The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

September 2011

I just had one of those “What the HELL am I doing!?” moments…

via Twitter for Mac

VikingTalk enabled. Let’s see how this will change life.

via Twitter for Mac

Vikingtalk SMS gekregen en app geinstalleerd. Echter kan ik nergens mijn account instellen (en dus niets doen). Clues? /cc @mobilevikings

via Twitter for Mac

@joggink Ping mij eens op :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to joggink

Learning so much new stuff. Just a little more and my head might explode!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Lol! :) RT @peterelst: I feel sorry for whoever is presenting at MAX when Apple does its iPhone announcement on October 4th :) […]

via Twitter for Mac

@peterelst Well,I found a few example videos of DoubleClick Studio which helped make the docs way more sense. That sure helps ;) Thank you!

via Twitter for Mac in reply to peterelst

@peterelst Thanks, Peter! We’ll see what the future brings, I guess. It’s a really exciting time, right now :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to peterelst

I swear to god, if I could get enough freelance jobs on a monthly basis, I wouldn’t ever consider working in a company.

via Twitter for Mac

Has Google ever made something for developers that’s easy to use? I feel like an idiot reading through the DoubleClick Studio docs… :/

via Twitter for Mac

That’s the most important email of the day, right there… And that’s the “Send” button. And now: Fingers crossed.

via Twitter for Mac

@killthedinosaur Starting is no problem. Using it seems to be a problem :( But yea: Old Mac is old :(

via Twitter for Mac in reply to killthedinosaur

I openend MS Word:Mac.In the past 5 minutes,I spent 4 minutens staring at spinning beachballs. Either MS Word:Mac sucks or I need a new Mac.

via Twitter for Mac

Cool JS lib to incorporate sounds in your application. Works like a charm!

via Twitter for Mac

@sjespers ‘K ga later vanavond antwoorden op je vragen op mijn blog. Ben even niet thuis nu ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to sjespers from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@sjespers Ja,AIR2.7 viel heel hard tegen (mic stream recorden en dan weer afspelen).Ik heb natuurlijk geen Android devices om te vergelijken

via Twitter for Mac in reply to sjespers

What’s the difference between Titanium, Phonegap, Unity, Corona, AIR for iOS and Xcode?

via Twitter for Mac

A lot of people joining my Socket.IO testing-chatroom. The one thing I realize I have to add is sound notifications. Interesting!

via Twitter for Mac

Ya, see! If we had the social web about 40 years earlier, this could have happened! via @miespaties

via Twitter for Mac

Wrote a massive blogpost. Publishing later today. Time for some sleep now. Good morning world!

via Twitter for Mac

3 people, 3 continents. @woutr_be (Hong Kong) and me (Belgium) are giving @creativeskills (US) live feedback about the new website. <3 tech!

via Twitter for Mac in reply to creativeskills

@mikehaugland Yea, probably a routing issue. Should be fixed in a few hours I guess :) Thanks, man!

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mikehaugland

@mikehaugland Thanks for checking, Mike! I’m using Vexxhost (Cloud VPS)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mikehaugland

Oh boy… network problems in Canada are annoying me. Site seems unreachable (at least in Belgium). I might switch hosts soon after all.

via Twitter for Mac

Funny how a silly experiment turns into a reusable codebase that saves me hours of work.

via Twitter for Mac

Todor & Petru. A brilliant mix of video and cartoon.

via Twitter for Mac

The cool thing about Javascript is:You can hack it from the addressbar.The bad thing about Javascript is:you can hack it from the addressbar

via Twitter for Mac

@QuaghM Voor textbased apps (dus geen video/audiostreams): Ja! Wel een ‘node.js server’ maar da’s peanuts om te gebruiken :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to QuaghM

Socket.IO works perfectly! Great way of taking realtime multi-user power to every browser and every device at once. I’m sold.

via Twitter for Mac

Just so you know: never leave a ‘console.log’ in any JS code you debug in different browsers.

via Twitter for Mac

@BrunoByttebier Voor mij wel, nie voor de rest van de wereld ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to BrunoByttebier

On another note:Somebody out there knows how Firebug magically fixes a bug when I open it?(site broken with FB closed.Fixed when FB is open)

via Twitter for Mac

I just want to state this for the record: Firefox is shit. (Just believe me, it’s actually true)

via Twitter for Mac

Hurray! Just got an email from @nickvegas: GSG City Kit update is out! Guess what I’ll be doing tonight ;)

via Twitter for Mac

Bugfixing for breakfast! (Yea, I know, some of you just had lunch…)

via Twitter for Mac

“VDSL line status: not connected.”
Well I guess that’s my cue to go to bed.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@GuusDeGraeve Yea, I’m looking into making multi-user realtime apps crossborwser/crossplatform/crossdevice ;) Flash + Websockets = 100%

via Twitter for Mac in reply to GuusDeGraeve

Checking out Socket.IO. Great crossbrowser/crossplatform library for Websockets/NodeJS. So many cool words in a single sentence. Rocking!

via Twitter for Mac

Wow,the LinkedIn mobile site sucks badly.Tries to force that app on you all the time,switches between normal & mobile site every few pages..

