Damn! @UmmaGawd is really living the dream! https://t.co/s9de0RLIe0 This is where I want things to be heading in my… https://t.co/zZA0xiIL88
@LiftoffConsole @1UPconf I’d love to come out there and meet the team. Is that at all possible?
@LiftoffConsole @1UPconf Bardwell told me the LiftOff team is based in Belgium. Is that still true?
@LiftoffConsole @1UPconf He does ðŸ˜ðŸ˜Ž
@1UPconf @LiftoffConsole Haha awesome! I’ve been flying in the sim for a long time. Really great tool to get off th… https://t.co/hxiyjcqf0s
@Joke @peeters_kris1 Da zou heerlijk ironisch zijn, haha!
@hannes_bhc @BonusAdvocaten Amai! Na al die jaren! Zo blij voor jullie. Wat een zalige manier om 2020 te starten zeg! 🤩🎉🥳🥂
That’s when you realize the magic of math.
(and the beautiful minds of the people who instantly went “well, duh! Math 101, kids!”)
I’ve been wondering about it and OF COURSE it makes sense…
8% of 25
-> 25 * 8%
-> 25 * 0.08
-> 25 * (8 / 100)
->… https://t.co/sepaIxs8Ap
At first, I was like:🤯
But then I thought about it a bit and I was like: 🤯
Then I let it go for a few hours only to… https://t.co/bjUylSju7N
The day has come: James Corden comes clean about the whole Carpool Karaoke Scandal and frankly: I can’t believe wha… https://t.co/eu2HCzUdIT
Dear developers. I have been losing my love for coding and development and as a part of that, I stopped supporting… https://t.co/8HGS90pd3f
Dude, what the actual f–?! 😱☠https://t.co/aROewhJEWR
Today is going to be a good day. Don’t believe me? Here’s a T-rex on hoverboard just casually cruisin’ in the offic… https://t.co/mEExIXM84X
@hannes_bhc We duimen voor jullie!
@tomhermans @StudioCaroBE Als zelfstandige kunt ge toch via het sociaal bureau/boekhouder laten doorspelen wat uw g… https://t.co/TdH3ADQ1fV
@keeleyscorner I’m not sure what confuses me more: the part where you’re looking for a job, the part where you’re l… https://t.co/NbU0oNIQb1
@StudioCaroBE Ge zou denken dat die mensen te betrouwen zijn eh. Stel u voor dat wij onze job zo half-assed zouden… https://t.co/kFylwc7fYX
@Eva_DP @StudioCaroBE Ze heeft een jaar stevig moeten sparen maar twas in orde. Ik heb ook een slechte boekhouder g… https://t.co/aAH9ebsJRx
@StudioCaroBE Ik heb een opleiding met boekhouden gevolgd dus snapte ik vanaf het begin redelijk hoe de vork in de… https://t.co/3mid2AenXk
@Eva_DP @StudioCaroBE Boekhouder zat te slapen. Was haar eerste jaar als zelfstandige (eenmanszaak) en draaide mete… https://t.co/rLg1ymjUsh
@StudioCaroBE Ik heb een vriendin van me destijds ook proberen te waarschuwen. De boekhouder zag het ook nie aankom… https://t.co/a05RIqqbIo
I keep telling myself to live and enjoy life: to be present. It sounds so corny but events like this remind us: it… https://t.co/vz9V56jwCL
In case you don’t know the video I refer to: youtu.be/znYkPzqB3PY
My latest video really must have made an impression. It was only my 2nd video to break the 1000 views mark. And now… https://t.co/ynD3J9AhKj
This girl’s selfie game is on-point! Hard to beat that. And by hard, I mean ‘impossible’. Just wow. â¤ï¸ https://t.co/7Fmm4YSoY3
@WilDonohue @SirWrender Still looks badass.
Still didn’t flinch.
Still kept focus.
