Job interviews always make me realise how much I love doing what I do.
The city around me is waking up. That’s my cue for going to bed. Goodnight world.
Funny to see Adobe people bashing Apple for just about anything they can come up with. Nice press, guys. Keep it up.
You are the insurance policy of the gods. Keep one alive to watch over all of us.
It hurts to see something die after you spent so many years helping to build it.
Voor alle hiphop-liefhebbende mensen in mijn followerlist: Enjoy this videoclip! Volledig uw tijd waard!
Iemand zin om een upcoming hiphop-legende van Vlaanderen een extra duwtje in de rug te geven met een blogpost? Hit me up!
Fancy VFX, cheesy story, way too much hype. Does that describe the new TRON movie to you?
Yea, Dell totally figured out how to beat Apple and the iPad-market-share. Those companies just don’t get it, do they?
RT @fwa When I was at school, people told me computers would make work easier with less to do. Thanks to computers we are busier than ever.
I need to stop worrying about performance so much before even trying something. That’s all your fault! *points at random people*
TimVDD Op 7 april vertrekken we met ongeveer 150 Howest’ers naar San Francisco. Volg ons op #howestgoesusa #howest
As it turns out, the whole vexxhost client area is down. That kinda blows.
It’s one of these days where your server just doesn’t want to stay up.
Right, server was acting up which caused my scheduled post to be unposted yet, but it’s live now!
Wanna see my girl’s big bubbles? Made possible with #CrossProcess and @Lyntje!
Are you kidding me with this, Vimeo? That’s in fact a 1m42s video.
Alright, on another note: After 3 years I finally bit the bullet. Another experiment I will not ever finish once I get started.
Just wondering how many of you haven’t seen this oldie yet:
Illiveris Iedere vrouw, en bij uitbreiding iedereen, zou verplicht moeten worden om dit filmpje te bekijken!
@dimitrivh Sinds een paar weken al. Als ge een Apple iOS/OSX Dev zijt is’t normaal gratis ;)
@aral Yea, I figured something like that but I find it to be fairly expensive to hang out at WWDC ;)
@aral The sum total being: you 2-few-grands out of pocket but having (some) new knowledge (don’t the WWDC sesssions air online afterwards?)
At the bank, ordering dollars for the trip to San francisco next week.
RT @Devineforum Devineforum stelt voor:
Dé blog voor en door deviners!
Figure this one out:
Told my dad about the trouble he got me in over the phone. He didn’t seem to care. I kinda knew, just didn’t quite believe it yet.
@joristi exactly my thinking.
@joristi Echofon of course! I mean:
@joristi Any VNC app will come in handy! Find my iPhone, Echofon, LiveView, Navigon, GarageBand, Air Video, etc ;)
They see me rollin’.…
25 speakers and counting for this year’s #2M11 edition. It’s going to be crazy again!
Sometimes you win. And sometimes you lose.
It’s one of those days where I just don’t care.
futurepush Just released AustiNights 05 with @NickVegas. Thanks Nick. Please tune in at or subscribe in iTunes. #austinights
I’m actually losing all interest I ever had in the stuff I’m learning at school. And now I need to make stuff I like. Right.
Printing @noCreativity’s twitter timeline would use 22,336 sheets of A4 paper!
Right, bijna vergeten… RT @pixeldimensions note to self: dollars ophalen #HOWESTgoesUSA
I really wonder why instagram is such a big hit. Tons of apps out there that create better results. So: why?
Binnenkort komt zijn nieuwe track uit gaat een hit worden ze! Hou u maar gereed! RT @venom_be: .net development op de beats van Walter Ego
Heading to Brussels. Again. Let’s hope this is the last time.
@joristimmerman Too bad they’re waiting until june to release it… That’s 10 weeks! That’s still quite some time away. Why!?
@joristimmerman … Apple might just have it’s first real competitor. Samsung seems to be determined to make it in the tablet business!Nice!
