Going out to take some pictures. I have to get that shot right
Figuring out what to have for dinner
@breakerforlife wtf? Deleteing posts because of that? Seems like a bad idea, tbh…
Checking out the Computer Programming courses of stanford ( http://tinyurl.com/dxffve )
That’s what I call sleeping in :)
That went better than expected
At the creative programming exam. The teachers are on a roll.
@breakerforlife Tis mijn kamer eh, niet den uwen :p Ik kan verstaan dat die zin er bij u anders uitziet :p
Cleaning up my room a bit…
I’ll miss her like crazy
Wondering if I should go out to take some pictures… Don’t really know where to go…
VACATION!! 9 days of immortality!
Off to take a shower over at @breakerforlife’s place
I already miss my girlfriend and she’s only gone for an hour… I won’t see her for 5 months now… Man…
Heading to the doctor with my results
Showing pedro around in kortrijk.
Back home…
Arrived at the hospital
Zonet voor Devine geblogd: wij verwelkomen Peter Elst op de Campus! http://www.devineforum.b…
Off to the doctor…
Is back home from a hell.vetica experience. Time to clean up my room :)
@glamorous_be Design Principles. It was horrible.
Off to the last (hard) exam (which I will probably fail)
So not looking forward to that examn… Having a bit of breakfast before leaving
Up & Running. Still not feeling too well…
Off to bed!
@newmovieclip Happy B-day man :) Have a good one ;)
Should be studying Design Principles. Helping out a friend with an AIR project instead.
Playr Listed on FlashFuck (what a perfect name ;) ): http://flashfuck.wordpre…
@joren Der zijn htc hacks daarvoor (ik gebruik da op mijn website. Al moet je dan wel die <img> tag gebruiken, ipv bg-image in css )
@joren IE6 blijft de bitch :D
@breakerforlife lol nee, gewoon goe gepresenteerd, en toffe docenten.
Is happy with the result :)
Waiting outside. Kinda wondering if being the last to present this project is a pro or a con…
@breakerforlife design principles
Getting ready to leave for my presentation. Let’s kick some #ss !!
@lucasjv Safari seems to be doing okay (but I don’t happen to use it on a regular base :p )
Will be presenting using Safari then… Hoping they won’t find out… *fingers crossed*
Okay, apparently there’s a glitch in Flash Player 10 for FIrefox. Can’t use my webcam on my Macbook, while I CAN use it on my iMac…
Just discovered a major glitch in my presentation…
@breakerforlife Da’s geen probleem. Da’s een uitdaging :p
I should be working… Yet I’m not… I feel guilty :(
@peterelst Works perfect here. Just took a look at the slides on your blog.
I just sent out a very strange mail… I hope this doesn’t turn out wrong :)
Creating business cards for FlashFocus
Introducing @LadyElena to her new task on FlashFocus
Having a bit of a stomach ache…
@LadyElena Goe plan!
@breakerforlife gezonder kerel, gij :D
@breakerforlife Goesting om naar’t frituur te gaan? :p
Thinking about dinner…
Adding some stuff to my Facebook profile
Getting some FlashFocus work done.
Mail inbox looks like a warzone. Let’s have lunch first then. One should not start working with an empty stomach!
Checking if it is true what they say about the internet…
@byDust Been there, failed that :(
@Steffest cool!! I’m glad it helped. :) good luck!
@Steffest BIj interesse: http://tinyurl.com/9twffc :)
@Steffest In .NET kan ik je niet veel hlepen :p Ik ben meer een Flash dude, maar daarmee had ik je wel kunnen helpen ;) Succes ermee :)
@Steffest Welke taal? (Sound analyze shit)
FT @mesh ActionScript 3 API Reference for iPhone : http://bit.ly/4mcSke (ill re-tweet and blog it on Monday) — Awesome!!
Out with @LadyElena for dinner
In the train. Tried to install windows seven in parralleles but it miserable failed. Buh
About to head to Kortrijk… Bad weather for going on a trip… :(
Did the laundry. Now chilling out while watching a movie.
@LadyElena Der is niets mis met Ice-Tea!
