@BrunoByttebier Story of my life… ;) Ahwell: ‘t Zou allemaal nie zo spannend zijn als’t altijd maar makkelijk was, niewaar?
@BrunoByttebier Grote lastige kwestie die echt mijn persoonlijke principes tegen elkaar uitspeelt…
@BrunoByttebier Ik denk eerder: “Heb ik er schrik voor omdat ik het niet graag doe?” of “Doe ik het niet graag omdat ik er schrik van heb?”
“if something scares you, you’re probably on the tight track” VS “if you don’t like what you do, stop doing it”. Torn between my own rules.
tonyhawk This doubles-handplant stunt was probably the hardest/scariest @andymacdonald & I have done (so far): http://t.co/9KeFxB5g
I think a little part of me just died.
pixeldimensions Nog a/t twijfelen welke hippe opleiding je volgend jaar wil volgen? Kom naar de infodag! http://t.co/kdpSxek0 #howest #devine
It seems some people think it’s not necessary to actually be grateful for the efforts made by contributors of open-source projects.
“I downloaded this open-source theme, changed it radically so I think it’s ok to remove the license and references to the original author”
Nobody seems to be noticing the missing aluminum frame in the picture. http://t.co/IxtIJ9MH
I can’t explain why but animating stuff always makes me feel so awesome. There’s something magical about making things move.
And my laptop is finally ready to do some work again. Time to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting and get some rest. Good night, Tweety world.
Moved our first little piece of furniture: A pink chair. This was also the first piece we bought together about a year ago. Kinda special.
Holy crap, this really is a funky timelapse! http://t.co/EPlQfurJ
@delegatevoid They did. I know they did. They even know that that idiot was me. :D
The awkward moment when you hear that well-known noise on the phone and you realize you just called a fax machine.
@miespaties Oh right! Well, then it’s no problem. ;)
I work in Brussels and take the metro twice a day. I feel very safe doing that after seeing this video. http://t.co/dRo6DUSS
Ladies and gentlemen, @lyntje and I have the keys to our new home. http://t.co/UCXCMgRh
I hate it when Apple-blogs start revealing upcoming features of new hardware. Takes out all the fun… Some of us don’t want to know… yet.
Saying that ‘Simulacra & Simulation’ is part of a remix in The Matrix is unnecessary. There’s a actual literal reference to it.
Aww, doesn’t this just warm your heart? :) PS: @piyumz is from @SaatchiSL ;) http://t.co/V8UPQJX5
Yea, we grew up during some pretty awesome times. http://t.co/OBfGEgnG
lyntje Leuke blog ontdekt, jullie moeten beslist een kijkje nemen op http://t.co/JSypYSsG Poeh, wou dat ik zo’n designskills had zeg! @missmurphy
I slowed down my morning routine a bit. It took me 2 hours to get out of bed and prepare breakfast. Ahhh… Sunday… You so awesome!
MnrCD I think, therefore I Cannes.
Don’t ask any questions. Just do as you’re told: Follow this guy: @MnrCD. That is all.
MnrCD The work is always more important than the deadline. Just ask Cannes.
However, now it’s time for my first driving lesson. Watch out everybody! I’m coming!!
Yup yup! All went well this morning. Massive shopping list! Living alone is expensive!
On the road to get our bed and other important, big and expensieve stuff. My bank savings are about to take another huge dive… Joy!
I can’t stop missing you. http://t.co/cySGVAHp
Remember back in the day when URL shorteners were invented to save chars in your Tweets. Yea, that’s why they were invented.
lyntje Iemand toevallig verhuisdozen op overschot of waar hij/zij van af wil? Omgeving Kortrijk :)
@sjespers I really think you have to be mentioned by a “Big Name” like @kevinrose etc to see your followers-number increase…
Doing one last render before leaving the office. Render faster!!
Spotify’s Radio feature is in a kickass mood today. I love it. Currently discovering all kinds of great new music!
I just had an Italian lady deliver me lunch to my desk. Yup, perks of working at @SaatchiBrussels ;)
@delegatevoid @devine_howest Ik heb zeker geen ‘super design’ skills ;)
@delegatevoid @devine_howest Ik ben grotendeels frontend, dus ja ;) Doe ook wat backend via node.js maar daar houdt het dan ook op ;)
@delegatevoid @devine_howest Ik kies de laatste tijd veel voor JS. Dat is zo’n beetje de duct-tape van het web: Kun je alles mee doen. ;)
devine_howest Wat is jullie favoriete programmeertaal eigenlijk? https://t.co/6086XZdI
“consumers generally benefit from the copying within the smartphone market” - interesting read http://t.co/F37VvD28
I don’t mind taking public transport to work except for 2 things:
1) I lose 2 hours every day.
