Looking forward to that trip to San Francisco!!
Back at school for the DevineGoesUSA trip info. Totally stoked! http://twitpic.com/2te6uz
Thanking @lab9stores Kortrijk for their incredible service and friendliness!
@wirward Alleh, dan… We hopen maar eh :D Thx ;)
@joristimmerman Thx for the heads up. Will check it out straight away (once syncing is done).
From what I’m reading there’s still no iPhone 4.1 jailbreak? Darn… I don’t like being caged :(
There we go: I’m finally one of the cool kids again! http://bit.ly/acaNwz
Doing iPhone dev in Titanium. Not liking it too much. No decent way of creating layouts (like Interface Builer).
I love this class #motion
Pizza night… Somehow different tonight. Still the same fun!
Really looking forward to the Motion class. Going to be epic.
At school, finally seeing some familiar faces again.
Well, that sucked.
Best bookmarklet ever! http://erkie.github.com/ (via @wirward )
Doing some student club work… I was supposed to get another project up and running…
I hate drunk people and I love the cops.
@tekkie For the love of God, don’t! Starting the Flash IDE always takes AGES!!! :D
That is the best looking hospital room I’ve ever seen. My room isn’t even that mind-blowing.
@joristimmerman Yea, _YOU_ really shouldn’t :p I will though :p
@killthedinosaur “I’ve tried so hard and got so far! But in the end. It doesn’t even matter.” :p
@killthedinosaur bwa is nie meer zo erg voorlopig. Bestelling zou volgende week moeten rond zijn.
Got a reservation at the Mobistar centre. Eta: next week. Let’s see…
@killthedinosaur een tripje naar de parking zie’k nu nie echt zitten om dan nog geen zekerheid te hebben.
@BWS_Nazz naar de winkel gaan eh man :p ze liggen der op u te wachten :p
Aha! @lab9stores in Kortrijk have 16GB iPhone 4’s in stock… But no 32GB’s. I’ll start crying!
Off to some shops to bore them to death with the same question over and over again: “Do you have iPhone4 in stock!?”
Went to get my laundry out of the washer and I found this… Will have to talk to the girlfriend… http://twitpic.com/2sr2wc
God damnit, it’s more than 3 months after release date, Apple. Just get me a 32GB iPhone 4 already! How hard can it be!?
Time to do some laundry and get some paperwork done… It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it…
Let’s get some sleep… It’s just about time…
@joristimmerman Yea ;)
@joristimmerman No, Titanium Intro Tuts… I love tutorials but those are horrible. They get on my nerves like fucking flies at a barbeque!
It’s a video-tutorial! People are watching! Make it interesting or just stick to a written step-by-step guide instead of boring me to death!
Pretty mindblowing how ‘big’ Wordpress has become… http://bit.ly/bk5gda
He said “Let there be light” and then there was light. Ronny saw that the light was good (Yes, I mended the light that fell down yesterday)
@thomasheylen ik heb al meetings gehad in de max, de fallstaff en café rouge. De laatste is de meer serieuze/chique aangelegenheid.
Out for some shopping with the girlfriend.
Already did a lot of great stuff today! That makes me happy and it almost makes me forget I have a swollen face!
Newsflash: Whitespace is there for you to use it. And it’s FREE. Whitespace is a part of design. It’s not a waste of pixels!
Well, I broke another lamp. Again. That’s 4 in 4 years. This one almost lasted for a year which is pretty great!
Using an iPad kinda makes you forget a MacBook doesn’t run on magic (but on simple batteries) and thus doesn’t last for 200 years straight.

Amazing, ain’t it? RT @savvas: what an amazing photo: http://yfrog.com/1aa97ij
This Wisdom-tooth thing has some serious consequences on my health apparently:I’m down under 80kg after 3 days of hardly eating anything…
If you are a software engineer: Don’t add a gazillion features that don’t work very well. Do add 10 that do their job without any trouble.
Girlfriend is telling me about her amazing dream she had last night: “I was in a store, looking for duct-tape. That’s it.”
RT @duivvv: flashmobs zijn zo 2004
Believe me: If you’re unable to eat, all you see all day long is delicious food! Everywhere, anytime!
Well, it seems pieces of my face is starting to regain their former position. So with a bit of luck I can start shaving again tomorrow…
To all of you #fotb people making me jealous: Enjoy the trip and have a great time over there (and send us cool pics/vids)!
Really noticing some serious flaws in the #newtwitter website. More reasons to never ever visit it again…
Lmao RT @devdev_be: Still F.R.E;)
The pain in my cheek was so intense tonight, it actually woke me up…
Having an insane pulsing pain in the back of my shoulder and it just doesn’t go away… Driving me nuts!!!
