The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

March 2010

Darn… Is there a way to ignore transparent pixels when using BitmapData.copyPixels()? Or will I have to do this manually?

via Twitter for iPhone

Holy shit.. That “Stratosphere” thing on the fair is freaking high! (Will post a picture later on)

via Twitter for iPhone

I’m planning on starting a podcast. What would you guys suggest to host my videos? Youtube, Vimeo, or anything else? #podcast

via Twitter for iPhone

The fair is entering Kortrijk !! Hurray!!

via Echofon

I still don’t get the big deal about the iPad… What’s so freaking amazing about it that makes it worth so much money and fuzz everywhere?

via Twitter for iPhone

Really uncertain about the upcoming weeks. Kind of scared.

via Twitter for iPhone

What’s up with those weird mentions??

via Echofon

@peterelst I thought that was already there in FB3… http://shots.nocreativit… (screencap in FB3)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to peterelst

Idem! RT @wannesdeloore:80% van de mannen houdt meer van siliconenborsten dan van natuurlijke borsten(…).Ik hou ‘t meest van mooie.En gij?

via Twitter for iPhone

Let’s see if I remember how to stabilize using Mocha…

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Why do I always wake up around noon? No matter if I go to sleep at 1AM or 5AM… I tell you: Humans are WEIRD!

via Twitter for iPhone

Did a good day’s work tonight. Looking forward to the feedback! Time to hit the sack now! Tomorrow is another day!

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Suddenly it occurs to me why everyone in The Matrix is dressed in black. Never shoot greenkey footage in white! NEVER!

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If you look long enough at a line, it disappears by itself… No need for Photoshop… Or so you’d think.

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Time for a ‘dinner’-break. I actually don’t like these, but seen as this is a real fun project, I might just enjoy it!

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After Effects magic! Green key removal and replacement time!

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Typo’s are for free today! Make sure you got your share!

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Migrating all of my past projects to a new ‘archives’ server. I’ve created lots of stuff in the past years! I’m pretty proud of most things!

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There’s a simple question on IRC and I go off thinking all the wrong things: ‘my sharedobject keeps growing. is this normal?’ #brokenMind

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Created a cool little WP-plugin. Learned quite a few new tricks. I love little experiments! So valuable!

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Oh my -… I’m SUCH an idiot! Will have to do all this work over again…

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And there goes the last batch of images. This will be the most work I’ve ever done to create a timelapse…

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Hm, I like a few of the conceptual ideas in here, like the ‘visual touchpad’ and the new iSight! (via @AugustinDeBie)

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Cool, my VPS hosting and my shared hosting work together just perfect! Perfect combination! Lovely!

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Damnit! What’s up with the unnecessary spell correction on the iPhone?!

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Wearing those glasses has a great effect! The hot girl at the pastabar just come on to me! And she’s totally out of my league! Cool!

via Echofon

Red sauce on pasta! #thisIsSparta (Yes, I’m going out for dinner)

via Twitter for iPhone

Lol, true story! RT @simohell: Komaan hé google maps.Precies of het is enkel belgie die nog geen street view heeft

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RT @lyntje: @toStephen you can’t be serious?

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Oh, nevermind. I’m just an idiot on a roll…

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And here we go: Another Photoshop droplet processing another set of 800 images. Wondering if I can completely hide Photoshop in the process

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Starting over is a good thing. And mostly it makes me feel good. But right now it kinda annoys me.

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Nothing like the fresh smell of audiotool in the morning (This is pretty relative, I only got out of bed about 40 min’s ago…)

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Creating a Photoshop action to modify about 800 images… Don’t you just love the power of computers?

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Well… there’s the first fly of the year… And it will die. I’m not in the mood for a fight… So it’ll be quick…

via Twitter for iPhone

I am building a new blogtheme and thinking about sharing the current one afterwards. Anyone interested?

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@AugustinDeBie Nope, maar deze zal me wel even kunnen boeien (hoop ik) ;-) Als ge suggesties hebt: Don’t hold back!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AugustinDeBie

Cleaning up my desktop on my computer… I hate it when there’s folders and files everywhere…

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Render, you piece of software! Render god damnit!!!

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I should’ve gotten up at 7.30AM to head to school. I only woke up 5 minutes ago. Yesterday was too much to recover from in less than 5 hours

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Looking at this kinda states the obvious: Either stick to IE or stick to HTML5/CSS3… Can’t have both yet. Meh.

