@tekkie I am still really good at this but I don’t tell anybody since they instantly consider me the javascript-anti-christ….
Just wondering if any of my Belgian friends has seen this disaster that is heading for us yet… pic.twitter.com/OmO6SuxmIO
@Pinboard Saying “it is impossible” is also just not true. It’s been done (and working for many MANY years) in seve… https://t.co/M1w2gMqYy6
@johnhilltube Fortune is not the reason why someone is well-respected. It’s their ability to stand out even with (o… https://t.co/H9U0yLmO1R
@Telenet Jullie zijn echt wel een paar uur te laat. Rond 16u was het magisch opgelost.
2 uur later zonder ook maar iets te doen. ‘k Zou kwaad willen zijn maar ‘k ben te gelukkig da’k eindelijk verder ka… https://t.co/0aVjOhM99t
@kurtlef Dat is ook wat ik dacht. Daarom bel ik dan ook om te vragen of er een gekende storing is: “Nee, alles is i… https://t.co/uGzEvNJKNU
Also: een trage verbinding is geen reden om iemand te sturen blijkbaar. Waarom betaal ik dan eigelijk voor een professioneel contract?
De enige reden dat @Telenet met da soort shit weg kan is omdat ze weten dat ik bij de concurrentie nie kan vinden w… https://t.co/PxsnDcekY2
Net een telefoongesprek gehad met hun business support die basically zegt dat er geen probleem is. Ik beeld mij da… https://t.co/Nsv9KgMG7D
RT @Dannmace: [1/4] Covid 19 update
It’s been 13 days since I tested positive.
I am really happy to report that from the knowledge of the…
@praeanna_ Oh joy… :(
@Bromtommig Nah, ze zijn wel degelijk geavanceerd genoeg om te weten welke Telenet account er bij welke Twitter acc… https://t.co/wc36Gw2a0s
“Kunt ge eens uw modem herstarten?”
Kheb dat net gedaan (tis nie da’k da een paar dagen geleden nog maar gedaan heb… https://t.co/NOlRAEwCeE
@Telenet Ik betaal bijna 1200€/jaar voor een business internet verbinding zodat ik snel en betrouwbaar internet heb… https://t.co/vJkxqGeAk3
@itsnoomie @jNoxxx Thanks for that… ‘k Was net aan’t twijfelen om er ook weer een te kopen, haha. Daar gaan mijn plannen… 😂
RT @jerm_cohen: Here is part 1, 2, and 3 of “Quarantine Cutie†all in one tweet https://t.co/L9pnEV4oZM
I’m going to stream FPV flights (what I see in the goggles). Would you watch? Where? https://t.co/2ZRcg3I74F
@wouterds I think this was the perfect showcase: Hollywood film studio spends money to help during crisis to promot… https://t.co/aQ9jZRozu4
@wouterds Jealousy, my maaaan. That shit is REAL. People tend to not see the bigger picture. The reality is: I don’… https://t.co/vjdr2UhZXE
@jbaert @StudioCaroBE @JER00M Jamaja, da soort uitzonderingskes… Kheb het daar nie zo voor.
@StudioCaroBE Relatable. Maar laat u nie kennen, Caro! De periode zal nog lang duren, ‘t zal straks mooi weer zijn… https://t.co/axxJz6hype
@jbaert @StudioCaroBE @JER00M You can’t. Lockdown. 🤣
@StudioCaroBE Ik heb vorige week het exact zelfde gevoel gehad. ‘t Is gruwelijk om te zien dat wij zoveel opofferen… https://t.co/L22FPlxa1Z
RT @Tyler_Babin: Every night at 7pm the NYC claps for healthcare workers on the front line and makes me remember just how amazing this city…
RT @CMooreHere: The reason why we are under #Quarantine for “Another 30” days is because assholes have been gathering in parks and other pl…
Soooo close!!! https://t.co/XQRtklJejo
Quarantine boredom: I’ll stream FPV flying/tricks/practice. On which platform would you watch it?
@Nonunsenses Gewaagd wel. Komt 2 jaar na mij op Twitter en gaat me dan wa buiten jagen… Ik denk dat hij vergeten… https://t.co/MOc5LidihP
@Bromtommig Wassup, bro? Wanna talk? We zijn er voor u, eh 😉
Quarantine is making me realize just how much time I spend being outside and how much it helps me center myself. I’… https://t.co/bDOV5jUl5J
@praeanna_ Ugh, that sucks. How did they ‘get’ you? How bad is the fine?