@joristimmerman Yea, with the pricing at Apple’s level, they’re now in real competition. Now if that Android thing can stand up to iOS…
@joristimmerman Exactly what I said about an hour ago. They just don’t GET it, do they?
@AugustinDeBie No, it’s not ‘bad’ to make DB calls in a model.But you could abstract it a bit more and create a service class for DB calls
RT @woutr_be @noCreativity If they say it’s gonna be thinner, it’s probably because they know it’s not going to be better.
Just so you know: We don’t want it to be thinner than the iPad. That means nothing to us. We need it to be better.
tonylukasavage 29x29, 36x36, 48x48, 50x50, 57x57, 58x58, 72x72, 114x114, 180x120, 512x512, 1024x500 #ios #android #yikes
Favorite track of the day: Absurd (Whitewash remix) by Fluke.…
Apple app store helping Japan! really wondering how much donation this will raise!
What’s up with the Angry Birds fuzz? Why is everybody so impressed with it?
Watched a girl on a scooter get run over by a car. Luckily she was wearing a helmet. Emergency guys said she was going to be okay.
Figuring out how to get my abused SMTP server off the spam-blacklists… Uncool stuff.
@MrBrightSky @BrunoByttebier Not an improvement… Really :p
Very good read! RT @davykestens Getting More Jobs: Are You Cocky Or Do You Have Balls? | IttyBiz via @naomidunford
Totally sidekicked tonight! Time to sleep time! Zzzz…
Ik ook! RT @joristimmerman Awel, ik ga 100% akkoord met deze post van @ntone! —
That supermoon is still freaking huge. I can not _not_ stare at it when outside.
@tonylukasavage And yet I don’t feel sorry :D
@tonylukasavage You’re welcome, buddy! Enjoy!
Looks like my server doesn’t send mails again… Let’s see what happens after a reboot…
@woutr_be Awesome man! Keep rocking in China! Stay safe!
@woutr_be Still way off the 40-50€ we pay over here ;) Would be great! Thanks in advance! Have fun ;)
@woutr_be Wow, good deal! Feel free to buy one for me and send me one ;)
@AugustinDeBie:Follow @nickvegas, @365psd, @POSTRmagazine, @N_A_G_D, @kevinrose, @joristimmerman, @tonylukasavage, @boskabout & me (Duh) ;)
It actually hurts when you realize you don’t believe in the product you sell.
Torn between a dream and intelligence… On the other hand: “Always regret something you’ve done over something you haven’t.”
Sometimes I write the most obnoxious code comments… But I do remember why I wrote them. So they work!
RT @RellyAB Created Google doc called ’404’ with text for 404 page. Saved. CAN’T ACCESS IT. Because it’s called 404. I shit you not.
A lot of people give Japan a hard time for Fukushima.Mind you: They prevented a full meltdown up to now.That’s a miracle in those conditions
Just sa what I looked like a few years ago, with my teeth still messed up. Whoa, what a difference! Happy with the changes!
@kevinrose You feel like coming to Europe in may for a live Diggnation? There’s a pretty big festival here, and we’d love to have you over!
One of these days Adobe will figure out how to do decent Flash Player version detection. But not today.
Watching an interview with Mark Zuckerberg. He’s definitely one of those people that inspire me, even though I don’t get ‘how’ or ‘why’. So far so good…
Looking from these totally awkward favorites: Either Twitterific is acting up or somebody hacked my Twitter account:
I’m actually starting to lose respect for quite a number of Adobe evangelists due to their attitude towards Apple and the Flash issue.
Zo’n vraagje tussendoor: Wanneer gaat de NMBS beginnen mensen hun geld terug geven voor hun constante te laat wezen?
