Seems like I did quite a few quick fixes tonight… Happy times. Now off to bed. First day at work tomorrow. Looking forward to it :)
Dad is preparing dinner. Didn’t feel at home like this since I went to centerparks with @LadyElena and her family, last year.
Kinda set up my room here, and I already realized the first thing I forgot…
Waiting for dad to arrive. Moving all my stuff to Westende today. Let’s hope I didn’t forget anything important… Where’s my head at?
Updating my music collection on my macbook. Since I’m gonna leave Kortrijk for 6 weeks I’d love to have my music on my MB as well…
Getting my stuff ready to leave Kortrijk for a few weeks.
Heading to school for some feedback on my results.
Off to bed after a great bbq evening. Night everybody!
“je moedje mull’ oedn” is het resultaat van de alcohol. Goe bezig!
The chef is preparing our food!
The weather is great to have a BBQ
Leaving for the barbecue. Kinda looking forward to it.
I shouldn’t be complaining, so I’m not… (but daaaamn! It’s hot in here!)
something about that cocktail wasn’t as it was supposed to be… feel kinda ill…
So who of you guys is on Xbox live?
Time to stop making fun of me. kthxbai :(
@byDust So you ‘lost’ that data for nothing. That’s just great. :p
@byDust Get a mac? (no format, no restore, no dataloss in almost 2 years, and this machine is still running fine :p )
ran 2.67 km @ a 06:18/km pace with Nike+ on 06/28/2009 (run time: 16:50) #nikeplus
Weather in Kortrijk is still pretty nice. Will go out for a short run :)
@joristimmerman Enig idee of er goede controle is op je laptop wat je wel en niet afhaalt via deze verbinding? (auto-updates etc)(osx)
Out for dinner with @LadyElena
Going to see Transformers 2 with @LadyElena and @code_is_art
@byDust I listened to “Black & White” earlier today ;) Love that track :)
Cultural event in the city. Guess who’s the main inspiration of the day…
Thinking about writing rather large blogpost about user experience.
Watching those old Jackson videos again makes me remember why he was That Hero…
Okay, seeing the iPhone 3G S video recording in actions clarifies why Apple said the iPhone 3G isn’t video-ready: 3G S Quality == amazing!
Micheal Jackson is rocking the streets.
“FUCK YEA!!!!!” and “WHAT THE-?!” has never been more appropriate than today.
“Welcome to Belgium. Due to an accident this train will be delayed.” Home sweet home.
I still can’t believe he’s gone. He was one those people that aren’t supposed to die…
@glamorous_be De rest van de wereld lijkt er momenteel anders over te denken… Vraag is nu of het correct is of niet…
Man, I remember dancing to his songs when I was a kid… Hearing this news all of a sudden really creeps me out…
I can’t believe the King is dead … This is like… Impossible.. :s
Hi guys, I’m back! And I brought you guys a gift: @LadyElena is back too ( happy!!!)
Boarded and ready to take off. See you guys back in Belgium
Passed security at the Copenhagen airport. Checking out the tax free shops before having dinner
Waiting for the bus. We’re going to take a trip around the city.
Last day on Copenhagen. We’re in a diesel shop. I’m giving fashion advice to @LadyElena and I rock at it.
Anybody experienced with vBulletin knows if there’s a “Add this topic to my favorites”-plugin out there? (vB 3.8.x)
Het populaire westende
Waiting another 20 min’s before waking up @LadyElena again…
Back in our room. Resting for an hour, before heading out for dinner (and stuff)
@HoFa Tis ier zeer tof! Ben eigelijk zelf ook positief verrast! Al kijk ik wel weer uit naar mijn geliefde Kortrijk ;) Tot binnenkort!
Having a drink at the trainstation/shoppingcenter before heading back to Copenhagen.
65 funny traffic signs (seen in Copenhagen)
For a long time I thought I’d love to live in a big city. Now I’m sure. I’m made to live in a city that never sleeps. I love this.
I could stay here all night long taking pictures and shooting timelapses
Waiting for @LadyElena to be ready to head out for dinner. Resizing picta’s in the meantime in order to put them on Flickr
Sitting at a little cafe. I start to realize we explored quite a bit of the city in the past 3 days.
That’s where having a small car in a big city pays off
How cool is that? They count the number of bikers passing by
You wouldn’t believe how people are dressing here… *shakes head*
Having a quite expensive coke. 6.4€ is about as crazy as it gets. I can get a cocktail for that back home.
Moved to another location for the following 3 days… Now off to Christiana, ‘the village of freedom’ (whatever that means)
Having breakfast and I realized I’ve got sunburned already.
Best ketchup ad I’ve seen yet
Back at the steakhouse with the giant cokes (and as it turned out: those are really just the regular ones… There’s still larger)
I have just seen the biggest fake boobs in my life. Why would anybody do that???
Sletten van Facebook
Taking a boat tour through Copenhagen.
Having lunch at a very nice place called Meyers Deli. Fresh croissants. It’s been years since I’ve had those
Having an iPhone really pays off right now.
Made it to the train. This where I start worrying about anything I may have forgotten.