When your package is due to be delivered in the next 3 hours but you really have to take a shit… pic.twitter.com/MHVAeBKKNx
Just waiting for the rest of the world to block flights from the US since it’s now the most infected place in the w… https://t.co/39GZejP0g5
As a software developer, I can tell you that we are losing the latter. https://t.co/YrrQSLlsKZ
@paintedblack @sjoerddruiven @Broekie83 @BUSHOK @Marttreo @EgbertMeinen The BAR livery was my absolute favorite. It… https://t.co/350RCrj3da
So now that I figured out how to livestream an FPV feed to instagram live, I wanna see if I can do this on tiktok a… https://t.co/O76XjDGzG6
Whoa, that was great fun! Didn’t expect to ever enjoy streaming like this. Might just do this more often!
I’m currently streaming a quick FPV session on Instagram Live. It’s only a test but feel free to drop in and say hi! instagram.com/ronnykingfpv
@UnboxTherapy Tv
@Nonunsenses Goede raad gegeven. 💠Ik ging er nog aan toevoegen dat meteen kopen tot miskoop kan leiden omdat ge bi… https://t.co/DKddbeb9gE
RT @swissmadame: Um diesen mysteriösen und bisher so noch nie da gewesenen Zustand unserer Welt für unsere Nachfahren festzuhalten, hat @mp…
F1 Introducing Project Pitlane pic.twitter.com/J1bcOf9XSn
Day 15: Journalism has been reduced to stating the obvious.
‘Due to lockdown measures, 50% less traffic’
‘Since th… https://t.co/4SihSgn7X0
@mikeboydvideo You’ll regret it later if you don’t. Pain and injuries pass. Regret of not doing things lasts foreve… https://t.co/VrHR1L6YYZ
Imagine if this quarantine thing lasts for several years…
@hyper_espe That was brilliant. Heerlijk gedaan. 🤣
Came across this… Clearly this social distancing thing is getting the better of me. This isn’t funny but I’m stil… https://t.co/5wCDK8P7sW
@Dannmace If we want 2020 to be a spectacular year after all that mess we’ve had up until now, we have to get Micha… https://t.co/OYkjhRYvDz
Seeing the latest numbers in Belgium, I really doubt if people are social distancing as much as they should. It see… https://t.co/MXO8qOpOAl
@mr_crazydude @itsnoomie Word.
@TomVanMeersche Kheb zelf een DSPlay415 met 16TB.Echter is dat niet genoeg. Da’s momenteel voor 60% gevuld met home… https://t.co/S5ZX5xJvvo
@rozebotje Ik was 1 keer niet thuis: Pakket spoorloos verdwenen. Ze beweren dat het afgeleverd is. Geen van mijn bu… https://t.co/YRjY29KpHq
@Nonunsenses Eindelijk eens wat tijd om wat te browsen en nieuwe dingen te ontdekken. Fascinating times!
@rozebotje Kheb vandaag nog iemand anders zien posten dat DPD een briefje had achter gelaten: “U was niet thuis”…… https://t.co/2uu1KHMPDY
@bpost_nl @rozebotje ‘t Is nie echt het moment om kritiek te geven in tijden van lockdown; iedereen doet zijn best… https://t.co/5XmckkKCbZ
@Casey Remember when 5 years ago, you were like ‘I’m starting a proper daily vlog’. Can you believe it’s only been… https://t.co/gMZQVF0xZg
@dimitrivh @DPDgroup_news Gij hebt tenminste nog een papiertje gekregen. Van mij is’t pakket van 180€ gewoon verdwe… https://t.co/kdcGNNRl88
@bobaesen Als ik me nie vergis rekent de ene persoon sinds die vrijdagavond dat de cafés etc moesten sluiten terwij… https://t.co/EkY70aeTBi
@wouterds It’s REALLY sun out there but yea, temperatures are holding me back too…
You guys are smart, right? Let’s say I have 100TB of video footage: what’s the cheapest way to store that for archi… https://t.co/tOimHEZBBa
rambling_kate This explains it best #COVIDIDIOTS pic.twitter.com/K2DLM4dR7o
Every day I read about these innovations that appear in rapid succession due to the need for them to be a reality.… https://t.co/M0hNJ1dDfI
@Jonazzty Als de cijfers verder droppen/stabiliseren en mensen dit nog even volhouden zal dit regime genoeg zijn. Voorzichtig hoopvol.
