The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

July 2015

Whoa, this feature is ALMOST ready.Getting nervous to deploy this…( I know if it fails, I won’t be able to stop wondering where I messed up)

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Took me almost 2 full days, but this feature is finally working… Had to rewrite most of the app but at least it’s solid now…

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I have to admit: Even after years of coding, it still thrills me when code works better than expected. Makes me proud every single time.

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Also:I REALLY don’t like BEM-naming in CSS. I see the pro’s but your HTML becomes a freakin mess! Especially with really flexible components

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I know I should be building this thing with Angular or at least Backbone but it’s really interesting to build all these things myself.

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TIL that your Safari cookie settings on iOS can break the Facebook JS SDK login-button flow… Thank@joristiti for helping out!

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thereaIbanksy There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:54 PM, Jul 30th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

I’m really pushing this mobile web-app I’m building. I wish there was a good mobile web UI framework (components) to start from though.

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scinos Want to troll the frontend devs in your team? Use the username “[object Object]” and send them a screenshot. Enjoy the imaginary bug hunt.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:15 PM, Jul 28th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

I’m inclined to agree with this. RT @woutr_be: Stop pushing the web forward -

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Once again saw what happens when your non-progressive-enhanced site’s JS breaks…And although it was only partially, it had quite the impact.

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Somebody broke me jQuery. I must go and kill that somebody now. Somebody hand me a spoon.

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Woke up, thinking I wrote a bug last night. It took me a few hours to find it but it was there… Turns out, I suck at LEFT OUTER JOIN’s…

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nickvegas People don’t use things based on features.

They use it based on outcome.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 1:52 AM, Jul 26th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Went for another crazy coding spree. Another feature finalized. Another feature deployed. Another productive evening.

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It seems it’s been a while since I last used my Mac Mini to work on this

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@boudewijndanser I’m afraid I’ll be using Apple Music more and more then :p Are you coming to FACTS this year?

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“We have an all new version of Spotify. RESTART NOW to make it your own.”

Cool, did you fix the ugly green?

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@hannes_bhc Ik kan altijd afkomen. @lyntje is momenteel ook niet epic druk (zover ik verstaan heb) dus we kunnen zeker eens afkomen.

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@hannes_bhc Yup! Als ik nu nog eens iets COOL zou kunnen verzinnen eh! ;) (Mijn prive projecten en experimenten zijn far from exciting :p )

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Ok, I think I have literally lost it. I think I have become obsessed with code, realtime apps, mobile and API’s. AND IT’S AWESOME!

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I’m not sure why bume is strangely addictive…

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@issuus Mijn gefrustreerde zelf heeft al een volledige website zelfs! Ook volledig zichtbaar zonder JS. ;)

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@glenndavid @matthiasdeckx @issuus tuurlijk wel! Dit is touch hilarisch ;) ik kom niet meer bij :p

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@issuus Gelukkig kun je mijn services wel nog zien als JS uit staat. Heb jammer genoeg geen tijd voor een nieuwe site ;) But this will do ;)

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@issuus Sites maken die naar white faden als ge Javascript uitzet?

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flyosity The hard truth that most designers won’t admit: everything is flat now because of iOS 7. Where Apple goes, we follow. Blindly.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 2:10 AM, Jul 22nd, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

TaylorCutFilms I still think 1990 was 10 years ago

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:07 AM, Jul 22nd, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Really pushed this project over the long weekend. Made some huge progress. Glad to see things coming together now.

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I just opened a site and was waiting for it to complete loading until I realized that the emptiness was by design.I hate the minimalism hype

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@Vigme follow me so i can dm you a code

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@baerenjunge follow me so i can dm you ;)

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Cool! Got a working unlock code. Time to check out what the fuzz is about.

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mhoye It takes 87 requests and 7MB of data transfer to read The Verge’s 1600-word article on why the mobile web sucks. High fives all ‘round.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:24 PM, Jul 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

There’s truth in there. RT @Boris: Why you should turn down a job offer from Facebook

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MercedesAMGF1 Jules, as we remember him. A Champion, leading from the front, with joy in his heart.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:21 PM, Jul 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

For days I was unable to understand why my FB SDK Login didn’t work properly. Turns out I forgot to enable public access to the FB app…

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RT @kronda: 1. Try to do good.
2. Fuck it up.
3. Apologize
4. Try not to make the same mistake again.

That’s the job.