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Had a fantastic night out with @Kimsje, @lyntje and Rik.

via Twitter for Mac

I was so busy with work,I didn’t even realize that ‘FB Timeline’ feature everyone is talking about is something completely new.Looking good!

via Twitter for Mac

I’m done! Another project finished with loads of time to spare… *not*

via Twitter for Mac

Smashed that bug with a massive sledgehammer. I swear: Code has a soul… And it’s trying to make me miserable!

via Twitter for Mac

Starting Firefox is like taking a spoon and slowly trying to push it into your chest.

via Twitter for Mac

Man, I think a lot of people don’t really appreciate that something as powerful as Wordpress comes for free…. That thing keeps amazing me!

via Twitter for Mac

@thenerd_be @mobilevikings Kweet nie of ik da een compliment vind voor MV. Telenet’s FUP is een bitch als ge uw verbinding veel gebruikt

via Twitter for Mac in reply to thenerd_be

Well, I guess this email means I’m up for hire :)

via Twitter for Mac

Well, that was another 18 hour coding marathon. Time for bed. I’m dead.

via Twitter for Mac

I think my subconsciousness is trying to create a movie. The title seems to be “Return of the splitting headache”.

via Twitter for Mac

Holy crap, creating the Wordpress comment form seems to be a nightmare! What’s wrong with just writing HTML? :/

via Twitter for Mac

Waiting for Microsoft Word to start on my old iMac is like waiting for Belgium to finally get a new government: Seems to take forever.

via Twitter for Mac

Combell upgraded our PHP version.MySQL was still out of date.Customer support reacted within minutes in the middle of the night! Impressive!

via Twitter for Mac

You can clearly see G+ is now open for the public. Mailbox keeps filling up with random people adding me.

via Twitter for Mac

I’m trying to figure out how to add another user account to a Google Analytics site in the new version, but I can’t seem to find where!

via Twitter for Mac

+1 (pun intended) RT @dimitrivh: digging the new facebook

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@ThijsFeryn ah! That makes sense! Bedankt voor de info :)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to ThijsFeryn from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@ThijsFeryn @combell Was voor een klant. Aanvraag is inderdaad al gebeurd. Upgrade zou vannacht uitgevoerd worden. Waarom niet meteen 5.2?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to ThijsFeryn

“Your server is running PHP version 5.1.2 but WordPress 3.2.1 requires at least 5.2.4.” Seriously, Combell?

via Twitter for Mac

It’s time to build some stuff and beat that deadline!

via Twitter for Mac

Haven’t hacked stuff like I’m doing now for years… Having awesome fun!

via Twitter for Mac

Debugging a server-startup script is pretty annoying work… Most definitely if you’re doing it on your production server.

via Twitter for Mac

Spent all day trying to bash script an nodejs-auto boot. To no avail.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

longcat111 longcat

via web (retweeted on 1:15 PM, Sep 20th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

longcat222 is

via web (retweeted on 1:15 PM, Sep 20th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

longcat333 long

via web (retweeted on 1:15 PM, Sep 20th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Javascript for breakfast and lunch… I might be addicted…

via Twitter for Mac

Totally getting the hang of websockets and Node.js. Maximum coolness!

via Twitter for Mac

@sjespers Ha! Sunny stuff is always good! Especially since weather in Belgium sucks! How’s life in San Francisco treating you, Serge?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to sjespers

Let’s wish my girlfriend @lyntje a happy 21st birthday!

via Twitter for Mac

@joristi Nope! Grote fan aan’t worden van JS gewoon :D En van node.js omdat het zo simpel is!

via Twitter for Mac in reply to joristi

Getting my head around websockets and node.js. I love this stuff. Oh and I love Javascript.

via Twitter for Mac

@DevinGus It says Mocha, so I’m guessing Mocha (for tracking) and After Effects (for editing) :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to DevinGus

@DevinGus I think you’re misunderstanding something ;) I did not create Formica. I post a cool video every monday, but they’re not mine ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to DevinGus

Just welcomed a new member of the building: A Mexican who came to Belgium to study! How awesome is that?