Johnny FPV dropped another video to made everyone else feel inadequate. youtu.be/wMOlR1qNMuk
@wouterds Would be very conincidental. But yea, let’s hope so. We should see another drop tomorrow… fingers crossed.
It’s been about 5 days since we started a mild lockdown in Belgium. The median incubation period is about 5 days. T… https://t.co/2AOttyMMtJ
@Otlyster @WHO Even if you’re right, it’s a sign of respect for those out there risking their lives ASKING you not… https://t.co/RLPOJZhycg
@Otlyster @WHO Your tweet was not the only one I came across this morning debating that ‘going outside isn’t that b… https://t.co/f2Pwmet8Vb
@Bromtommig I feel your pain. Ik vind letterlijk mijn woorden niet meer momenteel.
Came to Twitter to see what’s up.
Minutes later I found confirmation that we still have plenty of idiots to go by.… https://t.co/L4p6hMlxBL
Seeing these faces while reading that people (including a mayor) are still organizing lockdown parties in Belgium p… https://t.co/S8ZeMXu0R0
@Otlyster I feel the same emotion as you: “I can’t spread it when I’m alone” but if everyone thinks that way, stree… https://t.co/JvHjBVyK4K
“I’m just going for a walk in the city for a bit”
“Staying inside all the time is BOOOORING”
“Should I go to the pa… https://t.co/PAANshkd3A
Porn everywhere. pic.twitter.com/jlPENGoFYm
Hey America, please remember all the shit Trump has said and done during this crisis when you accidentally find you… https://t.co/T7PsqWiOf8
Trump: Covid-19 stands no chance against us
FAA: Hold my mask while we keep the airspace fully occupied since we h… https://t.co/afOuKNXNsP
As celebs start telling their stories about how they contracted covid-19, it becomes painfully clear that either
1)… https://t.co/2PbeEMSE4M
@jabrils_ @mikeboydvideo I think you are overestimating the collective will to do anything else than watching Netflix….
I never played football. I was always more of a solo player. Hence why I liked skateboarding. It was just about me… https://t.co/baXcw9NyAl
Trump: Covid-19 stands no chance against us
FAA: Hold my mask while we keep the airspace fully occupied since we h… https://t.co/FGFOLn23Rr
I’ve had a crazy productive weekend. I wish I could fly my freaking drone outside though. That’s literally the only… https://t.co/et15ifWjVj
@vercoutere Me too. Girlfriend too. For both pictures 😅
A devastating story, beautifully visualized. https://t.co/YTQGSTgD7W
Not all heroes wear capes. But sometimes, they wear a mask â¤ï¸ https://t.co/1t9XgkbheF
@tylarhenson @TeamYouTube Pro tip: If you don’t trust an email like that, just go to Youtube (or any other subscrib… https://t.co/0VLaJRfYZV
RT @SurreyChiefExec: Let’s be clear. Again.
1. The virus does not spread. You spread it. Stay at home.
2. Hospitals are not the solution. T…
In times of quarantine, everything is porn. https://t.co/GU48DqBexD
Nike always knows what to say ⤠https://t.co/fxOwvc46OU
@bobaesen Verspil daar geen tijd aan, Bo. Ik snap dat dergelijke opmerkingen soms diep snijden. Maar op zo’n moment… https://t.co/v4EIEEMf7z
@robbedoes @minorissues Ik verwees naar de bevolkingsdichtheid. Niet naar het aantal. Ook vergelijken we Italië met… https://t.co/ZaVdhp0neW
@minorissues @robbedoes Onredelijke vergelijking. Plaatsen zoals NYC zullen veeeel sneller gaan terwijl er dan ande… https://t.co/X2VkMt2xt3
â¤ï¸ https://t.co/x7cPJE5rYW
Not having a family, living alone, not seeing the girlfriend, having no exercise and a mind that is constantly out… https://t.co/BZmbn94Vpp
This is the 3rd of lockdown. It’s been 3 days since I have last shaved. I have been eating a lot more candy and I f… https://t.co/OgazaFNcVx
😂😂😂 https://t.co/OTRODd2MGx
RT @vercoutere: Lets’ try and focus on the positive. At this rate we might actually succeed in reducing co2 emissions enough to achieve the…
This is why people have been hoarding toilet paper… I KNEW IT! https://t.co/PSffMflS3o
@paintedblack @WalterDinger I feel bad for the teams though. These guys need the odd-week-breather. Having constant… https://t.co/K1L3y8d2z5
I’ve never shaken my head this vigorously while pulling my hair and screaming out loud while watching a video. https://t.co/jJAWVidFkv
This morning they recorded the fastest rise in Belgian contractions and hospitalizations to date. That’s 5 nights a… https://t.co/RTPR1cGt3f
I want a home assistent that I can call Aziz. Just so I can scream ‘AZIZ! LIGHT!’ https://t.co/anAFM77KFm
Heard in a Youtube video:
“Are you taking any precautions?”
