MnrCD You should be more concerned if no one copied your ad.
I’m starting to think natural selection reached its pinnacle and is now starting to reverse itself.
I’m a webdev and for fun I build little apps that do nothing spectacular. This is what a stuntman does for fun.
@samtubbax Teamwork? Al is de tracking wel met Harvest.
And that’s the last commit for today…Still a long way to go on this project but things are getting there.Can’t wait to finish this puppy up.
My Mac crashes apps that request a file dialog… Guess I’ll need a pointless reboot. It’s going to be that kind of a day.
Settling in for another nightshift. Crazy times at the factory.
@glenndavid @creytensp Haha, dacht ik ook meteen aan :D
@creytensp Totally agree with that. You know what they say about barking dogs ;)
Read it, print it, learn it and remember it in your next meeting. Especially No.11 makes me puke time and time again.
This is actually brilliantly explained! How motors work
@prplps @miespaties Thanks for the link. I thought about doing this but I thought this wouldn’t be 100% efficient. Thanks, man!
zofie “A year from now you may wish you had started today.” Karen Lamb
That Akismeth problem is getting out of hand…
Anybody else experiencing problems with Akismeth? It seems like no spam is caught anymore…
Watching Tony Hawk and Rodney Mullen talk about discovering the kickflip… Gave me the chills. #skateboarding
*Security check - all gates*
“No sir, you must go to the center security check.Not here.There”
I’m not sure they understand what “all” means
If I were ever to take an epic picture with an iPhone, this is got to be it. Thank you #Venice. @â€
Yesterday’s heat was extreme. A little less would be perfect. This however is a tad too much in the other direction.
@ahtanu @mobilevikingsBE handig! Thanks! Waar vindt ge die info?
@mobilevikingsBE any chance dat ik deze waarde kan resetten? Ik ben mij gewaar van de kosten.
Seen at a bar in Venice #freewifi @ Venice, Italy
Bought an authentic glass ring for my girlfriend on the Burano island which is known for its glassâ€
Restaurant guy asks us if we want free wifi: “sure” we say. He then hands us a paper with the password… Right.
This is how Italian airlines deal with lost baggage problems. Close the fucking airport office. /cc @aviapartnerF
Hotel wifi is always a bit of time traveling to 10 years agoâ€
The never ending walkalator. @ Brussels Airport (BRU)
4G in Zaventem. Pretty underwhelming. @mobilevikingsBE @BASE
@ivesdeblieck ik kan Frans maar ik haat de taal. + commentaar op de BBC is deftig. ;)
@ivesdeblieck Ik kan wel maar ik kijk liever naar de BBC uitzending en die zal er pas om 20u zijn ;)
For the sake of not knowing what’s happening at the German grand prix right now #F1 ;) /cc @ivesdeblieck
RT @N_A_G_D: We’ve got CIA and NSA monitoring every Joe’s telephone and internet but we’re still not sure who shot a civilian airplane out …
louisjonckheere Yo is now worth $10M. Thinking about a ‘NO’ app for product managers. This will have IPO potential.
Tonight’s open air coding session features the Kinect!
There’s a guide for that.
The problem with my beloved blue/purple glasses: they don’t match with my red T-shirts…
It’s been a crazy week so far.I’m up to 44 hours of coding this week already and I still have one more day to go…My brain is melting though.
Nothing like some open air coding to get away from the heat. @ Evolis
I sometimes forget about the amazing power that a ‘double click’ has… Probably the most undervalued gesture there is in computers…
@WouterDS Kweenie: ik gebruik een boekhouder. Da werkt met al mijn computers :p
It’s not as if Apple issues multiple beta’s of OSX minor/major updates, months before the release or anything… Nice lie, Belgium.
Belgian goverment tax-on-web service seems to be broken on Apple computers. According to the gov, Apple doesn’t issue pre-update warnings.
I lost my Brigada sunglasses so I orderd new ones. And they came with Haribo and free stickers! Love it!
@BramDevr And then debugging the abstracted code (because this opens up a absolute minefield of potential bugs. Which costs even MORE time.
@BramDevr Yes, but abstraction costs time/budget.Really good abstraction of complex things takes even MORE time. But is it always necessary?
So many developers yapping on about writing re-usable code… And then they write the most complex re-usable stuff and only use it once…
Wanted: designer.
When did you fall? When was it over?
monteiro The woman on the right is on the phone with her lawyer.
@bertiecorrie This is not a @m3tropoly project ;)
Nothing like building some nice controls with great fallback capabilities! I love it when that stuff comes to life!
That was another productive evening! Can’t wait to ship this project. It’s going to be pretty nice!