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On the way back to Kortrijk. I’m dead tired.

via Echofon

@thehiddenone close but no cigar ;) bibliotheek in Amsterdam :p

via Echofon in reply to thehiddenone

About to leave for a day of Amsterdam.

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Forgot the link in that last tweet! My bad! http://cs5launch.adobe.c… There you go!

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Registered for the #cs5 launch event! Really looking forward to getting my hands on Flash CS5!

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Obama’s not just a suit. He’s the man!…

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RT @stefsull: Someone please explain to me how encoding with H.264 when they’ll be charging us (…) is better than proprietary Flash video?

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Seems like I’ll be shooting pictures in Amsterdam after all. Totally okay with that.

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RT @Devineforum: Last minute Dokeos aankondiging Amsterdam !!!! Vergeet uw fototoestel niet!

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iPhone Opera coming? I always thought Apple rejected apps that copied the main focus of native apps? (via @evbjone)

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Hmm, server is acting up again… Wondering if this will stabilize…

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In the need of 2 decent tablet pc’s capable of running AIR apps with a screenresolution of min 1280x720.Anybody able/willing to help us out?

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Brainstorm about our upcoming magazine project. Got some very cool shit lined up

via Echofon

That guy is just non-stop! And he seems to have been out there for quite a while. Ohwell, gotta catch up sometime…

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I love how this guy ‘just plays’ and just amazes himself as he goes along. Fun is what it’s all about!

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Ohyea!! RT @evbjone: RT @Plo: first java applet i’ve seen in years that doesn’t suck at all.(…): via @cspelsor

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This is it! Off to our last presentation! (Presenting the Darwin remake today) Really looking forward to the feedback!

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Finally! RT @devdev_be: Flash Builder 4 is RELEASED!… (via @leebrimelow)

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Talking to @wirward, who’s in NYC. I’m so jealous right now…

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Finally got the Remote SharedObject misery figured out. Always make sure to call exactly the same SO on both client/serverside! (persistent)

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Getting my head around the Red5 server rooms and SharedObjects. Seems easier than expected…

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SHWEET! RT @florindustries: vote for my poster design for “I Love Techno 2010” here: http://www.ilovetechno.b…

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Fixing the ugliness in AS3:

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Enough experimenting today… Time to get some sleep! (Don’t ask…)

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Damn it, Twitter! Work with me on this one! #failOfTheDay :(

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This table( )parsed through this code( )into this simple class( )Freedom!

via web

Fixing that nasty NetStatus behaviour in AS3. I’m finally tired of hitting the helpfiles over and over again.

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My wordpress install doesn’t send out mails anymore… No clue why… Feels like it’s connected to my switch to my VPS…

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Last things first: Survival of the fittest

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Have to catch up with my latest projects and experiments. Haven’t written about any of them in the past weeks…

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It seems to be really hot in Kortrijk today! 16°C! Last week it was still freezing! At this rate, we will have 30°C by the end of next week!

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@365psd You should add a ‘like’ button. Even though I don’t download PSD’s, I’d like to give props to the authors ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to 365psd

@W0utR You will find negative reviews for every single one of the (bigger) hosting companies out there :p

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to woutr_be

@W0utR Vexxhost VPS’s seem VERY okay to me. And affordable! I’m a satisfied customer!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to woutr_be

This is what I’ve been working on last night!…

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Geniaal RT @lamazone: RT @netlash: Schitterend hoe Stad Gent wildplakkers aanpakt: #gent #eigenwapens

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Some people… *sigh*. Kids, always remember:
“Complexity happens. Simplicity, you have to strife for” - @Aral.

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Back up & running after some hours of sleep. Still kinda tired though. First things first: Breakfast!

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Rendering this baby! The result feels ‘totally Ronny’! Looking forward to sharing this with everybody!

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Adding the finishing touches… Got time to spare! How cool is that?!

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Final part of the video!Everything seems to be going pretty fine and the result will totally kick ass!”I love it when a plan comes together”

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This must be the coolest piece of video editing I’ve ever done. I feel really great about this project. It’s so ‘me’… Really proud!

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I kinda knew that wasn’t a good idea…

via Echofon

@svenpeeters Gewoon beiden, en klaar. Morgen vragen tijdens de les, en dan tjuiste indienen :D

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to svenpeeters

@svenpeeters Thanks! (Was een gevolg van een aantal mensen die vroegen naar waar ik mee bezig was :p )

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For everybody interested in seeing me mess around in AfterEffects: . Use the roomname ‘previews’ and click connect :)

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Totally loving this AE project!

