gnite twitterverse
being inspired by award winning sites
starting a game :)
@aral: looking forward to it :D
spaghetti time!
waiting for my food to be dead enough to eat it … :)
just blogged about my first AS3 class! Very proud! already got some feedback of things that need to be changed
Music class is getting really cool. so excited to release it!! :) will do so as soon as possible! :) getting a massage now. Nite twitteroos!
AS3 is becoming VERY precise… Very impressive actually. Really amazed by AS3… Should’ve started with this WAY before!
fighting the SoundTransform object…
@wouter: if you find out problems, or have suggestions/tips to make things better: let me know! good luck with it :)
@code indenting isn’t perfect yet (working on it) but it should be doing this soon too.
@wouter: check out the code highlighter i put together… does php formatting pretty good!
back from shopping with my girl
getting ready to go shopping with my girl
woke up… slept waaaaaaaaaaay to long… felt good though :-)
going to school: Multimedia & webtech :)
woke up.. school is waiting… *TIRED*
off to bed. falling asleep right here…
being there, doing nothing… checking out a movie :)
@float: vet kut hoor. Heb zo’n dingen zelf ook al vaak meegemaakt dankzij De Lijn… Sterkte ;-)
grabbing a bite/byte and chilling out afterwards. Got a load of work todo tomorrow…
back home: continuing my AS3 Adventure!
kicking serious but wih AS3… I liked it before but now I truly discovered a new world! :-D
Just showed off some PV3D to a few class mates.They all freaked out :) Imagine their faces when I told them it only took me 40 lines code :)
Having AS3 fun: Life can be great :-)
Multimedia Classes: Flash at 9AM: Perfect
2 words: E4X ROCKS!
about to checkout E4X (very educative tonight :-) )
Music class is enjoying progress, but i’m really shocked of AS3 not being able of overloading … :(
@wouter: looking forward to the tut!
omg! i’m shocked! no method overloading in AS3? why? how? i must be overlooking something :s
played a game… want to create something… pffff… where are the stupid ideas when you need one?
will try to make a music class in AS3 (yay! first AS3 experiment!!)
home from classes. Had multimedia, and i’m very enthousiast about it… Looks like a year full of fun!!
done, going, to have a bite…
database-class… not in the mood… wants AS3!!
awake…. sorta…
can’t sleep… some things just keep bothering me…
had a very romantic dinner! :D
going after some food… KILL KILL KILL :-)
Posted my tutorial about transparent flash :) hope i can help some ppl with that! :)
writing a little tutorial on transparent flash.
@stupidnoob you actually should :p
kicked some serious ass again… Man i love that game :-) need to do something productive now :-)
installing BF2 again… Want to play my game again! :-)
wants to build something!
just posted an amazing Freaking Site on FlashFocus: MUST CHECK!
gooooood morning world!!
looking up my bed
Finished my code highlighter for wordpress in bbCode-style:
WOOT! Made my first wordpress plugin! And i actually will use it too! :-)
wondering what wordpress is doing to my sourcecode? whitespace all over the place
trying to figure out something very easy… i need more sleep…
going to shop, need a new light!
looking up bed-land. See you in a few hours
@Folkert: thx but i forgot to mention that i was looking for a wordpress plugin, code highlighter. :-$
looking for a good syntaxh highlighter for wordpress.. something like [php]code[/php] or [as]code here[/as]… Anyone?
@Folkert: congrats man!
@wouter: posted about it on flashfocus man!
about to post a new aricle on swx, swxRuby and CakeSWXPHP on FlashFocus
checking out cakeSWXPHP (Project of one of my teachers!).. So much projects around SWX! Man this is heaven!
writing some FlashFocus news…
posted my edited version of @aral ‘s inline blog plugin:
made some more modifications to a site of a colleague :-)
changing settings on KL forum
about to HATE adobe updater
finally done… going to shop now… FEED ME !!!
reading mails, replying PM, moderating FlashFocus, doing some team tasks,…
downloading sql server administrator tool @ 133KB/s… tss…
got into my database classes… looks like tons of fun.. looking forward to MM3 tho…
getting up early….. ready for another year of ‘school is cool’ ;-)
rebooting my pc… Adobe updater is killing me…
re-checking my class-schemes for tomorrow…
@recommendr it ain’t much better in belgium man :) Although sun is shining today!
No fun: Reading all of you boston-people’s twitter about iPhone… I want iphone too :p
good morning twitterland…
done reïnstalling my pc… pretty much the moment to catch some sleep :D
Looking up my bed. School starts tomorrow! Woei!
printing my new scheme: IT ROCKS!
Installing VS2005… My new system is still running smooth… Let’s hope it stays that way :)
First tweet from my clean system… I swear: I’m not formatting in the next year anymore…
i miss my girl… can you imagine that? first time in our relationship, i miss her after less than a few hours!!
installing drivers on a fresh windows installation is like having sex with a cake: it IS possible… But it just doesn’t feel right…
reinstalling windows
wondering how lessons will be monday with @newmovieclip :-)
checklisting my pc before reinstalling windows
noticing a lot of problems with my pc these days… about to format the damn thing…
Back home… what a day…
woke up… getting ready for a day of trains and busses…
going to bed… twitteroo not working after all… :(
assuming MadTwitter will do for a few weeks…
trying to get my head around the bug in twitteroo 1.5
wonderig if iPhone will be hackable in Belgium too…
somebody know how the fix the twitteroo crashes??
