The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

November 2012

djedery Failed developer: if you’re blaming a technology as widespread as Flash for your failure, odds are you don’t understand why you failed.

via web (retweeted on 11:59 PM, Nov 30th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Finally got around doing some JS/CSS/PHP/API stuff. I love hacking these things together.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Listening to Hans Zimmer’s Mombasa while preparing breakfast makes for a pretty intense experience.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@BiteMyAppleco I ordered an “Une Bobine” a few weeks ago. I got it last week but it seems there’s a connection issue with it. Suggestions?

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@LightSpeedPOS Hi guys!Thanks for the response! We’ll send an explanatory email later tonight (euro time).Would be cool to have SRO’s in API

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to LightSpeedPOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

If I’m not mistaken, @codeschool just announced the Try iOS course! It’s finally here! Go check it out!

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

redbull Bite off more than you can chew… then chew it.

via web (retweeted on 8:05 PM, Nov 28th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

lyntje When someone says “I’m a social media guru”

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 12:09 AM, Nov 28th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Kar: ~noun
Means ‘family’ in Cantonese.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

zeg @thijswostyn. Ik wens u het grootste succes in uw projecten maar gelieve mijn email nie te gebruiken in uw email campagnes.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@LightSpeedPOS Hi! Our team is wondering when SRO support is coming to the API. We’ve got some great ideas which requires your support ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

How badly would you like to jump out of a plane? Think again.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Getting access to a massive API is like getting a giant box of Lego on Christmas!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

This is how you pull a prank. Watch and learn. (via @minorissues)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Wow, seriously slept in today. Feeling very groggy now…

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

slashgear Apple’s profits exceed the entire PC industry #tech #slashgear

via (retweeted on 1:29 AM, Nov 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Fromt he University that brought you NMCT and Devine:

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Requested to have my LinkedIn profile updated to the new design. Huge step forward!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Sometimes you run into a random tweet. Very random. RT @MurtenSaerbi: Sometimes when I’m alone I lie on the Floor and pretend Im a carrot.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

I might be interested in @appdotnet but $100 for a 1-year developer account is a little steep.Especially if I’m not sure about the potential

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Seems like Spotify is having a hard time not breaking down this evening…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

And 6500 downloads later, the infamous Dooodl bug is gone! Thanks to all of you for your support!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

I listened to this track non-stop back in the day when I was still riding BMX. #Spotify

via Spotify

@ivesdeblieck 2: ik had het over ‘knopjes’ auto’s ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to ivesdeblieck from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@ivesdeblieck Jamaja… 1: Ferarri is veelal een dominerend team geweest. Niet toen hij er kwam, maar zowel voor als na Schumi.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to ivesdeblieck from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@ivesdeblieck @Ultimedia In gelijkaardige wagens gewonnen. Tis een beetje een zo-zo statement ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to ivesdeblieck from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@ivesdeblieck Echter spreek je jezelf tegen: Schumi was volgens jou een waardige kampioen. Echter heeft hij meerdere kampioenschappen …

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to ivesdeblieck from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@ivesdeblieck @Ultimedia Playstation-generatie… Beetje zwart-wit vergelijking, maar ksnap het wel.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to ivesdeblieck from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@N_A_G_D Ik heb er geen! :( Waar in Kortrijk kan ik hem oppikken?

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to N_A_G_D from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@N_A_G_D Ik vind het altijd hypocriet als mensen verontwaardigd zijn bij zo’n nieuws terwijl ze akkoord gingen met de T&C… :D //@duivvv

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to N_A_G_D from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@duivvv is te duur. Minder per jaar, of maandelijkse prijzen lijken mij interessanter. Zeker nu met de kleine userbase

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to duivvv from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@duivvv Dat gaan ze ZEKER niet doen. Zelfs met 2-3€/jaar zou FB winst maken bij 1 miljard gebruikers :p