Still wasn’t fooled by the fake… https://t.co/CjCsbSrSJG
@bobaesen DAMN wtf girl! Ge ziet er uit lijk Scarlett Johansson in de eerste Avengers film! 😠(Ik zeg da nie om u t… https://t.co/wsH2MZKyeM

I’ve seen the end of Byte. What do I do now?! pic.twitter.com/WXUqIJKN1P
@wouterds Ik betwijfel zeker niet dat dark mode een functionele waarde heeft voor velen. Ik stoor me gewoon aan de… https://t.co/NhqzRqAmmY
Hey @FT, while this article is fairly articulated and factual, I’d like to point out that many of the ‘hobbyist’ an… https://t.co/liJkJ1fK2s
Every. Time. Ugh. https://t.co/2PLUpQIiMK
Unpopular opinion: dark mode is way overhyped. And most of the time butt-ugly.
I keep telling myself that this time it’s different.
But I cannot help to remember the shit I went through the las… https://t.co/DLIkNKeTxN
@tienpontlowiese Tof volk waar ge mee op stap gaat. You okay?

Well that got anti-climatic real fast… pic.twitter.com/xsJ6WdvlAB
@SirWrender @moritzw @MarkRober @oqasho Isn’t there a way to add motion blur in post? I’m curious to see if that se… https://t.co/EQfly4AkDp
@moritzw @MarkRober @SirWrender @oqasho Oh dear god! Motion blur! I swear this was driving me insane! You’re right.… https://t.co/hv2S6AntkF
@SirWrender @oqasho Nah, it’s not the ‘what’ that is throwing me off. I guess the framerate is tripping me up or pe… https://t.co/q2CEXh8TDj
@SirWrender @oqasho Im with @oqasho though. Something about the video feels off which makes it feel fake. Something… https://t.co/EfywKcnAfh
@bobaesen Rood! That is gonna be sooo dope!
@Nonunsenses In’t begin van het jaar loop ik nie te hard van stapel. Pas tegen de zomer strek ik pas echt mijn bene… https://t.co/X32T8rBeDq
@kvandenhaute Temp-email.org ðŸ˜
How badass is this? I made it into the newspapers again with a drone flight. And this time it was a legal one as we… https://t.co/t3mUgfqwpJ
I’m regularly getting offered freelance gigs in other countries. It’s something I really want to pursue so I’m just… https://t.co/SoS4swSMio
@LieselotVanMol Ik wou eind september naar Innsbruck. Met het vliegtuig ging het mijn handenvol geld kosten. Dan ma… https://t.co/HlDRY8iHGh
RT @Imanchev: “Saying you don’t care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is as selfish as saying you don’t care about people bei…
@Nonunsenses “Niet elke persoon brengt iets bij”. Is iets “vuil” om te zeggen maar het klopt. We zijn met heel veel… https://t.co/ys6okcAYqH
@Bromtommig Ik zou eens naar je zwaaien maar ik ben niet hip genoeg om bij iets te horen dat een “collectief” noemt… https://t.co/DLjgL0Ow5z
I swear, the day DJI releases a new FPV headset with HDMI output will be a historic moment for any kind of live vid… https://t.co/rt7ZtM2eDh
I never know whether I should be impressed by: the absurd coincidence in nature or by the fact that somebody somewh… https://t.co/s4MDkzHx4f
@bobaesen Kga’t gewoon 1 keer zeggen want iemand moet het doen: Doe vooral uw goesting. Als’t goe voelt voor u, is… https://t.co/zzlJb3rHvC
Anybody wanna give me 285 million to buy this place? It comes with its own mountains so I could create some really… https://t.co/qBAU1n2ypV
@Compi666 @YvesHanoulle @TimSchraepen (als je je afvraagt waarom mijn lieve collega @compi666 zijn naam er niet wou… https://t.co/T5TYsK62mE
@Compi666 @YvesHanoulle @TimSchraepen Is hij zelf nog een actieve skater? Als minder actieve skater vond ik het sup… https://t.co/EHhq7xfFeu
I’m in Paris.
Somebody stole my wallet.
There was 4€ in cash in there.
I blocked my credit cards right after it… https://t.co/1SCjdLzu3E
When people ask what “flexing” means. https://t.co/m4qJSUHe2N
@KennyLeys I’ll check that out soon! Thanks!