Today’s editing of thursday’s Guitar Hero event: http://vimeo.com/1528112…
Rendering… Let’s have dinner in the meantime… Today’s dinner consists of a pudding (since I can’t eat anything else)
I seriously hope this face-displacement-filter which has been applied to me will disappear by tomorrow… http://bit.ly/cl1rYV
I need to close a gap of 20 seconds with footage I don’t have… Let’s see if I can fix this with more creative methods…
My girlfriend is sending me pictures of her sister’s freshly born baby with ‘I want one too!’ as a caption. I’m in so much trouble…
Importing 6GB of footage into premiere… Let’s edit!
My face looks like somebody applied the liquify filter in Photoshop…
Facebook would’ve gotten away with a ‘new twitter’-kind of redesign though…
Apparently I’ve got the new Twitter. Really not impressed. It feels messy. Bloated. And it really shouldn’t.
@joristimmerman So after a billion years of waiting, you then finally got it? Enjoy! ;)
@peterelst Did the exact same thing, Peter :p
RT @peterelst: WordPress + Google apps for domains == nightmare SMTP config
I can’t even smile properly! The broke my face! I’m not pleased :(
Painkiller is kicking in… Thank god…
@joristimmerman Pain :(
@joristimmerman @ikkekietje: I can’t even open my mouth to eat pudding decently… :(
Am I supposed to take one of those medium-bus-sized painkiller pills every 2 hours? Because it feels like I should…
Just got a briefing for a little project over Skype… Quite inconvenient if you can’t really talk…
Selecting photos of yesterday’s Guitar Hero contest. Will be uploading them soon!
At home, waiting for the pain to fade away… Painkillers should kick in soon now… I hope :p
@MarjoleinKl good idea, but I think I’ll ask the doctor to sedate me :p
Going to the hospital to get my wisdom teeth pulled. Not too excited about this…
Eating a bag of chips before calling it a night and going to bed…
What a mindblowing day. Haven’t ever felt so great about a day. Ever.
Having pasta with @ikkekietje, @MrBrightSky and @lyntje before heading to today’s pool-event!
Aha! Paperwork for my passport arrived!
@joristimmerman iPhone? (Waiting for mine, in the Phone House… Most intrigued :p )

http://twitvid.com/HMGIV - Webdesigners are the new rockstars!! Make some noise for @devdev_be
Wanna see @devdev_be play guitar hero? Watch this space for a link!
Our event seems to be a great success! http://twitpic.com/2r5btq
Another girl totally rocking away! http://twitpic.com/2r4zfj
@killthedinosaur haha :D
@killthedinosaur too bad! I say you come over, no matter what. Who needs work anyway? :p
@joristimmerman about half a minute. Lots of girls here today! Things have changed since you’ve been gone ;)
@killthedinosaur afkomen is de boodschap! En breng de rest van de band ook meteen mee ;)
We’re hosting a little guitar hero contest at our campus! http://twitpic.com/2r4ocu http://twitpic.com/2r4oct
“Smiley fart”-time with @wirward
Easy! RT @bartclaeys: RT @bnox: Web vid of the day is definitely: Do you want to know more about Belgium? http://bit.ly/cHQOD6 #godverdomme
One of the ‘specialists’ I went to earlier today gave me a call: 25€ for a lens ring. And the order takes about 4 weeks. Are you kidding me?
Remember how I wrote today were a wonderful day? The _weather_ is wonderful. The day itself couldn’t be any worse.
@desaturated Yes, he’d give me a call to tell me IF he can order it… :p
Went to at least 10 different so-called ‘specialists’ in Kortrijk and Kuurne to find a lens ring… Most of them haven’t even heard of it…
Off to get a lens ring…
Listening to music and enjoying the way it moves me, I realize that artists who create music are underappreciated.They work some real magic.
What a wonderful day… Let’s see what I can do today!
Deleted 130 000+ files. Recovered 140GB of diskspace. That’s better!
Emptying the trash… It’s been a while apparently… http://bit.ly/9bRfLz
I’d like to have Image Capture to automatically delete all pictures on the device, older than 6 months. I don’t like to ‘manage’ that myself
My iPhone’s been very slow when using the camera the past few weeks. I guess getting rid of 2300 images in the Camera Roll might fix things.
The value of life can be measured by how many times the soul has been deeply stirred.
What’s that coming over the hill?! Is it a monster? Is it a monster???