Straight from one shift into the other. The freelancer in my loves this. The person in me can’t wait for the vacation#countdowndown
Well, that’s that for Monday. I got a hell of a busy week to go.
Finally took the time to update my TweetNest install and import my ‘all-tweets-archive’ from Twitter. Love this totwitter.nocreativity.commYld
@bit101 You are not a movie character. You are not an Action Hero. You are not your wildest dream or digital self. You are not Tyler Durden.
bit101 You are not a character from an action movie/comic/tv series. You’re just a person sitting on your sofa wasting time on facebook quizzes.
NathanJY Must be an amazing feeling to win the top accolade in your chosen career.
Best team over the whole tournament. #GER
Seriously, the @surpass hosting support team never fails. The 24/7 live support that ALWAYS has the answer. Props!
@mikebeecham It’s an interesting topic.This is just me guessing but people with actual understanding of ‘people’ might know more about this.
@mikebeecham I follow my friends for that exact reason: knowing what they’re up to. So I’d think they’d do the same thing.
@mikebeecham my close friends might want to know that I’m visiting my mom today. My far-away followers probably don’t care.
@mikebeecham yea exactly. The “should” is a bit backwards on the whole privacy problem going on. The “want” is very much a social thing.
@mikebeecham same here. I don’t feel the need to document every step. Only the special moments. It’s probably a personal thing.
@mikebeecham with the recent rise of ubiquitous front-facing camera’s everywhere, this auto-biography stuff got a new push.
@mikebeecham I do think that platforms like Twitter/Instagram have spiked the idea that our lives are special enough to publicly document it
@mikebeecham it takes away the awkward question of “would you please take this photo of me holding a cupcake” to strangers so yea:i think so
@mikebeecham i think the current hype emphasises what has been going in forever.We just didnt call it selfie and had others take the picture
@Jonazzty @delijn ik hoop dagge aant zeveren zijt want da’s een fucking geniale actie! #tramnesty
wade_macneil If you wish a bands new songs sounded more like their old songs. Just listen to the old records. That’s why we recorded them.
Today I learned: aria-haspopup
RT @iamdevloper: Job ad:
web developer needed, must be proficient in asp and drupal. must bring own DeLorean to travel back to when these …
aliciainthecity @iamdevloper I’d genuinely watch a House-style show about developers. “This div is collapsing!” “Check the float.” “Still collapsing!”
BrunoByttebier Art vs Design
I usually hate these CSS things. This one I really like! RT @zofie: CSS The Avengers - CodePen (via @R_y_co )
Nothing quite says “fuck you†like your Mac crashing and destroying your flow full scale. This machine might be up for a cleanup…
@vermeiretim I’ll wait for the final call on that one as that is too perfectly timed to be real…
People used to work hard to become famous in this world. Today, having a pretty face in a crowd at a soccer game seems to be enough.
It’s the same people that hate Facebook because they monetize your information that tell me to use that new service ‘because it’s free’.
Who cares?
@BrunoByttebier Ik blijf bij mijn standpunt… Wat could possibly go wrong… :p
@BrunoByttebier @GeoffreyLejeune Wat? Dat L’Oreal in hun eigen voet schiet omdat ze een random iemand het gezicht van hun merk maken?
Working into the night, where Tumblrs are updated, client bugs are fixed and personal projects are finalized. I used to have a life.
@BrunoByttebier Transip. Beste en goekoopste die ik ken.
bertiecorrie We’re searching for a talented remote designer, 25 hrs per week. Tweet me for more information :)
cc @m3tropoly
@woutr_be I AM working with @m3tropoly at this very moment ;) Lovely team, great work. You’ll love it, I swear!
The rumor is true: @m3tropoly is looking for a new front-end dev. Check this leaked document to see if you’re the one
lemonfeed “There are a few things I have witnessed becoming obsolete in the past few years, the first being…”
I always love it when these historic fails happen. That’s when the internet excells at making up new memes.
@mgoldst @ruskamartin
Ab nach Haus. (Added bonus)
Send me 99ct via Paypal ;)
MnrCD A win this big reminds me of every time I go to Cannes.
Of course you do. He’s in ██████â-@CIAright next to ████â-#twitterversaryCIA: No, we don’t know where Tupac is. #twitterversary
@boskabout En als ge toch hulp nodig hebt: Geef gerust een gil. Wie weet kan ik u wel helpen met iets ;)
@boskabout Ik ben “average in wat ik doeâ€. Believe me ;) En der zijn wa lange nachten geweest na mijn werk-uren, ja :p Maarbon: Lukt wel
@boskabout Heb in 1 week tijd een Wifi multiplayer game met multiscreen support over airplay gemaakt… zonder bestaande kennis van iOS dev ;)
@boskabout Tis bijna zo makkelijk als in AS3 nu. Peanuts my friend ;)
So the new guy running the NSA is called Micheal S. Rogers. Like Micheal Steve Rogers? Captain America… Is that you, Sir?