RT @pixeldimensions A look inside 3 awesome offices: Pixar, Google and Facebook: #HOWESTgoesUSA
iPhone + LiveView + AS2 Clickable mockups = insanely fast prototyping & on-device testing.…
My head is about to blow up. If I didn’t know any better I’d say I’m about to cough up my lungs and spew out my brain. #sick
@joristimmerman I take that as a ‘no’ then… :(
@joristimmerman Well… :p
@joristimmerman Lol… On another note: Hey man, I’m starting this new podcast, and I need a guest for the first episode… :p
@joristimmerman I have been thinking about starting a podcast for more than a year now. Don’t tempt me! #checkoutthatidiot ^^
@joristimmerman I think it’s more of a ‘check out that idiot’-talkshow (me being that idiot). I would totally rock btw!
And this has just come in: According to @ikkekietje, I need my own talkshow! That’s exactly what I thought!
@ikbenmartijn Yea, veel van die Flash conferenties hebben iets met een F… #FITC, #FOTB, #FATC, #FFK… ergens wel logisch eh ;)
I took some pictures while I was in Brussels, yesterday! Lots of #crossprocess and #hipstamatic love in there!
Bought ‘The Next Episode’ on iTunes.3 yrs ago my prev gf did something to my iTunes which made me lose a lot of music.I’m still missin stuff
@nickvegas Oh, cool! Didn’t know that! Great stuff! Thanks!
@nickvegas I can never attend the live casts. Is there a way of viewing them later on? You posted a few of them already, which I liked. Thx
@prplps …and about a 1000 days of time to work on this? Yea, totally doable. :p
Holy crap: That looks good!
MosDef Take 5 seconds out of your day and pray to whoever you pray to for Japan.
Pretty impressed by seeing the latest dooodl on my blog. Apparently somebody out there remembers a bit of old Ronny-history. Rockin’!
@ikbenmartijn Afhankelijk van wat er gaat gebeuren met die kernramp zou het kunnen dat die aardbeving/tsunami nog maar koude koek was…
@scottjanousek Awch! What happened?
@mikehaugland I’ve toyed around with them but never long enough to know enough about that kind of usage/experience.So I can’t really answer.
@mikehaugland I’d say a bit of both. The way iOS works is perfect for me. And the applications enable me to do whatever crap I can dream up.
People are whining about some ruling about smoking in my stream:stop bitchin’, quit smoking, stay healthy, save some money.Yea, the horror.
And I’m back on schedule.I t’s obvious these guys are used to being late because they’re good at suggesting great alternatives. Thumbs up.
On another note: I seem to be stuck in Brussels. Lots of trains are cancelled due to a fire somewhere. Uncool.
And Helped out an old lady to figure out how to go to Brussels central trainstation. I love this kind of technology!
I love my iPhone. Today, I used it to fgure out which trains to take, how to get to the embassy in Brussels and take some nice photos!
It is done! Finally! I can go pick it up next week! I’m so relieved :D
Great.They forgot to write down my appointment.And now they’re mad at me for being here on time and asking them to just do their job anyway.
Kweenie, kdoe maar wat de nmbs app me zegt :p overstappen in Gent St. Pieters en Brussel noord. (moet naar Brussel schuman)
@Aveliene Nee, kzit op de IR van 13:18 naar leuven. :p
Alright:got on the train. Heading to Brussels to get my international passport. Not too soon… Only 3 weeks left.
Using parts of lyrics (a friend once wrote for me) to name ID’s in HTML. Yea: you gotta enjoy what you do… The means to an end, right?
Hurray! RT @kevinrose WOW, Apple does the right thing in Japan, a must read:
RT @UnitZeroOne I just unlocked the “I really don’t care about your @foursquare tweets and will unfollow you for it” badge on @foursquare.
@BWS_Nazz what’s there to consider. Works like a charm, enables you to customize your phone just that little more. Great stuff in cydia!
@BWS_Nazz if your iPhone is factory unlocked (= bought in Belgium) you don’t need to worry about baseband versions at all.