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RT @articG: RT @smashingmag: 10 Kick Ass Presentation Techniques -

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The best tool to edit some images? After Effects! #theRightToolForTheJob

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Doing some image-cutting-slash-slicing actions. I tend to think this is way too much work.

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Ow! Apparently today we are celebrating ‘touch a boob’ day! Why didn’t anybody tell me?!

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I’m so tired of all this “HTML5 vs Flash” talk.HTML now plays video and has a canvas tag.No it won’t replace Flash.Now get on with your life

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Hmm… People are reporting Dooodl bugs on the Wordpress site. I only happen to see them weeks/months later. Why don’t I get notifications?

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Calling it a day. Addressed a lot of issues. Adding some more features tomorrow… Off to bed now. At 5AM. Dedication, I tell you…

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@neurofuzzy Why not use the digg url shortener? I prefer to use it over tinyurl (ease of use)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to neurofuzzy

Oh my… My HTML/CSS tutor will really enjoy reading this: IE7 is totally getting back at me for being so friendly about it.Freaking hell…

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Rebuilding almost most of this site, only to fix 50px of scrollbar disease… I’m really looking forward to playing with Flash again…

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It’s cool to see that ‘slowing your life down’ is a working concept. RT @kriskras: Are you fun to follow on Twitter?

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Time for a movie. ‘Alice in wonderland’ with @LadyElena, @wirward and pascale.

via Echofon

@devdev_be 700MB is toch nie zo overdonderend veel? Ge krijgt al shared hosting accounts met 1TB voor 27€/jaar :p (vb

via web in reply to devdev_be

@KennyDePauw Cool! Btw: ik denk dat mijn nike+ senser plat is. any clue hoe ik dat met zekerheid kan weten? (geen zin om nieuwe te kopen)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to KennyDePauw

Went out for my first run in what must have been at least 6 months. I’m shocked. And probably on the verge of dying.

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Why you shouldnt use the official retweet feature in 8 words: it takes the ‘social’ out of ‘social media’ (via @aral)

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brarno RT @stubru: Erika Van Tielen naakt!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:17 PM, Mar 15th, 2010 via web)

Very interesting morning… And I’ve come to realize that I’m very VERY lazy… I used to be so much more of an explorer…

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@DriesDesigns Kzeg nie da as3 slecht is eh, verre van. Maar voor een interactive mockup is as2 gewoon veel makkelijker/leuker ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to drieslambrecht

Okay: Let it be said! AS2 was big fun for little things! AS3 can’t keep up in any way for this sort of stuff!

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Creating an interactive Flash mockup… And I chose to do it in AS2… Let’s see if my gut feeling is right and this will be much easier!

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Seems like my FTP client is trippin’…

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Killing todo items on a pretty short list, but the items are pretty persistent…

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RT @HoFa: Op zoek naar een grote verrekijker om 1 namiddag te gebruiken (donderdagnamiddag). Heeft iemand er 1?

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Nice! Got the Webcam quality setting figured out! Lovely! Now it looks perfectly great!

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The only thing that crashes on a regular basis on a Mac is actually software created by Apple (finder, quicktime, safari, mail…). Always.

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Never really thought about this line:”I used to run to get where I was going. I never thought it was gonna take me anywhere” ~ Forrest Gump

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Gary can tell you everything you need to know about life in less than a minute:…

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We had a great time! RT @W0utR: FITC Amsterdam 2010 Highlights…

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I’m okay with the ‘I just favorited this Youtube video’ tweets but PLEASE get those ‘I just subscribed to some channel’s out of my stream!

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This week keeps on getting better! If only summer would announce itself, it’d be perfect!

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Spamfilter for Twitter! The end is near! RT @aral: Oh no, automated follower/spam account validation comes to Twitter…

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I feel pretty good for only having slept that much. I might just make it through the day

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2 hours of sleep? Seems more than enough to make it another day!

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PNG Sequence rendering at 5AM. Dedication, my friend.

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Photoshop, Dreamweaver, After Effects, Head Explodes… #TheEvolutionOfThings

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Went to check out the new shopping center with @FabianMeul @lyntje @LadyElena @wirward @philipdubois and pascale. Now out for pizza!!

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I honestly wish EVERY browser would have such a feature… That would make everything much easier…

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Even though IE is/was(?) a horrible non-standards browser: They make it fairly easy by adding something like conditional comments.