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to duivvv from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@duivvv Nogal, ja :) De andere kant van het verhaal is, als mensen niet willen dat hun data verkocht wordt, moeten ze betalen voor FB. :p

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to duivvv from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@ivesdeblieck Deste meer omdat hij zoveel vuur aan zijn schenen heeft gekregen van een koelbloedige Alonso. Hij maakte het niet makkelijk.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to ivesdeblieck from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@ivesdeblieck Voor mij is Vettel een kampioen omdat hij de juiste spirit heeft, de juiste inzet en veel talent.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to ivesdeblieck from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@ivesdeblieck His time will come. Ayrton Senna had op’t einde ook geen goede auto en scoorde ook weinig. Daarom was hij niet slecht, he ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to ivesdeblieck from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@duivvv Da’s net als wijzen naar iets. Wat wel van ‘hun’ is is de comment die je erbij plaatst, je uploads en allerlei info //cc @N_A_G_D

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to duivvv from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@duivvv How would that even work? Dan zoo Google nu eigendom zijn van FB. Links posten is geen bewijs van eigendom. //cc @N_A_G_D

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to duivvv from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@ivesdeblieck Wat noem je tegenslag? 3 keer van achteraan het grid terug komen in 2 races vind ik best wel tegenslag.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to ivesdeblieck from Kortrijk, West Flanders

What a spectacular finale to an amazing Formula 1 championship. Can’t wait for the next season to start!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@Ultimedia @ivesdeblieck Inderdaad: Didn’t change the result + Vettel was opvallend sneller. Het ging hoedanook gebeuren.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to Ultimedia from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@jeroen_algoet heb ondervonden dat da soms nie instant werkt. De neuroot in mij huilt dan een beetje ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to jeroen_algoet from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@jeroen_algoet of gewoon zo’n klein app “screenshot settings” eenmalig runnen ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to jeroen_algoet from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@jeroen_algoet ge kunt gewoon een terminal command uitvoeren om die screenshots automatisch in die folder te plaatsen :p

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to jeroen_algoet from Kortrijk, West Flanders

bnox Twitter bot of the day: @YourInAmerica Correcting people saying your in America and telling others to learn to speak English.

via Buffer (retweeted on 1:05 PM, Nov 25th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

MorgonFreeman Mistakes are proof that you’re trying.

via HootSuite (retweeted on 12:52 PM, Nov 25th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@BrunoByttebier @lcasteur @slecluyse haha, cleaning skills. Ik heb een madam thuis zitten die daar wellicht een Ndere mening over heeft. ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to BrunoByttebier from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Pretty exciting evening coming up!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

We’ve got a thing; it’s called radar love!! ♫ Radar Love — Golden Earring #Spotify

via Spotify

@WouterDS Is ook zo. Kan het gewoon niet bedwingen :p

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to WouterDS

@mobilevikings ik heb vorige week een iPhone 5 SIM besteld bij jullie. Deze is nog niet aangekomen. Zijn er problemen of gewoon vertraging?

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@duivvv @glenndavid @FredoFredonis gamification is meer een katalysator voor social/activiteiten en heeft maar weinig gemeen met indie games

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to duivvv from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Whoa, it looks Tweetbot has been thoroughly redesigned. Lot’s of tiny design changes. Loooove it!

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Let’s see if this Plex thing is more fun than my Air Video setup…

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Oh AppleScript. You so awesome!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@mknol I didn’t make those (read below) :p But yea, the photos seem to be upside down ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to mknol from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Just noticed I went by the 1500 doodles on my blog :) Pretty cool! Thanks! And oh:the updated version of Dooodl is out!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

yodamanu: Eight of my favorites reflections, mostly shot in 2011. I feel the series was complete around the e…

via Tumblr

@VimeoStaff Thanks for helping out. I was wondering what might be going on :)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to VimeoStaff from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@VimeoStaff Hey! Thanks for getting back and looking into it :) Good luck!

