The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

February 2010

@BWSE_Nazz Idd, maar dat mist heel wat functionaliteiten (tegelijk oppakken van de webcam bvb, post-edit) en ik heb weer Leopard :p

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to BWS_Nazz

Thanks everybody for the suggestions! I just gave ScreenFlow a run and I love it!Really liking the way you can edit the recording afterwards

via Twitter for iPhone

@freshface I’m looking for partial screen recording, so Quicktime is out (I’m still on leopard btw ;))

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to freshface

What should I use to record video tutorials on a Mac? I’ve used Screen Mimic for a long time but I’m getting tired of the out-of-sync issues

via Twitter for iPhone

Anyway: What happens in Amsterdam…

via Twitter for iPhone

Great… I takes me hours to write my complete review of #FITC and then Safari decides to crash. It’s crashing a lot lately…

via Twitter for iPhone

Why is Wordpress removing extra whitelines I add? Either stay off my content or get it right…

via Twitter for iPhone

There is one thing that WOULD make me happier… perhaps… It’s called ‘correct spelling’… #fail

via Twitter for iPhone

There’s not thing that makes me more happy, than to make other people smile!

via Twitter for iPhone

Ayame__ Tip voor de studenten: wisselen naar hardere muziek zorgt voor sneller programmeerwerk! Althans toch bij deze ^_^

via web (retweeted on 8:46 PM, Feb 27th, 2010 via API)

To Oostende and back in less than 2 hours. Not the kind of trips I ussually do. And with both good and bad news. Should be interesting.

via Echofon

Goodmorning buddy! How you doin?

via Echofon

I had the weirdest nightmare

via Echofon

Free SoThink SWF decompiler! Grab it while it’s hot :) http://www.giveawayofthe…

via Twitter for iPhone

Why don’t understand people the ( simple) concept of queueing???

via Echofon

For a second I thought I could break the Belgian record on 1000m sprint. Then I realized I was off by almost a minute… #fail #oftheday

via Twitter for iPhone

I could’ve gotten an answer to my question in one hour… But then the ‘serious people’-concept kicked in… And now I have to wait for days

via Twitter for iPhone

I really need to get better… I’m a wreck…

via Twitter for iPhone

HAHA RT @UnitZeroOne: Moving 6 sprites on HTML5 is pushing my 2.8ghz machine to 83.5% cpu usage.Yes, HTML5 is there!

via Twitter for iPhone

Dope! Congrats Thibault! RT @leebrimelow: @thibault_imbert is becoming a Product Manager for Flash Player (

via Twitter for iPhone

According to the doctor, I sound like I’ve been smoking for 20 years (Which I haven’t). So, I’m in pretty bad shape. Let’s get better!

via Twitter for iPhone

In the doctor’s waiting room. Let’s hope he knows what’s wrong with me. I need some patching up…

via Echofon

I’ve been Tweeting for 1009 days. Probably the only thing I’ve done for such a long time! http://HowLongOnTwitter….

via web

Time to upload! Pretty happy with the results!

via Twitter for iPhone

Who of you guys actually still uses the classic tween in Flash CS4?

via Twitter for iPhone

@florindustries lol, pas op dagge mij nie report als spam :p Heb ook al eens ‘RonnyWelter is now following you’ gehad… Weird ze…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to prplps

Getting some positive feedback on this project so far. Kind of a relief, since it was a bit of a long shot…

via Twitter for iPhone

Seems like somebody is trying to hack my Twitter account… Sodd off… Will ya?

via Twitter for iPhone

Taking a break to get a haircut.

via Echofon

SWFAddress can be such a pain in the *you know*…

via Twitter for iPhone

Back home. Interesting meeting. Time to get back at this project. I’m starting to really like it… Too bad I’m way too late to kick ass…

via Twitter for iPhone

@MarjoleinKl Oei! Gelukkig ben jij er al grotendeels door. Ik kan pas vanavond naar de dokter. Alvast nog veel beterschap!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to MarjoleinKl

Sick as a dog… I think I got spared for a few days at #fitc because now I’m actually sick. Heading to the doctor after a little meeting

via Twitter for iPhone

Making good progress on this but I am running into one of those nasty timeline bugs…

via Twitter for iPhone

@mrchrisallen Oh, ok! Looking forward to the release! Have a safe trip home :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mrchrisallen

