Updated OSX. Now the search in Finder is broken. How the fuck is there a bug in *every* release!?
Just finished the structure on what must have been THE most challenging website header I’ve done in the past 6 months…
Don’t you just love it when a webdesigner picks a font without any regard to its availability as a webfont…
Whoa, @SlackHQ has change the layout of their integrations panel. Very nice! Good job, guys!
@mikebeecham really?! But you rock?! ;)
@mikebeecham yea but you’re not your average designer (at least in my book).Developers have a harder time setting themselves apart (I think)
@mikebeecham I usually take 30% up front. Some clients still frown upon that.
@mikebeecham 50% up front. Not sure if I could get away with that here.
@boagworld I think it works for informal uses (much like we do online) and depends on if you’d like to emphasize something.
@mikebeecham i would consider moving to a similar type of approach. I can’t believe the balls on these guys.
I’m seriously going to charge clients for pulling shit like this. “We’ll pay the invoice next weekâ€. Due date was last Friday.
miespaties Important message vine.co/v/OMg15M2qda9
I’ve got to be honest: I can’t understand how people can get fired for being gay. How does that make sense? My mind can’t bend that way.
It’s 2014:We put robots on Mars in spectacular fashion,have ultra thin tiny computerphones and self-driving cars…Future! Let people be gay!
I still can’t believe people like Tim Cook have to publicly acknowledge that they’re gay so others aren’t afraid to do so as well… Shame.
@helloimtom @m3tropoly not really. As long as you got a stable internet connection and can rock some frontend, you’re in the green ;)
@glenndavid @m3tropoly Make sure you’ll do it in English. UK based company ;)
I’m leavin@m3tropolyly soon and we’re looking for a kickass freelance WordPress & frontend developer to fill my position. Are you our guy?
m3tropoly On the lookout for an awesome front-end and Wordpress dev!
RT @iamdevloper: I guess you guys aren’t ready for Angular 2.0 yet…but your kids are gonna love it.
@davy_delbeke Was ook mijn gedacht. We gaan zien wat er gebeurt nu met die hype over wearables…
While everybody is getting an Apple Watch, I went for a Nike FuelBand. Let’s do more!! sparkcamera.com/v/mQlKa2Mfp5
Just demo’d my new Grunt-setup t@Deminoodlele who got more excited by the minute.I truly love programming.It enables me to create happiness.
My life is an email inbox.
Building what must be the most insane grunt-setup ‘quickstart’ feature ever. Totally brilliant, I might add.
@miespaties nothing spectacular. Just important decisions ;)
@Telenet Ok, thanks! Enig idee wanneer we een oplossing kunnen verwachten?
@Telenet Done, thanks!
@Telenet Geen internet in Harelbeke. Enig idee wat er aan de hand is? Als zelfstandige webdev is dat namelijk een ferm probleem.
RT @mikko: Exactly 45 years ago, on October 29, 1969, The first link is established on ARPANET — the precursor to the Internet. http://t.co…
Looks like the HTML5 spec has been finalized. Just in time. Now we can finally get rid of all those Flash sites… Wait a minute…!!!
We just booked 2 1st class TGV return tickets to Paris for 112€. Holy crap, what a bargain!
Big career decisions. It’s been s while since I had to make those. I forgot how easy it is to completely go nuts over these things.
@MurtenSaerbi I’m not even gonna… *goes crying into a corner*
WouterDS @Ultimedia @noCreativity because someone was lazy
@Ultimedia The horror indeed.
@Ultimedia I assume you refer to burger-icon-menu’s?
Jesus, Kris… You’re freaking crazy!@NeuroProdProd: [Blog post] Made myself a 6-axis robot bit.ly/1v9NvycVpic.twitter.com/P4kPfFZyhJZyhJ
@warrebuysse Must follow your example! :D
@MurtenSaerbi Oh you poor, man. Wanna switch for my office in Harelbeke? Maybe you’ll prefer it here? :p
Dear clients: I met your deadline. Please meet my invoice’s due date as well… or I’ll start ignoring your deadlines just as much.
It’s a day full of frontend and WordPress work. I couldn’t be more relaxed. Well, I could but for that I’d need to be in the south of Spain.
I love the @ideo Spark app. It’s just a shame it’s limited to 45 seconds and has no upload to YouTube. ;(
@SyrmoSkate exciting! Good luck!