@boskabout Is peanuts ze. Niet echt veel moeilijk aan. Behalve de iOS/OSX SDK’s ;)
@boskabout Staat alleen nog wa in kinderschoenen… Na 3 beta’s nog altijd geen public/private vars/methods…
@boskabout Swift is perfect native. Nieuwe taal die dezelfde API’s kan aanspreken en door dezelfde LLVM compiler gaat als Obj-C. A
“Access control (public/private members) is not enabled in this seed.â€
Downloading Xcode 6 Beta 3. If Apple is keeping up the rate of changes, this one will bring some great stuff in Swift!
@Alacrious that would be nice as well. They’re doing well in motorsports as far as I know.
I wonder: why isn’t Lamborghini in Formula 1?! They could design one hell of a car and have the resources for an insane engine…
Amazon is suggesting products on their site which I already bought (on their site) about a week ago. Smart.
I’m just going out on a limb here but I take it the stunned silence in the Belgian streets means they’re out of the World Cup…?
Totally forgot to publish this: Meet Metroplex: my project bootstrap setup tool thingy thing!
Why oh why am I logged out of all social networks, all at once. It’s like it’s my first day on the internet.
@LienBerden ge gaat het geen 2 keer tegen komen ;) ff op de tandjes bijten nu. Wel kak zo vlak voor de vakantie periode :(
@LienBerden yup, vorig jaar ook verschoten toen er 800€ minder op mijn rekening kwam staan. Is even slikken…
So my computer crashed. After rebooting my keyboard layout has changed. OSX is solid as a rock. Until it crashes. And then it crashes hard.
_tessr why do Canadians make good REST clients?
because they’re so good at curling
ok bye
prplps LinkedIn Park’s latest album Connect Theory, with popular hits as “One Mail Closer” and “Somewhere I Endorse”, is available now.
Deminoodle Zijn er nog MCT/Devine studenten die nog op zijn naar een vakantiejob in de zomer? Regio Brussel. @devine_howest @nmct_howest
WordPlay4Games Freelance definition of a day off: the day you spend working on the stuff you want to do but won’t get paid for.
Or telling a brain-surgeon that you could do the same job because you once had a CPR class when you were 12. #lasttweet
That’s like telling a professional photographer that you do the same thing because you have discovered Instagram#lasttweetet
I hate it when people say “oh, my 12-year-old also makes websitesâ€. He might make websites, sure, but that’s not ‘the same’ as what I do.
I just asked @Deminoodle if he has ever driven on the Nürburgring.
“I’m not sure. I don’t know what that isâ€.
Kill. Me. Now.
@tekkie And honestly: I don’t care if they map ads to me because of keywords in my messages. Not sure why I should be bothered.
@tekkie It’s the price one pays to use a service like that. If I could go premium and pay on a monthly basis I’d do it.
@tekkie Not sure. I like them. They gave me Facebook, Twitter Bootstrap and Playboy. I think they’re great :p
@tekkie Believe me: I don’t need to read the news or listen to the radio to know. The sound in the street last night was ecstatic :p
@tekkie I’m really the wrong guy to talk to about that :p I know nothing about soccer except for the rules on the field :p
@davy_delbeke Ik gun het Belgie ze. Maar ik voetbal kan mij zoooo weinig schelen :p
@davy_delbeke Zoals ik gisteren al zei: Als ze er nie allicht uit liggen ga’k er nooit het einde van horen… :p
The updated technology stack - part 2:
@davy_delbeke Volledig! Overal waar ge komt is iedereen de overwinning aan het vieren. Ongeacht hun taal of politieke voorkeur. Zo speciaal.
@angelovm Da’s inderdaad spijtig…
The thing I enjoy about the World Cup is how this country unites & stands as one as their beloved Red Devils show the world “We are Belgiumâ€
After 3 years it was time to refresh my blog’s theme. So I did.
I’m not exactly following th#BELUSASA game but according to the sound of street right in front of our appartment, Belgium must have scored…
It seems Google is taking another page out of Apple’s book. Good for them. Good for Android.
Ikea really nailed this one. Pretty smart idea.
Boris A dog just licked my feet.
And we had only just met.
This relationship is developing too fast.
@BrunoByttebier Het karten niet… De jarenlange verslaving aan Gran Turismo en de F1 games blijkbaar wel ^^