Fascinating! RT @tweetsoutloud: Wow. Just wow. “@aneyeofsky: #ISS in front of the daytime Moon. http://t.co/rTN5YiIELpâ…
RT @peterc: The reality of being a programmer in animated GIF form: http://t.co/M4fhXHdc4b (via /r/ProgrammerHumor)
Just saw the red #likemyride car of @hannes_bhc in Kortrijk. Let me tell you, that’s one sexy machine.
@glenndavid thanks om mijn mening te bevestigen. Ik was gisteren knal hetzelfde aan het denken.
Totally supporting this!!
Happy #DontBeADickDay! (Via @aral)
I wonder how many people know that @deadmau5 used to go by the name Halcyon441 and was part of the XeoFreestyle team. http://t.co/Mk1exH65g1
@Kat_InTheCradle Een typische naam gekozen door ouders die hun kind al haatten voor het geboren was ;)
Well, I finally got all the pieces together to make this thing work. That’s amazing.
If the latency on this experiment is ok, I might just have cracked the project I have been wanting to do for several years.
@tonylukasavage you forgot the “insta + [word]” and “[word] + stagram” variations. Also being used for apps.
@glenndavid I rather don’t. My beloved drone has no business getting attacked by a freak-out lightning strike ;)
Brilliant. RT @benDesigning: http://t.co/YWY3unSEur an economic look at how to define your freelance rates
Well, that loud bang was a clear indication of a lightning strike that was way too close to be comfortable. Scared the crap out of me.

Oh Nieuwpoort. You so pretty. @ Nieuwpoort instagram.com/p/cNCGp-t5aa/
8:30AM. Logging off.
I forgot how much fun it is to work at night. One can be so much more productive at nighttime…

Lovely car standing in front of out apartment. pic.twitter.com/gULS7eOGs5
Another day, another boatload of work done!! Good feeling.
When it’s 5AM and code still makes sense to you, it’s still time to call it a day. Time to go watch that sunrise and hit the hay.
So. Much. Source. Code.
Todo: Must organize my stuff.

I’m guessing spamâpic.twitter.com/i5cS3g7qGy7qGy
And I’m pretty sure the rate at which iPhone-screens would break would go up dramatically.
Great design is about focus. This is a showcase of distraction. Not to mention the lack of padding around the screen. http://t.co/mdC54xqxSs
Define: life. RT @lemonfeed:”Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely…” bit.ly/129oKKu
Yes please. http://t.co/DzjH72BlbN
Yea baby!! t.imehop.com/17sisUi
Define: 1 billion dollar.

Haha, true story! RT @bit101: pic.twitter.com/kpWKjoo97P
Another typical ‘I can’t believe this is working’-moment in a crazy project. So close to cracking this!
@aral The whole UI doesn’t come natural to me anymore. I feel that someone in Cupertino forces me to ‘see an invisible button’.
@aral The real problem with that flat-design / no-skeuomorphism approach is that it has become ‘just text’. Nothing to ‘grab’/‘touch’.
@mrchrisallen this site has just launched in Belgium and really lives off the @vineapp concept and power ;) flandersinseconds.com
@BramDevr I might just be a bit older then :p
@BramDevr Have you not heard about Adobe buying Macromedia a few years ago? :p that was big :p
@BramDevr Dropbox is valuated at about 4 billion dollar. Facebook’s pockets are deep enough, don’t you worry ;)
So @maxvoltar is leaving Facebook and joining @Dropbox. How long before Facebook considers buying them too, to get Tim back? ;)
Anybody else thinks that Apple’s new Logic Pro X looks fantabulous? Skeuomorphism all over the place! Beautiful! Loving it!!
This man is a underrated social media genius. RT @hannes_bhc: Video: LIKE MY RIDE - PART 1! #likemyride #mercedes http://t.co/YrVPw4C0Ij
@beeple how much time do you spend per day to create your daily project? It all looks so great!!
Well, I just learned a whole lot of stuff about Zend. Running into strange errors is awesome!