@SyrmoSkate Hi guys, is there any news on when the Syrmo will be available for purchase?
hollandben ng-click - “oh cool, you’re using Angular”
onclick - “WTF YOU DOING MAN!!!”
Note to self: You can’t try to export a 7555x4250 image “for web†and expect Photoshop not to hang.
Nothing like turning the volume up to the max and starting a new project! Have a good Monday, everybody!
It took 19h35min to complete this render. 7555 x 4250. Really huge with LOTS of reflections… But it looks surreal.
@tonylukasavage I have never used the shorthand version. Not sure why. Something about it just makes my brain itch.
RT @MichaelSteeber: History Lesson:
996 â°
1388 ⌛ï¸
1605 🔰
1826 🔷
1841 💡
1876 ☎ï¸
1888 🎥
1899 🔦
1904 🔻
1910 🎧
1925 🔺
1962 🔟
1964 ðŸ”
1965 💻
Sadness. Everywhere. RT @tonylukasavage: Flat all the things. #yosemite
Detail crop from a huge render I’m currently doing. It’s been a while#cinema4dmpic.twitter.com/rcNGrxuAmyuAmy
You know you’ve stepped up your game when something that once seemed so far out of reach suddenly seems unfinished and cheap.
About 4 years ago, I got the tooth fixed that I broke while skateboarding when I was a kid. About 5 minutes ago, it broke again. Meh.
This is cool! RT @richnosworthy: Boom done! Stole everyone’s blue tak, sorry!#100daysnzninstagram.com/p/ujVFgxvuJZ/t1
@mikebeecham But seriously: I’m wondering how they plan to make money. Or at least sustain themselves. They can’t rely on VC’s forever.
mikebeecham @noCreativity VC investors want their slice of the cake. The slices are taken by selling the cake off when it’s made enough money!
@mikebeecham I know. That’s exactly why I don’t understand how they plan to get out of it AND why people believe Ello is the next coming…
Can’t believe that Ello took another 5.5M in investments. What? You think those guys don’t want their money back someday?
People are really going crazy over this crowd-simulation video that’s going around. I’m not sure I understand why…
Holy crap on a cracker! I still have a WordPress install around that looks like this! pic.twitter.com/B34yZ7Sa5t
Obligatory photo of the new company T-shirt. instagram.com/p/udaGqZt5SV/
RT @iamdevloper: shoutout to people who are still rocking the astronaut-helmet Twitter avatar
darylginn How I use todo apps:
1. Write some todos.
2. Never open the app again.
3. Delete app.
Doing some freakishly awesome work for @katharinahaeb’s new site! This is going to be spectacular!
RT @NathanJY: *Sat in Hangout*
All team is talking in Dutch and I’m just like: ‘hallo 💀’
Some people are still suggesting iPhone needs Flash Player. It’s 2014, guys. Time to move on.
Some of you might think the Matrix isn’t real but I met Trinity today. And she was very real. #FACTS instagram.com/p/uWPVu2N5Xr/
Bought the mother of all T-shirts at #FACTS today. Yes, my wardrobe is now Geek-certified. instagram.com/p/uV_dN6t5SL/
Playing with Fragment. Pretty cool. //Made with #fragmentapp instagram.com/p/uTcvsUt5ZI/
Went for a bike ride. First one in 3 years. I forgot how much fun biking is :)
You, Sir, are not wrong. RT @tiijay: @noCreativity and how fast the wifi is!
miespaties Hi peeps @SWAntwerp please fill out this 5 min. survey about your #unusedkilos unusedkilos.typeform.com/to/s5uVY5 #swantwerp RT if pressed for time ;)
Proof that you were there seems to be becoming more important than actually ‘being in the moment’. Really scary and sad at the same time…
I used to go to a bar because they had the best cocktails.
People now go to bars based on how nice its photo on Instragram will look.
Found this gem right around where we live. Beautiful place to switch off. instagram.com/p/uSvZuLt5dg/
miespaties Just pitched my Unused Kilos idea during #SWantwerp. Business people & prototypers: I need you!
Holy shit! Eminem turns 42 today?! Damn! Happy birthday, Marshall.
gdemey @noCreativity The price listed on the American Apple store does not include state tax, on the Belgian Store tax is included.