via Twitter for Mac

How awesome is that? :D RT @mobilevikings: @nocreativity fun fact: if that person then calls you back… = 2 hours per day :D

via Twitter for Mac

Holy cow! @mobilevikings will give 60 minutes of Viking-to-Viking talktime/day for free IF they make it to 100 000 Vikings by june 30th 2012

via Twitter for Mac

Digging it! RT @hannes_bhc: 1 miljoen like buttons. Like-roulette

via Twitter for Mac

“It was only one iceberg that sank the Titanic.” Ahwell… The coming months should be interesting.

via Twitter for Mac

Off to bed… Tomorrow is an important day for so many reasons.

via Twitter for Mac

Just realized LetItBloom was cancelled. I never even noticed…

via Twitter for Mac

Doing boring work… But it’s important, so I’ll just stick with it.

via Twitter for Mac

ikbenmartijn Als iOS 5 uitkomt wil ik dat de eerste update van Twitter “Add to reading list” (in Safari) bevat. Echt.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 1:08 PM, Sep 18th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

That’s enough work for one night. Let’s get into bed before the sun rises. Gnight!

via Twitter for Mac

Had a great night out with @lyntje and @davy_delbeke. Now back to work!

via Twitter for Mac

@damonfcooper sounds great! Does that mean I would be able to communicate with a FMS server using JS?

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to damonfcooper from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Writing Red5 methods and then call them using PHP afterwards. It almost feels wrong.

via Twitter for Mac

@mrchrisallen Ah, too bad! Makes sense though. Thanks for the heads up :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mrchrisallen

Does Adobe have a JS client implementation of the RTMP protocol (Flash Media Server) with this whole HTML buzz? Would make sense to me

via Twitter for Mac

How does that make them feel better? And haven’t they heard of ‘The Internet’? There’s always somebody out there who finds out…

via Twitter for Mac

I always wonder: Why do people take somebody’s source files and then publish them as their own with no credits to the original author?

via Twitter for Mac

Interesting… So I can make RTMP calls to a Red5 server from PHP… That’s interesting!

via Twitter for Mac

Crossbrowser inconsistencies in 2011. Gazillions of them. It makes me wanna kill myself. How’s that still possible? :/

via Twitter for Mac

Chrome is the new IE.

via Twitter for Mac

I’m guessing the iPhone5-event will be the final push :) RT @maximgladines: Still waiting until $AAPL breaks the 400 line #nasdaq

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Another fun experiment done! Time to get ready and head out to shoot some pool with @wirward, @lyntje and Pascale!

via Twitter for Mac

Making stuff embeddable is big fun! :)

via Twitter for Mac

Fluid coolness (it sounds strange but it’s about to totally make sense) RT @benDesigning: Dot Matrix Water printer :

via Twitter for Mac

Lovin’ it! RT @fi5e: Posted a new piece: Multi-Touch Finger Paintings -

via Twitter for Mac

Splitting headache is splitting.

via Twitter for Mac

Fixed a few bugs in my little IRC bot. I love that I can write an IRC bot running on AIR!

via Twitter for Mac

@davy_delbeke So all that #nogov talk was just a load of bullcrap?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to davy_delbeke

458 days later, our ‘government’ has made a huge step forward. I wonder though: Do we need a gov? We did alright for 15 months without them.

via Twitter for Mac

nr1 I needed a password with eight characters so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves #security

via web (retweeted on 1:01 PM, Sep 15th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Awesome! RT @johnlindquist: This sums up the Windows 8 vs. iPad argument pretty well

via Twitter for Mac

Stupid idea turns into fun projects. It only happens at 5AM, people. You have to wait for it!

via Twitter for Mac

Any #Cinema4D guru that could tell me what’s up with the noise blur in the back there? (Trying DOF in R13)

via Twitter for Mac

@gentsagency if you’re still looking for a 3D freelancer, let me know ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone

I have to say: OSX is really rocksolid… Until it crashes… And when it crashes: better sight tight cause it’s one hell of ride!

via Twitter for Mac

You know you’re in trouble when the only way to reboot your Mac, is to ssh into it and force it to do so.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

It seems I can’t run the #Cinema4D R13 installer. This is where the installer is stuck. Any help?

via Twitter for Mac

azaaza Want your CSS rotates and scales to be beautifully antialiased? For webkit, add “box-shadow: 0 0 1px transparent;” and it will be.

via Tweetie for Mac (retweeted on 3:08 AM, Sep 14th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Vimeo seems to be having problems with the player: /cc @Vimeo @VimeoStaff

via Twitter for Mac

Very cool demo of some new character rigging/animation features in #cinema4D R13!