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I’m on a CSS-spree!

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Watching @philipdubois create food for our pizza night (obviously no pizza)

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Reading lots of ‘Flash VS HTML5’ articles these days, and all I can think about is how people forget that Flash is more than just video.

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@Angelovm Maar ik ben braaf! Ik kom nuchter thuis! Anders gaat er van werken nie meer veel terecht komen :p

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to angelovm

@toStephen Doorzetten man! Ene gaan drinken en er daarna weer invliegen! ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to toStephen

Coded HTML like my life is depending on it (and it somehow is). Stuff is looking good right now. More coding tomorrow!

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Weird… IE8 seems to have render issues and generates duplicate html content… No clue what’s going on…

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Been a long time since I really wrote some HTML. Feels pretty good again. Having fun!

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Time for a break. Getting pasta with @FabianMeul.

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All of those other webapps side-pushing updates to Twitter make Twitter look like the mighty garbage-stream for a lot of followers…

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@florindustries Haha! Is een week geleden da’k hem hier nog eens gezien heb :D Is mijn vaste bezoeker geworden :D

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to prplps

About a year ago Adobe laid off all those people, and now they’re looking for lots of new people. Doesn’t inspire a lot of trust…

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I really start to want one of those cheap tablets that supports multi-touch and Flash! Can we order those online yet? #lazyweb

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Wow! Even me (who doesn’t get the tablet hype) would love one of those!

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I love this one! Everything just fits! RT @moofitbaby: new york in cinema tilt shift

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@florindustries Thx, man! I’m amazed: I can actually SEE now! (I didn’t realize how blind I actually am before :p )

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to prplps

Lovely RT @Boris: Life was much easier when Apple and Blackberry were just…

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Great way of simulating multi-touch (without having the hardware)… #devine (funny, it’s post 404 #geeky )

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I really like the #chatroulette concept. I like to meet all those new people… I do not like all those disgusting freaks…

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Over at @wirward’s place with @LadyElena. Watching ‘heavy rain’. Seems like a great game.

via Echofon

@tekkie I’ve been wondering the same thing for months now. But I guess it takes somebody at Adobe to leak an iPhone version to the public :p

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tekkie

RT @tekkie: Is there a sensible way for Flash Player on a jailbroken iPhone? If Apple isn’t getting it on, let’s hack it! #iphone #flash

via Twitter for iPhone

Went to order my glasses! Exciting!

via Echofon

RT @neurofuzzy: Watching Mobile Safari choke, freeze and sputter on the Macheist Nanobundle HTML page. And Apple disses Flash?

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Getting dinner. The mighty Frituurman is back!

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Funny how Apple is becoming the new Microsoft.They seem to be stopping to really innovate and they try to stay No.1 by suing the competition

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Somehow I felt that coming… I hate it when initiative turns out to be a bad idea.

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Waiting at the office. Stressing out like crazy. This is no fun at all

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Off to bed… Wondering what’s going to happen tomorrow…

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Even though my PS3 isn’t affected by the PS3-bug, it’s worthless today since so many less ‘servers’ are online

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LMAO! This one kinda sums it all up. No, really. It does! #enhanceTheReflection

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“The resolution isn’t very good…” - “Yes it is…” It’s actually a bit embarrassing, don’t ya think?

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A Gui interface using visual basic to track the killers IP address! Oh my…

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Great! In order to preserve battery life on my 675€ smartphone, I only have to disable all features. Why not just turn it off? #idiots

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I’m finally making the move to an RSS reader. I tried to postpone it as long as possible but the overload of information is forcing me to…

via Twitter for iPhone

@Touvan Graceful degradation (if well implemented) ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Touvan

@tekkie You might be right but chosing Flash (because of production time) over the global accessibility seems like bad practice to me

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tekkie

At the pastabar, waiting for @ChezFre to arrive.

via Echofon

@tekkie I don’t know, man. I think this could easily be done using HTML/JS. Or am I missing some Flash-only features?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tekkie

Was thinking the same … RT @wouter: all new : why use flash for an html look and feel? #fwa

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Aha! RT @BertHagendoorn: Het is zover, de nieuwe site van The FWA is live, done by Belgische bureau Group94, check >>

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@robbedewilde Don’t worry: if this turns out okay, you won’t miss the news ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to robbedewilde

Exporting something that may just have a major impact on the rest of my life… I’m very excited about the feedback on this. #wishMeLuck

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