The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

August 2012

Starting a Cinema 4D render of which I’m not sure if it’s ever going to be able to finish on this machine…

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

What a fantastic freakshow! Organic reaction of an animal to Cypress Hill’s “Insane in the membrane”.!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

It looks a bit as if it were raining in Safari.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

I hate timezones. I can’t make sense out of all those abbreviations…

via Twitter for Mac

@prplps @BeateV @N_A_G_D Net wel gemerkt dat dit al hun vakken zijn van het eerste jaar… Geen focus in de opleiding. Teveel door elkaar.

via Twitter for Mac

@N_A_G_D Al is dit wel niet up to date met de curriculum van Devine 2013 dacht ik.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to N_A_G_D

@AugustinDeBie @prplps @BeateV @lyntje @duivvv @N_A_G_D I think this pretty much paints the picture about “quality”

via Twitter for Mac

@prplps Ik denk dat dit bij zelfstudie zou moeten horen binnen Devine. “Hier is een boek over *business*. Leer het. In Januari examen. Go!”

via Twitter for Mac in reply to prplps

@AugustinDeBie @prplps Het is ZEKER interessant, maar daarmee moet je wel een ergens inboeten. Dat zijn geen ‘kleine vakken’ ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to AugustinDeBie

@prplps Dan gaan ze duidelijk geen zo’n harde focus kunnen hebben op al dat design,concept en dev.Op dat vlak is Howest moeilijk te evenaren

via Twitter for Mac in reply to prplps

@prplps Taal: mss… Business: Hoe? Waarom denk je dat?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to prplps

@MarkSkinner_ I would. Nobody will ever be mad at someone for thanking them for their efforts. Even if they don’t have time to ‘enjoy it’ ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to MarkSkinner_

“That does not sound good…”
However, I think this would make one hell of an unboxing video.

via Twitter for Mac

@n_a_g_d I say: Patent battle!

via Twitter for Mac

@wirward “return false” was korter voor in mijn tweet. Normaal doe ik altijd beide :p

via Twitter for Mac in reply to wirward

@stealfish Lol, really? I thought of it when my browser froze all of a sudden :D

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to stealfish from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Wow, today is “Typos Galore”. Nice one, Ronny.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@Stievius da’s gigantisch gast! Gaat da nie storend zijn dat da ding vanboven in het beeld zit?

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Stievius from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@Stievius Vanaf welke afstand moet ge kijken? 3m is toch al wa overkill (tenzij uw woonkamer een klein voetbalstadion is) ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to Stievius from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Here’s an annoying little idea to run on your website on April 1st: $(‘a).click(function(){return false});

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@Stievius Gij hebt een projectie thuis? Hoe is die kwaliteit van dat beeld?

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to Stievius from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

I have been thinking about the implications here… The US President did an “Ask me anything” on Reddit.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Want to teach your kids how to read? This is how it’s done anno 2012. via @glenndavid

via Twitter for Mac

Perks of knowing code (aka ‘being a nerd’)

via Twitter for Mac

Biggest projection mapping event ever (apparently) scheduled for Sept. 8 in Brussels. Preview looks intense.

via Twitter for Mac

I didn’t know Vimeo would make deals to do this kind of stuff (watch until the end, then keep watching…)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

aral You guys see the leaked Twitter Certified Product badge?

/via @edent

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 10:33 PM, Aug 29th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@aral I blogged about that very problem last week and @Fab replied to it. Check it out.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to aral from Courtrai, Courtrai

@thenerd_be Denk niet dat er een wetgeving is die auteursrechten op Mars beschrijft. En misschien valt het wel onder privé gebruik ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to thenerd_be

@hannes_bhc Ik heb nergens iets gezien daarvan. De eerste keer dat ik ervan hoorde was het al bezig. :(

via Twitter for Mac in reply to hannes_bhc

@duivvv Ik had vaak geen 3G bij Mobistar als @lyntje wel 3G had bij @mobilevikings. Dat was vooral in de regio Kortrijk en aan zee.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to duivvv

If Mobistar had a decent 3G network, I might consider switching. But I’ll stick with @mobilevikings for now.

via Twitter for Mac

@duivvv Grappig :D Want nu lees ik die copy echt met zo’n ondertoon… En het ligt er wel degelijk vingerdik op :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to duivvv