2) The drunk guy sitting next to me at 9AM.
saatchiza On beauty and being cognitively drawn to things that we consider aesthetically pleasing http://t.co/1ahvsuol via @lovemarkscampus
@monkeyshot @baekdal @svenluyten I call bullshit. Apple came up with something new.Tablets didn’t always like like that http://t.co/ErCLeAxC
wannesdeloore Get the message?: http://t.co/5jvSXRpA
@rmgallery We sure hope so! Can’t wait to create some very cool stuff ;)
I approve of this message. RT @mattcutts: The ability to write code is pretty much a super power in today’s society.
saatchiza Jumping out of bed & doing the funky chicken before having your first cup of coffee is how everyone should start their day… Shouldn’t it?
RT @hannes_bhc: why top gear looks epic http://t.co/0PNUSYq4
@nickvegas Click on a profile (so a layer slides on top of the timeline), then hit ESC again. That’s what it is ;)
RT @YourAnonNews: ✹ BREAKING ✹ EU suspends #ACTA ratification, refers treaty to court | http://t.co/tFtHbCEf <— THIS IS WHAT WE CAN …
mattbrett Huh, zoom: 1; really does fix just about every bug IE7 throws at you. What a piece of shit that browser is. Man!
@Simon_Gee it’s been like that forever. Nothing new there. They want your email to mail you their crap newsletters.
Sliding progress bars are such lies. All of a sudden they stop moving. Why animate the bar if the process isn’t continuous but sequential?
Finally then… RT @engadget: Google and Adobe team up to make Flash Player for Linux http://t.co/5kkrdicx
Still capable http://t.co/i5O3syLa
Had a great training session with 2 cool guys from the @rmgallery team! So totally going to rock DoubleClick Studio with our next campaign!
To everyone who ever created an app, a widget, a plugin or a service and provided it (and maybe the source) for free: I love you guys.
It’s one of these days where murdering someone just for kicks seems like a really good idea… You know… Just to ventilate a bit.
adamkmccarthy Must. Have. This. http://t.co/9jhD1Yhs
Holy crab!! RT @aral: I wouldn’t want to encounter one of these babies on a stroll down the beach. #japanesespidercrab http://t.co/jeJ3QQYB
Well. It seems you can’t fit a square peg in a round hole.
Ha! I just figured something out in the iPhone .plist files! I feel so ninja right now!
Forgot my earphones at work. Good thing I’ve got some spares in my bag. http://t.co/ePxmcgRG
“So much awesome going on here!” @ Googleplex: http://t.co/U1D2mGhO #4sqTip
Fantastic video. Totally loving it! http://t.co/U0PXXqHv
Clouds in the morning @ Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels http://t.co/zFYOLSku
@desaturated Ik ken het gevoel ;)
Backflip completed! RT @jbrewer: If you worry about the size of your transparent PNGs, this will make you do backflips
I’d love to ride this thing! http://t.co/odAofRdw
That’s why designers are ruining the web. Because we like to make it look nice. RT @smnprtz: Facepalm. http://t.co/wjxukQtm
DanLza Grammar: The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you’re shit
What a mindblowing saturday this was. In every way.
Preparing a delicious dinner for my girlfriend. The end of a perfect day.
Now let’s see if this aTV Flash (black) is better than XBMC… *fingers crossed*
Updating my Apple TV and Jailbreaking it with seasonpass again. I love the iPhone hackers…
Dear Apple. Lion is far from being the best OS ever. Not even close. It is better than losing your wallet though. Or a car accident.
@joristi i feel the same way. But maybe it grows on us over time…
@joristi Yes. They’re updating the logo to look more like a window, less like a flag. http://t.co/sNVk87NA
TheNextWeb Who needs SOPA? Legitimate sites can already be taken offline by over-zealous authorities http://t.co/mVP1gs7l by @MartinSFP on @TNWinsider
Man, I sure will miss the colored Windows Flag logo. I grew up with that thing!
Some great news to conclude this week! Heading home after a rather good day. Time for some drooling sleep in the train…
There should really be a hardcore tutorial on how to use Premiere and After Effects in tandem…
@ikbenmartijn Ookal?
Man, Twitter spam is really out of control in the past few days :/
“@Plaxo is now following you on Twitter” - I thought Plaxo shut down? :/
Can’t wait to finish today’s projects! Going to be awesome!
Always stay true to your own believes. RT @tijs: Interesting: the top five regrets of the dying http://t.co/hCQ27Vjf
Evelinesmet Haha schnukkels! “Sabam strafrechtelijk vervolgd voor vervalsen jaarrekeningen” http://t.co/peVTSr17
We spend too much time in meetings.
NeuroProd Cube Construct is now a free app, enjoy :) : http://t.co/qMqCjpD9
Time to meet the Make people… Intrigued…
@savvas Hah… Photo’s are the killer. 1MB can quickly cost multiple €. 4-5MB/pic, 10 pics… That might just get very expensive…
@savvas HOLY SHITBALLS :| 662€ ?! That’s insane :s Are you sure you didn’t download a whole lot of stuff by accident?