Called it: people didn’t know what they were asking for when screaming “FLAT!!”. RT @WouterDS: Wtf! Newsstand in iOS7 pic.twitter.com/lfzhF6fq86

New shirt, new glasses. I’m blue da-da-dee-da-dum-daaa… @ Residentie Awesome instagram.com/p/bva46TN5d_/
@tonylukasavage I know, right!? That’s exactly what I thought!!
@tonylukasavage Reliable as in ‘no data is loss’.I tried a simple approach (json_encode - json_decode) but there’s dataloss in the process.
@BramDevr Yes, runtime conversion :) (I already tried $json = json_decode(json_encode($xml,TRUE),TRUE); but that doesn’t always work)
Damn, dealing with XML in PHP seems to be a real mess. Is there no reliable way to quickly turn XML into JSON?

Looks like I’m supporting the local skateshop today! #kortrijk pic.twitter.com/Fxf7CZ44al

If that doesn’t tell you anything, then I give up. R@marcedwardsds: Design trends as 3D objectsi.imgur.com/zfgIFV8.giflo
The power of the internet: Totally awesome! (Read the entire thing)
That was a nice little HTML5 History API project! I totally love the result! (Might share this if it looks less awful ;) )
I KNOW! That’s why I closed this notification multiple times today! I don’t have time for this!!
@glenndavid @lyntje Uitpakken en vliegen. GoPro aanhangen is mogelijk maar vereist wat plakband en goede vliegreflexen ;)
@lyntje @glenndavid 50m uit de lucht gevallen zonder hull: 1 tandwiel kapot.Hull is aan elkaar te plakken.Vermijd water en honden en tis ok.
@glenndavid Quad rainbow explosions. Zeker als ge der een RC remote aan hangt ;) Infinite fun. En niet kapot te krijgen ;)

Hell yea! I can see it! Therefor it has seen me!! At least that’s what I hope :) #googlestreetview pic.twitter.com/xbmwRcR8CP
Definitely time to visit Paris again: bit.ly/1aYbXxd
Westende. Magical spot. RT @robinwauters: Beautiful pic â@YoungCrazyFoolol: Lonely buoy part II @ Westende StranInstagram.com/p/bjsOxomzJZ/ggâ€
That would be awesome! RT @verge: Apple reportedly testing slow-motion camera for future iPhone vrge.co/12pi0BG

lievenscheire True that. xkcd.com/1235 pic.twitter.com/T8sx1pDERp
@davy_delbeke Was er nie overdreven impressed van. @mobilevikingsBE is betere waarde voor je geld.
I love this icon. It’s so beautifully craftedbit.ly/12c5biBu5

Some part of me really misses life at the beach. @ Nieuwpoort Strand instagram.com/p/bcQlwzt5ZV/
I’m guessing it’s time to disable moderation-less comments again. http://t.co/XDemEhDrtb
We went to see World War Z. Not a movie to go to if you dislike zombie stuff. Just a heads up for some of you ;)

Breadcrumbs always lead the way. @ Evolis instagram.com/p/bZQ7Bwt5f6/
HOLY SHIT! When I turn 56, I wanna be that guy!! http://t.co/vIMvtZ3952
Nature can be brutal and cruel and at the same time unbelievably beautiful. bit.ly/12qXGk9
API’s are cool.
Just stating the obvious here.
pietereer There is so much great content online that anyone could just achieve anything. You can just learn anything for free. How awesome is that!

Seriously, who came up with the great idea of drawing an upside-down penis on that truck? pic.twitter.com/6T1DceaXc5
I always wondered how the ‘Your move, BMW’ - ‘Checkmate.’ - billboard-war turned out. Now we know. http://t.co/7kEdwIyYmM
Hearing about some of your ex-colleagues getting fired. Pretty devastating…

AFP #PHOTO: Egyptian protestors direct laser lights on a military helicopter flying over the presidential palace in Cairo pic.twitter.com/FtNVpCgOAg