@Valentine314 Nah. If you refer to your own library as vanilla, I expect there to be no outside dependencies. Espec… https://t.co/nh18VyXP89
@hannescoudenys 1986 represent. And now also fucking scared. What??
I just opened an internal JS library that refers to itself as ‘vanilla’. It uses rxjs, axios, and about 7 other ext… https://t.co/oDE1gniHJv
@HerrFrederik At least not in my life 😅
Watching @MrBeast cure blind people has got to be the most underrated video I’ve ever seen. This kid is ACTUALLY ma… https://t.co/FRneNfJPiB
FUCK YEA! I’m on my way to become a minor celebrity! https://t.co/WM00FE0Tag
Had a phonecall with my girlfriend while I was sitting on the toilet doing my thing… and she knew. That’s another… https://t.co/07QVSfO98p
@brijanp Do you mean skeuomorphism or realistic design? Because people tend to confuse these as they used to go han… https://t.co/zZscTwknJp
@wiseconnector She had me at “Hello”
I mean… â¤ï¸ https://t.co/Pw6dzW00iH
It’s as if Todd is the mind of Walter when he was 16. The mind that dreams about the beautiful adventure that he wi… https://t.co/YUPPZf8gI6
Now read that again but instead thinking of Todd, think of the mind of a young Walter, who once was a skater, a dre… https://t.co/QeJAC7sWcd
In the end, Walter is in airport security custody and gets asked if there’s anybody from around that can prove who… https://t.co/Vrop1Uf8iu
Later in the movie, when Walter is scaling the Himalaya, he is talking to Todd about his love interest and even tho… https://t.co/vMGJAYVtpg
Later when Todd tries to get Walter’s attention, Walter is open to talking some more as he’s now done some living b… https://t.co/oszDQ1a2wX
At first Walter reaches out to Todd because he has a love interest in a girl that he’s too afraid to ask out. As so… https://t.co/EuhCC2VYwP
You know Todd from eHarmony in the movie “the secret life of Walter Mitty”? What if I told you that he is actually… https://t.co/46eb9eTJo3
RT @MerrWatson: Aerial views of one of my favourite places on earth 💫🇵🇠gm https://t.co/vsw7pdp4bC
Positive energy! â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ https://t.co/78FIJMvhga
@TPAIN I love how it says “fire” in the description. At least they’re straight up front about it haha 🤣
@engineers_feed Ha! This one I know!
1 = parallel. 1.5V - 3Ah
2 = series. 4.5V - 1Ah
Finally being an FPV drone nerd pays off! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸŽ‰
Spent the day rebuilding my Thicc since the initial build was a bit sloppy. And right when I thought I was ready I… https://t.co/iirsRR69Zu
I feel like this could be Micheal Bury… https://t.co/7QnU3Jd1GZ
@MKBHD I’m a 512GB man. I might move to 1TB in the coming years.
@Nonunsenses @kvandenhaute This your soulmate? ðŸ˜
@florinpop1705 This is actually one of the things I do for developer interviews: I throw 2 tasks in there. One of t… https://t.co/c1qxQg5Fqk
@studio_caro “De auto moest omhoog getild worden en mijn huidige infrastructuur laat wat te wensen over dus kheb ee… https://t.co/TyeVjXlhMP
The statement: You make your own luck.
The question: how does one do that?
The answer: https://t.co/9gvseR9FxN
AI is cool and all but let’s be fucking real for a second: i have never seen so many people come up with so many cr… https://t.co/htqYuxCA54
@ruskamartin Many years ago, I joined @beeple in making everydays. By the end of my 100-day experiment, I had learn… https://t.co/ZvKwdJONfj
Either this photo js fake (and I really hope so) or there were people who were fine with sending kids to the fuckin… https://t.co/6DLFjAtloE

People be like “I live in my van” and then show you a fullsized doubledecker London bus.
Yea. A “van”. pic.twitter.com/Fsxng3vWDj
@ruskamartin The greatest thing I’ve learned is that creativity is mostly sparked by boundaries. Tell somebody to m… https://t.co/qIu2zEf2Jr
I remember working in an office of creatives where one of them needed “inspiration” to come up with new ideas. To t… https://t.co/5UfdtbqziV
@DJIGlobal … but not before I tell you about today’s sponsor!
@itsnoomie @SamsungBelgie Yea, ik kom van de Note reeks. Had de Note 10+ en wachtte vol spanning af op een nieuwe N… https://t.co/goTmk99JMO
@itsnoomie @SamsungBelgie Nice! Als de S23 ultra zo dope is als de S22 Ultra zul je straks vast een epic toestel ge… https://t.co/lYmpce1tm4
Motivational Sunday. Or procrastinational Sunday. It really depends on who you are. https://t.co/T53pXVOjqq
@DroneSupremacy Well, it clearly looks like they were right! That looks like someone had GREAT fun!
@joristi Nah, Twitter was one of the first big platforms that allowed to have 3rd party apps. Facebook used to have… https://t.co/vl9J1pMTR8
I didn’t know in which bad shape I was until I talked to a professional who really dug into me and helped me unders… https://t.co/IUm8FDFHz2
But with her by my side, I feel safe enough to do it. I feel less afraid. I feel like it’s time.
I was 100% sure that my youth had made me stronger. And it did. But it also made me construct social mechanisms to… https://t.co/dJpwtPfEoy
I’m not a knight in shiny armor. My shield is worn badly and my armor is battle-tested. And after 36 years of livin… https://t.co/Q4bEAkuSkO
RT @thedankoe: Don’t start.
It’s too saturated.
It was 10 years ago and it is today.
Tens of thousands of people haven’t made millions o…
“it will always be a replication”
That pretty much sums up any type of creativity generated with AI. Because it ha… https://t.co/xtGpUh8cLL
Mental health progress! https://t.co/DskS0VzdVy
Doctor: So why is your retention rate so bad?
Me: https://t.co/UrDn790Z7R

