presume: Yes. :p
Very interesting phrasing. And a feeling well known to all of us ;) RT @nickvegas Paralyzed with Ideas. Must…. Focus….
Can’t say I didn’t see that one coming.
@tonylukasavage I tend to start with the elements on top, then classes and id’s for last. But all of that fades away with overruling ;)
I need to get me one of those! RT @killthedinosaur The first zombie-proof house
@thomasheylen Is op zich echt een app om niet in de store te zetten. :D Een app met meer polish/functie zal wel meer downloads krijgen ;)
@thomasheylen 500-600 keer. Gaat nie zozeer om die app (nobody cares). Eerder om het feit dat je Apple Dev moet blijven zodat je app blijft.
“Your membership has expired. Renew your membership now.” And all of a sudden my app disappeared from the app store. Good to know.
I’m giving up on this.What’s the point of this API?The only way to watch the video is using the embed (which sucks on iOS).No direct stream.
It’s a good thing Youtube prevents us from just streaming the actual MP4 on the iPhone. That way we can really mess up the UX. Great!
Finding the property list of the Youtube API data is like a search for the holy grail: You know it’s out there, it’s just a matter of time.
@thomasheylen Kvind CrossProcess leukere kleuren/effect hebben op de foto’s. Instagram is te gehyped naar mijn goesting.
@thomasheylen when did “it’s free” become a valid argument for iOS apps. You can’t even buy a bread or a glass of beer for $0,99/€0,79 :p
Quoted for truth! RT @Andrew_E_Miller @nickvegas I wish ppl would get off the stupid instagram bandwagon & get on the cross process train…
Great plan! I’ll join you in your quest! RT @tonylukasavage I think I need to fail more often
Yes, my CSS is messy. That is by design.
gavinpurcell Best nerd gift ever: Steve Jobs frozen in carbonite iPhone case
One of these days, I’m gonna have to start using a calendar… My schedule is getting complex for just me remembering everything.
@joristi ik ook! Ik ga zo meteen naar de kapper. Zal ik een diadeem voor u meebrengen? ;)
Well, it seems I’ll be doing a lot of Red5 stuff again. Totally psyched about that!!
First class fail right from the start. Nice going, Ronny!
Made it to the train at the very last second. Very close call!
I love the weather currently. If you’d ask me, it would never ever change!
So close to finishing this tiny experiment. If only I could figure this last part out.
Well, I’m figuring out how to work with JSON. Only took me 5 years to bite the bullet.
marckohlbrugge real-time this, real-time that, someone should make DNS frickin’ real-time #waiting
sickipediabot I’ve just started a band called 999 Megabytes.
We haven’t done a gig yet.
Strange dream made me feel sick after waking up. Freaky stuff.
This is the kind of video you don’t want to end because the SFX is so intriguing……
rands Your job is to get better.
On another note: if that was thunder, I’m glad to be on the toilet ‘cause that just scared the shit outta me :/
Amazon is down and everybody’s bitching about how bad cloud computing is. But when it’s up, we’re all happy to use it. Hypocrites.
I think today was the most intense day of my life.
“Well, lambs are clearly scarier. Otherwise it would be called ‘Silence of the ducks’.” - Chandler Bing
Finally home. Totally hitting the shower. I bet you any money I’ve got a ton of sand everywhere. (But what an awesome day! Must do again!)
Had a wonderful day at the beach in Oostende with Pascale, Els, @philipdubois, @wirward and @lyntje! Off to Kortrijk now!
ikkekietje Rode TL’s…
Taking the streettrain to Middelkerke. The weather in Oostende is awesome!
At the train station, leaving for a day at the beach in Oostende with @lyntje, @philipdubois, @wirward and Elke.
@mikehaugland Lol, iTunes on Windows. Yea that’s kind of asking for trouble. And wtf? 58GB? Sounds like all the music in the world :p
@mikehaugland Totally forgot the screenshot due to Apple-language. :p http://shots.nocreativit…
@mikehaugland How much music do you have? :p Mine seems to be doing fine with about 10GB of amazing/awesome/fantastic/magical music ;)
Incredible! RT @gmunk refreshingly relaxingly
@thomasheylen I broke them up.
