Out for a walk in Kortrijk at night…
Phones, and MSN are being slowish…
Photoshop is bad for me… 11PM and still no dinner…
I need to clean up my room… Need to find back my time machine…
When the world ends…
Note 2 self: The CSS might not be working because you didn’t include it yet…
about to create my own wordpress admin..
ColdFusion now running PHP and Ruby… http://tinyurl.com/22a4h7 Pretty cool
Twitteriffic seems to be having a hard time waking up… Just like me…
Bringing bad news to people was never my talent…
Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without.
Back home after an adventure with @ikkekietje, for finding my new light… It sucks when twitter mobile is offline :(
TWITTERPOLL: “Poetry is never written but always discovered.” Yes or No?
I just realize this i the first day in a week I wake up with Flashfocus NOT being down! Great news! :)
finally made it out of my bed… brrr
I might aswell go to bed…
i might be making the mistake of my life… Or maybe not… Only one way to find out…
All kinds of bad news today… *sigh*
Mail, administration, and the usual trouble to get on with…
@cheval: that’s what i like to hear!
still not really awake…
FlashFocus is down again… This is getting quite annoying…
off to bed after all
Can’t seem to get around it… I’m so about to have a bad day…
I fucking love parallels. great software!
giving photoshop a session of creative ‘Ronnyness’
getting some french fries… That should do the trick
having some kind of a bad day…
Trying to get my head straight while listening to some relaxing music…
Being here, doing nothing…
Movie and waiting…
Administration in Belgium is bullshit.
@stupidnoob: Adium can… But i don’t like adium…
MSN is acting crazy again… MSN:mac sucks bad-ass…
Just played a game with @HoFa
Discussing lingerie with my sister.
Yup it’s down. Server is having a hard time staying alive, so it seems :-) Good morning all :)
I can’t believe it. This must be a nightmare: I wake up and FlashFocus seems to be down again…
Off to bed for a bedtime movie… Nite nite
Finished my ‘AIR goes live’ post (for the 2nd time today). http://tinyurl.com/2n3at4 Now off to shower.
Rewriting my (lost) blogpost about Adobe AIR while waiting for my shower to be available…
@Dustyroxx: “Fuck you” does that ring a bell? :p
Anybody can suggest me a decent host?
@_Tine_: Thx, maar ik heb enkele specifieke dingen nodig, daar daar niet te krijgen zijn :p Toch bedankt :)
Welcoming @Kryptonate to twitter :)
My point being them not warning me. I’m am PISSED right now… Do they actually care about there customers being happy?
I am so done with Vexxhost. I wrote an article on AIR this afternoon. They just put back some backup they took several hours before now…
WTF? Where is my blogpost about Adobe AIR???
Whatever happens next: I didn’t do it.
Working on my new site…
Blogged about AIR going live http://tinyurl.com/2n3at4
It seems AIR went live today! Great news!
Breakfast at 2PM.
@ctfTijG: that was a retorical question…
Still I can’t seem to concentrate… What are you doing?!
FlashFocus is finally back up…
Waking up… Too late…
Off to bed… Wanted to get rid of some stuff I wanted to write, but after all… It’s allmost 3 AM…
Wondering all kinds of stuff. Yet the most important question remains…
Writing wordplays :) Gotta love the Dutch language :) Full of amazing stuff :)
Wondering if Photoshop will be as nice to me as it was yesterday if I fire it up right now…
Seems like the don’t want FlashFocus to be back up… Must be the longest downtime ever…
Played a game for some time… Been a long time :)
No bug in my class after all… :) Pretty amazing: People are really using that class! Very happy to see people like it!
Fixing a bug on the MusicPlayer class
Somebody killed FlashFocus! And DAMN, I’m really pissed! Had a free (go figure) oppurtunity to go to FITC and I couldn’t… Buh… :(
Off to bed… Night all.
Het probleem met gedichten is dat je ze niet opnieuw mag lezen. Ze doen nog altijd evenveel pijn. Ookal denk je dat ze vandaag verleden zijn
Actually I feel exhausted, and I haven’t done a damn thing today…
played a game for a while…
If I had a million dollars… If I had one wish…
Wordpress + Flash + SWFAddress = noCreativity V2
Gooooood morning!
Off to bed. Night all
Creativiteit maakt meer mogelijk dan het verleden ooit waarschijnlijk maakte.
Killing time…
There goes my msn…
messing aroud with phpMyAdmin…
Threw myself around in Photoshop for a bit…. Might try to eat something…
Armageddon :)
Buh… Foodtime…
Pfff… Will be happy when this job is done…
Still working on FlashFocus 3.0 beta looks
Hacking FlashFocus :) Joy
Creating the new FlashFocus style on the development server
watching @HoFa immitating Gambit…
Aaaaaaand… we’re back!
time for my bedtime story
Time for a game: Sonic in Flash!!
