He jumped out of a plane and landed without using a parachute. What an amazing commitment! youtu.be/g8j0YFzmqWc #HeavenSent
Seems like health & safety stepped in at #HeavenSent and made the skydiver wear a chute. You know, in order for him not to die and all that.
I just bought an Android phone. Also; this just in: It is now freezing in hell. instagram.com/p/BIfK2aBhF7R/
In about 12 hours, Luke Aikins is going to jump out of a plane without a parachute. Good luck,Mr Aikins! https://t.co/80iYGHDYH0 #heavensent
RT @pusher: Want to learn how to build a Pokémon GO clone this weekend? Look no further: https://t.co/BPneDzG5s6 https://t.co/kJpEN2MPjK
I can never hold back the tears during the end-monologue of Rush. What an emotional ending to an intense movie.
It’s been a while since I built #wordpressss theme but clearly I still got it. This baby is coming together nicely. Really happy about that.
I’m not sure why but I enjoy building the build-tool more than building the actual site. I just love automating tasks#gulpl#frontendnd
Not sure if #KanyeWest or #PokemonGO… https://t.co/EDIfyFisB8
This is brilliant. And -I presume- very painful once they start kicking you after they figure out you pranked them. https://t.co/QvAzYBuc2i
The difference between the virtual world and the real world. #PokemonGO https://t.co/gjcFXRBdmA
@davy_delbeke Only if there’s enough of it and it actually hits you. ;)
“Pokémon GO plays off of nostalgiaâ€â€Šâ€” @garyvee https://t.co/ApgISgGR1a Called it: https://t.co/4SgB8hm36S https://t.co/f4HbJyY8sT
@kurtlef Haha, ik ken dat excuus. Geloof me: spijt dat je het nooit gedaan hebt, doet langer pijn dan een blauwe plek of een schaafwonde ;)
@kurtlef Wat een zever! Leeftijd maakt niet uit! Je leeft maar 1 keer: doe vooral waar je zin in hebt.Als je er eens eentje wil proberen… ;)
This is seriously the greatest hobby ever. #electricskateboards #longboards #boostedboardsâ€instagram.com/p/BIM33oIBFNE/dX
Does anybody else feel like this is a ridiculous way to replace the battery on a @BoostedBoards? https://t.co/tzT7izHkB1 Tools and screws!?
1 jaar later. De website fade niet meer naar wit. Hij blijft gewoon blauw. Heerlijk :D pic.twitter.com/JwIBFQkdMz
Ever since I figured out how to make lightweight/progressive enhanced websites, I’m unable to do not do it. I just feels natural.
Pro-tip: never use Google Fonts directly. Download the files and optimize them first (font-squirrel/fontmin). Saves much bandwith! #frontend
@hannes_bhc Don’t let it get to you. Der hangt negativiteit in onze maatschappij en we moeten het de kop in steken. Stay positive ;)
“If they don’t value our time enough to pay for it, we don’t value their project enough to consider it.†https://t.co/uNkqne7QbG
Sometimes your building needs a little bit of gold to stand out. @ Oostende Beach, Belgium instagram.com/p/BIIUEkWjTFR/
Hey internet, stop asking for my fucking phone number. You’re not getting it, alright!?
I know I’m a pro that has upped his game consistently in the last years but when I see my old work,I can’t help but wonder if I still got it
I know: It’s a matter of software - not device but that Lumia has IEMobile 11 (release in July ’14). How can it not be supported!?
Does the Twitter #javascript lib seriously not support a Nokia Lumia 930? But it does support an iPhone 4? #frontend pic.twitter.com/sxKOSDktLd
I thought I’d check the user agent of the Mobile IE browser on this Nokia Lumia 930. Lies. Lies everywherepic.twitter.com/xO2WvoXJaNaN
I wish the #PokemonGO loading screen looked as awesome as this. I wouldn’t mind seeing it more often then. https://t.co/ibq4N3PWuA
@Jonazzty ge kunt u nie voorbereiden als de hype zo groot is. Zelfs Facebook, Twitter en Snapchat hebben geen zulke loads. ;)
@Jonazzty racks? 10-tallen (of mss zelfs 100-tallen) miljoenen spelers… En ge denkt dat racks genoeg zijn? :p
@Jonazzty effe heel Europa toegang gegeven. Die hun servers trokken da nie ;) Geduld ;)
yousifabdullah I can’t look at people anymore without thinking they’re playing #PokemonGo, no matter what it is they’re doing on their phone. Wow.
mikebeecham Saturday!!! #PokemonGO pic.twitter.com/7LyTPSww4h
Whoever thought it would be a great idea to release #pokemonGo to all of Europe on a Saturday clearly deserves a medal for optimism. 😀
Nostalgia is a powerful ally if you’re building a social platform game. I guess that’s #PokemonGoonGo is such a wild success.
@jeroen_algoet download werkte nu net ook voor mij. :)
Yup, looks like #pokemongo has finally landed in Belgium. Available in the App Store. Let’s go catch some!pic.twitter.com/mqbrxSrOfIfI
@jeroen_algoet but can you get it? 😉
@mikebeecham I am not to be spared. I expected this game the day the App Store was announced. Can’t believe it took them so long.