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to VimeoStaff from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Wait a minute: I uploaded a video to @Vimeo 3 days ago and it’s still not processed. What the- ??

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

It’s like writing your christmas wishlist! RT @multimania: Multi-Mania speaker wishlist Submit! #multimania

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Websites should really not ‘thank me for my comprehension’ when they fail to answer my question after I spent 15 minutes filling in forms.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Love it! Wordpress now sends you an email to let you know somebody updated the repository! Great stuff!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

It’s probably been about a year, but I’m actually logging back in into my SVN on Wordpress to change a few things in the Dooodl plugin :)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

RT @Draitnn: @noCreativity propably not, since they’ll find something else to complain about. It’ll never be any good for them.

via Tweetbot for iOS

I can’t wait for Apple to release an Retina iPad Mini, just to stop people from complaining and see if they’ll buy it now.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

“Up” is now based on a true story. True story.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Just met a guy who might be the perfect body double of Mel Gibson. He turned out to be a total jerk.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

“YOLO” is the new “Peace. Love. Unity.”

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

If I were blind and I had NO IDEA WHATSOEVER what I just typed, this might be pretty close, Facebook.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

The joke is on them, though: No moneyzzzz for you, @Fnac!!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

I was *this* close *pinches thumb and index finger closely together* to ordering a Hero 3 Black when the site decided to disagree.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Winning or losing? Asskicking or asskicked? @joristi or @nocreativity? Who’s it gonna be?? @ Shooters

via Instagram from Maldegem, Eeklo

Oh Vimeo.You said my video would be up for conversion in 20 minutes.That’s 2 hours ago, and yet my video hasn’t even started converting yet.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Totally loving this track! ♫ The Other Side - Feat. Cee Lo Green and B.o.B — Bruno Mars #Spotify

via Spotify

Content is king. Impressive :)

via Tweetbot for iOS

I have always been struggling with this: how do you organize your apps on iPhone/iPad?Do you put everything in folders?Or on separate pages?

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

RT @N_A_G_D: “Never turn your back on fear. It should always be in front of you, like a thing that might have to be killed.” — #HunterST

via Tweetbot for iOS

@redbull Muhammed Ali and Ayrton Senna. I thought everybody knew ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to redbull from Kortrijk, West Flanders

I can’t believe the @verge has only been around for a year and they’re already one of the top tech blogs. Congrats to them! Well deserved :)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

MnrCD Let’s see if YOU survive the overnight test.

via Mobile Web (retweeted on 7:57 PM, Nov 16th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Doing some After Effects/Premiere editing via remote desktop from the Apple Store. I love technology!

via Tweetbot for iOS

RT @aral: Don’t be afraid to start. Remember that no one starts out knowing how to build the app they’re making.

via Tweetbot for iOS

I hate it when I THINK I came up with a solution and can’t let go until I tested it.Good thing this time it worked and the result is awesome

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Totally unimpressed with @path’s approach to video uploading. I can’t even share a 40 second time-lapse with my friends. Great!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

drieslambrecht I could listen to Adele’s voice sending shivers down my spine endlessly. #nachtmuts

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 11:28 PM, Nov 15th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Keyframes and curves. I’m not sure if there’s any combo in After Effects that’s even sexier.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

2 days later: Let’s see what this time-lapse looks like… (I’m praying to the gods of photography to help me out here)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@peterelst Yea, it was coming to me while I was typing my tweet that the built-in stuff might be too basic.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to peterelst from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@peterelst My AS3 might be a bit rusty, but isn’t there a set of built-in methods that can do that for you?