via Twitter for Mac

Can’t watch the Influxis FOTB livestream. Netconnection rejects me. :(

via Twitter for Mac

tynoesj Awesome action by #Alis, a Danish skateshop. Photoshopped some political posters, let the movie do the talking -

via web (retweeted on 3:13 PM, Sep 13th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

I used to write poems. And as far as my intentions went (to make me remember feelings), I must say I did well. They still hurt.

via Twitter for Mac

I used to record rap songs with a good friend of mine. They were crap, but man: We had massive fun. Too bad I haven’t got those CD’s anymore

via Twitter for Mac

tynoesj Why would anyone want to use #Tweetdeck on Facebook?

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:13 PM, Sep 12th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Here’s a question: Is there any movie franchise/cult as cool as Back To The Future? I mean: look!

via Twitter for Mac

Sweeeet! RT @BrunoFonzi: Great news for all developers: #FDT5 FREE announced! if at #FOTB check it out in person!

via Twitter for Mac

100 years of music and dance in 100 seconds. Beautiful.

via Twitter for Mac

Just spent an hour learning about Reference Counting and Memory Management in Obj-C, only to read this afterwards:

via Twitter for Mac

Facebook account has been unavailable all day now. I don’t mind not being able to access FB.I’m just scared my account might be compromised.

via Twitter for Mac

So Klout is telling me how much I influence people. The funny thing is Klout doesn’t influence me at all. What exactly does it actually do?

via Twitter for Mac

Slowly starting to get my head around this Obj-C thing… Not too bad.

via Twitter for Mac

It’s a pretty dark day out there.

via Twitter for Mac

#10yearsago I was running a 400m race. All was fine before I started. When I reached the finish, I heard the news about New York.

via Twitter for Mac

Hey Twitter! See this? It’s okay to consider this spam…

via Twitter for Mac

@seventhmovement @mindrelic Congrats, guys. Beautiful additions to a very touching piece.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to seventhmovement

@scottjanousek The links do work for me. Looks like a typical 1996 website to me :D Man, the web sure has evolved!

via Twitter for Mac in reply to scottjanousek

@scottjanousek Oh, in that case I can use the excuse I was only 10 years old and had no real clue what ‘The Internet’ was :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to scottjanousek

@scottjanousek Dude, how do you know that stuff? (I bet you any money you are looking it up on Wikipedia) ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to scottjanousek

@scottjanousek That I actually knew! However I never really knew where href came from or what it stands for :)

via Twitter for Mac

Hah, I just learned that “href” stands for ‘Hyperlink reference”. I did not know that yet.

via Twitter for Mac

Is it just me or is the Amazon API documentation pure crap? It’s almost impossible to just find the reference your looking for :/

via Twitter for Mac

I love this clip and the references to the movies. Very cool clip and initiative!

via Twitter for Mac

cdhowe I didn’t know that: Apple registered the design of the iPad in Europe in March 2004.

via Tweetie for Mac (retweeted on 6:10 PM, Sep 10th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Anybody else experiencing issues with Gmail for domains?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Just called @woutr_be (who’s in Hong Kong) from Kortrijk over 3G using Viber. Crystal clear and it didn’t cost me a thing. I <3 technology!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Looking for a good/reliable/cheap domain registrar with a ‘’-like url structure. Any suggestions?

via Twitter for Mac

“You find that situation on you, that’s good… Cause that’s baptism under fire.” -

via Twitter for Mac

@joristi Da zal het idd zijn. Mijn vorige experimenten op de iPad lieten dat ook uitschijnen. Native is the only way to go.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Courtrai, Courtrai

@joristi Bad performance on lower end hardware…? Just a wild stab in the dark.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to joristi from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

wikileaks You can donate to the KKK, buy torture tools, all sorts of porn, but you can’t support Wikileaks with a Visa card

via web (retweeted on 12:36 AM, Sep 10th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

No matter how bad I feel, there’s nothing music can’t fix.

via Echofon

RT @nickvegas: Ignore the things you are bad at that you don’t want to do. Spend time on the things that you are bad at that you DO want …

via Tweetbot for iPhone

I start to like writing PHP code again. That’s new. And strange.

