New year’s dinner with my best friends!
lyntje Awesoming
Well guys… It’s official: I have a gay bar.
lyntje Legen … - wait for it - … dary!
RT @mrdoob: 2011 has sure been pretty epic. Lets make 2012 even better!
@joristi Looking good! More pics, man!
notzuckerberg A Google+ account is like a piece of home exercise equipment: you have one, you never use it, and you know nobody else uses theirs, either.
@desmetjens Thanks, buddy!
Going to see our first apartment in an hour. Exciting way to end 2011!
Let’s try that again: Beautiful song. Do check it out. You’ll love it.
@joristi Ah, crap!
Beautiful track. Words won’t do justice. Just listen to it.
So long, 2011. Now, what’s next?
Gotta say: The music in the movie Drive is probably the best I’ve heard all year.
stefsull This would be SO AWESOME! Internet giants consider “Nuclear Option” to oppose #SOPA: #godark #doitdoitdoit
Holy crap! The “Grid Lens” app is awesome! Cool effect, beautiful design, lots of features and great fun! Awesome!!
@mikepuchol Strange. Always goes realtime here. That sucks :(
@mikepuchol @parislemon Enable the stream on the Twitter client for Mac. Tweets/Mentions/DM’s come in in realtime :)
I didn’t know how much I missed the good old hip hop until I rediscovered Killah Priest on Spotify…
The force is strong in Adobe RT: @joristi: Adobe WanKenobi — #Adobe #Clonetool (via @ikbenmartijn)
Writing a briefing, doing some Flex development, Killah Priest blasting from Spotify and sunshine outside. It’s a beautiful day…
@roelvangils @mikevhoenselaar Verschil is absurd klein. Ik zou voor rechts gaan :)
@creativeskills Voor mij alvast :)
Dear hashtag-whores. Read this and FINALLY STOP THE BULLSHIT. Thank you and good night.
ikbenmartijn Voor de mensen die iets minder snel een subtiele tip vatten: STOP MET DIE TWEET OVER 5MB IN 1956 TE RETWEETEN! Dat is alles. Dank u.
Some creative stuff in there. RT @Evelinesmet: Nice! New Works of Banksy #streetart
@scottjanousek I have a spare one over here if you want ;)
@dimitrivh @thenerd_be Ja, da’s normaal. Genoeg mensen die thuis zijn tijdens de kerstperiode. Waarom zouden zij moeten op’t werk zijn?
The weather outside is horrible. Cold, windy and a little bit of rain. Ugh…
Snow in Brussels. Crap.
Back-to-back backflip. During a year. RT @ryangraves: …his new years resolution was to do a backflip a day in 2011…
@delegatevoid Exactly! Where the hell does all that come from!? (Can’t remember having uploaded 470MB of stuff)
Downloading my current Facebook data… Apparently that’s about 470MB… HOLY CRAP :|
Free T-shirt idea: “No, I won’t jailbreak your iPhone”. Someone create it, sell it and send me one. I need it.
Why would Apple create an actual television? That’s like building a bigger iMac with iOS on it instead of OSX…
RT @Modernegezegden: Eén ding haat ik aan Twitter: Het afronden van een goede tweet, op -1 uitkomen en dan moeten beslissen welke gramma …
It’s a bad day for productivity… Really bad.
Borderline scary… RT @tijs: Must-see: London, without people
Kinda makes you wonder… RT @BrunoFonzi: This is what a 5MB hard drive looked like in 1956 (note: required a forklift)
I am actually considering billing the NMBS for my hours lost at full freelance-rate. I’m currently up to 18 hours. In 4 weeks.
The plan: A direct train to Brussels.
The actual case: train too late, change to another one and now stationary in Ghent for 25 min.
Good morning, world! Happy Monday-on-a-Tuesday!
smnprtz The fact that some people get an iPhone/iPad for Christmas still blows my mind.
Format_ OH: Santa since you have no need of it anymore, may I please have the list of all the naughty girls?