Reading some stuff… Really wanted to go out tonight…
Change of plans: Yen’s grandfather had a heartattack… :( Yen’s heading to Brussels to see him. I hope everything turns out okay.
Out for another trip with Yen. Going to take a look at his future car…
@spaceddaisy Idd. Ik zou nie weten welke loer ze me willen draaien, ik heb niets dat ze van me kunnen krijgen (huizen/geld) :p
@spaceddaisy nee, de dienst bevolking heeft dit al bevestigd.
I got a letter from a ( to me ) unknown girl: “Hi Ronny. I’m your sister”… I’m confused…
Out for a snack before heading over to yen
Made it to the street train just in time. I love traveling
On my way back to westende. First time in 2 months I’ll be home again.
Just had some dust stuck in my headphone jack. Kind of a big problem. Hope that won’t happen again.
is updating his music collection. A lot of stuff that can be trashcanned…
Hacking my way through PCSX2_PG… Will hopefully be playing GTA 3 later on tonight :)
Thinking about a redesign of noCreativity.com.
@byDust Then they should display the message (as they normally do) ‘This video has been removed because…’.
@erwinverdonk That might be right, but I seriously doubt that youtube has that kind of issues :p
Only because of the fact that they don’t offer their services to the world, but only specific countries.
@byDust I’m talking about youtube. Hulu.com and every other site out there like it should be banned from the internet. Plain simple.
@breakerforlife Da zou in 1ste instantie nie moeten nodig zijn. Het grote punt van het internet is dajje ongeacht je locatie overal aan kan
I always figured there were no ‘boundaries’ on the internet… Should be forbidden.
“This video is not available in your country”. I start seeing this message more and more. I don’t like it… What’s the point???
Livestream and stuff. Slept way too long…
Calling it a night
Experimenting with blend modes in photoshop in order to create this effect realtime in flash
Had a fun time with @byDust. Now some chilling time :)
Out to kick @byDust around the pool table
getting dinner
Helping out a friend of a friend… Some people are just plain retarded… No offence to nobody, but this is really terrible
Adobe killed my firefox!
Came home after an easy exam, only to find my girlfriend still in bed… good going…
@erwinverdonk thx man!!
Ready for the upcoming exam. Waiting.
having breakfast and waking up… or the other way around…
Calling it a night, and heading to bed…
Out for dinner.
In the shop. Queu is endless again
off to bed
Browsing through the top 25 in Itunes app store, running into @peterelst’s app. Feels kinda weird to run into you in a ‘place’ like this :p
Example sources of the Playr demos are now available: http://tinyurl.com/885pph
Wow! Checked out Depthcore for the fist time in years, only to discover very cool shit!
Allright: Allowed to listen to music while making my examen. Shameboy ftw!
off to school. About to master another exam. I’m quite confident :D
Woke up, had breakfast and read a mail from australia concerning a few Playr questions. Man I love the internet!
off to bed… nite nite
Getting dinner.
@breakerforlife Lol what happened?
Thinking if i should go out for a run…
Not in the mood to do anything…
Off to bed…
Unzipping… Experimenting… Cool stuff :D
Dinnerplace was closed! :(
Out for dinner with the girlfriend
@TheRhythm Yea, i’ve blogged that about a month ago :p
Blogged my webcam motion detection quest: http://tinyurl.com/8g54qd
Writing about webcam motion detection :)
Getting my head around SVN in the Finder…
@joristimmerman Bluetooth syncing would be a very intresting point… :D
Weird: http://www.webresourcesd… lost like thousands of Feed readers… Or am I just mixing up things?
nvm, i got it. It take a UIComponent to bridge from flash to flex :) Adding the last touch to the MotionDetector class now :)
I might be misinterpreting something here, but is there a simple way of adding a movieclip onto a flex stage/component?
Looking into the Flex Music player built by Taras Novak (might’ve found a bug in playr): http://tinyurl.com/9u9qs2
Tired of his roommate…
Messing around with my Macbook, my external displays and my camcorder. Technology rocks!
mctforum.be en devineforum.be zijn tdijelijk down. Gelieve het forum te bezoeken via mctforum.hostrix.be (tijdelijk). Spread the word!
