That moment you realize what has been lost because of a HDD failure a few months ago….
I can not believe in you if your plan to success includes an exit-strategy. Unless you’re a bankrobber or James Bond. That’s different.

Dear internet… What!
Went skateboarding yesterday afternoon and I had a blast!
Spent most of the afternoon editing a video for a friend. It’s been a while. Had a lot of fun with this.

I’m not sure how but somehow Apple managed to put 20GB of audio on my iPhone without syncing ANY songs.
_VintageRose It’s ok if you don’t like me. Not everyone has good taste.
RT @joristi: Great.
At the only bread machine in the neighborhood and I can’t get a bread because of a windows error.
Oh technology.

Nothing like a nice brake-check in the morning. Followed by a nice traffic jam. Have a good day,â€
@mikebeecham @webdevotion Then there will be loads of time to go out for skateboarding. Not a bad thing either I guess :)
@mikebeecham @webdevotion When the day comes when I’m done with this ‘idea of life’, I’ll probably enjoy quiet time a bit more :)
@mikebeecham @webdevotion I guess it’s a personal thing. I want to do as much as I can while I can.
@mikebeecham @webdevotion … and it just feels really awkward. It feels like a waste of good time and energy.
@mikebeecham @webdevotion Which makes a slow day like Belgian Sunday’s really difficult to cope with. I feel like I’m forced to pause…
@mikebeecham @webdevotion I agree with that completely. But on the other hand, my mind is used to going full-power all the time.
@mikebeecham @webdevotion But I hate the feeling of ‘loneliness’ when I walk outside and it feels as if everybody is ‘gone’. Makes sense?
@mikebeecham @webdevotion I actually spend all my spare time with friends and family. Any day of the week. ;)
This renders Sunday utterly boring and makes it feel like kind of a waste of good time. I’m glad it’s Monday. Time to do some wo#TGIMTGIM
I wish this idea of shops closing on Sunday would be dismissed. There is almost nowhere you can go or nothing you can do on a Sunday.
Some of my music isn’t eligible for iTunes Match. So now there’s literally no way of getting this music on my iPhone. Bye iTunes Match.
Nothing like writing 5 lines of code and having hours of work done for you by a inexhaustible machine. I love the browser console…
I very much support this piece.
You remember the time when you could download WordPress themes that weren’t made exclusively out of squares and rectangles?
Waking up with the girlfriend’s hair everywhere. I think this is her way of marking her territory.

joggink #gracefuldegradation explained
<img src=”sorry.jpg” alt=”We really need javascript” />
I spent the better part of today tying to set up this project-build-setup. I have a new respect for backend developers and their patience.
“A broken skateboard in the trash. That means someone did something awesome”. Love that conclusion by @CaseyNeistat
This is exactly what the lazy “lifestyle photographers” of Instagram needed: even less skill needed to make a photo.
This is hilarious: Buildings inspired by Star Wars. via @uglybelgianhous

Stuck in a traffic jam. Things could be worse. It could be raining…
Man, am I glad it’s Monday. I really hate Sundays. And the worst thing: I really don’t know w#TGIMTGIM

Hang on, are we all supposed to be using typewriters when telling stories on the internet?? // @TheNextWeb
chronsciguy Perspective
Apple: We’ll sell you a gold-plated watch for $10,000.
Tesla: We’ll sell you a battery that will change the world for $3,500.
@tekkie that’s actually good to know. Thanks for the advice. Might pick up on it ;)
@tekkie but G+ never really captured my imagination. Somehow it seemed too much to try to be like Facebook. Didn’t want to invest time then.
@tekkie oh yea, I don’t think there’s much space on Facebook for professional exploration. I only use it to keep in touch with friends. :p
@tekkie hence why I don’t really bother with G+ or anything else than Twitter. Is G+ big in Germany?
@tekkie … For professional purposes (or at least not primarily). It would mean I’d have to consider too much when posting stuff.
@tekkie I don’t really bother with metrics, I’m afraid. The only “network” I use for non-personal stuff is LinkedIn. I don’t use social …
Somebody added me on Google+.
I care as much about that notification as you care about this tweet.

This is pure gold! RT @Walldo: FYI this is what you agree to by uploading your photo to the Age-Guesser
And while @elonmusk might need to rehearse his talks, I don’t really mind ‘uh’s…. The guy’s probably too busy changing the world :p
I finally got around watching @elonmusk’s talk. I’m not sure how he did it but he got me excited about batteries.