Had a lovely talk with @bart_chanet. On a boat.
On a freakin’ office-boat. Awesome much!?
Massive Attack. Teardrop.
The vegetable remix.
I once wrote how being able to code made me feel like a god. It’s pretty cool to see this become a trend! http://t.co/7OhLYySrDm
Can’t wait for the weather to get better again. I want to pick up skateboarding again.
Remember the days when you would just have put a game in the console and play it? You know, without millions of updates and stuff.
I’ve got mail. From Apple. http://t.co/lSNdOqhsIT
The only appeal I could actually see in an Apple TV set is the fact that you can directly Airplay to it instead of to the “little cube”.
Found a nice little gem in my voice memo’s. it’s a recording from several years ago. What a ridiculous conversation that was…
I love the little details added to @tweetbot! Looking a bit fresher. Cool!
Sooo… My girlfriend is researching the Valentine chocolates I gave her on the internet before eating them instead of *just eating* them.Yea…
I’m so bored, I actually started reading a book. Being sick is boring. Whoever invented this is on my list.
@whatpulse Hey guys. You have a grammar mistake in the app. “If… then…” but “more than”. ;) http://t.co/tbdEb9qgLS
A quick project by @devine_howest students.9 days production time.
Steps to follow
1: watch http://t.co/RC3LmhPzsP
2: hire them.
3: profit!
Just picked up my laptop for the first time in 4 days. I’m marveling by the feeling of a keyboard. I actually missed this.
Sony announced the PS4 without showing the product, prices or release dates.
I’m just going out on a limb here and say that we knew that.
I remember reading “Apple isn’t doing well†some time ago. RT @TUAW: iPhone 5, 4S top selling smartphones worldwide http://t.co/IzOIcklv
It’s the little things. @ Residentie Awesome http://t.co/0c0QdPza
I’ve been sitting in our couch the past few days, staring at this building. It’s starting to annoy me. http://t.co/9U5nnzPC
I have a fever at 3 degrees more than the average body temperature. I feel like utter crap. That just shows how fragile the human body is.
You can’t tell a hacker “he lost it”. They don’t change. They either stay sharp or they get sloppy. But they don’t change.
There are actually no words that can say just how amazing this 3D work really is.
Took me a while but I finally got my iTunes Library organised again. Bye @Spotify. It was great while it lasted.
Damn you, insomnia! Look what you did to me! @ Residentie Awesome http://t.co/GLnqk1Fu
@swb1192 @WouterDS True, but “Facebook employees almost became hacking entry point†summarizes it pretty accurately ;)
@swb1192 @WouterDS Of course and I’m glad it’s being reported. But I don’t particularly enjoy the misleading headlines.
@swb1192 @WouterDS via another way than security flaws in the primary website they wanted to attack. So there’s a lot of potential danger.
@swb1192 @WouterDS because it was a pretty elaborate workaround: getting malware on a computer inside the company’s network to get access…
Oh, mainstream media. You’re so pitiful.
Headline: Facebook hacked
Facts: Engineers’ laptops infected with malware.
That’s not the same.
@BrunoByttebier *high five*
@BrunoByttebier Alles wat je zegt, ben je zelf.
@BrunoByttebier Nee want mijn ‘ontbijt’ (dat bestond uit lekkere spaghetti; Thanks @lyntje) ligt nog wa op mijn maag ;)
@BrunoByttebier Heb in de laatste 24u wellicht 16u geslapen… Laatst om 19u denk ik :p
What the!? RT: @prplps: What is that weird video hidden in the DOM of http://t.co/l1IzVbYj
Mobistar sent me an email to get a 500MB/month mobile subscription. I left them 2 years ago because 750/month wasn’t enough. What an insult.
Well, @ SaatchiBrussels did it again: an amazing story as a commercial for a suitcase. Brilliant. http://t.co/fnTLfFaV
ec_berlin FAIL = [F]irst [A]tempt [I]n [L]earning
How a brain works.. - In the past 5 years, I watched 10 seasons of Friends, 8 seasons of How I Met Your… http://t.co/FJWoHvmx
@benjamin_deleu Zalig!
