The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

April 2015

“The right time is always right now” and other great quotes by @CaseyNeistat.This guy is the gold standard of awesome

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Going live. @ de Persgroep Advertising

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Nothing like pressing the keystrokes that will put your new feature live in front of millions of peopleâ€ng

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Microsoft beings Visual Studio Code editor to Mac? This might be seriously interesting!

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@vercoutere @lyntje If I had the time/money to take care of it, it’d be so sexy, you’d want to make love to it ;)

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@vercoutere @lyntje See, the thing is that you’re wrong. I’m all about realistic design. Not skeuomorphism.

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Slowly but surely, more and more people start to agree with me. Even my girlfriend @lyntje… ;

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matesl I’m looking for a hardcore JS/WebGL coder for an interactive music video project.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:26 PM, Apr 29th, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Nothing beats the feeling of perfectly nailing that first heelflip after 6 months of winter break.

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Chrome updated their ‘add to bookmarks’ feature. That’s a brilliant example of how you can over-complicate a perfectly simple feature…

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RT @motherfuton: Can someone point me to a RWD site that isn’t a flat design?

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BiIIMurray No one wants to hear about your diet. Just eat your salad and be sad.

via Buffer (retweeted on 10:00 PM, Apr 25th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@thenerd_be My life is filled with pain… :p

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@thenerd_be Also: MORE FLAT UI IN MY LIFE! U MAD, BRO?!

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@thenerd_be Nope. Ben ik erg blij om zelfs :p Ze hebben wel redelijk wat gekke features in hun software, dus ik klaag niet :p

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@thenerd_be Yea, mijn Opel Astra had dat soort support ook. ’t Is nie slecht maar tis toch nie alles. Ik snap de frustratie wel :p

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@thenerd_be Ah, geen USB connection support? Mijn 2012 Peugeot 208 kan dat via Bluetooth (zelfs met Spotify). Was redelijk impressive!

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@thenerd_be Also: arm uitstrekken tijdens het rijden om de wagen te bedienen werkt storend (voor mij). iDrive-dial etc zijn veel vlotter.

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@thenerd_be VW heeft een aantal nifty features om handsfree zelfs eyes-free te maken. IMO is Apple achterop en moeten we op next-gen wachten

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@thenerd_be TBD are the shit! Ik ben niet te spreken over CarPlay vanwege de volledig verkeerde opzet: touchscreen = no hands-only = danger.

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@thenerd_be Oh, I’m still loyal to Apple (as per evidence from purchasing 2 more TB displays; yikes!) but I will not support bad products.

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@thenerd_be Once Apple gets their act back together, this will once again be a valid argument. But not today. ;)

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@thenerd_be I’d be thankful. The last thing you need in your car is another high-profile dashboard distraction.

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Went to see “Avengers: Age Of Ultron”. Not a huge fan. Like with “Furious 7”, there was too much fake action and too little real story.

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@diewy_be ja man… En dan maar klagen dat ze op hun eerste jobs nie genoeg verdienen en staken omdat de pensioenen aangepast worden…

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How do people keep up with all these TV Shows?I can barely keep up with Arrow.Then there’s Daredevil,TBBT,The Flash, Agents of SHIELD etc…

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jokeclaessen Technology will eat average, so be remarkable at what you do and you’ll survive

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 8:34 PM, Apr 23rd, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

ian_fox @noCreativity Sometiles I feel like cool websites went extinct with the death of Flash. A shame really. Now even apps all look the same.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:13 PM, Apr 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@vercoutere Google has always been doing good work on its design. I’m still not fond of it but I like it way better than Apple’s approach.

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@vercoutere Steve Jobs made it his life-mission to end win war against Android. I made it mine to end the war for beauty.

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vercoutere @noCreativity Tuesday: Dear diary, Ronny is ranting about flat design again. :P

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:11 PM, Apr 21st, 2015 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Read it and weep. This is what flat design has brought to the table: White uniformity with no delight at all.

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@grrtbrtr Cool. Ben benieuwd. Alleen zonde dat we dit nooit in de app gaan zien. (Tenzij jij connecties hebt bij @Spotify) ;)

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@grrtbrtr Ik ben echt geen fan van enkel maar grijs tinten. Grote fan van de iOS Music app bvb.

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@grrtbrtr Daar zit ook wel iets in! Eens er album art in staat gaat dit er mss wel leuk uit zien. Mss hier en daar nog wat kleur-accenten.

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@ikbenmartijn It’s hard to argue with that. But then again: time moves on. Al hoor ik hun huidige werk nu ook wel nog graag.

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@ikbenmartijn Geen fan? Kheb het half beluisterd deze morgen en ben er best over te spreken.

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Also: The Prodigy’s new album is fucking awesome! They still got it!

