This just in: RT @AndreaCervone: Best WWDC banner ever. pic.twitter.com/E6b1jWwrA9
RT @tekkie: â€YO MAMMA SO FAT, SHE’S STILL VISIBLE AT TEXT-INDENT: -9999px;†— @iamdevloper #css #geeky #joke #fb
This is is really the best thing about skateboarding.Everytime he gets closer to landing it he becomes more committed http://t.co/OD0KSk8TKJ
It’s finally here! RT @drieslambrecht: I just uploaded “Battlefield Blackshark trailer (Fanmade)” to Vimeo: vimeo.com/96961033

I love it when comments in code make perfect sense. RT @flight404: I disappoint myself. #cinder instagram.com/p/ooP2SwtZIY/

Relaxycat. pic.twitter.com/xEAaTj34Gz
It took me 8 years but I finally watched Lucky Number Slevin. Totally worth the wait.
I have been pondering about this for months: Why would I write on Medium if I have my own blog? Why use a different platform? Anyone?

Brilliant_Ads Creative visualization of the famous Fight Club quote, via @STUDIOSMACK pic.twitter.com/ZTpGYRtmpd
Well, at least we’ll have a video of it happening. #lasttweet
Why? My dear god: WHY?! One of these kids is bound to slip and fall to his death. For what? A fucking YouTube video?! http://t.co/sQBVUm16S1
Is anybody curating a hall-of-shame website for digital marketing buzzwords? That would be both funny and helpful.
After 3 days of food coming back out and sleeping for about 40 hours during those 3 days, I guess waking up at 5:30 isn’t so bad.
RT @beeple: HAHAHAH RT @colin_movecraft: I thought using stock models was “cheating”… http://t.co/IZXNDF9swj
Just watched the Monaco F1 race. Renault really needs to get their act together or they could cost Red Bull the championship.
After months worth of waiting it’s finally here. The new x-men movie. Let’s hope it’s worth the wait.
@jeroen_algoet die eerste foto is zot!
asinnema Leuke Wordpress plugin: Dooodl. Laat bezoekers aan je site een tekeningetje maken en achterlaten :) wordpress.org/plugins/dooodl/
@WouterDS I tend to try to only nest things that I would otherwise ‘chain in CSS’.SASS nesting is not required to reflect the HTML structure
@angelovm The link. The idea makes sense but doesn’t always apply.
@angelovm That’s brilliant! I like that a lot :)
@angelovm It’s not about the amount. It’s the relationship of the code that matters. If you have a component that requires 20 levels: sure.
I like SASS a lot but I’m strongly believe that people are nesting too much for their own good.
@WouterDS It is quicker and easier than building a CMS yourself with similar capabilities. People just confuse it with ‘quick and dirty’ ;-)
@Jannemans Yup, I read about that. And I’m damn glad it is! ;)
The amount of work that goes into building a decent WP-theme would blow your mind.
According to Pinterest, my personal site (nocreativity.com) qualifies for a business account. Sure.
It seems that the people I follow absolutely NEED Netflix to complete their lives. Good thing Netflix is willing to accept their money soon.
Holy Great Scott-ness! That’s cool. But wrong. Iron Man is not superhuman. vimeo.com/m/62823990
BiIIMurray They need to make bigger Capri Suns. I’m not 7 years old anymore.
I’m a hardcore Gmaps user.Then I wanted to share a point on a map with a friend. Couldn’t figure out how to drop a pin.Now I use Apple Maps.
peterelst good timing - Chrome 35 got released and has unprefixed Shadow DOM support that I talked about at Multi-Mania today - tnw.co/1lZVT1t
For those of you who (just like me) were unable to make it to #multimania, a lot of sessions are recorded here: http://t.co/rLqVh2InRh
@peterelst I laughed out loud. Great session by the way. To bad I couldn’t make it this year. I hope you enjoyed the rain though ;)
This is exactly why some of my friends are not my friends on Facebook. @CaseyNeistat really nailed this one. goo.gl/UCU1mH
Watching @peterelst’s presentation on webcomponents in HTML5 at @multimania! Thanks for the stream guys! Love it! http://t.co/2U77nvWvET
“I wrote a book called ‘Flash MX Most Wanted Components’.If anybody here owns that book you are either very old or very stup@peterelsteterelst

Didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. And it shows. I got something wrong here, didn’t I? pic.twitter.com/GWSZMltKYz

Word. RT @netlash: pic.twitter.com/2UdCNUcDXP
I’m not sure who it was but once I find the idiot who used !important on just about anything in this CSS file, I’m going to kill him/her/it.
bsuto The “http://” at the beginning of URLs is a command to the browser. It stands for “head to this place:” followed by two laser-gun noises.
I’ve been doing this for several years but it still weirds me out when I write code that seems like a long shot and then it just works.