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to peterelst from Kortrijk, West Flanders

RT @lukew: How to succeed: work hard.
keep doing it…
keep doing it…
keep doing it…
keep doing it…
keep doing it…
keep doing it…
k …

via Tweetbot for iOS

@JoshHelfferich both Skype and Adium support the Facebook chat protocol ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to JoshHelfferich from Kortrijk, West Flanders

MorgonFreeman Change your attitude and it will change your life.

via HootSuite (retweeted on 9:18 AM, Nov 15th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

I would be interested in that :) RT @delegatevoid: So… is there a text to morgan freeman converter out there? :p

via Tweetbot for iOS from Courtrai, Flandres Occidentales

Mirthe_ 28 climbers posing on Cleopatra’s Needle, Italy.

via 9GAG Reader on iOS (retweeted on 11:38 PM, Nov 13th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

We all know that you can read ‘kayak’ backwards and it still spells ‘kayak’. But did you know this also works with ‘racecar’?

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Twitter unlocked a new achievement: Stop users from enjoying your service. “Congrats, Twitter” aka “Nice move,dumbass”.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Gearing up for what should become a pretty interesting time-lapse…

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

betthearm Stop using “guru,” “ninja,” and other terms for job descriptions. You are a Sparkly Code Princess. Own it.

via web (retweeted on 12:27 AM, Nov 13th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Wow, people are really drinking the ‘if it’s not retina, it’s bad’ kool-aid… (while most of them can’t tell what is retina and what is not)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@nickvegas Hey Nick, it seems from here like your website is down. (verified it’s not my connection using: )

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@SanderDbe Ik zag het onlangs ook. Kheb even gehoord bij het team, maar blijkbaar is het een groot probleem… Pijn. //@FlashFocus

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to SanderDbe from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@WouterDS Tell Samsung about ‘cheap’ and ‘simple’ design. It’s because it is simple, that it is great :)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to WouterDS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

How fucking awesome is my girlfriend? She’s watching a Bond movie as I get home. She rocks, doesn’t she!?

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Poor @joristi didn’t stand a chance tonight. I was way too lucky. Another way of saying it is:” I @ Shooters

via Instagram from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

JoshHelfferich Heads up: If you’re in the market for new headphones, Skullcandy is donating 100% of sales today to Sandy victims:

via OS X (retweeted on 9:58 PM, Nov 10th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@BobSermon Of course I do it, but only if it serves the client’s purpose of the site. ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to BobSermon from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@BobSermon Because everybody thinks they need “responsive design” without knowing why or what it is.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to BobSermon from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Today, 1 year ago.
I think it still sticks.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@jeroen_algoet Jah, jullie maakten mij bang voor nen semi-armageddon! I was scared to death! // @BrunoByttebier

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to jeroen_algoet from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@BrunoByttebier ah, idd. Alsk in de zone ben dan is de wereld rond mij een blur ;) // @KoenByttebier @lab9stores

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to BrunoByttebier from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Hahahahah! RT @aral: Listen, desktop apps have been responsive for ages.Stop fucking rewriting history. First responsive desktop app my ass.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Cool! @codeschool’s ‘Try iOS’ course is shaping up nicely. Hopefully they can release it by the end of the month! Keep an eye out for it!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

I love the personal approach of Pinterest’s latest announcement. I love this!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

“As a life, it all seemed like such a good idea at the time. But I’m not really sure it passes The Overnight Test.”

Strong wrap-up.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

In the scheme of things… “It’s a fucking TV commercial. Nobody give a shit.”

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Sweet! I love the special effects and the voice. Great combo.

via Tweet Button

To everyone constantly bitching about that rounded-corners patent and ‘how everyone was about to design it like this’:

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Oh and although I like the idea of the ‘living’ cover photo, it looks ugly as f***. And it completely defeats the original Instagram spirit.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

It totally doesn’t look as if Facebook had something to do with the web profile design. That’s just a coincidence.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

“Fire? In my car? Really? Nah, I’m not worried. It’s probably going to be fine. “ OR “Ken Block. Badass. “

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Deminoodle I’m available for some kick-ass #freelance front-end jobs. Please get in touch! Relocate possible. Pls RT

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:33 PM, Nov 8th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

glenndavid The amount of ads on videos is too damn high!

