The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

December 2019

@dvassallo 39$ a month? You gotta have quite a big and impressive product for anyone to cough up 39$/month. I have…

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@ztevenvp Machtig verhaal, man! More power to you! Show ‘em how it’s done in 2020! 💪

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@bobaesen You SOOOOO need this. Daarom hebt ge het nu vast al lang besteld. Cadeautjes kopen voor jezelf is ook leuk! Prettig eindejaar 😁

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@megawijf “Nee, uw neefje gebruikt de dingen die ik bouw zodat hij met zijn onkunde kan doen waar ik 15 jaar bloed,…

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@joshuatopolsky You are aware that technically speaking the decade is not really over, right? So more decade-ending…

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“Cooking with Ronny”: Pretty much the opposite of Jamie Oliver. I create a reasonably okay meal in a few minutes bu…

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Will Smith talking about self-doubt, Youtube and parenting. Fascinating!

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The USA is building a wall on the Mexican border. Apparently Mexicans are now stealing the wall. Yup, best story of…

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Lifegoals! @Telenet volgt blijkbaar #DGYOSMSER! @Syr00p en ik kunnen het jaar afsluiten met een big smile op ons ge…

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@Nonunsenses Heartbreaking news om te horen van je oma 😔 Gelukkig is het leven toch een beetje in balans zodat er o…

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@Nonunsenses Mijn bioritme. Komt goed. Kan er nog wat werk gedaan worden! 💪 En gij? Nog nie un-jetlagged?

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Ik ben eens benieuwd hoeveel mensen er effectief de episode gaan uitkijken… Kheb er nie teveel goede hoop voor (i…

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De volgende episode van #DGYOSMSER is momenteel aan’t uploaden… De reden dat het zo lang duurt om te uploaden is…

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@bobaesen Lol, een eigen mening hebben op internet? Madness😅🤣

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@samsheffer Purrrrfect. Let’s finish this year with a bang! Can’t wait!

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@samsheffer Wassup, Sam? You ready to close up this year? Or you got some last-minute big video planned?

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RT @samsheffer: music is the best drug

there’s virtually an unlimited supply

it’s accessible on demand, anywhere

there’s something for e…

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Wow, those are some really personal questions. She must be really into you 😂

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If this had been the last year of your life, would you be content with how you spent it?

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For me, it was the best year of my life. Sure, I could’ve done better… Although I finished on a high note that I…

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This might just be the only reason to hold on to my PS4…

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@Space2Mal Never brake while turning. Brake, aim for the apex, accelerate and complete the turn. They’re doing it right…

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This post (and the replies) is both tragic and beautiful. ❤💙🧡🖤

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Lifehacks for those of you with inbox-zero problems.

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If it was truly important, they’ll mail y…

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I have no clue if any of it was the right move. All I know is that it felt right at the time. We’ll see in 50 years…

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When the ball dropped at the end of 2018,I told myself I’d finally stabilize my life and start growing up. So almos…

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I’m spending tonight on my own. It’s been 12 years since I last spent xmas eve alone. I remember feeling really sad…

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A tweet I never thought I’d write: Yesterday I bought Superhot VR for my Oculus Quest and finished the game in an a…

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@botBode Waarom zou je nie mogen genieten van die head massage? Ze doen huj best. Het mag geapprecieerd worden. En…

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@samsheffer I met my girl in Instagram (I reacted to a story, we started talking, then *magic*). Dating apps in gen…

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Okay guys, #BrieLarson did look spectacular in that dress but come on… Not trending-on-twitter spectacular. So ma…

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@ddeckmyn @Syr00p @destandaard Veel lucht voor andere suggestieve (welgemeende?) opmerkingen of knipogen laat je da…

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@ddeckmyn @Syr00p @destandaard Ik zie die ironie ook nie meteen maar dat buiten beschouwing gelaten: Het is altijd…

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@YTCreators I made a video where I mentioned ‘no excuses’. People joked about it and I decided to make a video abou…

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@bobaesen @han608 @missWetteren Ik snap da volledig en het siert u. Maar ‘t is onbegonnen werk op internet… Spaar…

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@SirWrender I guess you and the crew saw the news about MPC closing down. Are you guys going to make a video about…

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@bobaesen @han608 @missWetteren Bo, negeer het. Don’t feed the trolls…