- “No”
“Nothing at all?
- “No, my immune system is goo… https://t.co/yY6Z44ZrwE
I like how this current time of crisis really reveals who’s got the right mindset to move forward and who doesn’t.
Stay at home so they can return home â¤ï¸ https://t.co/IDXAB9hQVm
@Bromtommig Hoe dagge porno opzoekt zonder dat het in uw zoekgeschiedenis of uw autocomplete-keyboard-suggestions komt 😉
I’ve been saying it for years but apparently it took a global crisis to confirm my belief: “You tell me you can’t.… https://t.co/KcV2Vigkwx
Working from home. Supahchillstyle. pic.twitter.com/WanWvdRrxM
RT @beeple: HEALTHCARE WORKERS 💪 https://t.co/Hrv0rsivtY
Good advice for life too: assigning blame is the biggest waste in life ever. Better get to work and address the pro… https://t.co/SyLlNNtUzq
Pretty much all events have been cancelled to this point. Getting emails from everything and everybody. Although I… https://t.co/kgJFfqkx8d
Is there seriously nobody on Twitter with the necessary reach to call out the Belgian politicians for their lack of… https://t.co/1L4jNIumEv
@Jonazzty @Nonunsenses Tzal sterk afhangen van hoe de nieuwe infecties sinds de lockdown party-avond zich gaan voor… https://t.co/zwCX2PVWMg
@Jonazzty @Nonunsenses Ik zet de kans op
- 35% donderdag avond
- 70% vrijdag avond
- 90% zaterdag avond
Anders is’… https://t.co/Z8Rhcsmgnc
I SWEAR! I have been in that conference call before! https://t.co/6uyV6iZVB4
First DJI announced their intent to enter the FPV market (which they successfully did), now GoPro buys ReelSteady.… https://t.co/qBbHalpNPb
@StudioCaroBE Blijf vooral je ding doen. Als ze je gisteren wilden, stel je dan voor hoe graag ze je morgen gaan wi… https://t.co/aDXsnZIHfc
Am I the only one waiting for a big push from VR companies? I mean, this is the perfect scenario for startups to ma… https://t.co/VoxtACqkwX
A couple of weeks/months from now, the WHO will tell us that we can return to work. Remember that working from home… https://t.co/q9m4AubXx2
@mikeboydvideo Wild stab in the dark: Advertiser asked for endorsement and you decided to first try the game before… https://t.co/MDENTY8EXH
@kvandenhaute Nevermind. https://t.co/D5OASxAsfS
@kvandenhaute If i’m not mistaken, there were no reported cases in the state of Florida as of yet, so I guess they’… https://t.co/tCwW9Z0IzV
@hannes_bhc Gemiste kans om de boodschap ‘nothing, stop hoarding you dumb fucks’ mee te delen…
@Jonazzty @CrisiscenterBE Om eerlijk te zijn verwachtte ik na de feestjes van vrijdagavond eigelijk huisarrest vana… https://t.co/dy4bDHgNS9
@Jonazzty @CrisiscenterBE Ze willen de impact zien van vrijdag avond en het weekend. Jammer genoeg is het tegen dan… https://t.co/jeb1ETEczE
@StudioCaroBE De endorfine boost van ‘eindelijk echt doorbreken’ hebben en direct de wind uit de zeilen zien gehaal… https://t.co/KrqGa72CBY
😂😂😂 https://t.co/ZcUfVeah3y
Official warning: if I am in a store and you’re standing within an arms reach, you’re standing close enough to get… https://t.co/pDsFxTD0XQ
To be totally honest: the current safety measures in Belgium are not really impacting me. My life kinda fits inside… https://t.co/KjvS1cSZ5X
@1UPconf @PepijnWillekens Oh shit. Yes please! Webshop! I was too busy looking at all the games and the people to n… https://t.co/wZshtHbcLA
@HillaertAndreas @DVanLangenhove @lisasoetaert @cuveliermerel En hij kan de waarheid nie aan dus heeft hij mij nu o… https://t.co/AvD8V7YsVN
This tweet alone has 72K retweets. Many more like it have gone to be retweeted many times more. Yet people don’t se… https://t.co/b7ZYRZsLwL
Yes, we could. But apparently we can’t. https://t.co/yNJGzNOZyL
Politicians will not back down from anything -even during difficult times like these- to get ahead. Even if that me… https://t.co/V32CWLPKv7
@3xdbe @DVanLangenhove @DOBBELAEREW Da zijn nie eens zijn eigen woorden… pic.twitter.com/AiI45mmRle