You’ve probably seen this before; I just discovered it and I think it totally rocks! http://bit.ly/daTrWz
@ifEls Oh, daar kan aan gewerkt worden, don’t worry :p

http://twitvid.com/EINCN - Feeling crazy, so here goes: POPCORN!
Getting dinner. It’s been a while. ;) thinking of a cool dashboard widget featuring Red5 in the meantime. Experiment coming up!
Too many people with B&W avatars (including myself). Time to abandon boringness and go back to the colourful world of life!
Ayrton Senna was probably the only man in history who could inspire you -over and over again- while he tried to explain why he fucked up.
@GuusDeGraeve Volledig mee akkoord, maar ik heb nog geen enkele demo die mij vb aanzette om mijn blog in HTML5 te herschrijven.
RT @Steffest: /me thinks HTML5 demo’s should stop focussing on what’s possible and instead show me what’s useful, preferably in this decade
@boskabout Lol, zalig :D
Come on guys: Either stay away from the Twitter website (use a client), or stay away from Twitter altogether.
RT @joristimmerman: Lucky me I’m using the Tweetie client. No problems with the Twitter exploit. (except weird tweets) :)
Another dirty Twitter ‘hack’ going around :) http://bit.ly/cJWyT7
@joristimmerman I guess so… Still: I’m the end user: I really don’t care. :D
Great:MS Exchange mail lets me upload a 17MB email attachement.When hitting send,I get an error:Attachement to big.Why let me upload then!?
@delegatevoid: Oh, absolutely! For each, his own. That’s for sure. I -personally- just can’t get along very well with Windows anymore ;)
Only been working with Windows for a few minutes now and already I realize why I adore OSX so much…
Awesome :D RT @devdev_be: ROFL :D >> Programmer pickup lines. (via @csprk) http://bit.ly/cjBXyD (via @vangampelaere)
is almost certain of going to San Francisco!Let’s get that visum thing sorted out.Heard that’s one big hell. Shouldn’t wait any longer then!
@dimitrivh I feel your pain. Exactly the same sentiments right here. :)
@glenndavid lijkt me toch duidelijk als ik nu naar het landschap kijk. Al denk ik niet dat het zo groot wordt als desktop web (rare term :p)
Another appointment, way too early in the morning …
Getting up early is so not my cup of tea…
Tired to death. I feel like I haven’t slept in like a billion years…
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle & the life of the candle won’t be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Being on time is a real challenge to some people…
Time for pasta with the crew!
Today’s work! http://twitpic.com/2qa8ba
Mct community at work! http://twitpic.com/2q96qe
Ready for a new day… Let’s see how things go!
Having the most awful stomach ache ever…
Zin om te figureren in de nieuwe clip van Walter Ego? Morgen tussen 12:30 en 14:30 in Gent @ Nieuwpoort (=straat) 29! (Zoen voor RT’ers!)
Over at the girlfriend’s house, meeting the sister and kids
Too bad you can’t get _ALL_ of your tweets back from Twitter. Annoying. Only was able to get the last 3200 tweets: http://bit.ly/asFdP8
Cool! Installing it now… RT @aral: Cool: Tweetnest — useful tool to backup & search your tweets: http://bit.ly/amjcsm (via @boagworld)
Wow, I’m waking up to an acual winter room: It’s freaking COLD!
RT @wirward: Hoe een iPhone het leven van een blinde kan veranderen, ge zou er zowat emotioneel van worden… http://j.mp/c3XEcI
@woutr_be scheelt dan natuurlijk weer 200 euro.. En dan hebt ge maar een 16GB ;)
Patato time with @lyntje
@AugustinDeBie mja, 32gb toestellen ga je volgens mij nie veel goekoper vinden ;) laat maar weten als er interesse is ;) alvast merci :)
@AugustinDeBie 400€, nieuwprijs was 675€ das iets meer dan de helft ;)
@AugustinDeBie yup, 32gb 3GS zwart met beschermhoes ;) interesse?
I’m in The Phone House… Guess why…
Well, that was it for today! One less thing to do!
@peterelst: Cool! Will we see what it will eventually be used for? I’m kinda intrigued now :D
Girlfriend has an iPhone4. ETA until I order mine: 31 days max. Start putting money on it… You won’t be disappointed!
@peterelst i’ve done a basic test not too long ago and it’s visually noticeable. That’s what makes me so sure about it.
@ctfTijG I beg to differ. You can tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps. I have no doubt about that…
And would people please stop saying the eye can’t notice a difference between 30 and 30+ frames? IT ACTUALLY CAN! Ask _ANY_ gamer.