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RT @bobaesen: ⚠️⚠️ Is er iemand met diabetes in Antwerpen die me asap stuk of 5 freestyle libre precision strips kan brengen? Mn sensor wer…

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Do politicians realize we can see what the post on Twitter? I’ve literally been sat here for months now, shaking my…

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@Nonunsenses “I don’t worry about the future. It comes soon enough” - Albert Einstein 😉

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RT @nachosarah: if you’re upset just remember that dumb people are in power because they don’t doubt themselves and that’s all smart people…

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I bought a Samsung Note 10+ on release and I was really impressed with the camera quality. It felt like a huge step…

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I motivate people to push themselves to achieve what they want. I like seeing people succeed because when they do,…

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@Jonazzty @iOnAsJ @Xbox @PlayStationBE @Google Ge kunt hem plat leggen… Net zoals de ge de PS2 ook plat kon legge…

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This video will never not be awesome! Every time I see it, i have to watch it 😁

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This surely can’t be right? Every kid should know Alan Turing’s story. There should be statues and reminders all ar…

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Counting down the days to 2020. The end of a decade (close enough). Time to reflect on what I have achieved. What a…

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Twitter is banning sexual content? Why? Has sex become illegal all of a sudden? Is it not cool anymore? Has it been…

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Them: “we really need that video asap”
Me: makes the first edits in a few hours
Them: “We need changes”
Me: Makes t…

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Okay, I watched all Josh Yeo videos in a couple of days. Who needs Netflix when you can have YouTube Premium?

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You can’t un-chill this girl 😆

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@Compi666 Oh dear god, is that actually a thing?! 🤯

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Ehm… Hitler is trending on Twitter. What the fuck is going on? Get it together, people!

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It took @beeple a little while but he’s finally back with a new short. Of course it’s another banger and reality ch…

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Currently in a workshop about company values. The presenter says “uhh” every 3 seconds… 4 hours to go.

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Yeet is echt geen “nieuw” woord, eh. We zijden dat al aan de west vlaamse kust toen ik 16 was. Try to keep up.

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@bobaesen Nogal deugnieterig eigelijk… 🙈

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@aIexaya I’m Lewis. Made all the right choices at the right time. Worked hard, got where I wanted. Still feeling li…

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@iemsrx Never lift. Keep going. Keep pushing. Maximum attack! The world is yours. ❤

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Called it. Brilliant execution. Almost got emotional there for a second. ❤❤❤

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I would be your obvious choice. I visit @ChipotleTweets more than @Starbucks. And while there are Starbucks around…

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@hannes_bhc Ik doe duidelijk iets verkeerd. Waarom is er geen artikel over mijn YouTube kanaal op HLN?? Ik ken er n…

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I wonder how big of a deal this will be 😮

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@Syr00p @KennyLeys Bro.
Yes. I called you Bro.
Because we are bros.
And you know what they say: bros before girl…

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@KennyLeys @Syr00p Soooo… is peer pressure still a thing?

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The only reason I made so many YouTube videos this year (and why I made such an effort to have them stand out) was…

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Since I became an absolute youtube nerd in 2019, I’m sure someone out there, has taken up the gauntlet laid down by…

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@Doomhammer76 Just lettin’ you ladies know that Jorge’s relationship status has just changed to “single”. 😉

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Unpopular opinion: I liked the YouTube 2018 Rewind.

I’m saying that after I saw the 2019 version. I did like how the 2019 started tho. 😅

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@seancannell This simple video that only took a few minutes of recording and editing actually got me (relatively) a…

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I read 3 articles today.
It took me about 10 minutes in total.
I now remember why I stopped reading articles.

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Jay-Z is back on Spotify! Looks like I know what I’m gonna be listening to in the next couple of days ❤️

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@paintedblack Wat een mooi tribuut naar McLaren en hun piloten. Wat een heerlijke poster om het jaar af te sluiten.…

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RT @Dannmace: Reminder!:
you’re awesome
you’re awesome
you’re awesome
you’re awesome
you’re awesome
you’re awesome
you’re awesome
you’re aw…

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@Gubrach @wbuxtonofficial That is pretty much the ONLY way, I’d not be terribly sad to see Seb walk way. Would also…

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@Dinalli @wbuxtonofficial I said that very phrase a few days ago. But by that, I meant he’d give it his all one las…

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Posted 2 very similar videos that I shared on the same platforms in the same ways. Yet one of them got a lot more v…

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