@mrchrisallen Nvm, the stupid question. I didn’t find the game earlier today. Found it now however… This is bad for productivity however

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mrchrisallen

@mrchrisallen Anytime, man! I had the greatest fun! Looking forward to more cool games like this! When is that website airing?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mrchrisallen

@articG Already made my mind up: Starting over. Once more. I’d rather hand in something halfway done, than this.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to articG

I hate this soup-assignment. I really want to start over once more. My own believe tells me to do it. My better judgement tells me not to…

via Twitter for iPhone

@BFourneau Although I don’t like the word fanboy, I think you’re right ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to BFourneau

RT @neurofuzzy: Hey fanboys… kiss my Flash. =P

via Twitter for iPhone

Writing a basic particle engine because what I’m looking for isn’t out there…

via Twitter for iPhone

I love how squareroot is a amazing tool to create great proportional whitespaces in interface design

via Twitter for iPhone

Pizza night evolved!! Spaghetti night!

via Echofon

I need to get rid of those empty cans. They ruin the bass coming out of the woofer (or the other way around)

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I love how all of my past projects have become one big toolbox of ready-to-use toys. My computer is becoming a big box of Lego stuff! #fun

via Twitter for iPhone

Yo, the Hea- Hea- Heavy Metal Kings hold the big shit! #JediMindTricks

via Twitter for iPhone

Safe and sound at home. I missed Kortrijk… Happy to be back…

via Twitter for iPhone

Moving back to Kortrijk at the speed of a bus. Cu soon, my beloved city!

via Echofon

And that’s it for #fitc Amsterdam 2010. About to head to the hotel and go home

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Hoss’ talk is really about something deeper and personal. It almost feels magical. Repect. #fitc

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I just played star wars on a major big screen in front of a few hundred people. Fun! #fitc

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I think I see some of the infrared5 people on stage, so it’s now a fact: cool shit is about to be shown! #fitc

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It’s officially time for cool shit. #fitc

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About to get educated by Shaun about lo-fi effects stuff. Really hoping to walk away from this session with new ideas.

via Echofon

augbe BREAKING: @pucknell announces FITC SanFran officially for the 1st time! Check the exclusive #augbe interview:

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:00 PM, Feb 23rd, 2010 via API)

At @leebrimelow’s session about flash cs5 iPhone dev. Looking forward to it and hoping to see some new stuff

via Echofon

Well… @UnitZeroOne just summoned up every WTF in the world. Very cool final demo. Just wow! #fitc

via Echofon

Mr @UnitZeroOne is next. Prestation’s titled “skunkworks”. I’m delighted I can’t smell anything yet.

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In Gmunk’s session. Show me cool stuff. Blow my mind! #fitc

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The coolest thing at #fitc so far: the Infrared5 guys showcasing a future project and library: unity3D game being controlled by an iPhone

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Nice talk with Christophe from Adobe. Now at the iPhone/flash cs5 session. #fitc

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Arrived at the #fitc keynote. Too late…

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Lovely and entertaining night out with the guys in Amsterdam. Off to bed. Tomorrow’s day 1 of #fitc! Really looking forward to it!

via Twitter for iPhone

Sitting in the lobby, catching up on email and Twitter. Looking forward to tomorrow. I’m ready for #fitc!

via web

Oh, I’ve got that bitchin’ headache again. Seriously sucks.

via Echofon

The weirdest thing I’ve seen so far: hot chocolate and no spoon.

via Echofon

Registered for #fitc . Heading out for some shopping now.

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@thomasjoos ok for me. Gimme a shout if you’re up for drinks tonight.

via Echofon in reply to thomasjoos

It’s good to be back in Amsterdam. I really like the place :)

via Twitter for iPhone

@W0utR Wow, gast! Heb u nie gezien? xD Wist nie eens da gij meewaart met ons :D

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to woutr_be

On our way to Amsterdam for #fitc! Here we come!!

via Echofon

Time to hit the hay.. Getting up early tomorrow to get ready to head out to #FITC. Looking forward to seeing you guys!

via web

@dimitrivh I’ve worked with Eclipse for almost 3 years now with not a single complaint :p Probably depends on the seriousness of the app ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to dimitrivh