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JoshHelfferich TIL that you can select / move batches of tabs in Chrome by holding Shift while you click.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:30 PM, Jul 20th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Let’s see if the movie is as bad as the name suggests. ★ Ant-Man (with Gwendolyn at

via Path

Any of my tweeps wanna hook me up with a unlock code?

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So much for not being dangerous anymore. Rest in peace, Jules. You will be missed.

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Dedication. RT @CaseyNeistat: it’s 2:18 in the AM and I haven’t started editing the Vlog yet. gonna surrender any ideas about sleep tonight

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Dear Internet: try to come up with better clickbait than “he just wanted to X but what happened next is awesome”, you bunch of lazy asses.

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Hearing a @deadmau5 song and being reminded of one of his early Halcyon411 songs… I wish I knew the name of the song it reminds me of.

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@vercoutere No, apparently not. Considering how totally not active I am on Dribbble (and how badly I suck at design) this is no surprise.

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As I die-hard Fight Club fan and a realism-design addict, I feel strongly offended by this. (and even slightly ill)

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Watched “Remember the Titans” again. Such an inspirational movie that shows how hope and positive energy can make the world a better place.

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It looks like Tom Cruise is fairly badass. Takes a lot of guts and motivation to do this… 8 times!

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@bySebastian yeah, once all of this is working as supposed to, a series of posts will appear ;)

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Too amped up about this project.That means I can’t let it go now…Who needs sleep when you can feed your addiction to make things work,right?

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Spent another night setting up my own CI workflow and really starting to make headway now. This setup is getting fairly complete.

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Time to learn a new programming language! ArnoldC!

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@HoFa Ge had links moeten rijden ;) Daar gaat het in’t algemeen een pak vlotter ;)

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@kurtlef That’s what we got you guys for ;)

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@kurtlef I’m a frontend developer. I was grown to hate Java and everything that relates to backend :p

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@kurtlef Not even at all :p Wat een raar gedoe overal :p

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Passing file paths in OSX Terminal to Java: file://localhost/Users/Ronny/dev/someFile.txt

REALLY? It took me 2 days to figure this out!!

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God damn it… Personal projects are way too addictive. It’s 2:30AM again and I’m not even close to going to sleep… Can’t turn off brain.

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@kurtlef I’m afraid that won’t change anything. The platform here has been under development for several years ;)We can’t just upgrade it ;)

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@kurtlef One does not always have the freedom to choose. This is the dev-environment we have to deal with ;)

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It looks like somebody familiar acquired Disney. I like the rebranding a lot. These guys clearly know ‘their

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The good old days of Flash Player 10 come to mindâ€

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Beats1 is currently playing a 50Cent song. This being Apple, all the offensive stuff has been silenced.The result is a really crippled song.

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eli_schiff The conventional wisdom of our world today is that the best thing a Rembrandt could do today is become Picasso, or better yet Duchamp.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:41 PM, Jul 6th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

To celebrate the 4th of July, I’ll watch Independence Day ;)

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@mikebeecham well, yea. That too. :p but that’s not the main issue. There will always be time to make more money. ;)

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@mikebeecham and I never blamed you for wanting a sleeve. I want one too. ;) But I don’t feel like I could get away with it.It takes swag :p

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mikemaccana JavaScript ProTip: if you die in JavaScript you die in real life.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:18 PM, Jul 2nd, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

No, Michael Fassbender looks nothing like Steve Jobs but he is one hell of an actor. He can pull it off, I’m sure.

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@vercoutere While I typed my last tweet, I thought exactly that :p

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@vercoutere Yea, but mine sounds really cool when I type in terminal: ‘Suit up’ ;)

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Vagrant… Why did they call it Vagrant? I’d rather call it “Suit”. As in “Suit up”!

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It really seems like Apple missed a huge opportunity here. How is iTunes not context-aware with Beats1 and enables us to buy music etc?

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The one thing I miss in Apple Music is to directly add a song that’s currently playing on Beats1 to one of my playlists.

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Not kidding: watching this thing actually gave me the chills…

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@jeroen_algoet Ge verward skeuomporphism en realism. Het flat design van nu is vaak nog altijd skeuomorphic ;)

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@BobSermon It looks horrible. Tweetbot had a unique look that made it special and justified the price. Now it’s just plain (and) expensive.

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accidentally updated on my Mac. It now looks pale, boring, plain, generic, and like the original Twitter app. Nice waste of money.

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