That could totally be our cat. RT @GIFs: i.imgur.com/qJo11aw.gif
Recruitment agencies are ridiculous: “We need a developer with the these skills:Node, Ruby, building a rocket, time traveling, adapting DNA”

+1 RT @HogwartsLogic: A few people could learn a thing or two from JK Rowling when it comes to paying tax pic.twitter.com/JfryTvoh0B
Every time I see one of those “hanging from a building” selfies,I can hear God facepalm while saying:”You win this round, Natural Selection”
@warrebuysse yea feel free om eens te mailen. Ik bekijk deze zeker ;) thx!
@warrebuysse klinkt interessant. Thx! Ik weet dat er ook andere plug-ins bestaan die je via de admin kan instellen maar kben daar tegen. ;)
@warrebuysse is da een plug-in waarmee je via de wp-admin dingen instelt? Of ist het echt een versimpeling van de wp aanpak?
I just realized I’ve been telling people that I’m 28 years old for almost half a year while I’m stil#fml. #fml
Did some seriously awesome Wordpress coding today. This thing is so clean & solid, I can hardly believe I wrote this myself.
@MatthieuVoet @ThinkGraphical @N_A_G_D @berrics Sure, freedom, but it’s also about understanding what you’re doing. This looks interesting.
WHY DO I WANT THIS SO BADLY!? RT @ThinkGraphical: Track your skateboard stats etc with syrmo.com

Stand back. The internet is mine. @NathanJY said so. pic.twitter.com/x05QNS6rOB
Was about to say how editing somebody else’s code is like wearing their underwear. But how would I know? I never wore a stranger’s underwear
I love it when you have those days when the code just seems to write itself. You’re just there to watch the magic happen.
@lampiris Voorlopig wel. Nog even afwachten tot de volgende factuur in de bus valt, maar normaal wel, ja :)
@lampiris …foute berekening van de voorschotten en de lange wachttijd. De mevrouw aan de telefoon heeft mij wel heel goed geholpen. Dank u.
@lampiris De wachttijd was bijna 10 minuten.Mijn frustratie was een gevolg van fouten op de website,onterechte herinneringen aan facturen…
Beste @lampiris, pakt uw telefoon op of ge krijgt een factuur in uw bus voor de uren da’k al verloren heb aan jullie incompetentie.
Okay guys, it’s official. Pogo jumping is now officially “fucking awesomeâ€. https://t.co/PnQWWtDDwn
@netlash that’s just wrong. It’s darkest in the middle of the night. However, it is coldest before the dawn.
After reading this, I feel a very strong urge of finding this bench and nosesliding it just to prove a point. https://t.co/YPb7JxdB8W
@DaveFlash Ha, no.This one’s about half a year in.However my Mac Mini has been around for several years. So were my iMac & my old Macbook ;)
My MacBook just kernel panicked. First time I’ve seen one of these in almost 4 years.
What has been seen cannot be unseen. A113. Everywhere.
You know the end of the day is near when you’re checking out website wireframes made in Excel…
I went to bed after working until 6:30 this morning. At 10:30 I woke up. Seeing how this day is turning out, I’d better stayed in bed.

Fascinating! RT @WIRED: An inside look at the insanely complex Formula 1 steering wheel wrd.cm/1ozl5fO pic.twitter.com/RDZDbREQcM