Being on a Mac and having become adapted to the constant use of either Java or AIR apps, I forgot how 1994 ‘one platform’-only apps are…

via Twitter for iPhone

Seeing things like these make me realize how pathetic the whole copyrighting shit is getting (see the comment below)

via Twitter for iPhone

Here comes that freaking headache again. I’m going to blow a hole in my head if this doesn’t stop.

via Twitter for iPhone

It took about a few years to really get my head around it, and it took about 2 or 3 weeks to actually figure it out, but I’m there! Happy!

via Twitter for iPhone

That’s a working Red5 application! Created in Eclipse, written in Java, running on my remote server and interacting with my Flex client!

via Twitter for iPhone

Ok, so: I’ve got Red5 running. I now understand how to create applications. Next: install a working application on a server…

via Twitter for iPhone

Just slept a few hours… I feel better, but still not good enough… This must be what it feels like to be a very old person…

via Twitter for iPhone

@eXop Ge komt al achter… De nieuwe hype is migraine hebben…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to eXop

If this doesn’t stop in a few minutes I’m going home, ‘cause this is killing me…

via Twitter for iPhone

Got that freaking headache again, and it’s really killing braincells (or something). It hurts like hell…

via Twitter for iPhone

And it works online…. Love it! Time to get my head around server shared objects and how to manipulate them in Java on the serverside

via Twitter for iPhone

Another little Red5 experiment ready… Works locally… Let’s see if the server is feeling okay with this…

via Twitter for iPhone

Adding the Adobe Socket policy file port to my firewall… And let’s hope I don’t block myself again now…

via Twitter for iPhone

Headache of the century…

via Twitter for iPhone

RT @articG: prefer doing research about AWESOME stuff;but instead i need to work on a schoolassignment about soup

via Twitter for iPhone

I’m wondering: Is there a way of making Lego robots move with Actionscript?

via Twitter for iPhone

@desaturated klinkt als een Flash app, en een Flash lite app :p But I get your point.. Maar het gaat me om de ‘full-browser-experience’-shit

via web

… as the content has been written with desktop power in mind, and is now supposed to run on a much less powerful environment…

via Twitter for iPhone

I’m happy to see the results of the open screen project to be so overwhelming.I am however pretty sceptic about the quality of the player…

via Twitter for iPhone

About to go to see an oculist… If I’m not going to die from this insane cold (that already took away my voice), I’m gonna go blind…

via Twitter for iPhone

@devdev_be Wanneer is de les? Wij zullen aanwezig zijn!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to devdev_be

This little bit of death is supposed to be cancer-free.

via Echofon

Sometimes I feel like destroying every beautiful thing the world has ever seen. Just because I feel like the world is doing it to me.

via Twitter for iPhone

“The truth should never hide in plain sight. “

via Twitter for iPhone

I hate to say it… But Java is pretty cool!

via Twitter for iPhone

Dear mother nature, I have a request: STOP SNOWING! I’m tired of winter!

via Twitter for iPhone

I think somebody doesn’t want me to go to #FITC… Soar throat, headaches, fever… All at the same time, all of a sudden, …

via Twitter for iPhone

Passed for everything! Happy times!

via Twitter for iPhone

Any HTML page will do ;) RT @tekkie: Doesn’t take Flash to crash Safari. It just hung on a simple Drupal form…

via Twitter for iPhone

@scottjanousek I’d say iMac. If however you’re planning on running crazy applications/render insane 3D or video’s, a Mac Pro might be better

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to scottjanousek

Back home! Will get back at Red5 experimenting (the cool thing is that this is what I do at school, so I’m actually doing ‘homework’ stuff)

via Twitter for iPhone

My laptop seems to have a deathwish.After messing around 3 weeks I finally figured out how to build/debug red5 apps.And now the battery dies

via Echofon

It’s working!! It’s working #anakinskywalker

via Twitter for iPhone

In @newmovieclip’s class: oop in flex 4.

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I’d say: “This is a good day’s work done” if it were done… But it isn’t… Off to bed …

via Twitter for iPhone

Created a cool little light fun application in Flash! I love those stupid ideas! They are so cool! :D

via Twitter for iPhone

… which is basically what is needed to run all Google Chrome processes, nullifying the one critical ‘better stuff’ Chrome has to offer…

via Twitter for iPhone

How is Google Chrome better than any other browser? When you crash it with Flash it ends up eating your CPU until you kill the helper…

via Twitter for iPhone

It seems like somebody out there just doesn’t want me to succeed… Interval remote is low on batteries… Shoot me…

via Twitter for iPhone

Getting my stuff ready. There’s NO moon on the sky… So that’s my shot at it!

via Twitter for iPhone

I have to give it to Microsoft: I just updated the Silverlight plugin without having to quit my browser. That’s how it’s done!

via Twitter for iPhone

@NeuroProd Oh, oops :D Well, good luck then ;) Looking forward to the final result! :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to NeuroProd

Totally digging @neuroprod’s new blog theme. Good job mate!