@r_evolutie @DVanLangenhove @maria__lisa Ge zijt het nie eens met hem maar met iemand anders. Is niet eens zijn twe… https://t.co/z8faYaqQwn
@HillaertAndreas @DVanLangenhove @lisasoetaert @cuveliermerel Nie doen. Hij steelt gewoon tweets van anderen zodat… https://t.co/uMkWpm7zFT
@elkedvdt @DVanLangenhove Nee hoor. Je bent het niet eens met Dries. Je bent het eens met de tweet die hij gestolen… https://t.co/O41bGy6CCw
@shoppinggrrrl @PhKeyser @DVanLangenhove Klasse kerel. Zelfs in tijden van crisis zou hij niemand een pluim geven als het hem niet uitkomt.
@koenschrooten @DVanLangenhove Nie teveel denken dat Dries een ommekeer gemaakt heeft. Andermans tweet gestolen en… https://t.co/HHH1xabZy0
@hildesabbe @DVanLangenhove Droog je tranen maar weer. Dries blijft gewoon een eikel. Screenshot als bewijs. pic.twitter.com/crcw6w27wr
@1UPconf @PepijnWillekens Where do I get one ???
@jornjambers I’m afraid that really won’t slow it down…
Ehm… I’m just… you know… nope. Can’t deal with this. Nope. https://t.co/Jg5qYhLs3r
@tekkie I had that same idea until I could out one does not get immune. Or at least not long enough for it to substantially help.
Seriously?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!! https://t.co/kR1e3zLTJw
What the fuck?! https://t.co/55nvWu3xmu
RT @carsoneisenhart: Stop fucking going to bars
Stop fucking going to bars
Stop fucking going to bars
Stop fucking going to bars
Stop fucki…
RT @brianklaas: This is depraved. The German government confirms that Trump apparently tried to bribe German scientists into giving him exc…
@seppetoremans @StudioCaroBE Ik ben de laatste dagen enkel maar tot het inzicht gekomen dat er teveel idioten rond… https://t.co/1HNEkiJqGL
@seppetoremans @StudioCaroBE Tis lief, schattig en nobel dat ge dit post. Het is ook naïef. De overheid communiceer… https://t.co/iRe3WgdpTE
I opened twitter, saw the collective idiocy of humanity during the past day and realized I needed another 24-hour-b… https://t.co/F6oFqXxGHG
@svenvanzandycke @FrederickxSarah @EvelyneBoone Het is niet omdat iedereen het overal doet dat het ok is. Dat is ex… https://t.co/tkCi1bxe9f
@FrederickxSarah @EvelyneBoone Komt in orde gelukkig. https://t.co/74s6BdyP5n
@DPGMediaBE @VTMNIEUWS Terecht! Terwijl ik haar professionalisme in die situatie enorm respecteer zou het een schoo… https://t.co/QeL9DuLVaq
@Pietervbrussel @StudioCaroBE Ik wil de schuld nie op het slachtoffer (reporter) schuiven maar iemand van het team… https://t.co/HBHeeZ7CwL
@Vie19812 @CoolsKat Ik ben gisteren avond geweest in centrum Kortrijk. Had een rustig moment te pakken. Heb alles g… https://t.co/TRip6lf69v
Corona lockdown party. https://t.co/LapqILe1C1
@stijndewandel @flowindey “Vermijd sociale activiteiten”, “we weigeren 250+ events”, “we sluiten shopping, fitness,… https://t.co/YOoxarichP
RT @q0rban: @MollyMully @jameshamblin â€The more effective a prophet is, the less they end up being right.â€
—My brother to me earlier today
RT @MollyMully: @jameshamblin “Everything we do before a pandemic will seem alarmist. Everything we do after a pandemic will seem inadequat…
@jessedriftwood1 He clearly doesn’t understand the forces here is messing with. youtu.be/wEdgzndKuog
@CoolsKat De impact van gisteren gaan er pas binnen 7-14 dagen zien. Wacht maar. Door de piek te proberen te vermij… https://t.co/1SARm5rBNW
@kvandenhaute @petatteke @ancapoen Het concept om sociale activiteiten even te mijden dringt niet door tot de mense… https://t.co/gDrUIaAQcb
Please tell me this is fake. I cannot believe this kind of collective stupidity exists in this country. This is eve… https://t.co/2HIbUMO15O
Belgian Gov: we are shutting down all bars to avoid social activity starting Friday after midnight
Idiots: hey, le… https://t.co/kwtDu42w1n
@johnhilltube Yes.