@gdemey thx! Very enlightening. :)
3: Why is the 5K iMac 600+€ more expensive in Europe than it is in the US? 4/pic.twitter.com/E9sicRr1lUlU
2: The 4K Sharp monitor option is not available on the US store site. 3/4
1: Buying a 5K iMac is cheaper than buying the 4K Sharp additional screen that comes with the options. 2/4
A few interesting findings I just made on the Apple website. 1/4
Not sure why Porsche or Mobil1 decided to go with a bull but it its cool nonetheless. vimeo.com/108874863
I just noticed @engadget has a scroll-aware URL while reading this article… Pretty cool actually :D http://t.co/07SnJzqGsF
This guy has written ‘Trasher’ written all over him. DAMN. http://t.co/5DHxs07T8R
Now you know. RT @notlion: Devs upgrading to Yosemite; take note: https://t.co/CIcPVvdxE6
@bertiecorrie There’s a 45 bedroom/45 bathroom one in there as well. In Belgium.
This just goes to show how ridiculous prices of housing in cities like New York are… http://t.co/k58oDgUGxH
@mikebeecham But you’re not working on Plex anymore? So what are you up to now? Anything I might have seen?
It seems Mac Mini Server has disappeared?
@mikebeecham Dude, I remember seeing this and being releaved that I’d found a replacement for FrontRow on the Mac :D Love it! Respect!
@mikebeecham Really? This one? pic.twitter.com/j0C1Fr2tCF
@mikebeecham I only use my iPad to airplay video’s from my Plex Media Center to my Apple TV. If I had to buy a new one, I’d go with a mini.
@mikebeecham I’m not buying a new iPad. I still have an iPad 3 from release day which I almost don’t use. Good waste of money. :p
Btw: for those of you ordering the new iPad Air: DO NOT put them into your pockets. Sitting down with iPad AIr in your pockets WILL bend it.
First times for everything. pic.twitter.com/5YflHp6Bru
So I suspect 5K Thunderbolt Displays soon… Can’t wait for that to happen… NOT. I’m running 2 of those in tandem… My wallet just hung itself.
RT @woutlaban: If I had one dollar for every pixel… #AppleEvent
verge Apple’s new iPads let you switch wireless carriers without changing SIM cards theverge.com/e/6752736 pic.twitter.com/GLyJQUYToT
Apple really nailed this new iPad. That is what I want: my 10″ device to be 3mm thinner. What is it with this “thinâ€-thing?!?
Convenient. #apple
RT @iamdevloper: OH: “Wait, will they still be able to run the iOS app if they disable Objective-C?â€
While you guys were busy filtering your food, @NoPattern went out of his way to actually shoot some stunning photos instagram.com/nopattern
New Nexus phone isn’t dirt cheap. Wait, so you pay premium money for premium quality? Shocker.
verge Every episode of #Friends is coming to #Netflix in the USA and Canada on January 1st theverge.com/e/6746382 pic.twitter.com/xodb9M3Iy5
@quaplek @sourcetree Mine seems to be running fine (using it with Bitbucket repo’s) on OSX 10.9.5
iquilezles Mathimage (#webgl): trying some super cheap cosine based noise, and tubes / alien terrain: shadertoy.com/view/4sjXzG pic.twitter.com/5x5kQUL1fq
Wait, Nike has an iPhone app that emulates the Fuel Band but it’s only available in the US?! Well that sucks.
A rather productive day where a lot of beautiful code has been written. And yet nobody will ever know. We are the MIB of the web.
So you’re launching a new service and you call it ‘free’? I suspect your target audience has no attention span worth mentioning?
Every time I visit a site, I add ‘/wp-admin’ to the URL just to see if it’s a WordPress site. You’d be surprised how many times it is.
People are trying to sue Red Bull because their drinks “didn’t REALLY give them wingsâ€. Do we really want to go down that road?
@tekkie Wait what? You lost me :p
I wonder if Apple decided not to print the iPhone 6 artwork on the boxes because of ecological reasons (less ink) pic.twitter.com/ChYZFIzaWs
It’s getting closer! (Just 24 hours ago, that iPhone was still in Shenzen! Isn’t that amazingpic.twitter.com/yGWgD4KAJaKAJa
That is quite strange as I have never felt like that.I always wanted to do what I do as a job.Hence I became a developer. Backwards, right!?
It’s taken me several years but I’ve come to realize that I like 3D/motion graphics because I like it. Not because I want it to be my job.