For a second there, #pokemonGo was available in the Belgian App Store. Until it wasn’tpic.twitter.com/FGjxyhHrkMkM
In 90 seconds, @garyvee tells you everything you need to know to be winner at #life youtu.be/r1oY6UW_qo4
Oh yea! I’m so ready for this! Bring it, #pokemongo! #wallpaper (LOOK! NOT FLAT! HA!) instagram.com/p/BH2q3yjDV2i/
RT @gedeon: I hope @eli_schiff appreciates that my new Pokémon wallpaper wasn’t flat. I *coulda* made it flat… BUT I DIDN’T. :-P
I was 18 the last time Rodney Mullen released a video. 12 years later and the man still got it. #legend #respect youtu.be/_nZZaWobR-c
@hannes_bhc Thanks voor de heads up. Ik ga normaal altijd links…
One of those things you never forget. #TBT pic.twitter.com/MZ5uu8H81i
Rodney Mullen - The Living Legend - has a new skatevideo that will give you the chills. Borderlines on poetry.
I’m sure @garyvee will approve of this: “It takes 20 years to make an overnight success“ https://t.co/6agBySh7Nk https://t.co/o3a7Hb2uUS
RT @thenerd_be: I’m available for #freelance #ios development the next two months. RT = so much 💕
Just got this email. Holy crap, that @EvolveSk8boards Bamboo GT is sexy! I want one more than I want my next breath! pic.twitter.com/JwM26S22yY
@andreysitnik I did have to tinker a bit with sourcemaps in general. Thanks again :) pic.twitter.com/FmDO1gOxyV
@andreysitnik Hey Andrey, sorry for the late reply! I concluded that the PostCSS sourcemaps worked fine. [1/2]
@andreysitnik I cloned quite a lot of nodes from one CSS root and appended it to another one.Those generated sourcemaps seem to be trouble
@andreysitnik I’m not sure what to set the node.source to though. I’m cloning/removing nodes from an input-CSS and outputting new roots.
@cornedor_ That’s what I did. But I still don’t understand the mechanics. Seems like there’s no docs around to explain the Map-Generator
@cornedor_ It’s not inside a gulp-flow. It’s inside a PostCSS plugin, when applying actual CSS transformations. There’s no gulp present ;)
Trying to figure out how to update #sourcemaps when transforming CSS with a #PostCSS plugin… No docs to be found apparently…
Just overheard a group of people telling each other where the Pokemon is. In the center of Kortrijk. This is so cool!
Am I the only one who’s Facebook feed/Twitter feed are full of news-updates abou#PokemonGoGo? This hype is CRAZY!
2.1MB of commented code put #Apollo11 on the moon. Your site HAS to be lighter than 2.1MB. That’s the new threshold#frontendnd
Wanna see the fancy codes that put #Apollo11 on the moon? Well, here you go! https://t.co/oSjDajUBPS
I love it when the weather is good enough for me to wear my custom Oakley glasses. ðŸinstagram.com/p/BHrfmDph1yz/bNY
I have an hour to kill in the center of Kortrijk. Anybody wants to meet up for drinks?â€instagram.com/p/BHo71U9BpzO/b4
You can’t call your 3kb JS-lib ‘lightweight’ if it requires 4 others 5kb external libs to work in the first p#jse#frontendfrontend
Did you see @joggink’s new blog yet? Blazing fast performance, truly responsive and progressive enhancedjoggink.comW#frontendnd
@drieslambrecht Nie da’k weet. Er zijn wel mensen die het spel via andere stores al hebben kunnen downloaden.
‘I sniff Pokémons for breakfast’.
There’s a sentence I never thought I’d say.
Nerds across the world: UNITE! https://t.co/57OUDccSoE
Here’s a piece of advice: Spend 2 days straight doing nothing else but solving Regex problems. You’ll never look back. Thank me later.
nrmehta NASA just landed a probe into Jupiter’s orbit from 100s of MMs of miles away; don’t worry-your high score in Candy Crush is still impressive
Reverse margins in #CSS are great fun :)
@hannes_bhc Een paar jaar geleden was dat uw volledige internet limiet op uw vaste Telenet lijn, thuis… Times have changed.
.bind(), .apply(), .call()… I love that shit#javascriptpt
When publishers get their priorities right, great #UX is had be all. #frontend #performance #webdev pic.twitter.com/r4aX2zEKFh
@ESPNF1 I agree. There were a few different scenario’s but if Nico had looked at the bigger picture he might have gotten away with 2nd.
The devil is in the details: Beautifully animated UI waiting/loading animations. https://t.co/LeQG4uI2iN https://t.co/fUTriIDFqY
I’ve said it many times@nico_rosbergrg can’t handle the pressure when it matters. That’s what separates him fr#F1an #F1 title.
You know your #Gulp setup is getting crazy when you split it up and end up with 73 files and modules…. Ouch!
@hannes_bhc ah, didnt know. Zelf maar bouwen en aan de man brengen? ;) ik ken wel iemand die u daarbij kan helpen ;)
@hannes_bhc zomaar million-dollar-ideas de wereld in sturen? Then again: iemand was u voor ;) https://t.co/U9HvOrlqAM
I totally love it when splitting up code into modules organically reveals problems and makes things better without me even trying. #js #code
When #gulplife and #nerdlife meet, sunrises happen… Once again I’m obsessed with a project and sleep eludes me.
#TweetFromTheFuture So apparently the team that was the best team in the world 2 years ago is ALSO the best team in Europe.Shocker #EURO2016