Saw a guy get beaten up by a few teens. Why don’t people do something about this kind of stuff when they see it?
Cool! @stefsull is coming to @#multimania! Looking forward to it!
On another note: Pyrocluster is cool but DAMN, the render times are insane. Even with highly optimized parameters.
I see big clouds in the sky. If they’re moving towards here, the sunny weather is going to be replaced by rain and thunder.
True story. RT @scottjanousek RT @Seantron: Hey device makers, why don’t we slow down a bit, and make something that fucking works. <- ouch.
Interesting! RT @simplebits Amazingly-subtle animated GIFs:
Today I experienced 3G forces in an attraction called ‘Gravitron’. I’m still impressed with how that felt.
People know you’re a fake. It’s because of the bullshit you keep blurtin’ out to get everybody’s attention.
This picture got featured on stumbleupon and reddit. Got a lot of traffic all of a sudden. It’s been up for 3 years! :)
Cool! Got an interesting email for a pretty big & cool project! Totally looking forward to do this!
Has it only been 1 year since the facebook like button has been introduced!? WOW!
Checking out the fair!
I don’t know what just happened but my eye just hurt like HELL!
Come on! No decent way of using Blend Modes in titanium? Thinking about turning to a <canvas>-workaround…
Anybody out there knows something about blend_modes in @appcelerator iOS Titanium? No docs around and KitchenSink isn’t very clear about it.
And just like that the internet is back. Although it seems the data-network in Kortrijk is still a bit unstable.
Okay, electricity is back. Now if my interet connection would come back up, that’d be awesome!
@Sorcix der zijn betere dingen om tegen te komen. Ben nu aant wachten dat het terug komt maar tblijft precies weg.
All of Kortrijk just lost its power. Very ncool: i was working!! (and I really need that bathroom break :/ )
You know your tools are what make the world go round when 1 quick test in Photoshop results in a simple prototype in Titanium.
Did you know GIMP stands for ‘GNU Image Manipulation Program’?
It’s always a good thing to take a step back and realize how much stuff isn’t as perfect as it really should be.
Cabel I don’t understand how Apple made so much money this quarter. I thought they didn’t support Flash?!?
@gskinner That looks fantastic!! :o
@aral Any plans on giving a free student introduction around… I don’t know… 23-24th of may? ;)
“And all the prayers I gave God wouldn’t bring him back from the graveyard.” - Killah Priest
You know how some Cydia hacks say ‘not 4.3.x ready’?Yea, look for it; it’s there. Just had a major problem with my iPad.Got lucky fixing it.
iPhone update and jailbreak went as smooth and fast as never before. But hey: I’m not complaining. The iPhone hackers just rock!
Upgrading my iPhone4 to 4.3.2 and then jailbreak it. Let’s hope all goes well. And then it’s time for an iPad update. I hate upgrading.
It looks like the 4.3.2 untethered jailbreak is out there (working with everything except iPad 2): Go get it!
@nickvegas New iPhone app coming? Fancy picture!
@aral From the Garageband mention in your blogpost, I take it that you have played with it. Made any songs with it yet? We’re curious now!
Reading up about API’s, and creating apps on OSX. This might just become a very interesting project.
@Boris Their site shows some big names:…
Reminds me… I think I had something planned tonight… RT @scottjanousek Sleep. It’s the thing normal human beings do.
Well, I’ve rearranged my workspace. Not sure if I like it. I do like the power of my Apple TV though!
Can’t I just move that window some place else? It’s right smack there in the middle of my wall/desk. Very annoying.
@neurofuzzy Hahaha! Well, I first wrote “15ft” but that made the Tweet too long :p
I have a 5m desk,a dual 24” screen set and a 32” TV and I have trouble rearranging my workspace because of the window.What’s wrong with me!?