@savvas Come on! You made us all curious. Now say how much (and how much you usually pay for reference ;) )
First time a freelancer delivers files to me in the middle of the night. Feels so familiar and yet now I feel bad for the poor fella…
BrunoFonzi Another Flash Pioneer gone! RT @i_pioneers: Big news: @Powerflasher becomes “INTERACTIVE PIONEERS” http://t.co/iXDwfkAh #HTML5 #iOS #Android
Heading home after a busy day at @SaatchiBrussels. Tomorrow is going to be crazy!!
@Suiadan I wouldn’t call that waiting. That’s more like your personal spare time. And I’m talking about multiple months ;)
Why should I want to wait? Waiting is wasting time. You only live once. Why sit around waiting for stuff…? Ugh…
@thenerd_be Your body would throw a null reference exception. ‘virus’ and ‘body’ are not defined. :p
“It’s gettin’ hot in here…”
I had one extra hour of sleep last night because I had a meeting this morning. Result: I’m well rested and unstoppable! Booya! Bring it!
benpopper The Path privacy flap in context:Facebook, Twitter and many other iPhone apps upload your phone book without asking - http://t.co/En4hVvS8
RT @aral: … expectations that your app creates merely by looking like a native app on the home screen & launching like one. #ux
RT @aral: … You might get away with it for certain immersive apps but no matter what web framework you use, the controls won’t meet OS e …
joristi Ik wil hierbij ook nog laten weten dat ik nog steeds verkrijgbaar ben als valentijnsdate. Is me weer wat afwas gespaard. #lonelyboy
miespaties @Vromant haha! Ben zelfs so desperate vr die cyfers dat ik dacht zoiets te doen: http://t.co/VKhFGID9 Zou het lukken? @boskabout
Why does Angry Birds on FB need my basic information? Or email address? Nobody cares… But Path uses your address book information… Oh noes!
Spotify radio is totally rocking today!
What’s wrong with a simple clickTAG? Seriously…
maximgladines Happy Desperation day every1! The day bfore valentines day on which single people try desperately 2 find someone 2 spend Valentines day with
@parislemon I remember you wrote about this before. However I still haven’t experienced it like that. Maybe some other factor causing this?
@ikbenmartijn ik denk nie dak bij de early adopters hoor ;) in september keer mee beginnen experimenteren.
@ikbenmartijn ik ben de laatste tijd vaak bezig met node.js. Lovin’ it! Binnenkort een app live zetten (nie zoveel speciaal tbh)
So I went to Westende today. I did a faceplant in the snow. Yea. That is all.
tekkie A perfect message from an opportunist to all the other chaps http://t.co/Lggqt6z0
People like him are essentially why countries like Japan forbid phone calls while using public transport.
I’m wearing headphones and listening to music while this guy is on the phone. I can hear him loud and clear. http://t.co/52xnYWIl
@mobilevikings @FabianMeul had’k ook net voor.Vorige donderdag rond 19u ook gehad.Dacht dat het aan het toestel lag maar nu zelfde situatie.
Holy shit!? Whitney Houston is dead!?! Aw man… You’ll be missed… http://t.co/xLAXQQLE
Quite magical… RT @object404: Rare vintage photos of famous people http://t.co/I3yoSIQH
Wondering how much time there’s left to submit a speaker proposal for #2m12kortrijk… /cc @AngeloFallein @multimania
I used to have no business cards at all… http://t.co/2ZyZAPpK
ogilvyBRU Are you a Web Designer or HTML Whiz with skilled fingers and mind? Join @OgilvyBRU Digital team; please DM us (RT=nice) #Job #Jobs
woutr_be Great read - “Mobile users don’t do that” http://t.co/xVpPqTCS by @stephanierieger
Frozen @ Broelkaai http://t.co/cYwpe4ni
Her morning elegance http://t.co/JuuyuoKP
I love how people don’t read T&Cs when signing up for web services and act all violated when pointed out that they agreed to be screwed over
@prplps Depends on what you’re working on. Logo’s in illustrator, magazines in InDesign, image manipulation in Photoshop,etc /cc @davydooms
I just thought I’d remind you of this guy when you have a bad day. “It matters how you gonna finish…” http://t.co/LyBzYGAU
Why do banner spec sheets always look like they came straight of out 1995? WordArt, underlines, a gazillion colors… Freaking nightmare.
@alexanderchaban I think they made an intriguing move by casting Jeremy Renner and Edward Norton. Thus far it’s looking good.
They might just pull off a 4th movie that is actually freaking great.