@Vie19812 Nee, vliegen in de bebouwde kom (buitenlucht) is een obstakel. Binnen vliegen omzeilt dat natujrlijk volledig. ðŸ˜
@KennyLeys Klinkt als “int stad”. En daar mogen we nie vliegen 😔
@Vie19812 Mag nie midden in een stad zijn ook nie. Daar zijn drones nie welkom 😅
I look for bando’s ( = abandoned buildings) all the time to fly my drones but you can hardly find any in Belgium. I… https://t.co/KszgvZfT3n
“So what if people don’t believe in you
It’s not their job to believe in you.”
@davy_delbeke Dat einde van Darkness (op het album) is ZOOOO een kippenvel-moment. Damn…
captainvanover Nothing in life worthwhile comes easy. #vanover2020
RT @nurkfpv: Windows Key (⊞ Win) + V opens a history of copied lines so you can choose from a bin of previously copied things to paste.
What about this is fascinating? There is literally no reason to not expect both male and female thieves. https://t.co/2yMq73fUtl
This 💇 https://t.co/uPVFlMf5o0
“Advertising is a nice place to work but a better place to rob”
I can’t remember where I got that quote from but t… https://t.co/64zoHBRJpx
I love how @WiedenKennedy think that ‘cash prizes’ and ‘winners’ are an acceptable terms for ‘payment’ and ‘people… https://t.co/GFGq5bvPB6
This is exactly why I still dislike the advertising industry. I’m so glad I left…
Yes. @F1 -the pinnacle of motorsport with the most expensive event-entry tickets of any competition- have teamed up… https://t.co/lNIEEzo8Nz
Why do people so desperately need an edit-button on Twitter?! Just double check your post before you Twee tit..
@KennyLeys Damn, totally didn’t register to me. That challenge just became a lot harder! 😆
Dear team. As a software developer, I commend your willingness to postpone the release in order to finish this game… https://t.co/mPDHN6VSRC
I need you more than my next breath. https://t.co/3D9li3n1DF
I literally didn’t see that coming. https://t.co/dVodNOTbRo
You gotta give it to Alonso. He ain’t pissing around. He’s going for it. Maximum Attack. https://t.co/3fZxq25Equ
Water. It can carry boats, yo! That stuff is solid. https://t.co/rVm40mo0bv
@hot4planet @Tyler_Babin Thanks ðŸ™
@jinglis83 @Tyler_Babin I’ve been pushing myself for a bit now and I’m starting to notice that this is actually a p… https://t.co/RBbLxbWGFs
RT @jinglis83: @RonnyKingFPV @Tyler_Babin Ahh man that sucks. That’s when you have to start rewriting the story in your heard you subconsci…
Confidence. Or their ability to express their sexuality freely. I can never decide. Both of them work for me. https://t.co/A2TAYrg1QQ
@Atheenabean Love story simulator for recently divorced dad’s who are not ready to get on Tinder just yet.
@hot4planet @Tyler_Babin That’s the whole point exactly. They don’t. But my insecurities let comments like these ge… https://t.co/Ccoe2E7KLA
@Tyler_Babin The most difficult part for me is when comments start rolling in. Dealing with how people judge you fo… https://t.co/b4THhg3Fqo
This comment is so on-point! 😃 https://t.co/iBclbvmtlW
My latest video seems to be doing really well. Makes me so proud/happy 😠Not sure what I’m talking about? Go check… https://t.co/e2kWove8EF
@vercoutere I’ve been wondering the same thing 😆😆😆
@mr_crazydude Misschien doen op een plaats met wa met privacy 😄😆
Relationshipgoals 😄💜 https://t.co/GZ4dvve8Zy
For those of you who were sleeping when I initially posted this 😌 Go check it out! https://t.co/TrdPeJPAP8
“You can’t achieve your way out of your childhood wounds and traumas” - Will Smith https://t.co/81VcHolUZp
Time for another Cinematic FPV video!🎥ðŸšI’m working with @8500kortrijk and @SchouwburgKortr on some upcoming projec… https://t.co/CnbjUguoB7

Exporting my first 4K video. Yes, this will be my first 4K Youtube upload. I feel slightly excited for this. pic.twitter.com/k0bsy5LMJJ
Answer: A successful woman. With or without a husband… How’s that related?