@_Tine_ You might be right… but probably you should know: i am lazy :p Having twitteroo back to work… yet not on my own pc tho :(
looking for a good twitter client … (again)
Pfff… about to have a hard day
messing around with schoolstuff
Finished working for today: i’m ready for some time off…
@LadyElena : Congrats hunny!
awake… getting ready to go do some administration..
LoL, some kid is immitating me & my site. *honoured*
WP plugin ready… Now only thing needed is my theme to be WP-ready…
customizing Aral’s inline plugin. Posting it later on ;)
instaling another version of wordpress
omg, havent twittered all day… need a better twitter client…
thnking about going to ‘beyond boundaries’ in BXL, on oct 10th..
looking up my bed… time to have some more sleep
I love AS3 OMG. Getting started was pretty weird but DAMN: It ROCKS!
Getting my head around ActionScript 3: WONDERFULL! Gotta love flash!
just woke up… was tired as hell
Trying out Google Analytics AIR Beta 1 :-)
Installing Adobe CS3 on Linux!
RIP Colin McRae & son
checking out the net…
got bored a bit… weird..
had dinner
Playing a game
hanging around with my best friend
loves escape()
woke up… ready to hate IE6 again
looking up a bed to sleep a bit… they say it is quite nice to do so from time to time…
back from playing pool, straight to the chat app…
LOL: eaz = speedcoding :D
about to kick myself: why oh why aren’t the smiles working…? Right! You need to upload the images!!!
back at work that was…typo’s all over the place
back at home
going to visit a friend.
should be waking up, but somehow i just keep doing nothing, just staring around… pfff
This is not a good habit… Photoshop @6am…
can’t sleep.. headache is killing me…
at it again… kicking IE’s ass again!
at it again… kicking IE’s ass again!
Pfff… When did IE6 actually do what it was supposed to do?!
woke up… how great… i was supposed to be working at full speed… deadlines… tsss…
no ipod <> tft connection eh… pfff… Somebody a creative tip for me?
messing around in winamp… trying to get my ipod to work like humans like it: SIMPLE
H.A.T.I.N.G. iTunes. Never seen such STUPID software… Did something normal. Next best thing that happens ‘ERROR: Can’t find folder’ …WTF
looking at my ipod, gone with my girl… it that only doesn’t happen when the imac enters the room :p
Experimenten with ipod and tft displays… :-)
passed 1 of 3 exams. Happy to see one less to do next year.
Waking up to a beautifull morning, with lots of sunshine :)
going to get a bite with my girl, and a friend :-)
Getting ready to go to brussels
putting up a new ‘Freaking Site’ on FlashFocus
going to bed.. tired
finetuning my free record shop site, made end of last year, to post it on FlashFocus :)
doing nothing… Im getting pretty good at this :D
@aral ow…? Sounds like something bad happend. Hope you get better soon…
looking up some info on the older ipod video
transferring my smaller hard drives to my new Big One :p
waking up…. checking the feeds
going to my bed… Girlfriend is waiting :-)
pfff… biggest issue with flash is that custom classes don’t get code completion… pfff
@Folkert thx man! I’ll look into it! Pretty cool stuff :D I am so falling in love with opensource and AIR: incredible :-D
discovered a great (!!!) flash applicaiton online for listening, and sharing music!…
digging the AIR lang docs: huge!
starting off with AIR
@pjetr doesn’t work anymore :s i get an error message all the time… it’s a known issue, but nobody is working on it, so it seems…
gmorning twitter
going to bed… pretty late all of a sudden :s
checking spazAIR; not bug free; i wan’t a twitter client able to minimize to systray :(
checking out TwinjaAIR (looks great!) I am so in love wit AIR! Love the description: ‘created in flash, running on AIR’ :-)
having trouble reinstalling twitteroo
buh, tweetr is tripping all day…
back home from a shit day… happy to be in kortrijk, but not happy about what happened (or didn’t happen) today…
not going to studio brussel after all… Dissapointed like never before…
had breakfast… ready to face the day!!
back home
awake… now heading for a day fulll of stress
not in the mood for working …
weird: got a ton of icons i don’t use anymore…
my desktop workspace is a mess… *sigh* still cleaning up…
cleaning up my windows installation…
checking out smashing magazine: what a great resource!
planning my route to the radio station on saturday
regex is difficult :(
just finished a very usefull flashfocus hack :-)
making exam PCT… going to come back next year… 8-)
i MUST get more sleep… 4 short nights of not more then 5 hours seriously takes one out…
ow shoot :( forgot one of the best tricks i learned at adobe live! d’ho!!!!
back home. Had a great time :-)
going to play some pool :)
need something else
not in the mood for computering anymore…
doing some photoshop stuff
goooooooodmorning vietn-… Kortijk it is..
looking up my bed… gnite twitter, and others :-)
cool, a friend of mine is taking my ‘experiment’ to the desktop backgrounds at the CE-computers tomorrow :-)
@klausdelanghe: auw… :-(
@wouter: almost finished the re-examinations. And I need to figure out what you guys are up to for next year :p
@newmovieclip: must be the cool ones ;-)
lol… all of a sudden all my teachers come back to live at twitter… :-)
lol @newmovieclip !! PICTURES!! :p
did some photoshop exercising… i start to like it
that was :-)
getting a pizza
having fun with a little idea of mine… might finally get to do with photoshop what i wanted for a very long time! :D