@koenkivits Thx gast! :)
Just prepared a last little present for my girlfriend. I’m sure she’ll like it :)
Having dinner at Jensen’s steakhouse. The cokes are giant
Apparently the pilot survived. Travelling in the autopiloted metro. Strange.
Boarded. But daaamn! This thing is small!!!
Everything is ready. Let’s hope the pilot doesn’t die…
At security. The waiting line is making me nervous.
@bramzo Copenhagen :)
Yea, I figured that might be a little bit too comfy for not being 1st class
Updating to 3.0 and jailbreaking. Hoping all goes well. Need that phone the following days in Denmark…
Google should ban some sites from their search results for having too many ads… F%$*!ing annoying…
It seems like I’m in the active need of feeding myself. Let’s take care of that!
Flight’s checked in, seat’s chosen. Only thing I have to do tomorrow is to get up and make it to the airport in time…
It’s done, and we finished strong. First year of Devine went by extremely fast. Let’s hope all went good…
My stuff for the Dynamic Web presentation is set. I feel pretty confident, but i’m nervous anyway…
Watching this week’s #Diggnation episode… sponsored by Adobe. How weird is that..?
‘We index sites scripted with AS1/2’. What wrong with AS3?
Hitting the sack after all. More X360 exploring tomorrow… Night night all (and ‘good morning’ to some of you… )
Really liking the new X360 dashboard (yes, i only updated mine now… :p )
RT @lyntje: Allé hup, gratis duoticketje voor avant-première *Drag Me To Hell*! Retweet please!
making a checklist of stuff I shouldn’t forget to pack tomorrow
Shooting some pool with @byDust
Off to bed after all. Time for some sleeping… Denmark is coming closer… Really looking forward to it :)
I feel like I lost a blogpost… Weird…
@NeuroProd As simple as that, huh…? Thanks, man!
Interesting point made by a friend of mine: You can’t create AS3 based AIR apps in Flex. Only Flex based… Are we overlooking something?
@Robbedewilde I think every Belgian #diggnation fan would want that to happen. :D
Go kimberly!!! Frontpage of digg :D
That presentation went as expected… Let’s hope it was good enough…
Tweetdeck for iPhone looks cool but it crashed 3 times in 5 minutes. And it used about 40 api calls in the same time..
Since I really don’t like Tweetdeck (desktop) I wasn’t going to try the iPhone version, but seeing the screens makes me want to try anyway
Somebody will meet me in a very angry mood if they don’t resolve that issue asap…
Just sent out an important mail… Hoping this turns out better than expected…
Alles ivm sterretjes is nu grappig geworden… #kimberly
@crazyharmke @koenkivits Aub ;)
Vraagt zich af of Kimberly de frontpage van Digg zou halen…
Look at that! New haircut! I hope my girlfriend will recognize me saturday :)
@NtynMichiel My pleasure ;)
Cool, I’m looking at a new project and I really love where they are heading. Finally some innovative thinking, not just product promotion.
Off for a meeting for a new project.
Talk about a good night’s sleep. This was it.
Had a fun evening with @ChezFre. Off to bed now. First time i’ll get to sleep more than 5 hours in about a week… G’night.
@W0utR Contacteert eens de mannen van Flickr. Die zijn duidelijk nog nie up-to-date :p
@wouter mja, kvind da nogal hypocriet van die persoon. Kheb tenminste geprobeerd. Een mens moet zijn frustratie nu eenmaal kwijt!
Mij uitlachen als ik zeg da’k een buis heb, en zelf pro forma indien. Goe bezig… kortzichtigen idioot.
MAMP installation on my macbook is broken… great…
Installing that application on my macbook… Almost forgot about that…
@powerflasher Thx for the heads up ;) You shouldn’t post a working link to them though :p
RT @powerflasher: Warning! Do not use - they steal your account data. #twitter #scam
Apparently i got rid of the gmail headers in mail… Finally…
Starting the week with something most of you already know ;)
*duimen voor zijn meisje…*
Celebrating our masterpiece with a cocktail. Have to do some work after that though…
The @FlashFocus team kicked ass this weekend. Everybody worked really hard and we accomplished a lot!
RT @dimitrivh: i hate it when people who start following you have their updates protected… it should automatically be ‘unprotected’ …
It’s funny how coincidence and fate meet at some point
Arrived in Kortrijk. Preparing dinner while taking a look at my FlashFocus todolist.
“Ladies and gentlemen: this is the intercity train to Kortrijk. Our next stop is Bruges.”
Awake and kicking… no not really… But I’m getting up to speed
Off to bed. Dead tired, still a lot of work to do tomorrow. Going to be one hell of a run…
Fuck you telenet. Echt ik hoop dat er daar morgen iemand enorme pech heeft. Om maar niemand dood te wensen.
Here I am… at it again…
@savvasmalamas Too bad :( doesn’t work … bad iTunes :(
Q: I bought a song on iTunes (on my iMac). Is there a way to download that track from iTunes on my Macbook without paying for it?
I love my team! They rock so hard! This update is going to be so badass, and we’re only getting started!
