@ahtanu I’m using GenyMotion now: More my kind of tool. GUI that just lets you choose what you want and run it. No messing with ADT etc ;)
@ahtanu I think it was the ARM emulator. Honest to god: I didn’t care what was going on. I just needed to see an Android Browser bug :p
Well, for those of you who’re not at ease with running basic Android simulators (especially for web dev): This rocksgenymotion.comSm
I once tried to launch the Android Emulator. Didn’t get a whole lot else done that day.
This is so great to see! 2-legged dog’s first trip to the beach. Happiness all over the place!! https://t.co/wM8tWRLyiE
@SlackHQ Thanks for the offer but it’s kind of a private bot ;) I’m having some charset issues though. What charsets are the webhooks using?
And for the visual effects addicts out there: Here’s the breakdown of the different shots. Pretty awesomevimeo.com/54817877HK
I don’t know the first thing about baseball but I was able to really appreciate this. Supercoolvimeo.com/440392679l
Yesterday, I built a bot for @SlackHQ in like an hour. These guys have an awesome API/Webhook infrastructure!
What an insane week. But i’m officially done for today and I’m pretty happy with the work produced. What else do you want from a job?!

I just ran 3,78 km @ a 7’26”/km pace with Nike+. go.nike.com/70b8fbu #nikeplus pic.twitter.com/dZehGswvZy
RT @gvsi: OH MY GOD! Mark Zuckerberg replied to my comment on Facebook and I totally got owned. It was worth it, though. http://t.co/s36KVR…
From the @m3tropoly chatroom: “I’m having a much better time than you and your unfiltered food!â€
@WouterDS Not sure how that happened :p
@noCreativity Client delivered the files. Not much of a choice I’m afraid ;)
I just used Fireworks again for the first time in 7 years.I spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to export a single layer to PNG.Auwch!
Why isn’t this HTML5 yet? How am I supposed to get through my day without a wake-up explosion before breakfast!soulstice.orgoN
I have yet to understand why some think the Oculus people are sellouts. It’s business. Would YOU pass on a $2B deal?
I’m wondering if there’s a (working) Wordpress plugin that captures all your JS/CSS files and minifies them while NOT breaking the site…

Every time a site says something like this, I just KNOW it is lying to make me feel better… I mean: LOOK AT IT!!pic.twitter.com/5G1AbagGeReR
@hannes_bhc Ben’k ik nu de enige die zich afvraagt in wa voor fancy auto da gij zit? Met een HUD op de vooruit enal. Is precies Star Trek!
So Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and now Oculus. Only thing missing from that equation is Second life. Quick, somebody call Philip Rosedale!
Tracked down the first tweet about the Facebook/Oculus deal in my stream. Found it. RT @joshuatopolsky: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Holy shit! Facebook acquired Oculus! That’s big. Just imagine the potential!
@creytensp @angelovm Verdacht close. Deze hier is roze. Maar tis nie die die licht geeft :p Eerder zoiets: http://t.co/2FwTJOQbFu
@angelovm Yup, dat zal wel. Echter heb ik hier ook een konijn dat licht geeft in het donker. Is dat ook God? Of gewoon een fancy speeldgoed?
@angelovm @thenerd_be Dus zolang het alternatief niet kan bewezen worden is het meest mogelijke scenario wellicht het juiste ;)
@angelovm @thenerd_be Statistisch gezien is het oneindig meer mogelijk dat er een wetenschappelijke uitleg is dan een daad van God ;)
@thenerd_be Ik hou ervan als mensen *denken* dat het “wellicht een truck†is. Alsof het alternatief mogelijk is…

My girlfriend wanted do do some DIY stuff. I like icosahedrons. So I made this for her. ^^ instagram.com/p/l8SNzwt5Wg/
Trying to figure out how to start a transcoding session on Plex Media Server via the API. Pretty much undocumented apparently.
I just saw a before and after of a site that used to be not-flat. I can’t help but think it had soul before and it’s lost (some of) it now.
@WvdKamp which I’m sooo thankful for ;)
I seem to be following the wrong people on Instagram. Too much vintage, hipster, foodstacrap and Starbucks. Praise the unfollow button!
Dude turns broken skateboards into sculptures.
AWE. SOME. SAUSE. http://t.co/uB1x8PMPkU
bestads New ad: Mercedes: Powered by Social Media: Social media provided Hannes Coudenys with a Mercedes CLA. He could… bit.ly/1dyvC4v
I still wonder how RedBull managed 90 minutes in a car with 100kgs of fuel while being consistently over the 100kgs/hour fuel-flow limit #f1
@ivesdeblieck Is inderdaad een leuk stukje :)
Had he still lived today, Senna would have turned 54. Let’s celebrate him, his work and legacy with this videovimeo.com/13412780Xo
Science explains why Thor’s Hammer can’t by made FROM a dying star. SCIENCE IS AWESOME! http://t.co/MV6eZQbxdv
Guerrilla messaging in the digital age. RT @myriamonde: RT @FindikKahve: Kadıköy’den bir mesaj :)
#direntwitter http://t.co/GN7an7346a

Remember this? Good times. pic.twitter.com/QzbD1Vkdsz
Well, I love this. My latest client paid his invoice in less than 48 hours. THAT’S HOW IT’S DONE!!