@BWS_Nazz Of course it is. Jailbreak is gone once you update iOS or restore a genuine iOS version in iTunes.
amazingatheist If this Earthquake is Japan’s Karmatic punishment for Pearl Harbor, I dread to see what ours will be for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Damn autocorrection is not helping me today. Replaced “used” with “yard”. Why?!
GuusDeGraeve when will facebook block those irritating auto-like sites abusing the Japan tragedy in their own interests… #facebook #autolike #japan
I yard to enjoy taking the streettrain back home. As it turns out, I don’t anymore.
Well, as I found out over the past 2 weeks: I don’t get stressed. I _do_ get depressed, lazy and totally unusable instead of that.
This is what I’ve been waiting for for 7 months. Now I can go to get my passport! Finally!!
For god’s sake: Stupid bureaucracy! Fix that god damn paperwork! This has been going on since october!
jack 5 years ago today we started programming Twitter (“twttr” for short). 8 days later the first tweet was sent: #twttr
I’ve never seen this vast amount of destruction…
RT @ikbenmartijn Willen we al die mensen die over Google Circles tweeten eens even herinneren hoe het met het overhypete Googe Wave afliep?
Amazing article and explanation about Fukushima and why we shouldn’t be too scared about it anymore:
@peterelst It’s available and running perfectly fine! Totally awesome! Best 4€ I ever spent.
takethemike Comparing the tragic events in Japan to what happened at Pearl Harbor is just wrong in so many ways, #wiseupamerica
3 facts of the day:
I miss the times when I was still a skater.
I turn out to be a horrible guitar player.
I love my girlfriend.
As it turns out, this is a pretty interesting experiment…
@BrunoByttebier: @wirward heeft gewonnen met een paar punten voorsprong op @lyntje. Ik was 3des met 30 punten minder.@MrBrightSky was laatst
Out bowling with @wirward, @MrBrightSky, and @lyntje. Fun fun fun!
CalebHowe Judging by twitter, Fukushima plant is both “currently melting down” and totally in the clear and “stable”. #mixedmessages
Love the amazing 3D some of the DAE students make
Some serious cool stuff at the howest booth!
LOL RT @Boris The wifi network for the “alcoholics anonymous” centre asks me to authenticate first. Isn’t that contrary to their philosophy?
Pretty disgusting… Even for spammers. http://shots.nocreativit…
For those of you bitching about how nuclear power is bad for you: Japan & Fukushima really don’t need your ‘I told you so’-speech right now.
Waking up and reading about the explosion in Fukushima. I hope everybody got out there in time.
So to conclude: Japan’s been hit a several heavy earthquakes, a tsunami, 5 reactors are in danger and there’s a leak. I’m petrified.
Are you kidding me? They’re talking about a nuclear meltdown and apparently money seems to be an issue? Wtf is wrong with some people!?
@Coolcolger I don’t know any details on that matter. Mind to enlighten me (in fact: all of us) a bit?
@mknol Ja hoor, viel goed mee. Was alleen wat teleur gesteld van sommige sessies. Moet volgend jaar echt beter. Jij?
@mknol Damn, ‘k was nog aan’t twijfelen of het nu markknol was of mknol! Toch god dat je hem zag voorbij komen ;)
RickDeckardt Both reactors at the plant have been damaged, and officials say they have “lost control” of the pressure (Reuters). #meltdown #fukushima
Some cool pics of #fitc are online! Here’s @markknol drawing, using a multitouch app! (not my pictures obviously)
On another note: that iPad2 is way overhyped. If you want to buy an iPad, buy the old one for 100$ less. Way better deal.
Japan has had a bad day so far and reading about that nuclear reactor thing doens’t inspire a lot of trust… I really hope they can fix it.
It’s not you. I feel the exact same way. RT @savvas: is it me or this day is a bit full of sh**t?
natemaggio Hey guys, just got back from Japan… they are STOKED about all those prayers. Totally fixing everything.
3rd episode of @foundat_ion is out. Great interview with the founder of Second Life. Interesting fellow!