@ahtanu It’s not in there (and this machine has not rebooted in 56 days :p )

via Twitter for Mac in reply to ahtanu

@N_A_G_D Dude, you got married? In Nevada!? NICE :D (Oh and congrats!)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to N_A_G_D

And on a different WTF-note: Did Paypal really just send me an email to promote Crocs? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD?

via Twitter for Mac

Seriously, again? This gotta be a joke…

via Twitter for Mac


Yes, the Old Spice video is finding its way through our office.

via Twitter for Mac

@Draitnn zijn geen geruchten. De store in Gent is een feit. Over het exacte adres weet ik niets.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Draitnn from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Oh look! It’s the tech-world simply summarised in an elegant classroom picture. And it fits!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

What I thought exactly! RT @Boris: Good story about what the Apple VS Samsung trial effect will be on innovation:

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

In other news: Loving this background on @WeTransfer. Pretty entertaining and informative!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Somebody seems to have moved Ghent into another timezone… Apparently it’s still day in Ghent…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

If a Twitter app wants to do this while it’s primary function isn’t “being a Twitter client” I tend to not cancel.

via Tweetbot for Mac

davydooms If you want it, Fast, Cheap, and Great, sorry… Impossible Utopia

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 5:17 PM, Aug 28th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

RT @aral: You know what’s sad? I really used to like Twitter. How fucking naïve is that? Live and learn, eh?

via Tweetbot for Mac

“The data about a person… Such as its name, the age, if he is friendzoned, etc.”
- @thenerd_be

He actually said that

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

The fact that the Tweetbot Alpha has been pulled because they would run out of tokens too fast should tell you something about those caps…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Search query: “Web developer”
Search result: “ Web design”

You’re getting good, Google.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Damn, if Apple is to integrate NFC chips in the next iPhone and build some kind of a payment platform,another massive change would lie ahead

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

This is what happens to Google Chrome for iOS if you open more than 100 tabs :)

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Hey Spotify: Keep allowing this kind of stuff and I’m leaving the service immediately. I’m paying to get rid of ads.

via Spotify

@WouterDS Ga je op tijd en stond weten ;) Maak je vooral geen te zotte illusies. Tis nie speciaal ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to WouterDS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

The first of 3 tiny Lego packages has arrived… Exciting!

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

alexalbrecht How did people ever make it through waiting rooms before iPhones?

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 7:11 PM, Aug 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

I just said “badass laserface”. How do we end up in these conversations!?

via Twitter for Mac

You realize you’re getting old when somebody posts something on Twitter and you think to yourself “I saw that on the internet 12 years ago”.

via Twitter for Mac

Oh my god… RT @ByronTau: Seriously, NBC has “Astronaut Neil Young” up as a headline

via Twitter for Mac

I think I like it. In fact, I think I love it.

via Twitter for Mac

One of our teams is finally using Basecamp as intended. I’m quite pleased to see this! Hurray!

via Twitter for Mac

Unable to run a simple SQL update statement. i’m losing it …

via Twitter for Mac

Oh Internet. You never fail to amaze. RT @NeilSargent86: Twitter. I give you the greatest news story of all time.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

I’m not sure if I like this new direction that Facebook is heading…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

RT @daringfireball: Can’t Say It Better Than This:

via Tweetbot for iOS

@ikbenmartijn “to understand recursion, one has first to understand recursion”. ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to ikbenmartijn from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Funny insights in the light of landing a mobile science-lab on a distant planet…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Whoa… Neil Armstrong has passed away. Somehow you don’t expect living legends to die…but what a spectacular live it has been. Rest in peace.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Can’t wait to finally see the actual 120.000ft jump… Been waiting for this for about 2 years now. Good luck, Felix.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

It looks like @tekkie is reeeaally impressed with the new OSX upgrade UI ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Girlfriend bought a new Canon 650D DSLR while I’m looking into buying another 27” Cinema Display. Our excuse: Keep the economy going….?