If you think about it… cool!! RT@lievenscheirere: It certainly ispic.twitter.com/POlPo0kDU1U1
neurofuzzy This would be so much easier in @meteorjs.
This would be so much easier in @meteorjs.
This would be so much easier in @meteorjs.
So you use an unofficial app that uses a reverse engineered private API and now you blame the company that told you not to do it for a leak?
Why our 30 hour / week policy rocks. by @Deminoodle & @m3tropoly http://t.co/a0pueYu1L5
Current status: https://t.co/7lVZQ37itr
It’s a great time to be a skater and a student: @Adobe & @GirlSkateboards are offering 4 2-day paid internships!! http://t.co/pA1GK0QgKG
@issuus Gebruikt deze die nog altijd in jullie site staan ;)
And if I drop my phone into the water and it’s broken, itâ#watergategate? Wait a minute… I know that one…
You bend a device and when it stays that way, it’#bendgatete? So if I hit my iPhone with a hammer and it breaks it’#hammergategate?
Landing on a website and immediately analyzing their CSS for font-anti-aliasing. My job has ruined the interwebs for me :(
It’s thursday! Let’s finish this week with a bang!
@Telenet is er een mogelijkheid om het dag-tot-dag Whoppa data verbruik ergens te zien? Dat lijkt weg te zijn.
RT @IOArtFactory: Together with my friends at @m3tropoly we built Votr and it’s getting attention! http://t.co/S8ppOfMwky http://t.co/zlJgv…
Looks like Jony Ive told @craigmod what to write on Medium. And he did. Spot on. https://t.co/TfcmJFjgBC
@WouterDS Here’s the thing: That’s how I installed it a long long time ago… Then I updated Xcode and now it’s broken.
And of course Apple changed something with the GIT permissions on OSX as well with the latest Xcode update… I’m losing the will to code…
Congrats to the master! RT @beeple:Thanks! honored to be on the splash screen for the new version of After Effects!!1 pic.twitter.com/DND4hkD6fy
RT @IOArtFactory: Working on another great dashboard project. This time using Apple’s GSX API. http://t.co/NQp6dLaVci
RT @NathanJY: Check it out, something we helped develop launched yesterday: ‘Tinder for Politics’ — http://t.co/hMT1fYTJma
Moonlight. instagram.com/p/t1ZZyRt5df/
PicturesEarth Sunset and Fog over San Francisco pic.twitter.com/69DcqHViGj
Then again, I would have been MASSIVELY surprised if they pulled off a self-sustaining business without ads or VC investments at all.
Just read that Ello took venture capital… For a company claiming to ‘not sell your information’, they’re off to a poor start…
So who at Apple can I bill for the 2 hours I just lost cleaning up their mess? I’m serious: somebody give me an address.
I got up this morning and was in such a good mood. But then ‘computers’ happened and now it’s all to hell.
To all of you suggesting Terminal commands: I don’t care. What was wrong with the ‘web sharing’ option in the sharing tab!? Too easy!?
What the actual fuck, Apple. All of a sudden my Mac starts with built-in Apache running and no option to disable it?! pic.twitter.com/atbywtgjn4
Productive monday is productive.
Holy crap, Vettel leaving Red Bull and probably moving to Ferrari. Wow! Remember what happened the last time Ferrari employed a German? #F1
RT @pjetr: ik mag één iemand één gratis .be .nl of .eu domein geven van @versio_nl. #firstComeFirstServed
NeelieKroesEU One thing I learnt after 73 yrs in life: if you face a big challenge, you must confront it, not run away. Denial creates more pain not less
Many days and moons have gone by… Yet the table layouts are still there. Not so sssuper after all.
parislemon I take my sticker collections very seriously.
ohtucker Oh Siri! #swift pic.twitter.com/8tEwFUfasF
RT @prplps: Those “Popular on Twitter†emails are really stupid ðŸ˜
That was one hell of a productive day! I’m so rocking this ‘being on a roll’-thing. You could as well call it rock & roll! <insert rimshot>
mikko A Microsoft developer explains in a Reddit thread why Windows 10 is called Windows 10. pic.twitter.com/qJFi8yJEJg
RT @iamdevloper: Cypher checked in @ Zion 10 minutes ago via Swarm app.
“Cypher, what the shit man?!”
Ello? Is that still a thing?