That’s like asking what is sparkling… https://t.co/QuizdSEQWL
Guy builds a drone out of lego. You gotta appreciate the R&D workflow here. https://t.co/dWQX2Cg0ZF (btw this is ac… https://t.co/N1m7ly184U
Motivational video of the day: why falling does not equal failure. Just press on. You might make it after all.… https://t.co/AuzWrD098V
People don’t mind being lied. They just don’t want to find out they were being lied to. https://t.co/hH5ani3jK8
@Compi666 But you are! 🧡â¤ðŸ’œ

I always wanted to be on stage. Now all I need is an audience. 😂 Maybe somedaypic.twitter.com/7CPimADmmtmADmmt
@tdhulster HAHAAH, that blue line is all kinds of accurate 🤣
As a creator, I can REALLY STRONGLY relate to that blue line hahahahha 😂 https://t.co/ijVBfBhxFv
@seppetoremans Eyes are at the billions - Cortney Tidwell
(persoonlijk confronterende peri… https://t.co/Im85s0uO0J
@seppetoremans The Funeral - Band of Horses
(die melodie kruipt onder mijn huid als niets anders)
One of my 2020-resolutions is to upload more regularly to Youtube. But at the same time, the video I’m willing to p… https://t.co/tETu6nk6SM
I’m such a boobs.
(I’m not sure about the grammar but I agree) https://t.co/YLRAY88hGs
@Nonunsenses Todo op zaterdag: Tanja. https://t.co/K4mQuGRPKt
Youtuber: *posts dangerous stunt that went well*
Comments: you are an idiot
Youtuber: *posts a video about the dang… https://t.co/I6C7ALBnEa
When I first started with this FPV stuff, I didn’t expect it to take off like it has. This is crazy. I got to fly,… https://t.co/A4kZV8ol8c
Completed another hour of high precision cinewhoop training this evening. Tomorrow morning, I’ll get to fly in a ve… https://t.co/xQN9CwnyDD
When I got into this whole FPV drone thing, I kept having that feeling that I had some kind of deadline to make it… https://t.co/R50YpGRyNF
RT @beeple: .@elonmusk will your superhero alter ego TREELON pledge $1 for every RT to help save Australia??? ðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™ https://t.co/mTMvKViVhb
Oh god, Sarah 😂😂😂 https://t.co/XAVI5M33t4
@Otlyster Hebben mensen daar schrik voor???
Boss. https://t.co/vWl52JYnDC
@davy_delbeke @pidera Kheb zelf al een aantal SSR projecten gedaan. Da’s echt complex. Als je merkt dat het tractie… https://t.co/d39BhF0Y20
@davy_delbeke @pidera Als je echt een app gaat bouwen zal een framework zeker waarde geven. SSR is leuk( en in mijn… https://t.co/Q2WirFSFat
@davy_delbeke @pidera Dan bedoel ik vooral: Bouw je een applicatie waarbij gebruikers hoog-interactieve features zu… https://t.co/NtiBqwcgXt
@davy_delbeke @pidera Ik probeer me weg te houden uit dit soort discussies omdat ze eindeloos zijn maar ik geef je… https://t.co/Im4coKZck5
RT @roastedrants: Kangaroo can’t stop hugging the volunteer who saved her life https://t.co/iN9to6Zg8C
I’m not sure why everybody is so upset about Sony’s PS5 logo. Sony has always kept it real with logo’s and naming.… https://t.co/RtWBfZv48X
I recently realized I am not a developer. I’m not a problem solver. I’m a creative person and as a coder I have jus… https://t.co/VoEPulLxrN
So yea. 2020 seems like fun… can we rollback to 2019? https://t.co/Fb4eN9t7QX
@hannes_bhc So many questions 🤣
@ResikaTV Zolang je de voor-foto maar maakt 😉 Je zult hem nodig hebben achteraf. 😉 Evalueer ook eens hoe het komt d… https://t.co/uPByMPLeWU
@Nonunsenses 🎈
@debalucky2000 @randomfrankp @MKBHD Who cares about the shadows or perspective?? I mean… WIRES!? That’s a dead giveaway. 😂
I’m not crying! YOU’RE CRYING!! https://t.co/y7FIgJ5rnl
@Maayantuk @humorandanimals Thanks for sharing that. I didn’t know. Beautiful!