@joristi The release of Spotify in Belgium made the launch of iTunes Match pretty much uninteresting. ;)
miespaties iPhone should have left/right hand prefs. Why is that ‘Done’ button on the right? Feels counter intuitive for me as a lefthandy #justsaying
About to watch Hugo with @wirward and @lyntje. Let’s hope it’s any good as this is probably the last movie I’m watching this year ;)
Evil_Nine Darth Vader: Luke, I know what your getting for Christmas.
Luke: How do you know?
Darth Vader: I felt your presents.
<insert santa-voice>
Having a magical Christmas eve with my amazing girlfriend. Merry Christmas to all of you. I love you guys (and girls).
Just gave the iPhone 4S’ video stabilization feature a run for its money. “I am blown away” is an understatement. I absolutely love it!
@davy_delbeke That is in fact speedshopping! Ik ben net nog 2 cadeautjes gaan halen en was 45 min onderweg :’)
Last minute Christmas shopping. Just like last year. Just like every year.
jimmy_wales I am proud to announce that the Wikipedia domain names will move away from GoDaddy. Their position on #sopa is unacceptable to us.
Waking up to the 24th of December. And the world is looking good. Have a nice day, my friends.
But without a device it’s just a barcode. Humans can’t read them without the device. To me that’s a problem.
I see the appeal; It’s easy, multi-functional and creates bridges between any media and whatever camera-enabled device you want.
So this QR thing seems to be getting a 2nd chance (at least in Belgium). Having doubts if it will take off this time…
@Kimsje Geniet er maar van! (Nu kunnen we allemaal samen facetimen!)
Exciting news! Come on Apple! Make the move! RT @SonyEricssonBE: Xperiaâ„¢ phones first to support WebGLâ„¢
Damn, that Unity3D-Flash demo by @UnitZeroOne looks freaking great! And it runs at 50-60FPS :| Holy crap! Must try!
We want more! RT @UnitZeroOne: With Unity 3.5, a little bit of time and 7 lines of script, this bench is easy to make;
I’d like to see the votes of the public for & against SOPA.
Totally unrelated: It’ll be interesting to see how that democracy-thing pans out
nickbilton Look at all of those buttons! Amazing pics from inside Space Shuttle Atlantis.
AugustinDeBie “Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby.” ~Ruth E. Renkel
We all got a little present at work today. That includes a bigass bottle of champagne. Thanks @SaatchiBrussels :)
@Ultimedia @thomasheylen Goe plan van da open en bloot op Twitter te bespreken. Volgende maandag zijn ze weer gepasseerd…
This day promises to be hilarious… (For everyone else because I seem to be making a fool out of myself)
PickwickProject Bedankt aan de #vuilnismannen die tegen de berichten in - althans het papier - netjes kwamen ophalen en dus niet allemaal #staken . Merci!
@Evelinesmet Bah, hard sucken. Ik duim voor je dat je vlug en goed thuis komt ;) nog even volhouden ;)
Ik geraakte net nog opt nippertje weg. RT @Evelinesmet: Nu al 80% van de treinen afgeschaft vanuit bxl noord #NMBS
Lui zijn. Datte. RT @Simon_Gee: Maar toch staken. Degoutant #vakbond #staken
Wie zegt dat Belgen niet solidair zijn? Kijk hoe mensen wildvreemden een vrije plaats in de auto geven terwijl anderen gaan staken!
Guess who invented the hashtag #zelfstoef today… (No, it wasn’t me!)
“NSD is collecting crash information. Please wait…”
I love that remark :’) RT @daringfireball: iPhone 4S One of Six ‘Biggest Technology Flops of 2011’:
There’s a woman sitting in front of me. She smells like a salami. Is showering not cool anymore?
Cool new Dooodl on my site! Some real artists out there!
@ikbenmartijn Ik denk al constant hetzelfde. “Stop met zagen; ik ga werken en binnen 10 jaar eens zien wat er op tafel ligt.”