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@grrtbrtr Yup, de mobile app is ook zeer sexy. Desktop app ben ik zeer over te spreken. Kan me wel voorstellen dat niet iedereen een fan is.

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I don’t want to be a hater so here’s an example of a flat-design app that I really enj@Spotifytify really nailed

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@thenerd_be ‘t is beschamend dat ze zoiets de wereld insturen. Ik ben al geen fan van flat en dit is exact waarom. Yuk!

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Full disclosure: every time somebody remakes an app into a flat product, I hate the concept a little more. It is littered with failures.

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Oh joyâ€@harvestst updated their OSX app to follow the beautiful new flat Yosemite look. That is shockingly

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Monday! Whoohoo! Time to attack the week! Here’s some great advice from Justine Musk: Be obsessed! #fyim

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Last visit at the car wash with my beloved red Astra.

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Was forced into buying at work because my colleagues were making evil plansâ€gh

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RT @tonylukasavage: What happens when you remove the flagship feature from your app? #foursquare

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My colleagues have just discovered the most ridiculous place on the internet… And they have devoted it to me. I should’ve stayed in bed.

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I don’t know why but that rocket almost touching down perfectly was exactly what I needed to kickstart my day! So exciting!

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Whoa! So close! At this rate of progression the next attempt will be successful. Good luck @SpaceX and @elonmusk!

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Girlfriend made some yummy food!

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To @CaseyNeistat it’s just ‘a vlog’. To his fans, it’s The Vlog. To photography professionals, it’s a calling.

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@ROARR_fenix that was not a GoPro. That was an iPhone 6 with an Olloclip ;)

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This is epic: @_BIGCAT liked my photo on Instagram. Totally stoked about that (Yes, that matters to me)!

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Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 2015: summer is here!

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One more reason why @robdyrdek is boss:You can watch Street Dreams -the movie which he produced- for free on Youtube

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@thijswostyn Ah, op die manier; that makes more sense ;)

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@thijswostyn “you can’t always get what you want but if you try real hard, you get what you deserve” - dat dan weer wel.

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@thijswostyn Sorry man, I call bullshit. Als da waar zou zijn zou ik een miezerig kansloos stuk stront krijgen. Hard werken en volhouden.

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Yo! What up?! Let’s do something epic ‘cause it’s Monday!!

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@ctfTijG Lol, being able to buy an Aston based on 1 quarter of earnings… That’d be the dream :p

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@ctfTijG Ok, t’is nie *zo* goed gelopen :p

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@ctfTijG I’ll post a photo in a few weeks that should illustrate just how well it went ;)

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Finally got around catching up with @CaseyNeistat’s VLOG. That stuff is nothing short of epic! And hilarious.You’re a fucking rockstar, man!

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What @joristi and I have been up to you ask? Well…

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Girlfriend wanted a Minion so I went out and found her one. We still need to figure out a name for him.

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You and me, we used to be together. It was perfect; just wasn’t meant to be forever.

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@hannesfostie Negeer die account maar hoor ;) Is een dev account waar ik dingen test ;)

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Now that we can do everything, what are we going to do?

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There’s really nothing quite as compelling as writing code and watching it come to lifenerd

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Nothing else to add: 9 facts that computer programmers know, that most people don’t. /via @peterelst

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RT @NathanJY: Agencies and Freelancers — I’m building a Project Management app for you.

We need your feedback to make it great. http://t.c…

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I mean, this really tells its own story… /

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Faill of the designer. @eli_schiff totally nails what’s wrong with flat design and everything else about it.

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I wonder if I could make “DDD” a thing. Developer Driven Design. Based on what I see out there, I could totally rock that shit!

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Ever since flat design was hyped into becoming “a thing”, the internet looks exactly the same, no matter what site you visit. Congrats.

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Still one of my ultimate faves of Banksy.

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I loved the tribute to Paul in . A touching goodbye. “I don’t want to mourn your death. I’d rather celebrate your life” - Eminem

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Gelerobbie Pretty awesome

via iOS (retweeted on 1:34 PM, Apr 5th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@ikbenmartijn @thenerd_be Ah, da’s de geo-tracking dus. Normaal nie buiten de app wel. Right?

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Every so often when I close the Facebook app on my iPhone, I see the blue-pulsing status bar appear briefly. Wtf is up with that?!

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@lievenscheire Ik vermoed dat “computers en hun taal niet verstaan” het “niet kunnen lezen” van onze generatie is.

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Slow morning at work. The builds have failed. So who’s up for a walk outsideom

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Well, this won’t work. Wake up, Ronny!

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It’s pretty insane how easy they make this look. Almost magic.

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Nothing like a Mac that crashes right when you wanted to show off your brilliant proof of conceptâ€il

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