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@glenndavid Ik heb er geen duidelijke mening over en kdenk ook nie da’k die ooit zal hebben.Ben alleen onder de indruk van Samsung’s reactie

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to glenndavid from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@glenndavid What’s wrong with that? I for one wonder what people think about the verdict and the repercussions this might have in the future

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to glenndavid from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

I’m not sure what to think about the Apple VS Samsung verdict yet but one thing struck me when Samsung reacted.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

billcox Windows Phone is looking gooooood right now.

via web (retweeted on 12:13 PM, Aug 25th, 2012 via Tweet Button)

Some girls just give you that certain look that says “RAWR!!”. I like that.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Courtrai

@maximgladines Curiosity is a bitch. We just want to know what’s in the darn package. /cc @Joke

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to maximgladines from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Come on people. Just open it… The world is watching…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Whoa… I love this guy. RT @mrchrisallen: Man fakes being a celebrity in NYC and gets tons of attention.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Sometimes Instagram is not enough to get the message across.

via cinemagram on iOS

People think Facebook’s move is a blow to HTML5.I’m not exactly sure if Phonegap is enjoying the “HTML5 doesn’t perform well as an app”-talk

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Courtrai

Oh look! New Facebook app for iPhone. Now you can all stop bitching how bad and slow it is. THANK GOD.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Courtrai

I’m not exactly sure why, but in recent months, my guide to Red5 on CentOS5 is getting a lot of attention. Cool though!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

The older the internet gets, the older the content gets… However the keywords in Google still match… Not helping productivity…

via Twitter for Mac

@de_yannick Ja (mits wat meer info toch ;) )

via Twitter for Mac

DAY-YUM! RT @AugustinDeBie: Daniel Sternlicht - Web Designer, Front End Developer via @gandtblog

via Twitter for Mac


via Reeder (retweeted on 12:44 PM, Aug 23rd, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

@yratof Aah… That kind of client… ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to yratof

@yratof I hope they don’t see your Twitter stream ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to yratof

Hmm… Today’s bowel movement is exactly 30 minutes early. That’s rather unsettling. #sheldonTweets

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

I just backed Try iOS: iPhone App Development Course on @Kickstarter //cc @drieslambrecht

via Tweet Button

Manual labour… AS3 to the rescue: Writing an automated tool that serves the data my colleagues requested from me.

I love code.

via Twitter for Mac

The 2 things I will get my head around in the coming months: iOS development and Unity3D. What are you going to learn next?

via Twitter for Mac

@freshface Zou zeker kunnen. Wat is er aan de hand?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to freshface

@nickvegas Knowing the work you do, I strongly advise going for the MBPro… Unless you’re not thinking about doing 3D/video/rendering on it.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to nickvegas from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Remember when people told you that nobody would still be skateboarding in 10 years? Tell that to the guys in the 60’s.

via Twitter for Mac

What’s so special about a corner office? They’re small, boring and pretty far away from where the fun stuff is going on…

via Tweetbot for iOS from Grimbergen, Hal-Vilvorde

Ah crap… The end of the month is getting nearer and I still have to do my timesheets for the month before… Sigh…

via Twitter for Mac

Evelinesmet The “We’re so sorry, @juliebogaerts ” Pizza Party! van Wagner voor BBDO was top!

via Tweet Button (retweeted on 11:59 AM, Aug 21st, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

This girl’s got balls. No really: Big. Fucking. Balls.

via Twitter for Mac

Guess who’s driving through the centre of Brussels again? Yes. Me.

Fuck you, GPS and your alternative route to avoid traffic jams.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Ganshoren, Bruxelles

Daaaamn! :/ RT @jasonzada: LEAKED Official Apple iPhone 5 Promo Video /via @sajakfarki I am happy.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Don’t show these to my girlfriend! RT @joshuatopolsky: $900, 3D printed high heels. You know you want them.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

I’m not sure why but I find this weird skateboard to be unbelievably AWESOME!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

What’s a brand got to do when they fail? They sing a silly sorry-song and break out a dancing teddybear. True story.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Skype crashed. Again. I miss the days when Skype was decent, reliable and not ugly. Good times…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

omid Apple now the most valued company in history, beating out the market cap record held by Microsoft previously.

via web (retweeted on 6:10 PM, Aug 20th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

More true story! RT @popurls: Scumbag Adobe Reader

via Twitter for Mac

@TheGadgetShow Well, that’s not cool :( That title is pretty intriguing and we want to see it.. Now what?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to TheGadgetShow