I might also bite because of the video sharing potential… but the NFT thing? What’s that about? pic.twitter.com/AxwxgCVQ5R
Hah, looks like I can get Twitter Blue because I’m behind my client’s VPN. But 8$ just to see ‘less ads soon’. Not… https://t.co/pvuUjiDxL9
“attempts”. The man actually did it! And it looked great fun and relaxing too! https://t.co/xNAtZyr8Vk
Absolutely mind boggling! https://t.co/pxF4b9M97d
@Nonunsenses Doet de groetjes aan Alexander! En laat weten hoe de kerk bevalt ðŸ˜
There most definitely are things/people/places/events I dislike but when people ask me to name one of them, I’m hav… https://t.co/3v0PfFNI3Z
People attributing success to “luck” don’t understand the value of hard work and making sure to show up every day t… https://t.co/7LdbmiQvZ5
RT @mws: being a Content Creator means
people will wait for you to pop off before they support you
…and that sucks lol
u should support…
@reliantlane I wish I got 2k views. At this point making it to 2k is a win for me. I have several shorts with barel… https://t.co/ws91zesCst
The hardest thing -for me- about color grading was understanding how color grading works in my editing software of… https://t.co/JH0ktDOyzk
Oh no! A rich guy is doing philanthropic stuff to avoid paying too much taxes! Damn the rich and their disgusting h… https://t.co/N9Cq2ieMsp
@billykyle Where is the Smart Controller? 😮
@luna_mulier @nietwietparkiet Dus omdat mensen hun lichaam graag laten zien aan anderen, mogen ze aangerand worden?… https://t.co/63Gdsj1rfx
@PhillyD I mean, Morpheus did literally say “the Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very r… https://t.co/vtaLO8HgtH
@MercedesAMGF1 @LewisHamilton @PET_Motorsports @amgmotorsport Ooohhh!! Purple 44! Does that mean the purple helmet return?? ðŸ˜
@vercoutere You’d hope so 🤣
What is it with Americans and attributing everything anybody does to a political stance these people might have?… https://t.co/yA9vGYYRjZ
@mr_crazydude Thanks dude! I feel by putting it out there that my failure will be a very public one but I just felt… https://t.co/cpjA9q5Ls6
It did. It created a strong, driven, dedicated man who was once a kid afraid to go back home. Not all trauma is neg… https://t.co/v6w65TO5UY
I’ve made the decision. I want to move away from freestyle 5” GoPro commercial shoots and I want to start doing mor… https://t.co/lPyxlcTCpU
@vercoutere @waronweakness I hate that this is in fact true. I do think that money is just the cause. The cause of… https://t.co/iTGBj7MRij
If you don’t understand how big of a deal this is: check the 2nd part of this tweet: https://t.co/gcKRXqUt2b
Wait, the US’s NOTAM system was down? Yikes… https://t.co/nSOssJTrrW
@tekkie That’s a very 2021 thing. I’m already at the next level having several browser windows per todo-item with s… https://t.co/EzBbLEfMRY
@hannescoudenys Auto is wel dope! Lijkt me cool om zo van die tripjes mee te doen en dan in de auto te slapen. Nie… https://t.co/S63BDCr4ww
@hannescoudenys Ze trekken dat allemaal over dezelfde kam eh. Als ge zo een vrijwillige test doet van een Lamborghi… https://t.co/aoXs4LOcfI
Because bragging how much you hate your job is easy. Making moves, facing your fear of the unknown and -last but no… https://t.co/UFN5cSOJSi
Maaaaan… https://t.co/HOygZqWO1A
@freeflysystems Obviously @johnny_fpv and @nurkfpv should be on your shortlist. I’m not sure if Nurk really applies… https://t.co/u5osByDeY4
@johnny_fpv How did the camera handle the heat with the sand covering the heatsink? Also great to see you used a fr… https://t.co/mrtu6CtUpY
@51Drones Kinda weird that nobody from Walmart’s drone division or the external partner who provides the drone infr… https://t.co/mfxCP2V0Lv
@51Drones Well yea. It was to be expected that people would complain about these heavy lifter drones flying around… https://t.co/gIHy7uikYu