Gotham3 Cross Section of Undersea Cable pic.twitter.com/Fl1L727UM2
This is seriously incredible! http://t.co/lZ69d11J93
Another really cool Dooodl on my site! To whoever who drew it: Thanks! Really cool! http://t.co/on6K533kTH
Well, some people’ve got pop. http://t.co/3d76SOOpwh
@nikhilshah @Nalden who said anything about turning it back on? ;)
Hahaha RT @iamdevloper: Apple are buying Beats…
Guess there’s no forgetting about Dre now.
@nikhilshah @Nalden wanna save even more battery? Push the top right button until a slider appears on the screen and then swipe it!
Those crystal clean 3D renders really distract me. Always add some noise to your 3D renders. It makes them look *WAY* less fake.
@SlackAPI Mail sent with screenshots and everything. I hope it makes sense. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this :) Thanks a lot
@SlackAPI Brilliant! Writing the email as we speak!
@SlackAPI I could tell you more about the why/how via email if you wish (Twitter isn’t perfect for long explanations) ;)
@SlackAPI Yes, for outgoing messages that were posted to a channel. We’re building an internal team tool that checks for user mentions.
It annoys me that they have different blacks in the end (img) RT @bnox:Google Glass ad:Seeds
https://t.co/Xb9FR5DWaT http://t.co/WtUJkkEqww
@SlackAPI Hi,just wondering if you guys have a ‘meta’ feature in the pipeline for webhooks (e.g.: see if a user has been mentioned in a msg)

hannes_bhc Mooie logo’s en fonts: chromeography.com pic.twitter.com/lX1k7mVzeD
Those are so freaking cool! RT @sjespers: Check out these typography posters! May have to order a few of… bit.ly/Rsu3jT

I’m pretty sure that’s the funniest line I’ve heard in a movie in the past few years. pic.twitter.com/MugESaBuI6
That was another productive day. Got quite a bit of work done. Time to do some relaxing!
@Jannemans No, unfortunately it’s a paid addon but it works REALLY well in all kinds of situations :) http://t.co/u5t1tOw3e7

I swear, I love this feature in Sublime Text. Awesome! pic.twitter.com/2Q9HqoCkcg
If you create an API, please provide an ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *’ header. For a minute there, I almost could ‘just use’ your API.
And then there’s that day when somebody hands you a second shot at that perfect opportunity.
RT @tonylukasavage: I searched for “tricky†in @spotify and didn’t see Run DMC til the 13th song. Anyone have experience organizing riots i…
It just gies to show how sloppy current reporters are and which blogs *STILL* fail to check their sources. Who cares about integrity, right?
This is brilliant: guy makes up Apple story and it accidentally goes viral RT @ChezFre: http://t.co/C7KKtjAF6c (via https://t.co/tNlW7wfmo2)
It’s one of these days where I stare at this empty css file and just nothing shows up…
I disconnected the Kinect from my Xbox since we’re not using it anyway.It’s now sitting on my desk staring at me and making me uncomfortable
RT @WouterDS: Looking for a developer with a good understanding of Mac apps in combination with OpenGL. Got a few questions. #opengl #macap…

Define: irony. pic.twitter.com/hF5LVP2Q3U

iamdevloper A diagram to help you decide whether or not you should deploy on a Friday at 5pm pic.twitter.com/ipaiMHTqbm
Went to see Need For Speed. Actually pretty good. Didn’t expect them to turn this into a decent movie. Really nice!
@WouterDS da meen ik. Als ze die flat shit gaan doen gaat dat echt ferm ten koste van mijn productiviteit gaan.
It shows I spent all week programming like a mad man. My mind is exhausted and I can’t even consider doing a small experiment…
Stammy A million guys walk into a Silicon Valley bar. No one buys anything.
Bar declared massive success.
RT @duivvv: THE FUTURE. RT @HTML5Weekly: Extending the Web with Components: http://t.co/o9hOtYQbS8
I swear to God, if Apple makes OSX flat, I’m going to Linux.
Whoa! Closing in on the 10k downloads of Dooodl! Can’t believe so many people actually downloaded this! SO COOLwordpress.org/plugins/dooodl7K
The collective design tribe called Metropoly: http://t.co/f9kjWVoGog

“Nope, there’s nothing wrong with the way I parked my car. I’m out of here!” pic.twitter.com/JkeYOPY1lb
On the off chance I have a rich follower who REALLY likes me: B-day present suggestion: 3-day paddock tickets…Please? http://t.co/Ipd3E80BHu
Great post about a freelancer’s struggles. Quite a few things in here that also applied to me. http://t.co/Fqsgx7bZEH
That thing people do when they update software to look nicer but actually destroy a piece of perfect software in the process.
Holy shit, I just started checking out that new Skrillex album (I know, it’s been out for 2 months). Totally trippin’.