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Thinking about my new blogtheme… I want it to be something totally different… Something better.

via Twitter for iPhone

Just heard the LeafPeople play. The drummer totally rocked!

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In Bruges for Humo’s rock rally with Sasha, @LadyElena, @wirward and our crazy driver Pascale.

via Echofon

At @wirward’s place, waiting for Pascale to pick us up.

via Echofon

It’s nice to see my server is still running. To some this might not be very spectacular, but until a few days ago that thing crashed daily!

via Twitter for iPhone

The Twitter search has NEVER worked for me, when looking up old tweets… Bullshit.

via Twitter for iPhone

Server still up… Still wondering if it will crash… *fingers crossed*

via Twitter for iPhone

@Fubz in da gangetje, de trap omhoog. Als ge boven zijt naar rechts ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Fubz

Checking out some experiments, wondering if I could EVER do something similar…

via Twitter for iPhone

It’s sad to see great community members turn their blog into an advertising page…

via Twitter for iPhone

@Heeties So what does that tell us? Let’s all ban 1024x768!! ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Heeties

It’s 2010, right? I just realized that we’re developing websites/webapps which are optimized for screensizes dating from 1998…

via Twitter for iPhone

And on another note: Flash Player crashing ANY browser is the result of badly coded Flash apps. There, I’ve said it.

via Twitter for iPhone

@BFourneau I am def. not ASKING for a Flash Player on the iPhone. I _AM_ laughing at the Playerless iPad.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to BFourneau

And it sure is ‘Magical’ that it’s the one company that hates Flash, that chooses another codec… “Ambitious but rubbish” comes to mind…

via Twitter for iPhone

So this is the new world? It feels like we’ve been there. It was before Flash Video kicked in…

via Twitter for iPhone

In class with @newmovieclip… Learning about Flex. I want skinning… I guess I’ll have to wait some more…

via Twitter for iPhone

Heading to bed. Need to get up early tomorrow morning and I’m not in the mood for that…

via Twitter for iPhone

A little details you might want to know: It’s freezing cold out there and it’s snowing like crazy out there. Feels like north pole weather

via Twitter for iPhone

Spend 15 minutes fixing my bike because some kids thought it were a good idea to almost completely trash it because they couldn’t steal it

via Twitter for iPhone

Any of you network-admins: This is your chance to impress me!…

via Twitter for iPhone

I’m closing in on 500 followers. That’s amazing! So many people willing to read my badass stories!

via Twitter for iPhone

If any of you guys are using #bbclone consider taking it down as there is a pretty simple (but serious) RFI exploit to be taken into account

via Twitter for iPhone

It might just be a breakthrough… I’ll see that in the morning I guess…

via Twitter for iPhone

This afternoon I deleted some malicious script from the server… Now I get a shitload of 404 errors for that same hidden directory…

via Twitter for iPhone

@toStephen Welja, van mijn kot tot Lab9… en terug… :p

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to toStephen

Just went to the Apple store with @ladyElena’s 24” iMac… I lost every kind of feeling in my arms…

via Twitter for iPhone

It seems someone targetted the Walter Ego site and succesfully installed a RFI script… I don’t like this…

via Twitter for iPhone

Doing basic Java exercises in class. Pretty nice to have some basic memory refreshing. Still wondering what is making my server crash though

via Twitter for iPhone

I feel pretty weird… Like something is missing…

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Today went by way too fast…

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First class of the year. Totally looking forward to this.

via Echofon

Looking for a few cool 3840x1200 wallpapers… Only got about 20 decent ones..

via Twitter for iPhone

I genuinely lolled! RT @secoif: @babyc fines and payouts are part of microsoft’s business model.

via Twitter for iPhone

Reading up on recent IE vulnerabilities… I think MS should be fined for trying to cover up and even lying about this kind of stuff.