This guy nailed it. Simplicity vs Sterility. RT @TheNextWeb: Apple design, Jony Ive and skeuomorphobia http://t.co/RSHavtE1 by @panzer
Better. Best. Ultimate.
Totally hacked some great features into this WP-admin. Loving the power of this! And it’s looking mighty slick too! Yeah baby!
@WouterDS Ik zit hier idd ;)
Wordpress API, JavaScript and jQuery. It is the undefeated combo of hacking fun.
@WouterDS Ik overdrijf graag en veel, maar de vorige site naar de huidige is echt onaangenaam… Ik hoop dat de lib zelf deftig blijft…
Oh my lord… I just saw the new jQuery site… Did 1982 throw up on it?
9GAG Oh your account is protected? What the fuck do you tweet? Nuclear launch codes?
How to park like a complete asshole? This guy has the move completely down. http://t.co/8MHGz5Eq
RT @MarkVekemans: Best Pantone meme you’ll ever see? We think so! http://t.co/sNUjS3gx #GFX #PurpleRain
This runs smoothly on my iPhone. Damn :/ RT @flyosity: CSS 3D clouds. This is unbelievable. http://t.co/uNUs6ECe
Still makes me chuckle :) (via @timehop) http://t.co/rnQwYNVa
Spotify Radio does it again: Glitch Mob goodness. Loving this.
Lesson learned: Not all doctors were created equal.
I was searching for the Photoshop logo on Google. I almost didn’t find it. http://t.co/sKM5t4Gr
Way better. RT @daringfireball: Android Fragmentation as a Security Problem: http://t.co/oGMmRiGb
Always remember to rebuild your .htaccess file when adding new custom post types in Wordpress in order to avoid strange 404 errors. #ugh
Hacking Wordpress like a mad man! I forgot how much fun Wordpress is :)
oising Dev: “It works on my machine, just not on the server.” Me: “Ok, backup your mail. We’re putting your laptop into production.”
It’s F1; a multi-million dollar sport and yet the BBC knows how to tell a mesmerizing story. Magnificent.http://t.co/kzYFjZsE
Let’s fund another kickstarter project: A Death Star! http://t.co/5h7r4dSz
Cool! Libratone speakers are updated to have DLNA support, thus not making it an Apple/Airplay-only device anymore. Great move!
@jeroen_algoet Ah! Choco met stutjes! Breakfast for champions!
@jeroen_algoet de geur die daaronder schuilt maakt wel alles weer goe eh ;)
MALTESER-TIME!! RT: @davykestens: Ok. This is pretty awesome. @nocreativity @lyntje http://t.co/dGqfJUUK
@BramDevr Ik weiger van naar mijn ‘sarcasme’-bordje te wijzen. :p
I’m not entirely sure this whole Facebook Graph Search thing is ready yet… http://t.co/az4OgyTi
There really is nothing interesting about being sick at home… On your day off.
@BrunoByttebier @techzor ga slapen gast ;)
Cool! @ShazamApp just started following me. If I sing a song, will it recognize it? ;)
Taaaa tuh-tatata taaaaah tuh-ta ta taaaah… ;)
The mystical sounds you have dreaded to hear for so many years have finally been unmystified! http://t.co/V021EhlV
Nee @Telenet: *jullie* hebben problemen. Jullie klanten dragen de gevolgen daarvan.
gmc Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas Edison
@WouterDS Thank god dat ik in Kortrijk woon dus ;)
Everybody in Flanders is tweeting that @telenet internet is down. It goes to show just how ubiquitous mobile internet is these days.
“GayChat_PL is now following your blog”.
I don’t know what to say to that.
What Linds Redding thought me about the Overnight Test. http://t.co/jb1GMXls
“They didn’t do well in Q1.”
RT @RedmondPie: Apple Is Now The Top Phone Vendor In U.S. http://t.co/uD3iBXXc
Boom!! RT @wouter: committed the @LeapMotion AIR Native Extension to https://t.co/mzuCGRWK […]
“Flight” is a great movie. I’m blown away. What a great performance.