Ouch! RT @__ted__: Flash outperforms HTML5 on mobile? No that can’t be right, we are just getting started. http://bit.ly/9ATfKy #Cupertino
@prplps Oh, there’s a few ;) Think about all kinds of video converting software, firewall stuff, HDD cross OS partition simulators etc :p
Software that requires a reboot after installation is so 1995. Same goes for uninstall.And definitely if it’s a 15min trial version. #uxfail

So there’s a ‘Crash’ button in Apple-made software. Awesome! RT @bit101:at least it gives you the choice http://yfrog.com/5y6knp
Safe and sound in Kortrijk. Oh and btw: What’s up with the early winter!? Mother Nature didn’t want to wait now, did she!?
Moving towards Kortrijk. I’m so glad I don’t live at the seaside anymore. It’s windy and cold and it’s just not Kortrijk!
Seems like there is some sort of running contest going on in Oostende. Lots of people running. And not too slow either. Respect!!
That’s all for now! Heading to mom’s place now. It’s only been a month but it feels like I haven’t been there in years.
<strike>Second appointment</strike> done! Off to get the last bit of administrational hazard done!!
Arrived in Middelkerke for my appointment. And I’m on time! What do you think of that?!
Just scared @Ayame__ on the train by saying “hello”. And I didn’t even do that on purpose :D
Heading to Oostende. Need to get some paperwork done. Not liking this. Boring stuff…
How cute! RT @evbjone: Aaaawwwww! http://bit.ly/bFE0cF
I love my remote light switches. Best thing since sliced bread!
This is Samsung’s impression of ‘All OS’: 1 exe file. http://bit.ly/9mml65
@joristimmerman That’s the more educated version of ‘Good developers are lazy’, I guess? ;)
@joristimmerman Mobistar center, Kortrijk? Ordered about 3-4 weeks ago.
You can now put your jaw back in the original upright position.
@Jannemans Can’t DM you since you’re not following me :p
@Jannemans dm me your ID. I’ll put it in once I get home (+-30 min) ;)
@Jannemans a developer will have to put in your device ID in the apple developer site ;) then you should be good to go ;)
@joristimmerman my girlfriend picked her iPhone up this afternoon… Just sayin’…
@bramvandeperre that’s why I stick with Mobistar. Good 3G coverage, EDGE fallback, and good pricing.
@bramvandeperre indeed. They have blazing fast 3G, but if you don’t have 3G reception, then you’re left with GPRS I think.
@bramvandeperre that being my point about Mobile Vikings only having 3G coverage in a few major cities. And Proximus doesn’t have edge ;)
@joristimmerman iot vanaf nu. Zal redelijk opt gemak zijn hoor ;)
“keep your shit together”. Best thing somebody said to me today. I shall not disappoint again.
@SookieSookie Neen hoor ;) ma4 en cmd overdoen ;)
It is time for the verdict!!
Holy shit! What an endless list! RT @stefsmet: Mobile websites? Yeah, no problem! http://bit.ly/9uoz7x
Apparently they accidentally cut a power cable… The whole island seems to be out of juice… Meh… I feel so unplugged :(
@bartj3 oh absolutely! Tethering from my iPhone to my iPad now. I’m saved! :p
Welcome to the stone age. No electricity.
@aral i feel your pain, man. Not liking it either. Feels too complex, feature bloated etc for the simplest of services known as Twitter.
Prepared a little surprise for my girlfriend… I think she’ll like it…
@woutr_be colloquy ;)
Damn, no new Diggnation episode yet… The pizza night routine is completely breaking down :(
Had _the best_ dinner at pizza night. Totally full.
@NeuroProd Wow, you’re getting close quite fast, it seems! Looking forward to seeing your future progress!
@NeuroProd That’s starting to look ridiculously good, Kris! What are you aiming for with this?
Realtime painting with light, done using Flash! http://bit.ly/beXG9x
I love how the iPad is ‘overpriced’ and then Samsung replies with an even pricier Android tablet: http://amzn.to/8Z5vfD
Created a little demo for the (old) experiment I’m blogging later today.
Well,how unsurprising:They took the concept of the Twitter iPad app to the browser.I’m not sure I’ll like it.Looking forward to testing it!
@joristimmerman They are rolling it out, but the fact of the matter is: Coverage is VERY low. Only a few major cities so far. P’mus seems ok
@eXop Yea, tligt ier toch maar te liggen :p
Biting the bullet: My old Dell XPS (2006) is for sale…
@joristimmerman Mobile Vikings, really? Edge? That’s pretty slow… I’d go for Mobistar (iPad 15€) or Proximus (no clue what) for 3G.