Another piece of Kortrijk street art. Loving it!! @ K in Kortrijk instagram.com/p/lu4ZXmt5db/
How to sell a suit. @CaseyNeistat style. http://t.co/RmfDWJxRUI
Opgelet in @stadkortrijk: Herhaling van 2011. Net gebeld door onbekende Franse om cadeau’s op te halen volgende week. http://t.co/a7Yctek5pc
I’m not sure what the innovation is here. It’s another screen and the battery is going to run out like *snap* that. https://t.co/TSE3fSgWkL
On Gmail.com everything looks as expected. So it seems Mail isn’t syncing the changes of the server.
It seems Apple still hasn’t fixed all Mail problems. Something archived on one computer still sits in the inbox on another computer.
BiIIMurray How much does a hipster weigh? An Instagram.
Just saw Naomi Campbell on the Graham Norton show. 43 and she still looks amazing (and healthy). THAT is a true model worthy of the name.
Bob Burnquist “dreams big”. Do not read, just watch the video and listen to the sound of collective mind-blowing. http://t.co/IgLMXUXXaf
@thenerd_be we gaan vriendelijk beginnen eh. Het aantal kletsen is omgekeerd evenredig met de graad van meewerken ;)
@gert789 done. Raar dat ik u nie meer volgde…
@ikbenmartijn @thenerd_be heb je tips gezien. Coordinaten zijn aangepast. Dacht daarom dat je mss contact had ergens. Jammer.
@thenerd_be Ik probeer contact te krijgen met iemand om wat feedback/suggesties te geven. @ikbenmartijn, heb jij contacten?
I love this video! It explains the 2014 Formula 1 changes in a very simple yet fascinating way! https://t.co/oRkozYVF0l
@thenerd_be @WouterDS Haha, zalig :D Wel leuk om te zien dat het bij jou ook verkeerd is (vlasmarkt parkings in lange steenstraat).
@WouterDS Hun datasets zijn best interessant nu. Zeker de realtime shop&go (waar ge letterlijk kunt zien welke er vrij is)
@WouterDS Van de ondergrondse parking kunt ge ze opvragen en van de shop&go sensoren kunt ge zien welke er vrij zijn.
@WouterDS En zolang ze geen streaming API aanbieden is’t pech :p Realtime is realtime. :p
@WouterDS Al eens geprobeerd om parking te vinden in Kortrijk? Een minuut delay is veel :p
@WouterDS Ik pull momenteel om de 5 seconden om zo realtime mogelijk data te pushen naar de clients maar of dat ok is weet ik nog niet :p
@Parko_Kortrijk: Is er trouwens een rate limit voor jullie realtime datasets? Zoja,hoeveel of waar kan ik daar info over zien? Thanks!

@Parko_Kortrijk: Er lijkt iets niet helemaal ok te zijn met de coordinaten van jullie shop&go sensoren in de datasets pic.twitter.com/Za5MyKhJoh

Found my new favorite place in Bruges. @ Skateshop 911 instagram.com/p/lZ86hzN5Q6/
“That was a good one” RT @reasonsto: 20 strangers kiss for the first time youtu.be/IpbDHxCV29A
This is the best instant messaging app I’ve used ever since Adium and the Hud Skin stopped working decently on MSN https://t.co/9ZK4wF2nAh
Simon_Gee Building is easy:
make install
*copy stuff*
Forbes must have the most horrible mobile experience EVER. I’m not even going to try to explain why. I’m too annoyed just thinking about it.
RT @JoshHelfferich: My phone can tell me which side of the street I’m on and yet humanity still managed to lose an airliner. This whole thi…

I seriously can’t get over how ugly that ‘done’ butto@twitterwitter. What? Was there no more budget to fipic.twitter.com/hpyX4XdxY04XdxY0

No matter what happens, some things just never change. pic.twitter.com/vdo5ExbrWF
Who of you guys is on @Medium and actually writing stuff?
Read a lot about all kinds of CSS and Javascript libraries.In many cases,I can’t help but wonder if it’s overkill.I do like AngularJS though
If we were to ‘innovate the dashboard experience in a car’, it should keep the eyes/mind on the road and the hands on the steering wheel.
I’m really not too excited about this Carplay thing.Looks like even more distractions from the actual task of driving http://t.co/fBUVJ5xJvS
Sweet! RT @WillFortanbary:
I made a #Cinema4D project #everyday in Feb.Check out the compilation video vimeo.com/88119320 //cc @maxon3d
@prplps Video is pretty decent though. Site is pretty solid as well. Freaks me out actually :p
RT @prplps: If this is true, Imma get me one of those! But as with everything on the internet, I’m 98% sceptical and 2% hopeful! http://t.c…
@prplps haha, dude you wish! If this were real, it would’ve made it into army-tech and onto newspaper frontpages worldwide back in 2010 :p
Is it just me or is #CarPlay a really strange word? It doesn’t feel right…
@pieterwillaert Stel u voor, het toestel van vorig jaar ondersteunen! Gewaagd enal!
@angelovm Oeh, sneaky pun!
Holy crap. The world is about to explodeâ€apple.com/ios/carplay/I#applel#carplayay
@warrebuysse @mknol Het lijkt mij eerder een leuke oefening dan op andermans schouders te steunen voor succes. (geen prijs, geen ads)
My man @mknol just released his own Flappy Bird port and it’s great fun! Check it out!
Android & Web,iOS coming soogames.stroep.nl/the-firefly/tB
This is beautiful. http://t.co/32Xklgbxvk
Just checked out the differences between Zend Framework 1 & 2. As Jay-Z & Kanye said: Tha’ shi’ cray.
For your consideration: Bloody Tim Cook! RT @kevinrose: bravo @tim_cook http://t.co/zjzRWyS2eT