The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

October 2015

Another example of “execution matters”. Powered by @CaseyNeistat - Aladdin in real life.

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@dalekjs Hey guys! Loving Dalek so far. Looks promising. Is there a way to scroll? (for for lazy-loading behaviour tests). Thanks!

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Did anybody notice the changing favicon when you pause a video on Vimeo? Pretty cool!

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Is there really no way of playing all the music in the ‘Top songs’ list at once (without queueing them one by

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Nice write-up about z-index stacking. Very interesting if you ever used z-index: 9999999…

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Wait, what? LocalStorage in Safari private mode is disabled? What the hell, Apple? Just clear it when the user closes the window…

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@lab9be Wanneer verwachten jullie de nieuwe Apple TV in de stores?

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I either have grown up to become a huge decadent fuck or this hotel is every bit as bad as I think it is…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Bussy-Saint-Georges, Ile-de-France

@boskabout ik denk dat de auteur van dat artikel zelf niet zo goed in seks is waardoor ze het als “terrible” ervaart…

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RT @hannes_bhc: Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat Promote New Anti-Bullying Emoji

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I guess this means the weekend starts earlyâ€

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People always ask me why I feel so attracted to Dubai… This is why: Dubai is one huge skateplaza.

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A dude with bad teeth who looked like a lot of fun to hang out with but also the person whose death surprised no one.

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Hot drinks love cool people. True story. @ Pauzo Wetteren

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This site is so brilliant, it’s beyond mecapslockday.com3a4r

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Flat design in a car… What could possibly go wrong?

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PopSci Happy ‘Back to the Future’ Day!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:46 AM, Oct 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Today is the day: Marty and the Doc arrive in the future, which today becomes the present.

How cool is that? We are the future.

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Guys, he’s almost here! MARTY AND THE DOC ARE COMING!


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zofie “Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you - Timothy Ferriss

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:49 PM, Oct 18th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Everybody seems to be discussing Twitter’s future and whether we are nearing its end. Did something happen to Twitter last week?!

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RT @JamesBlunt: I get paid £00.0004499368 per stream. Beers are on me! Cheers @Spotify.

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8 years ago today, I bought my first Mac. The beginning of a brilliant adventure.

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Today was a day full of production issues. It’s always nice when things start unfucking themselves. It’s a nice feeling :)

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Finally got around putting our NYC art on the wall. This does not reduce the urge to move out thereâ€

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Whatever productive last half hour of the day I was going to have, went to shit when I came across thisâ€cc.thenextweb.comFS

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What’s the difference between watching her and watching a sunrise? Nothing. They both take yourâ€

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I’m on a horse.

Not really but I really felt like referencing that quote again. I know you read it in his voice. Admit it.

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That radio broadcast where the DJ constantly interrupts the music because he really likes his own voiceâ€ne

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@prplps Timehop reminded you? Me too, just a few days ago ;)

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@davy_delbeke Dat zal op termijn wel komen denk ik. Ligt waarschijnlijk wat moeilijker door rechten, seizoenen, etc…

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I can’t believe people are still illegally downloading music when it’s so cheap & easily available legally…

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The first of my machines to get the treatment is the oldest one here! Still running Mountain Lion!

via Instagram

RT @Upskydown: This photo documentary about Fukushima is really good / interesting

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@iaroll That’s great to hear! I swear, I devote every moment I have to the project but I’m just overloaded with work & life right now.

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@iaroll Yes, I have been working on an update on and off for about a year now. Huge changes that should simplify updates in the future.

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RT @vercoutere: @noCreativity Less effort = more complaints, so it does kinda make sense! :D

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This guy! RT @SanderDbe: @noCreativity Less repeating “less is more” is more?

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@mikebeecham I totally agree but with simple quotes like that, the wrong people start to follow the advice that is clearly missing context.

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I am so tired of the words “less is more”.Stop repeating them all the time. Less effort means less quality. How is that “more” in ANY sense?

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I’m supposed to be working from home today. Right now, I’m still where I fell asleep last night. Which is the couch.

Get up, Ronny.

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I really liked this spot in NYC. Can’t wait to go back. @ New York, New York

via Instagram from Manhattan, NY

@mrTimp Tsss, I don’t like that negative vibe you’re putting out there! Old is just a shorter word for “experienced” ;)

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@mrTimp You’re getting old, dude ;) cheer up! The night is still young. ;)

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Anybody remember Ello?

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RT @joshuatopolsky: In 2013 in the US more preschoolers were shot to death than cops in the line of duty. Good morning. 

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Fixing bugs at insane speeds today! Number 4 is next and I haven’t even been working 4 hours today! I’m a bug-fixing maniac!

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Some pretty spectacular spots in there to do some cliff diving.

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Just checked out the default live-wallpapers that came with the new iPhone. That 3D Touch/live wallpaper thing is incredible!!

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@woutr_be yea, I love the live wallpaper concept already. But I just checked out the default ones: fabulous!!

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I’m a big fan of the design of the new iPhone boxes.

via Instagram

Went to the Apple Store today. Ever since I started losing weight, I’m all about fruit! @ Appleâ€

via Instagram from Lille, Nord-Pas-de-Calais

Talk about coincidence: 5, 7 and 8 years ago today, I went to get my hair cut! Shockingly interesting! Tell your friends to follow me.

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Can’t believe it’s been 4 years already since that day! /cc @miespaties #unstoppable #hpto

via iOS

Walking up to a door where it says “pull” and I push. Because I’m a fearless bastard.

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is finally here! That’s when Instagram overflows with awesome! Check out @boudewijndanser’s first shot!

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@thenerd_be Yup. Way too much. I just lost 2 weeks of progress on my diet… :(

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Estimation meeting. Not bad. @ de Persgroep Advertising

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Somebody defined a new process and documented it using this handy flowchart. I approve of this. @ deâ€

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Sometimes, not knowing what you get yourself into is not so bad.

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