@seventhmovement Best 20 minutes of video I’ve ever seen. Great work, great idea’s. Awesome tricks in there! Good job!
Cool, I just noticed the most important search terms to my site are ‘red5 iphone’. Rocking :D
Let’s check out that Apple TV now. @Wirward jailbroke it for me (apparently he has the right USB cable for the job!)
True story RT @davy_delbeke: Top Gear weet toch de dingen mooi in beeld te brengen!
Monday routine. Kinda.
Trying to get my Apple TV into DFU mode but apparently my Micro USB cable is acting up. Bitch.
@mikehaugland @goGlyph I figured people would reply with that. I hate this. Same goes for youtube: “Content not available in your country”.
When will services like Netflix and iTunes finally figure out that location based thing is only harming them. Internet=Global. Get it right!
True story! RT @thomasheylen: more people should have an iPhone 4… facetime is way to much fun :pâ€
Watching @lyntje wrap up our SF-gifts for @wirward, Pascale, Elke and @philipdubois. She’s pretty gifted. See what I did there? ;)
It is kind of a ‘magical’ experience, isn’t it? RT @Draitnn Nice, Facetiming with zee girlfriend! Awesome!! :D
aral Sharing too much?
It’s about time to get to bed. Instead I’ll look into updating and jailbreaking my iPhone to 4.3.X
Heading over to @wirward for some typically Belgian ‘French Fries’. 2 things I really missed in San Francisco! ;)
Wide awake. Time for breakfast… Or something.
Touchdown in Brussels. I miss San francisco already :(
At the SFO international airport. Checking in to head back to Belgium. We will miss you, San Francisco!
andremichelle Installing #unitiy3d player on mac is nice. No need to close the browser. Content runs immediately after installation. Nice!
We’ll get a few hours of sleep now. In 24 hours we will touch Belgian tarmac again. Thank you, San Francisco. It was an honor meeting you.
Let’s see if we can go to the golden gate bridge by taxi.
Going to shoot some pictures an timelapses on the Golden Gate Bridge later tonight.
Awesome yo meet the great people from @gspdigital! Thank you for having us!
roelvandommele Visiting SF Academy of Arts (20k students).
Vaststellen dat #howest meespeelt in Premier League!
Ho!-West! Ho!-west!
#proud #howestgoesusa
Visiting The Academy Of Arts. Not too impressed. Howest sure did a great job making us very critical about whatever we do. Good stuff!
@jayganaden I’m sure you’ll hear from us again in the near future! Have a nice day!
Facebook app for iPhone is getting buggy. Uncool :(
It was cool to be able to present our work at @momentumdl! Great opportunity to see what businesses think of a Deviner’s skillset! Thx guys!
@Obscura_Digital You bet we did! Great to meet you guys! Keep up the cool stuff!
For those interested: Preso is a basic and free Adobe Connect clone. You can check out Preso at (not finished yet)
Just presented Preso at the Momentum Design Labs offices. The people here really liked it. Awesome!!
Waking up in San Francisco to the sound of a city that apparently never sleeps. This feels right.
Went to the Google Campus. Pretty cool place. Heading to Stanford University now. Can I stay here?
I don’t think I can expres how much I love being here and what I’d do to stay and live here.
Where am I?
I just walked past Mark Zuckerberg. I feel a new man. No shit.
I’m at the Facebook HQ. Mekka for geeks. Awesome to be here.
About a dozen schools in the US produce 50-70 game developers per year. The tiny #Howest campus in Belgium produces around 30 a year. #dae
10 years #howestgoesusa party @ O’Neill’s Irish Pub
My first Starbucks experience. And it was a good one ^_^
And we are ready to go! RT @pixeldimensions: getting ready for the 10 year #HOWESTgoesUSA event at the Irish Pub in San Francisco!
This is what we wake up to. Lovin’ it.
I am here, somewhere…
In bed at 20 past midnight. Earliest in months. Not tired. Satisfied. San Francisco, I love you.