@Jonazzty @ayame__ referred to “6 weeks”. Somebody is about to move to iPhone 5 soon ;) (but fixing it for 80€ is indeed possible)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Jonazzty

Want to smell what New York smells like? Well you can now order a can of New York City air! (WTF!?) /via @TheRhythm

via Twitter for Mac

Filed a help-ticket on @dropbox’ website. I hope they can resolve this quickly… This is a major problem. :/

via Twitter for Mac

We created a new account for my colleague on @dropbox.Now she’s seeing her own files. However,my files still show up in her old account.WTF.

via Twitter for Mac

@Jonazzty Omdat ik daar ten alle tijde aan moet kunnen. :/

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Jonazzty

@Jonazzty Nee, maar wel heel wat prive-stuff die NIEMAND anders dan ikzelf moet zien.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Jonazzty

Hey @dropbox!Why is a colleague of mine seeing ALL my files when she logs in with her account into dropbox?This is a serious security issue!

via Twitter for Mac

RT @Evelinesmet: Social media in België: de laatste stand van zaken door @BVLG

via Twitter for Mac

True story. RT @radian: My code:

Everyone else’s code:

(Said every programmer ever.)

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@FabCrackerjacks Cool! Thanks for the clarification. Makes sense :) Good luck with the upcoming changes!

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to FabCrackerjacks from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Hey @fab: Why can’t people see stuff in the store when they have no account? Look what happens when you do that.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Holy crap! I had 38 comments pending on my blog… Didn’t get a single mail for that. Sorry for those of you commenting and it not appearing!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

A flashmob? Really? I thought they went out of style back when Micheal Jackson was still alive…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Play Wipeout in your browser. You know… Why not…? Hats off, @BKcore -

via Tweet Button

I love that quote. RT @MorgonFreeman: Making a big life change is pretty scary. But you know what is even scarier? Regret.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Funny when a guy with a bigass car can’t park and it becomes a total joke. Isn’t that right @eXop? ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@TheRhythm ‘k Ging eigelijk antwoorden dat ik allang geen problemen meer had, maar kan niet meer bellen/smsen (Kortrijk) /cc @mobilevikings

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to TheRhythm from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Oh, you fanboys… Always good for some entertainment in tech-blog comment-sections.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@WouterDS I bought it to serve as a media server. Then it “broke” and I bought another one. Not using this one aymore.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to WouterDS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Oh, computers… You and your flukes…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

A few months ago,I bought a second had Mac Mini.Turned out the fan was broken. Tried to fix it today…It’s working perfectly. What the hell?

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Love it - Path 2.0 Flyout Menu using CSS by Tunghsiao Liu via @tunghsiao

via Tweet Button

Boom! RT @dwineman: I fixed Twitter’s dumb chart:

via Twitter for Mac

@saatchiza No, thank you for the great inspirational (and funny) content ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to saatchiza

@N_A_G_D You’re an inspiring graphic designer with skateboarding roots. I think it’s a perfect fit ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to N_A_G_D

@prplps Thanks for the heads up. (“gematerialiseerd aanwezig”… Nice! ;) )

via Twitter for Mac in reply to prplps

I’m pretty sure that driving in Brussels requires a special driver’s license. An experienced driver like myself could get killed out there.

via Twitter for Mac

heatherlarson77 It’s sad how Wile E. Coyote is only remembered for his violence, and not for his brilliantly realistic paintings of tunnels.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:45 AM, Aug 17th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

RT @SteveStreza: “At least we still have Klout.” - nobody

via Tweet Button

Twitter is clearly tired of having devs build stuff for them that makes Twitter so successful.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Holy crap! It’s an electric car charger! In Kortrijk!! @ Frituur Ten Broele

via Instagram from Courtrai, Courtrai

Mmmm! Adjustment Layers in After Effects are like naked women: There’s never too many of those.

via Twitter for Mac

Remember when I told you how simple something could be? Well, I will always remember how you made it unbelievably complicated.

via Twitter for Mac

I can’t stop wondering: “What the hell were they thinking?!”

via Twitter for Mac

HulkHolden Hey twitter! I wrote an N64 emulator in JavaScript - It’s here if you want to try it:

via web (retweeted on 11:29 AM, Aug 16th, 2012 via Twitter for Mac)

Oh traffic jam… If only I could hit you in the head with a brick.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Hal-Vilvorde, Brabant Flamand