Seen as it doesn’t fit in one tweet… âž¡ image attached https://t.co/OcU9UW4OuR https://t.co/WKvK9aXHWM
@Nonunsenses Solid story. Ge had duidelijk even een kompas nodig om uw weg te vinden maar eens dat klopte was het d… https://t.co/QtDXAUO9go
@Nonunsenses Uw nudes al gekregen ondertussen? ðŸ˜
Reading this is gut-wrenching… https://t.co/SalhwRi7ZP
Youtube occasionally does that thing where it suggests year-old videos and I ended up re-watching and old @MKBHD /… https://t.co/pTudeJnbOu
Nevermind Johnny doing the Burj Khalifa dive; this guy one-upped Johnny way ahead of time with another big tower! S… https://t.co/EctlgaeImu
HOLY BALLS! Look at that mega seabeast catching air!! That’s ultra-epicness right there!! 🤯 https://t.co/uNrKpeMPfA
RT @tekkie: Suggestion as an alternative to war with Iran: declare a war on fire. Go extuingish it from California to Australia with all yo…
A nice little 2020 challenge 🤞
WHAT: If you see a post and you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at a… https://t.co/6NUQY9JXbE
I thought I’d check Twitter and see what the amazing people of the world are up to at the start of the new decade.… https://t.co/F7lf1hSyo5
@bobaesen Social media is idd een gruwelijke plaats soms. I can relate to your story. Neem de tijd en afstand die j… https://t.co/XkakLYX26A
@bobaesen Gewoon blokkeren/rapporteren. Wa voor zielig volk trekt gij zo aan op Twitter?? 😔
Every once in a while Johnny FPV comes by and schools the rest of us about how it’s done and then disappears again… https://t.co/GfMJfHDBeO
@Coolblue @bpost_nl zeg! Toen ik gisteren een bestselling plaatste op Coolblue werd mij beloofd dat ik het vandaag… https://t.co/i1oGM9rg30
iamdevloper I hereby announce the term for this new decade is:
Go forth and spread the good word.

I swear, I just received an email with the weirdest subject line. ðŸpic.twitter.com/eAoOr4iTIKTIK
My personal goal for 2020 will be to focus less on “achieving perfection”. Those of you who know me, know that I ha… https://t.co/3750mZOhdX
I was just watching one of those 3D-satisfying-video’s and realized I got anxious because they were too perfect. Th… https://t.co/FYuoO0ZYJo
@melaninbebe @justme_1981 @Narcxticq @payiva Er zijn talloze redens (die nu irrelevant lijken in de context van wat… https://t.co/D7XCnA3K1I
@Narcxticq Mensen met een Ring deurbel hebben mogelijks ook opnames. Ik weet niet of er al veel zijn in Belgie maar worth a shot.
@melaninbebe @justme_1981 @Narcxticq @payiva Nee. Politie en “‘t stad” heeft enkel toegang tot de beelden die ze op… https://t.co/6b9ZAoY6F5

When @Casey posts a video on Youtube and you’re one of the top-100-Casey nerds to watch it first! pic.twitter.com/LVxNKiysAe
Perfect description of my entire career (and perhaps even life): “You have to figure a way out because you can’t ju… https://t.co/nGa1ese3Dc
@kevinrose Blast from the past! Good to see this return back to the stage! Good luck, Kevin!
Twitter is tripping over whether 2020 is the start of a new decade or the last year in the old one. I think it’s hi… https://t.co/sqXMFljPoz
@botBode @stschelfhout We omschrijven een decennium toch als een spanne van 10 jaar? En we tellen toch tot 10 als v… https://t.co/GVP7j9YooM
@simonw @dvassallo The replies to this tweet solidify my point. 😉 I’m not saying it’s impossible. Just saying that… https://t.co/r8mf9qnF78

Trying to beat @MKBHD at his own game: first impressions of the new decade. pic.twitter.com/C5p3Dc1pnD