Got to the train at the last minute. Leaving for westende. Need to get some stuff sorted before heading to denmark next week
Quick shower before heading to the trainstation
Ready to kick some email-ass!
Slowmotion stuff. I’m still using Zombie-mode…… is mine :)
@glamorous_be Blijkbaar nog nie goe wakker? :p Facebook username :p
@Joke Ik ben er 2 uur langer voor opgebleven :p
Watchin a movie, checking a lot of settings, waiting for 6AM
On my way to @code_is_art. Taking a break to have a few drinks
Testing testing testing…
Usergroups, forum permissions, access masks, … The fun just doesn’t stop…
Happy to have fixed that problem. Time for dinner.
There’s something fishy going on…
Hey, Murphy! GET THE FUCK OUT!
Not giving up is a BAD habit. Especially when you REALLY have to get some sleep…
Heading to bed… Migration is messing with our usergroups… That’s not nice!
Home after a walk out to the night shop. Why are night shops close at 3AM?? How is that ‘a night shop’??
Doing the last final steps before taking the site down, and migrating everything
On my way home. Thinking about all the hard work we’re facing tomorrow
Out to get a drink with @lyntje
That’s one big mess. Haven’t seen anything like that in my entire life. And guess who’s the one to clean it up…
So my macbook topcase broke… Happy to see Apple repairs those for free…
@lyntje stond duidelijk in de html comments :p
Zalige vacature page.… (via @Dauntless )
PIH studenten op Stubru! Big up for DAE en de docenten op de PIH :)
Let’s get going! Last preparations for the @FlashFocus update!
4 ‘WTF?’ moments during a Flex / AIR experiment:
My job is done for today. Off to bed…
Updating the FlashFocus Forums categories…
I couldn’t resist. I wrote a blogpost about that AIR experiment featuring a ‘WTF?!’ episode when I first saw Alchemy in full swing
It’s ready! Had a very productive night. Blogging my findings tomorrow. Now off to bed… Alarm clock is waking me in less than 4 hours…
intersting find: The AIR app can capture up to 21 frames per second (draw bitmap, encode to jpg, save to file). Nice!
So that 3 line hack did the trick. Let’s find a logo and finish this baby up!
So you can’t access the titleBar from outside the Panel class… There we go: that’s another hack for me… ‘return this.titleBar’…
Facebook fail:
So the results are in: AIR + Alchemy experiment: Drawing a bitmap(480x360), encoding it and saving it to disk: 15fps. Theoritcal max ±22fps
You wouldn’t believe what people would do for an iPhone…
Hmz… The average capture speed is about .06sec. The average frame speed is close to .08sec. That’s not good..
Hmz… Capturing at max speed makes the application hang… Let’s try to push it to 20 fps then… 10 fps just isn’t enough…
Had a little nap after the exam. Feel way better. Getting ready to head out for some shopping
@iamdesign Klinkt naar problemen. Hopelijk is het niet té erg…
I like the smell of fresh #fail in the morning
Getting ready… Actually I’m dead tired… Looking forward to sleeping a bit…
And that’s no sleep for me! Hurray for insomnia!
My team rocks so hard! Like you wouldn’t believe it!
Totally forgot about dinner
@MikeIsReal Hey man, that looks interesting! Definitely going to take a look at that! Thanks!
@savvasmalamas @zemah_ @Dauntless lol thanks you guys. Though about it myself only seconds later :p
Scratch that… (I just realized I can just write a file to the applicationStorageDirectory…) #thinkbeforeyouask #idiot
Is it possible to save settings in AIR without relying on a SQLite database?
Will try to add a ‘choose folder’ feature to my AIR app and then send it out for testing… People looking for a ‘Timelapse Photobooth’?
Poll: Online forum design: Fixed width or fluid?
My girl is booking our room for our stay in Denmark. Really looking forward to it!
@maeseele Lol, maar moet hij u die links nu nog sturen, of is’t zinloos? (Nie op letten, hij is nogal een verward typetje ;) )
To be honest: I’d love to announce the coming @FlashFocus update using a cheap Apple rip-off: “Rebuilt, restyled, re-everythinged”
Scratch that. Weather WAS beautiful. All kinds of clouds are appearing all of a sudden :(
Going out for lunch. Weather is beautiful. <3
RT @FlashFocus: FlashFocus voorziet downtime van 12 tot uiterlijk 14 juni!
Off to bed. Dead tired after a long day.
Writing a ‘scheduled downtime announcement’. Exciting!
Writing a few articles at a time, uploading profile pics, updating profiles, removing profiles… I’m unstoppable!
Waiting for a FlashFocus teammember to respond… If he confirms, we’ll have our hands full the coming days! So exciting!
@joristimmerman @Robbedewilde yea… Price isn’t right though… Unless it will be 199€ in Belgium. That will probably the final push… :p
@LadyElena No way I’m buying that. Not without better batteries :p
30 minutes to go guys… You better got some intresting ‘one more thing’…
That fat guy is really funny as hell. Should have his own Saturday night show :D
You should watch this guy: He’s AMAZING! Funny as hell
@Kryptonate Juist, ze zijn dermee gestopt. I remember. Any clue waarom?