via Twitter for Mac

6AM once again. And no sunrise yet… It’s actually still pretty dark out there. Strange…

via Twitter for Mac

Watching Diggnation…. Ah, good stuff…

via Twitter for Mac

Geweldig :DRT @OttoJanHam: Er staan 2 soldaten onder een boom. Zegt de één tegen de andere: i’m under a tak. (dat vind ik dus grappig)

via Twitter for Mac

Digging this! That’s quite something else! Great narrative! Looking forward to the final piece, Munko! via @gmunk

via Twitter for Mac in reply to gmunk

@tonylukasavage Your account seems to be hacked. Change your passwords ;)

via Twitter for Mac

@Format_ I really wouldn’t know. As far as the app goes: it’s free and it works perfectly.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to Format_ from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Final tip before I head out: iPhone users: Get ‘Viber’, an app that let’s you do phone calls for free over 3G/Edge. Works great!

via Twitter for Mac

@aral Cool! I was wondering if you’d record anything on video. When can we see what all the fuzz was about? ;) #UpdateConf

via Twitter for Mac in reply to aral

I never liked Instragram because I felt it was hyped too much.However I start seeing the gap it’s filling.And now I feel the need to use it.

via Twitter for Mac

“You don’t stop playing because you grow up. You grow up because you stop playing.”

via Twitter for Mac

How to create a maintenance mode with .htaccess:

via Twitter for Mac

I don’t get how I need glasses to comfortably read what is in front of me but I don’t need glasses to see that something is off by just 1px.

via Twitter for Mac

@tonylukasavage I like it! The rest of your page needs more color though ;) It’s pretty B/W now ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to tonylukasavage

@nickvegas hey man! Since you’re back in Chicago I assume your work at Hipstamatic is done. Anywhere where we can see what you did yet?

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to nickvegas from Courtrai, Courtrai

Just one more because they rock: I am Iron Man.

via Twitter for Mac

Except for her hair not being red, I guess that’s the closest anybody has ever come to look exactly like Jessica Rabbit.

via Twitter for Mac

Best piece of media all day: Comic-Con 2011. Some VERY cool costumes in there!

via Twitter for Mac

lyntje Misschien moeten we met alle #devine alumni een project/platform starten zodat mensen uit ons kunnen kiezen voor een freelance opdracht.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 5:35 PM, Sep 7th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Great read about vision and staying true to your beliefs.

via Twitter for Mac

@DevinGus Hah, thanks! I’m not a beer-man though ;) A coke will do just fine! :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to DevinGus

It’s a bad day. Too many signs… However, I’m not giving in! I’m going to make today awesome! There! Beat that!

via Twitter for Mac

Did one last Titanium test with the blendModes before going to bed! I finally figured out how those blendModes work! FINALLY. Off to bed now

via Twitter for Mac

jessefreeman After 2 months of doing JavaScipt I’m starting to see just how much I over architect AS3 code. Then again maybe JS is the 1 with the problem

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 4:41 AM, Sep 7th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Learning about sound pressure, sound pressure levels and lots of other physics stuff. At 4.30AM. Right…

via Twitter for Mac

Hands down the most impressive Kinect demo out there. Massive coolness!

via Twitter for Mac

ColmBritton The more I hear about #update2011 the more I feel I’ve missed out. Sounds like @aral put on a stonker!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:06 AM, Sep 7th, 2011 via web)

mrTimp freedom of tweet

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:34 PM, Sep 6th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

What are the 3 most important things in 3D? I’d say: Lights, reflections and scale. What do you think?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@joristi I know Regexr ;) However I didn’t find what I was looking for ;) Had to build it myself (with lots of blood, sweat and tears).

via Twitter for Mac in reply to joristi

Regex is NOT my cup of tea…

via Twitter for Mac

Finally a new Wordpress theme: Diabolik

via Tweet Button

@glenndavid Cloud hosting bij Vexxhost. Betaalbaar, volledige controle, schaalbaar, deftig.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to glenndavid

Fixing so much Wordpress stuff these days…I’m pretty sure I had a nightmare about WP last night.It’s about time I get to do something else

via Twitter for Mac

@davy_delbeke Ik ga wijselijk zwijgen om u de ‘OH MY GOD, GIJ KENT DIE NIE??’ te besparen ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to davy_delbeke

I don’t think I’ve ever met a guy that’s such a genius and such an idiot at the same time.

via Twitter for Mac

Well, it seems all is ready. Time for me to get some sleep. Goodnight sunrise. See you tomorrow.

via Twitter for Mac

Well, fuck that! I just spent 8 hours (EIGHT!!) fixing somebody else’s crap code. I could KILL somebody right now. Kill him dead.

via Twitter for Mac

@Coenego …and broken wrists, sprained ankles, dislocated shoulders and concussions…. Yea, great memories :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Coenego

I haven’t shaved in 3 days. I look a gangster in a cheap movie. :/

via Twitter for Mac

@Coenego It does bring back good memories, doesn’t it? :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Coenego

There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