@DeathBlasts … and I certainly don’t take care of business in my own personal and very final way. pic.twitter.com/K2ZRQUrnEj

@DeathBlasts I stay calm… pic.twitter.com/8Ywb0dY6LJ
That sounds awesome! https://t.co/pUH0d1GiEM
@mr_crazydude Yea true. But it’s interesting ðŸ˜
@AGerv88 @engineers_feed How do you figure? The rate of increase is slower so there is no way of it outpacing. What am I overlooking?
@DadRandom70 Truth be told: the GepRC frames never were ‘rigid’. Especially if you compare it to an Apex. But to my… https://t.co/PAcwI6zfpv
@DadRandom70 I’ve come to see that 3 of them (2 years running without issues) are now introducing vibrations. Motor… https://t.co/hCP6Vcwlaf
@DadRandom70 My most-used frame is the GepRC Mark 4 HD 5. It’s spacious, props out of view, lightweight and clean t… https://t.co/SsaXGrn1Lg
As I get better at color correcting and grading, I’m moving away from Adobe Premiere at an alarming pace. How the mighty have fallen.
I feel very strongly that FPV drone frame manufacturers don’t create frames expecting people like me to keep flying… https://t.co/CTOBPDMOu4
@engineers_feed This seems like a trick question where option 1 is the obvious but incorrect answer. So now I’ve be… https://t.co/39Mg1SgbJO
@bryanminear Thanks! Full disclaimer: it’s not mine. I picked it up years ago when I was a student. Not sure where I got it.
@bartclaeys Yes, they do. (I say they because I hate most of what is currently known as “web development”, the very… https://t.co/NTGFbvT76l
@bartclaeys I thought that there was work being done on native css variables of some sort. That was years ago and I… https://t.co/TIHQo0Wgmi
If you look real close, you can see Santa behind the steering wheel 😠https://t.co/WQlNOotLJJ
I swear, this shortform thing is WEIRD
Meanwhile Youtube shorts decided it wasn’t worth anything and didn’t even bother with more than 70 views.
I posted a video on TikTok. 75% retention rate. 30% likes. Yet after 560 views, the algorithm decided the audience… https://t.co/p1GtfxOd96
The same video on Instagram made it to 9k views… which in my opinion is still a minor audience…
@vidIQ Hey @johnny_fpv, how about some more behind the scenes stuff and giving your fans a look into the life of a… https://t.co/roSCYJ9YYV
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
Art is knowing which ones to keep. https://t.co/Hbdyi3jHQH

I’ll just leave this here. pic.twitter.com/Kso7V5szdf
It’s been 2 decades since then but back when I was a student, I used to chat with my buddies online all night long… https://t.co/NS20sJSJnL
Eyes on the prize.
That’s how winning is done! https://t.co/ZNns8Rit7d
@tekkie I’ve used multiple Macbook Pros for several years, all of them being rock solid and dependable every single… https://t.co/kazmoIZ813
@NatashaCL7 It’s not our fault. We were poorly made. Sorry for the inconvenience. 😔
Here goes:
@redbullracing @RedBullBe
But of course… https://t.co/Rao65hvWw0
@studio_caro Not me! I’ve been in love with Harvey for at least 2 years 🥰
Dope business model! https://t.co/bC38NE79vk
Success: the best motivation for revenge. Or is it the other way around?? https://t.co/qlPta35pZ4

I mean… if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying hard enough… pic.twitter.com/xHgBqsR05y
Going quick is not about hitting the gas as early as you can. It’s about knowing how the car reacts and when to be… https://t.co/EiE2ETDupc
My cleaning lady just said I look like I’m 24. Greatest compliment I’ve gotten in a while.
I’m 36.
Man… Ken Block… 😔 you’ll be misseyoutu.be/BSQ7TS6orbktX6
Spoiler alert: it’s not and they won’t. Otherwise they would have called you (or DM somewhere on one of your gazill… https://t.co/AiRQclSJnz
Select all. Archive.
If it’s important they’ll mail you again. https://t.co/44DKp8oWHM
Finished booking a hotel and car in Tenerife so the girlfriend and I can head out there and fly FPV drones! That’s… https://t.co/AL7VVNwpgB
@BloodyGoodRev So you finished 84 games in 52 weeks? Dude, that’s impressive! How’d you manage that?

POV: You just read the word “solopreneurs” pic.twitter.com/9JV7TfLbZv
I wanna be making more of stuff like this, this year! https://t.co/KiwGMU3CI3
@joristi Yea it’s been going on for a couple of days now and it’s been annoying as hell.
Very fascinating work. I’ve never seen anything like it! Awesome! https://t.co/i5NXbteDNB