Inbox zero time….
I’m done for tonight. Let’s call it a night, and get some sleep!
I just posted a Playr update! http://tinyurl.com/75cu4e
checking out the Playr feedback. Most of the updates are already done… Looking into adding some extra events… Might be a bad idea…
Let’s finish strong: Playr update!
Got some work done. Next is server stuff!
Getting some FlashFocus stuff done
Buh :( Would like to access the recorded video’s of the <head> conference, but the bug persists.. no vid’s tonight :(
me is a happy dude!
Off to school. time for an exam….
@smashingmag Where does SM come from? What was the initial idea before SM became as successful as it is now?
Man, I got a really bad feeling about this…
Allright… Time to do some more damge. Let’s do it!
Helped out my girlfriend with some of her work. Going to sleep now. Dead tired
Should be looking into tons of stuff, but school is up first right now…
Wordpress SuperMini theme re-released: http://tinyurl.com/8yj7s9
Writing the blogpost concerning SuperMini…
Just dit some colorTransform research for my girl :)
My work here seems to be done. Releasing it, first thing in the morning :)
Finishing up on my first project of 3 during the exams… (might’ve just changed that to 4)
I can’t seem to get to work. Everybody is in trouble with php, and is asking me to help them out… Even though I totally suck at PHP :D
Gaat eindelijk eten!
dinner was great… I’m all fed up now…
About to have dinner, and then finish that wordpress theme. Really would like to publish something else tomorrow :D
Done for today. Taking a shower before preparing dinner
Fount my timelapse switch for my DSLR. Need to put some money in my paypal account first… I love shopping
studying… Been ages since I’ve done that
Slowmotion stuff…
Omfg! That’s kinda UBERCOOL! :D
That’s was pretty intresting. Writing a quick summary.
Off to see Peter
Cool! Playr and Visualizr featured on Tarasnovak.com! http://tinyurl.com/a5g9ze
@peterelst Thx a lot! I really appreciate that! If you have thoughts about something, feel free to share it :)
Had luncht with @wart. Trying to get some things done before I leave to school.
TheFWA seems to be having trouble: http://tinyurl.com/933a5a
Must ‘ve been the fastest exam I’ve ever done (including passing)
Off to school :)
Off to bed. First exam tomorrow :)
Looking through some stuff for a photograph experiment.
Is kinda tired.
Back to do some work…
FollowCost seems to be a very great idea, but a rather poor execution…
Hmpf :( Slept in again…
Off to bed. Wondering if the new week will bring better news
Off for some picture taking…
This weekend kind of sucks… All kinds of stuff going wrong and everybody makes it look like it was me… And I just didn’t do ANYTHING!
Doing all kinds of stuff…
There we go. Past has just caught up with me. I’ll give it a week before all hell breaks loose…
@liesju Ik ben nog maar 2 uur wakker, en ik ben volledig uitgeslapen… vermoeidheid is volgens mij ver te zoeken…
Is having trouble seeing right… Is that a sign I might need glasses..?
Theme seems to be ready :) Will translate it into English tomorrow, and then release it… Too bad the original author isn’t replying…
The SuperMini is getting along very good :)
Having a bit of trouble keeping my head to the stuff I’m working on…
What is this?? Is this some kind of a conspiracy?
Updating the supermini theme…
I’ve never misplaced a statement on that subject. And today fate shows up to prove me right once more…
Ooops xD
I’m really having a great day :) Time for some dinner!
Is really on steroids! And that for only having slept for 4 hours…
@smashingmag I’d like to mail you about something. Could I have your email address please, since I can’t DM you ;)
Mailing FITC people, Bert Hagendoor, Peter Van Camp, and LOTS of other people. Man you guys have been busy!!
Doing some cleaning up…
Let’s have lunch…
Off to school for the last part of the business!
@byDust Good luck, buddy
Alive and kicking! Waiting for kevin to arrive
I’m done. I’m ready. Everything is set up! Deadlines beaten! Off to bed!
Man I feel so great, about all this being finished. About to create my presentation pallette. But let’s have a bite first.
Preparing my pictures to be printed!
Thinking I’m not making that fast of a progress right now…