@joristi unk? :-o
Apparently, I’ve been sitting next to @thibault_imbert all this time. It really is a small world as it turns out.
Looking into getting a prepaid micro sim with some mobile data plan. Suggestions anybody?
Waking up and getting ready for a trip to Alcatraz. Going to Adobe afterwards for lunch and stuff. Cool!
I love San Francisco! So totally my kind of city!!!
We’ll see ;) lots of stuff to do ;) including some sleeping.
we’re aboard the plane. Nice place to be. I can live here for 8 hours! See you on the flipside! (I always wanted to say that!)
All set for our flight to New York! I could use some sleep. Can’t wait for our plane to take off.
180 minutes before we leave for Brussels!
@killthedinosaur Alrighty, noted! Thanks! :)
@killthedinosaur Cool! Totally covered! Thanks! Suggesties wat we zeker moeten doen in SF?
@killthedinosaur Kzweer u, ik schijt ze da’k iets keihard belangrijk ga vergeten. :D
Okay… Uhm… I think I packed everything and i still I have plenty of space left. I must be forgetting something, right!?
@joristi Already done! :D Thanks for the heads up ;)
Packing for San Francisco! All my clothes are packed and there’s still lots of space! Ideal for my shopping abroad!
Well, those were 2 productive days! Let’s get ready for some quality time with the girlfriend!
@joristi Yea, 2 maand voordat de nieuwe aangekondigd wordt :’)
@FabianMeul Wellicht een paar dingen, maar in grote lijnen gaat het zo blijven.
@savvas Thanks man! I appreciate it!
Last time I updated my portfolio is more than 4 years ago. I took it down about 2 years later but now it’s back:
RT @lab9stores iPhone 3GS & iPhone 4 is nu vrij op voorraad in zowel Lab9 Aalst als Lab9 Kortrijk.
@louisdedecker A portfolio iPhone app? Wow, I might check that out then. Thanks for the heads up! :)
@ikbenmartijn Denk aan snel prototyping met Flash mockups: Super handige tool!
PeterGriffinn When a man talks dirty to a woman, it’s sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it’s $75 an hour.
I created this iPhone app using #titanium. But as Apple won’t approve it, this demo will have to do ;)
And that would be it for today’s work. Tomorrow everything should be ready! Today was a productive one!
Updating the video file of my demoreel on Vimeo. And that’s one more bit of peace of mind!
Let’s fix those errors in my demoreel (at least some of them…)
I forgot how much work it is to create a portfolio. And I forgot how much stuff I made over the years. Holy cow :/
@BWS_Nazz Bouwkwaliteit, materialen, achterliggende technologie, extra features, etc…
Sometimes the best way forward is to step backwards.
@roelvandommele Gowalla, Foursquare, Dopplr. Dat soort dingen?
Why is it so freaking hard to record any video on your iPhone and then mail it to someone? Why is it limited like that!? 54 seconds is crap.
“GI Animation Prepass”. Yea, I’m animating using global illumination. As it turns out I _do_ like harming myself.
Got myself a pretty cool schedule for the coming week. I love the ‘packing for san francisco’ part! Looking forward to that like a m****f***
They should turn this into an iPhone-connector thing with buttons that enables you to play 360° VR games
That did not just happen!
Traveling makes me sleepy. Forgot how easily one can fall asleep on a train or on a bus.
On my way back to Kortrijk. Everytime I’m in westende I feel a little bit more like I’m on a vacation.
Well turns out I forgot how good the sea actually smells. Feels like summer here!!
Off to Westende to see mom, a few friends and get my bike back! Happy saturday all!
Figured out a pretty cool trick in Cinema4D. Easy, simple but pretty cool! I love PolyFX!
Exactly! RT @UnitZeroOne You’d think a buddy like @gmunk would give you a heads up if he finally enters twitter, but noooooo……
Actually doing some packing stuff for the San Francisco trip. Looking forward to it like crazy!