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 9:45 AM, Nov 8th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

nickbilton During the ’08 election we tweeted what they were doing on TV. Four years later, TV is talking about what we’re doing on Twitter.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:46 PM, Nov 7th, 2012 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Of course.
Yes, sir.
You bet!
Ding ding ding!
Bien sur.
Your answer is valid.
Fuck yes.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to hannesfostie from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

My girlfriend just told ME -her skater boyfriend- that she doesn’t know Tony Hawk. I’ll go and cry in a corner now.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

BRIANMBENDIS Donald Trump is like Tony Stark if Tony Stark wasn’t a genius or philanthropist and just sucked

via web (retweeted on 10:23 PM, Nov 7th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Once you go black, you never go back.
#USElections ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Polledemaagt So, you just spent over a billion dollar on an election campaign you lost. That’s a lot of dishes to wash.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 8:55 AM, Nov 7th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Can I just say: “Thank you, America” again?

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@rossrossros For 530€? Still, I think we’ll be fine with these ones. I’ll hit you up if this goes awry ;)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to rossrossros from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Although it might be nice to say that we didn’t pay 300-400€ a piece.We actually got a pretty nice deal: 86€/chair.How’s that for a bargain?

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

My girlfriend has been torturing me for months to get those Eames Chairs that are so totally hip these days. We just ordered 6 of them.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

SaatchiZA Does anyone else feel the year rapidly drawing to an end? Where has it gone?

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:20 AM, Nov 5th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Boris I have been using ever since it was available. It’s shorter to type :)

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to Boris from Kortrijk, West Flanders

That formula 1 race was a freakin’ torture! Better than most Hollywood thrillers!

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Quite a promotion video for a tire. Damn!

via Tweet Button

I think I’ll start unfollowing people for Foodstagramming.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Ha! A few weeks ago, the vanity URL for my Man VS Pixel FB page was not available but it looks like it freed up!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

It’s a good thing that Twitter is working on this kind of stuff. It’s not like their iOS/Mac app needs improvement.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

I can relate to this: “Because if you don’t post photos of what you’re doing, it didn’t really happen, right?” -

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

I’m going out on a limb here and say that this belt has had it.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Holy shit! Ken Block co-founded DC Shoes? I so didn’t know that!

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@MarkSkinner_ Yes, I have been noticing that for years now. Really annoying since you don’t notice this happens.

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to MarkSkinner_ from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Getting my ass kicked in bowling by @joristi. Let it be clear that I haven’t practiced enough in the past couple if months. It hurts.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Hey look! They put my future home on Fubiz! How did they know?

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

“Peace: positive energy always corrects errors”

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

“Shit Programmers Say” doesn’t seem to be accurate or am I the only one singing along with the music while on a spree?

via iOS

Carrie_Br4dshaw If you think women are the weaker sex, try pulling the blankets back to your side of the bed.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:51 AM, Nov 2nd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

I remember vaguely when Instagram was a social platform about photography. It has quickly become an image hosting site with tons of crap.

via Tweetbot for iOS from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@JoshHelfferich “What the heck are you doing of 12GB isn’t enough” a follower then said.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to JoshHelfferich from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@OttoJanHam jammer! Maar je hebt alle verwachtingen ingelost! Goed gespeeld. Proficiat! Succes in de finale. Geniet van je week vrijaf ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to OttoJanHam from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@jeroen_algoet amai, schone locatie! Paar sterke beelden ook. Waar is da ergens?

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to jeroen_algoet from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Yup, it’s that time of the year again: Removing quarter of a million files from the trash.

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

@WernerL Make sure you do! It’s a great feeling to create things ;) Thanks!

via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to WernerL from Kortrijk, West Flanders

Finally got around seriously creating something in Cinema 4D again. Check the result here:

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders

I just realized I finished a project 5 days before the deadline… My former teachers would have been so proud… :)

via Tweetbot for Mac from Kortrijk, West Flanders