Screenshots on Instagram always make me sad.
jc The only way I’ve ever learned anything is by doing it wrong the first time. ~ @stubbornella via @beep #aea
A girl in the train has been putting on make-up for 5 minutes now… She now looks orange. WHY!! Why do you want us to make fun of you?!
palmaerts haha old internet junkies in the year 2062 reminisce about the good old days of social networking http://t.co/hrQmN4ex #douchebag
You’d almost feel sorry for the poor cooling towers, waving their arms as they go down… http://t.co/GyZ83F8L
Everytime you ask your user to “like your page”, Mark Zuckerberg kills a kitten. (Same goes for retweets and subscribing to your channel)
tapbots How about one more thing? If this tweet gets retweeted 1000 times we’ll release something brand new.
The term “New verticals” is the new “Going viral”.
davydooms Looking for International well-known design awards…. all input is welcome ;-)
@Suiadan Yes. Path does it, Facebook did it, and many others did (do) it too. I know about the ‘permission thing’ on Android and I like it.
@aral I like the idea of files. How do you see the world without file systems? In which context would you get rid of files? Everywhere?
About ‘privacy invasion’: “They dont actually give a shit about the contact info of the 1 ugly chick you banged once 10 years ago. “
Wow, @Path is getting hit by a shitstorm for doing something Facebook has been doing in plain sight for more than a year now…
MediaMonks We’re going to add some amazing developers/producers/creatives to our Dutch/London/New York offices. Interested? jobs@mediamonks.com
mattbrett Uh-oh! New image lightbox on Facebook. Cue people freaking out about change in… 3… 2…
I love @timehop. One year ago, today, @lyntje and I went to Luxemburg and we visited my hometown. Feels like yesterday. Great memory!
Yes, everybody is hard at work! http://t.co/rt01Lcvk
Damn pre-roll video-ads. Can’t wait for that to be phased out… Most annoying crap ever. And now it found its way to Youtube too.
There’s something about Brussels I can’t explain. I love coming by this place. http://t.co/VewecUnY
Nice! RT @Polledemaagt: Sunset in #Zandvoort http://t.co/p5sSPPjw
Nobody cares if your smartphone is 9 or 7mm thick. We do care about battery life. We’re just waiting for you guys to figure it out.
I’d so laugh my ass off if Samsung releases a 7mm smartphone and Apple makes theirs thicker again to improve battery life.
Kat_InTheCradle De week van eigen gekweel. Geen StuBru voor mij deze week.
I’m not sure what the guys were smoking when designing this website but damn!! Must’ve been good stuff ‘cause this shit is crazy!!
It’s freezing cold in my room… Summer, get your ass over here already!
RT @davydooms: Hahaha, de verhouding idea/client/designer mooi samengevat in één beeld // http://t.co/kvZpePM2 #sotrue (via @sebstyle)
Seeing this tells me only one thing: Today’s TV-cartoon-and-kids-shows are complete and utter crap. http://t.co/ACczjBq8 via @9GAG
!!! RT @nextnowagency: Flying People in New York City: what an inspired idea! http://t.co/YMUIZ6w0 via @youtube
The thing with always being right is that people are expecting you to be ‘wrong for the first time’ every time you say something.
For those of you who haven’t got a @dropbox account yet: Always have your stuff when you need it! 2GB account is free! http://t.co/IOaffThc
Want an additional free 5GB of dropbox space? Install this experimental version & get 500MB per 500MB automatic uploads http://t.co/QrRAUINn
UnitZeroOne Web “Standards” : MozAudioAvailable, mozChannels mozSampleRate mozFrameBufferLength. No wonder so many apps use flash for audio.
Just noticed that @FITC Amsterdam will be back at the Felix Meritis! Good move! Love that location! Too bad I can’t make it this year :(
@philipdubois Nope, no conflicts… But I’m pretty glad I got my file back via the website :)
@philipdubois That’s what I did ;) But it still sucks that the file just got ‘lost’ like that ;)
@Kat_InTheCradle Auwch! Suckt wel :/ Tot zover mijn plan om deze headphones ooit te kopen…
Moved a file in my dropbox… Now the file is completely gone. Not in it’s original folder, not in the destination folder. Just gone.
I approve of this message. RT @keskonfoula: Beautiful iPhone wallpapers. http://t.co/zotXfjHG
Awesome showreel by @designisdead - https://t.co/0D0izfun
Cron jobs are awesome. The shear amount of tasks I have my server perform on a daily basis with no hassle at all…. It keeps amazing me.
There’s nothing quite like the Inception soundtrack. A real masterpiece. I hope to be able to create something just as amazing one day.
@taggetig @creativeskills Addemar mss?
Man, being sick sucks. Sitting in bed and not being able to do stuff sucks. Winter sucks. There.
Great VW commercial! Love it! http://t.co/FdaTenee
@nicecrispybacon Tweetbot. Nuff said.
tonylukasavage What percentage of the time is the phrase “It should be pretty simple” actually accurate? #dev