+ “I’m so tired!”
- “There’s a nap for that.”
miespaties That akward moment when someone says ‘I’m tired, I need a napp’ and understanding ‘I’m tired, I need an app’ #geekspeak
Good statistics look good!
“I was very lucky”. Bullshit, he gave everything. RT @mrchrisallen: RT @object404 Self-taught people ftw.
It’s time for Apple, Samsung and HTC to get out of the courtrooms and back in the R&D departments and create some cool stuff.
I like this ‘coming home from work’-feeling. Kinda makes you appreciate everything just a bit more.
@anthonyvanoyen Zijde da zeker? Ik zie dit staan?
@glenndavid ‘k Zou zeker willen maar kvrees niet da’k vrijaf ga kunnen pakken daarvoor :)
Holy crap! You have to jump through quite some hoops just to get 3 youtube test-accounts running… Anyway: It’s finally working…
Hurray for Google captchas. They’re getting increasingly difficult. (I was wrong btw)
Bahaha! RT @lydiawil: Why do Java programmers wear glasses? They don’t C#
Great read on a Monday. RT @object404: True story brah. 6 Real Acts of Self Defense Too Awesome for an Action Movie
@rossrossros i have in fact done something similar in high school ;) somehow I turned the whole classroom blue…
@ikbenmartijn of dat natuurlijk ;)
@ikbenmartijn ik verstuur bijna enkel nog iMessages. Ofwel ken jij niet genoeg mensen op iOS5 ofwel heb je weinig goede EDGE/3G ontvangst.
One thing I miss ever since I started working at S&S is some spare time to do some experimenting. Will have to figure something out.
smnprtz So, Flash Builder is on its 4.6 (!!!) release, and typing “||” is still not working.
Me: “Enable all my alarms.”
Siri: “I enabled all your alarms.”
Awesome. I just set all my alarms for the coming 5 days.
@peterelst I really liked the barrel-roll one!With the snowthing,I was actually waiting for elves to start iceskating on the frozen screen;)
@peterelst I kind of expected to see something more. You know; the usual Google-“Wow! Awesome!”-thing.
Am I the only one who’s not really impressed/excited about that ‘Let it snow’ easteregg?
@thenerd_be Geen sneeuw voor mijn deur. Gewoon nat. Beetje sneeuw die op de auto’s blijft liggen, maar niets speciaal. Drive safely!
1. Take The Expendables.
2. Add Norris, Van Damme, Schwarzenegger and Willis.
3. Make a new movie.
4. …
5. Profit!
@Viberapp Ok, thanks! Looking forward to a fix :) Good luck!
@Viberapp Any chance there’s a way to fix the duplicate contact list bug? (iCloud vs ‘on this phone’?)
Lazy Sunday mornings are the best.
Splitting headache is splitting. This ‘being sick’-thing really sucks…
SaatchiBrussels New blogpost: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Life!
A white Christmas.
COOL. RT @glenndavid: On the way home…
Looks like Digg brought the diggbar back… I thought they removed it because it ‘breaks the web’?
This has become such a special song to me. Do listen to it; I’m sure you’ll like it too.!
To all you people shooting pictures with your phone while driving a car: “Very smart” or “Idiots”. Pick one.
Watch, like and then wonder how amazing the smoothness of that cameraman is.
Hearing ” Beyoncé - The best thing I never had” reminds me of some magical things that happened in the past… Oh nostalgia, you…
@glenndavid Ben ook wa verward. Iedereen (ik inclu) vinden het dood, maar het duikt opeens weer vaak op…
RT @AugustinDeBie: Powerfull quote! ” You all laugh because I’m different. I laugh because you are all the same! ” ~somewhere on a wall
My next experiment! RT @daringfireball: 360° Gyroscope-Enabled Panaramic Photo of Grand Central Apple Store:
There’s a girl in this train, painting her nails. That shit stinks, lady. Can’t you wait to get home to do that crap!?