7 minutes of terror, an eternity of “the ultimate sci-fi badass”.
Congrats @MarsCuriosity and team.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

thijswostyn “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Winston Churchill

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 9:38 PM, Aug 15th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@WouterDS normale prijs. Als je hem wil, initieer gewoon de overdracht ;) (vervalt anders binnenkort ;))

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to WouterDS from De Haan, Ostende

Iemand zin om over te kopen? Wij doen er niets meer mee. Iemand hebben?

via Tweetbot for iOS from De Haan, Ostende

Funny… RT @lemonfeed: “With Flash Lite 3 and its support for video, we’ve passed a major milestone in bringing a…”

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Courtrai

machiskyblade @iamwill is going back to college and will take computer science coz he wanted to learn coding. he believes it’s the future. wow!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:47 AM, Aug 15th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

nouseforanurl Dear IT Managers. Your staff does not need to be on site to patch servers. NASA just patched Curiosity on Mars. ON. MARS @ayame__

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 8:46 AM, Aug 15th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

RT @sensiblemadman: “When trying to do two things at once, you accomplish neither.” - me. just now. to myself. at 1AM. #goodnight

via Tweetbot for iOS

jnbeck It’s official! I have a huge man-crush on @JoshuaDavis. Watch this if you haven’t yet.

via Tweetie for Mac (retweeted on 8:19 AM, Aug 15th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Force quiting After Effects and still it doesn’t go away…

via Twitter for Mac

RT @miespaties: How the tables have turned: me with a schoolbook, @noCreativity doing overtime @saatchibrussels. Well spotted by the man …

via Twitter for Mac

Last one at the office. Working on something cool though!! Rocking!

via Tweetbot for iOS from Grimbergen, Hal-Vilvorde

Going through all the #wagnerpizzaparty footage shot at the “Sorry, Julie” surpise pizza party at Proximity BBDO in Brussels.

via Twitter for Mac

Yoonz_ Feest bij #BBDO #pizza #wagner #pizzaparty @ Proximity BBDO

via Instagram (retweeted on 3:22 PM, Aug 14th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

zegmaarbas Just another day at the office. #wagner #pizzaparty @ BBDO Belgium

via Instagram (retweeted on 3:22 PM, Aug 14th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Google+ is finally rolling out vanity URLs. This is a key moment. If G+ is ever going to e a big thing, it will happen now. Mark my words.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@drieslambrecht First time I opened it fullscreen to actually work with it. I haven’t got enough panels to fill the screen :’)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to drieslambrecht from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Holy crap! Running Cinema4D fullscreen on a 27” cinema display is like watching a movie in the movie theatre all by yourself: SO MUCH SPACE!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Pinterest currently has no API but you can get the 25 latest pins on boards or users via the respective RSS feed! Great!

via Twitter for Mac

Wow, the web without Javascript looks pretty broken…

via Twitter for Mac

See a little behind the scenes of the magic that is the “Audience pixels display” at the 2012 Olympic Stadium in London

via Twitter for Mac

I must have click some kind of a time-vortex link… I ended on a (hosting company) site that still has an intro.swf as main landing ‘page’.

via Twitter for Mac

jonnyPEEclapham Really impressed that Team GB haven’t eaten their chocolate medals yet. #closingceremony

via web (retweeted on 11:41 PM, Aug 12th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

London2012 There are 70,900 pixel panels in total in the Stadium with 640,000 pixels, allowing graphics to be shown #ClosingCeremony

via web (retweeted on 11:31 PM, Aug 12th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

The Olympic Stadion uses the tribunes as sound spectrum display. How awesome is that?! Geekgasm achieved.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

idiot I make webs-t-s. Notice how there’s no I-E.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:58 PM, Aug 12th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

ikbenmartijn One does not simply set fire to the #barbecue

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 6:56 PM, Aug 12th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@BrunoByttebier @ikbenmartijn Nvm, had de vraag nie lang genoeg tot me laten doordringen ;) ja, met .com ga je kosten hebben ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to BrunoByttebier from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

@BrunoByttebier @ikbenmartijn bestellen op Europeese Amazon (DE/UK). Douane kosten heb ik enkel als iets van buiten Europa geleverd wordt ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to BrunoByttebier from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