RT @scottjanousek It would be a nice gesture if Apple donated a % of iPad2 sales to Japan relief. Those folks love Apple just as much as US.
@mrchrisallen Too bad! That’ll teach me ;)
@mrchrisallen Is there a recording of your session at #fitc? Went to see the facebook/gmunk voodoo sessions. (Sorry :( )
People keep telling me how great #mobilevikings is… http://www.mobilevikings… Site seems down, and so is the phone network it seems…
tijs warning people about a possible tsunami
@neurofuzzy i was pretty sure that’s a factor of 1000…
‘quick prototyping’ which takes more time than ever. I used to be able to do this in 30 minutes. Takes a whole night this time.
“The NATO will act when there is demonstrable need.”Didn’t they kill countless innocent people in the past weeks?What are they waiting for!?
flashstream Colbert on iPad 2 - “It has dual-core A5 CPU! That means it can not run Flash nine times faster!” True, true ;-)
I’ve known Eminem for more than a decade. He made a great comeback with Recovery and he’s only getting better #respect
Look what I got in the mail today! It’s the #tnwsticker pack @Boris promised us!
That’s how I roll! RT @ikkekietje: @noCreativity made me the Burger King Queen!
Uploaded a few pictures I took with #crossprocess and #hipstacam in Amsterdam while attending FITC:
Devineforum Mensen met foto’s van FITC-reisje: stuur een link naar de foto’s door naar mctcommunityAThowestDOTbe, thanks!
En zeg het door als je wil ;)
@davykestens @anthonyvanoyen (although you’d have to refresh that provisioning profile every few months ( = not a lot of work))
@davykestens @anthonyvanoyen If you do get a certificate, you might create it and then run it on your phone with your mobile provisioning)
@davykestens @anthonyvanoyen Exactly. (I _MIGHT_ be wrong, but afaik without an Apple dev cert you can’t go anywhere)
@davykestens On device? No. You need to be an Apple cert. developer to run your apps on your iPhone (without JB)
RT @Format_ no. I will not work for free
@woutr_be Have a safe trip, my friend! Best of luck and enjoy your adventure!
Final leg of our trip back to Belgium. Our bus is full of exhausted students. Our mission is done. Thx @fitc for another great year!
RT @thenerd_be: studenten 1DEV3/4, de lessen dynamic web zijn geschrapt voor donderdag/vrijdag wegens griep. Men retweete het voort
Evan Roth is my new personal hero! Best session of #fitc! Totally rocking!
“if you say no long enough, Jay-Z will call” - Evan Roth #fitc
Last session for this year’s Amsterdam edition of #fitc. Let’s finish strong!
Great voodoo session by @recyclerobot from Little Miss Robot at #fitc. great stuff!
If you’re speaking at a conference, you shouldn’t use the words “let me get on to what i actually wanted to talk about” after 20 min. #fitc
The greatest thing about this year’s #fitc? I got to bring my amazing girlfriend!
Sitting in the hotel lobby and catching up with the internet. And I actually start to realize I’m pretty tired.
Alright, that was today’s #failoftheday. Who noticed?
Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Brace yourselves! It’s GMUNK-time!! #fitc
@tekkie hey man! Only got your mention right now. Sure, let’s meet! I’m the guy with the brown “enjoi” tshirt and grey sweater ;)
That #whattheflux talk was hands down the best talk I’ve ever attended. Fun, interesting, thorough. Good job @seb_ly!
in @seb_ly’s #whattheflux session. Great room, #fitc!!
“one of the good things about android is the great amount of devices.And one of the bad things about android is the great amount of devices”
Tom higgings is kicking off with a session about unity3D
So here we are, at #FITC. Totally stoked!!
We found the FITC venue! Looking goooood!
44 people heading to Amsterdam! #FITC, here we come!
All packed for #fitc Amsterdam! Leaving at 11:45 AM! Totally looking forward to it!