going to school: Multimedia & webtech :)
woke up.. school is waiting… *TIRED*
off to bed. falling asleep right here…
being there, doing nothing… checking out a movie :)
@float: vet kut hoor. Heb zo’n dingen zelf ook al vaak meegemaakt dankzij De Lijn… Sterkte ;-)
grabbing a bite/byte and chilling out afterwards. Got a load of work todo tomorrow…
back home: continuing my AS3 Adventure!
kicking serious but wih AS3… I liked it before but now I truly discovered a new world! :-D
Just showed off some PV3D to a few class mates.They all freaked out :) Imagine their faces when I told them it only took me 40 lines code :)
Having AS3 fun: Life can be great :-)
Multimedia Classes: Flash at 9AM: Perfect