RTMP streaming is great and offers a lot of possibilities… But firewalls in big corporations tend to fuck shit up.
Nom nom RT @lyntje: Ok, what the fuck? #autocorrect
RT @davydooms: Damn, just found out that the @twitter icon is different in brightness depending on tweet or DM
Remember that thing with the snow-js scripts on those websites… Yea, let’s not do that again.
@prplps Way ahead of you ;) Just need a safe room to let the thing fly in ;) You wouldn’t want to hurt anybody or break something, would ya?
There’s an AR Drone flying in our office. SOOO AWESOME! Must. Resist. Okay, it’s too late. I want one.
Awesome Dooodl on my site! I love it! Thanks Ken :)
brettrudd Glad pilots can now use iPads during takeoff and landing. They better not use mine, as mine can cause interference with electrical systems.
ikbenmartijn Devs die dit jaar een app gepubliceerd hebben op de App Store… Bel naar #Radio1, grote kans dat je 30 seconden nationale zendtijd krijgt!
It’s out there… Give a new life to a friend.
Wow, #Devine really screwed me up. I was dead tired when I got home, saw all of that work and suddenly I was ready to pull an all-nighter.
That would make a great Hollywood flick RT @tonylukasavage:Self-taught FX guy with $150, un-freaking-believable [VIDEO]
This is where I can really stretch my legs and work my magic. I love my job. <3
@ikbenmartijn @ds_druivelaar Maar ik ben het volledig eens, ja :) Titanium boven Phonegap. Always.
@ikbenmartijn @ds_druivelaar De ‘page up’ animatie in iOS is native iOS. Zou dus niet werken op Android (dus custom animatie vereisen)
For our fallen soldiers.
Watching a man write an email with numerous boring charts on a thick gray laptop. Did I just wake up in 1995?
Working from the ESN offices today. Tomorrow is launchday! Exciting!
tienvijftien Why would there be a graphical designer in CERN? They’re scientists, they shoot beams at each other through solid rock. #comicsans
I might be mistaken but there seems to be a little fire in the Brussels train station (BXL North)
ReynebeauM Het VRT-journaal vertaalt ‘trois grenades’ als ‘zeven granaten’. Faalt de kennis van de rekenkunde of die van het Frans?
On my way home. Tomorrow is going to be hell. Can’t wait for Thursday.
I just experienced park-assist! It’s <strike>like</strike> magic!
@ikbenmartijn Titanium ging ook de native animaties kunnen gebruiken enzo. Ging de gouden middenweg zijn tussen native en “makkelijk”.
Today is one of these days where you just know everything is about to go horribly wrong… Mark my words.
@ikbenmartijn (ze hadden het beter met titanium gemaakt eigelijk) Der is gewoon veel nieuws over die app alsof er iets speciaal aan is.
@ikbenmartijn ja, zover was ik al :) had mijn vraag anders moeten stellen: waarom lees ik zoveel over die app op Twitter? Gelegenheid?
@ikbenmartijn wa is er zo speciaal aan die app mss?
New MIB movie coming!? This is gonna be good!
Just got snuck up on by predator @ilovethevegas. Creeped me out like hell!
Meh. Meh. Meh.
Pixelpushing at 25fps.
There’s a sign in our office that says: “Fuck Lotus Notes”. I support this movement.
@BrunoByttebier gelukkige verjaardag, Bruno! Maak er een schoon dagje van :)
What the hell is going on?! That’s 3 young local guys disappearing in less than 2 weeks :/
KlaasAllosserie Een student van #howest is spoorloos sinds vrijdag. Heb jij hem ergens gezien? #brugge RT= ideaal
Ugh, my server is not responding anymore. This will have to wait…
This weekend was way too short. <insert extra weekend>
@jhml @miespaties Tis alvast een begin :D Thanks!
miespaties Dringend gezocht: ezelsbrugje om te onthouden hoe ik “colleague” meteen juist moet schrijven zonder het telkens te moeten Googlen.