@crldrx Priorities, ma duuuuude! https://t.co/YZk3IOyq8L
RT @GillianHTurner: BREAKING: The World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot contract Covid-19. Dogs previously held in quara…
@SirWrender Apparently a Belgian patient got the illness, was cured and then got infected again a couple of weeks l… https://t.co/CDeNGftgku
@SirWrender Yea, we’ve all been there. I mean: Did you REALLY build the quad if you didn’t smoke a single component? 😉
Well… that sounds serious. https://t.co/9Y6dt0MpoT
Say what you want but back in 2008 @aral held <head> conference, a complete online conference with 70 speakers in s… https://t.co/3XpuE1KTYU
Wanna see how frustrating it can be to build a FPV drone? @SirWrender has a nice little video about his latest proj… https://t.co/LW7D1jCiDp
Forward thinking in 2020 https://t.co/LzdqTfQdPY
I really wonder how Sheldon Cooper would cope with this whole Covid-19/Corona madness… That would be one hell of a #TBBT episode 🤣
@KVanBeversluys Jij bent effectief op de parking geraakt? Ik wou gewoon avondeten gaan halen daarnet. ik ben zelfs… https://t.co/t2EOTwYl6Y
Hey @Pornhub, Belgium isn’t in full lockdown yet and it seems that we need more incentives to stay inside and not g… https://t.co/uTzocs0ruH
I would really like it if @RepKatiePorter were to run for president. The world needs somebody with her resolve to run that country.
This lady is NOT fucking around. No blahblah. No prisoners. She knew exactly that she was going to get free Covid-1… https://t.co/a0tGbWdIdZ
So, is anybody buying stock in online game companies? I’m guessing they’ll be skyrocketing any time now…
So, is anybody buying stock in online marketing companies? I’m guessing they’ll be skyrocketing any time now…
Can somebody put Morgan Freeman in quarantine? Just as a precaution.
So apparently the apocalypse has happened in Belgium… people are straight up panicking. Stores are running out of… https://t.co/aiez693e8q
RT @GrabsterTV: @MKBHD Marques after a few weeks:
“So I’ve been kidnapped for the past few weeks. Here are my thoughts”
I’m on the fence: Is 2020 going to become the ‘wash your hands’ year? Or is it going to be the year when ‘no real-l… https://t.co/d1k5g70uYw
It was just a matter of time I guess. I feel gutted for the team. They’ve been slaving away to be ready for Austral… https://t.co/MoedqKEkUl
Many companies 6 months ago: our staff has to be on site for an optimal workflow even if that requires all of you t… https://t.co/EBONSiNcMC
@samsheffer I think that’s just a testament to the commodity of travel. Anyone can go anywhere and it’s being done A LOT.
@ManuelBieh You only used 3? Lucky you. I once worked on a project where they rendered Vue components inside an ang… https://t.co/6mnhu85LWs
@MKBHD But I bet the MKBSD low-res screenshot is. Quick! Send help! pic.twitter.com/lNV14AaVtz
I love how @MKBHD first acknowledges that one of the key execs at Escobar Inc is “Head of Assasination” before casu… https://t.co/pSnfemViJc
@dhh @tekkie Gotta be honest, the improved efficiency from remote working is mostly caused by 2 major changes:
1: l… https://t.co/ShBcib8Ymc