via Twitter for iPhone

I’ll give Red5 another run tomorrow… Giving up for today… It’s just not possible for humans…

via Twitter for iPhone

And I’m seeing more progress again… Feels good…

via Twitter for iPhone

Hah, first time I see the new Facebook layout… Nice…

via Twitter for iPhone

Finally… I think I did it… If all goes well: server shouldn’t die of an OOM-error anymore… *fingers crossed*

via Twitter for iPhone

Well… Red5 localhost running, Eclipse ready to connect and debug, projects ready to be created… But I gotta go! To be continued!

via Twitter for iPhone

@aral Let them start by just reviewing the AS3 compiler and make that decent… :p I want faster SWFs :p

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to aral

A kingdom for 1 decent Red5 tutorial! From NULL to “Hello World”… I couldn’t ask for anything more basic than this…

via Twitter for iPhone

Alright:awake, kicking and ready for another Java beating.Need to figure out how to get all this working in Eclipse.Might just figure it out

via Twitter for iPhone

Back to Red5 application building. Yes, I’m a persistent asshole… Better be ready Java because you WILL do as I tell you.

via Twitter for iPhone

This is so frustrating: A tutorial showing you ‘to change it like this’… Explaining why would be an idiotic idea, right?

via Twitter for iPhone

I’m not easily pleased. Keep that in mind when asking my opinion.

via Echofon

Is there really now decent PHP socket server out there? I’m really not looking forward to creating this myself since I decently suck at PHP

via Twitter for iPhone

@W0utR No probs man ;) Thanks for the suggestion ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to woutr_be

@W0utR Stratus is more P2P. I’m looking for solutions like Red5, but not in JAVA/Ruby. I’m looking for PHP Socket Server solutions.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to woutr_be

So let me get this straight: We’re in the real-time data/application era but besides Ruby/JAVA solutions, there’s nothing? #huh

via Twitter for iPhone

Twitter must have changed their Tweet-counting algorithm… Most people I closely follow have their tweets multiplied by 3 all of a sudden

via Twitter for iPhone

Tweetie is going nuts, right? 31K tweets??

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Funny how ‘RTFM’ comes to mind…

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Looking at . Might give it a run. Anybody who’s got better suggestions for PHP socket servers?

via Twitter for iPhone

I find it very intimidating to read ‘Advanced xyz’ tutorials… I really don’t feel like I’m ‘advanced’ yet…

via Twitter for iPhone

Couldn’t agree more! RT @aral: Thinking Twitter should automatically expire unused accounts after 12 months. Zero admin cost. (cc @twitter)

via Twitter for iPhone

Actionscript is cool for developers. Not for me. Yesterday’s frustration.

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Nobody should ever tell me I’m blowing bubbles when stating Windows doesn’t like me: And I only just got up!

via Twitter for iPhone

Thinking about this application. Multi-camera-angle livestream with user selection of which camera is streaming.

via Twitter for iPhone

Will have to do it the lazy way: Let the system crash once again, and hope to see what happened right before it happened…

via Twitter for iPhone

Looking for the problem causing my VPS to crash due memory leaks… OOM-killer is trying to tell me something but he’s pretty bad at it…

via Twitter for iPhone

Waiting for my train back home. Happy this is over.

via Echofon

Heading to Lichtervelde to finally deliver that iPhone

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@Lieneuh Yea, vreesde ik al wat voor… Kga der nog eens over denken, en straks nog eens proberen, goe? ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Lieneuh

@florindustries En liefst met dikke bolle glazen neem ik aan? :D

via Twitter for iPhone

@Lieneuh Olraait! Kga u dan wel eens mijn telefoonnummer geven, eens ik hem heb ;-)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Lieneuh

It’s official: I need glasses. Should be funny :)

via Twitter for iPhone

Got that broken iPhone back. After 3 months they finally replaced it

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@wouter Depends wanneer in da semester dawwe eraan beginnen? Ge wilt mij zeker geen lesmateriaal op voorhand doorsturen? :p

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to wouter

I might be running ahead of myself here… But at first glance, it looks like they didn’t want me to understand how to build Red5 apps…

via Twitter for iPhone

Looking into building Red5 applications… Not looking forward to JAVA dev… But I don’t have any other options… Do I?

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Self reflection is an important thing to do… You realize how bad of a person you actually are…

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I am having way too much fun doing this!

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