Wanna feel like a real man again? Then you should hit that!
This man clearly qualifies for the title of ‘superhero’. Spread the love.
MahmoodAnsari Best Facebook status ever.
Man, we live during amazing times! Mobile computers in our pockets, men on the moon and now maybe the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle!
Word. RT @lamazone: One of the many reasons I love @foursquare
EmilieDecoutere #true @ Mr. Duke Office
Sounds legit. RT @tapbot_paul: To get back the DM tab in Twitter for iOS just swipe up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A.
I was just browsing through the photos on my phone and all I can say is: my girlfriend is the most amazing girl in the world.
boagworld Interesting that Tweetbot goes on sale the day after a new kickass official twitter app is released. Don’t get me wrong Tweetbot is great.
The US President fistbumped a random dude. Therefor he rocks.
tweetbot If you are looking for yet another reason to try Tweetbot, here it is! It’s $0.99 for a limited time.
What’s worse? “Somebody builds a simple form entirely in Flash” VS “He can’t get the darn thing to work” VS “He’s been on this for 3 weeks”
Karma. Bitch. RT @kgerloff: Apple banned from selling 3G-enabled devices in Europe I’m getting popcorn. (via @rsandu)
SaatchiBrussels New blogpost: Busy times at Saatchi Brussels
Just wow! RT @Alyssa_Milano: WOW! 17-year-old girl wins 100k for creating cancer-killing nanoparticle /via @heykim
anthonyvanoyen Mensen die nu de lichten van hun auto niet aanzetten zouden ze hun auto moeten afpakken #gevaaropdeweg
I’ve been craving for hot chocolate all week… This better be good.
DaveChapeIle Surprise sex is the best thing to wake up to, unless you’re in prison.
Lol, it looks like companies can’t even *give* something ( = present) to people because it might raise privacy concerns. Feels backwards.
@StijnProduction Doesn’t matter what software you are using. As long as you can deliver, it’s all good.
Anybody good at creating interactive DVD interfaces? If it’s you: I got a job for ya. Ping me asap!
@davy_delbeke Ik deel uw mening over de UI. Instant love! Het gaat volk trekken als we makkelijk van Path naar Twttr/FB kunnen delen denk ik
Before today, the best iPhone app I ever used was Tweetbot (because of the amazing UX). Path improved on this. About a million times. *wow*
Funny how “lifestreaming” is no longer a typo. It’s actually what we do when we check in, share ideas, post pictures, etc.
@Kat_InTheCradle klinkt nochtans als iets dat de Twittosfeer nodig heeft om wakker te worden zo vroeg in de ochtend ;)
@hannesfostie weeral?? Wtf :/
That Higgs Boson discovery thing is mighty interesting to follow. I don’t have the slightest idea what it does but it’s so intriguing.
Holy shit :s RT @joristi: WTF! RT @Tuinslak: the fuck
@mrchrisallen Unity, easy ;)
@joristi old one but massively awesome!!
It says here “departure: imminent”. It has said that for 5 minutes now. MOVE!
How did I end up being the guy who has to deal with these problems?
@hannesfostie @voltje Der was tijd genoeg om het piccobello perfect tot in de puntjes af te werken. Het probleem was efficiëntie.
@voltje Geld is het probleem nie. Tzijn externe invloeden die het project minder sterk maken. Dingen die hadden kunnen vermeden worden enzo
The thing I hate most about doing my job, is that I care so damn much. It hurts when something isn’t the best you could’ve done.
mobilevikings Thanks Vikings for your kind reactions. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger ! #vikingspirit
Hop hop!! RT @mctcommunity: inschrijven voor fitc kan ook nog altijd hé!!!
zandwacht “Hey zandwacht! Your Flickr Pro account has expired!”. That’s OK Flickr: YOU have expired too.
The girl sitting across from me in the train is checking out my badges… Yea, I intended to make that sound dirty. (I know it didn’t work)