Those were the worst french fries. EVER.
dinner at the snackbar with @LadyElena
Work work work…
My bunny is immitating a cow… Or a big truck… Couldn’t tell… :)
Reading the forums, while enjoying great music…
Waking up… Just in time…
Cool, als je portfolio googled vind je mijn site boven die van @netlash :D Dit geheel terzijde: Nite nite all!
@stupidnoob: ya :D
Justin Timerlake Live. Seems to be the next Micheal Jackson (dancing and stuff…) ;)
Bunny says ‘you rock’. Yes sir! I sure do! :-)
Back home…
just went to the italian. Mmm
Waiting for the MM4 course to begin… We have to do our presentation about our project…
Off to school… Have a lot of stuff to do…
Updated my portfolio a bit: Added the Samsung site, and the FlashChat :)
Doing the mail-thingy. Might just have another Flash-project coming up :)
Thinking about updating my site… Flash + Wordpress + SWFAddress… Will this work out?
Waking up with Nickleback…
Forgot all about @Sneejk tonight… Hit me again on MSN tomorrow dude! (shit shit shit! )
Watching a movie…
Need food. Gimme!
Feel pretty good… The session at the skatepark was pretty cool :)
omfg! I’m rusty! *blushes*
Out for a session in the skatepark…
Seems like HD-DVD lost the war. http://tinyurl.com/33xx2j
Powerpoint:mac 2008 is pretty awesome. Made it actually be fun… Pretty good job Microsoft!
Polishing the powerpoint presentation for tomorrow
Buh… Nightmares… I has them…
I might just go to bed…
Cool Easter Egg in Flash CS3 :D Must be made by/for cool people! :D
Saw some crazy thing… I’ll make that myself today. Must do coolness… After dinner that is :)
Something is making noise… Seems like I am hungry…
Explaing some Flash basics to @Sneejk
Did some (mega fast) administration. Now out for a walk & talk w@ikkekietjeetje :)
getting ready to leave the PIH
brainstorming about the killer concept for our multimedia project
Having breakfast… I defenitly need to change my wake-up routine…
Posted about the mobile App for FITC Amsterdam on FlashFocus http://tinyurl.com/3cvs3e
Brrrr… Need to do a lot to day… Better get going…
Will go to bed in a minute… Me == Pretty Lazy.
Had dinner
Enjoying myself going nuts… Falling back to some bad habbits…
Wanted to work, but there was that something that kept me busy… Somehow…
Reading it again… And again… And again…
Reading an old poem…
Dromen zijn de leugens waar iedereen in gelooft. Fantasie is het handschrift van je creativiteit. Geloof alleen in wat je schrijft…
How great, right then when I thought everything had happened to me, my sister tells me she’s leaving for the US… maybe forever…
Congrats @Dustyroox
Hungry but not in the mood to eat… Buh..
I’m so tired of all this… Need to get my head straight… Really…
Ik ben het beu bij Vexxhost http://tinyurl.com/3464nj
I’m looking for a good host in Europe with lots of webspace (50GB+) . Anyone got a good suggestion? My Canadian host is just not reliable…
Doing the wake up stuff :)
Off to bed… There are some challenges a human mind cannot take at 3AM…
Checked out some videos… Still wondering about that one question…
Getting these images off my phone.
Closing down if.you.have.noCreativity.com http://if.you.have.nocre…
It’s official.
The hardest of all choices, are those where none of all options seem to make sense…
Copying movies, while dancing to Will 2K
Changing ranks of FlashFocus Team. Major ill shit going on behind the scenes!! :)
My non-Ice-Tea diet seems to be working… Feels good going back to normal :)
I should consider adding an option of sending messages in different languages…
Having fun listening to the bunny messages… The bunny doesn’t seem to understand Dutch…
Breakfast for champions!
Feeling a bit odd… I wonder why…
Waking up early :) Cool stuff!
Somehow I feel like working… 3:46AM… No deal. Will check out a movie and go to bed. :)
Taking Password:Swordfish for a spin…
Thinking to retry that visualisation thing again… Might just have a brilliant idea to make it look good…
@ikkekietje: what page?
The bunny talks!! http://nocreativity.com/…
Damn workarounds…
No wait: Let me rephrase: No ‘allowdomain=”*” ‘???
OMFG? No crossdomain.xml?? WTF?
8ball will go public in a few minutes :)
Was really looking forward to getting my new headphones. Turns out to be a bad buy. :(
Seems like my bunny widget won’t look very original… Hower: Wacom rocks! ^^
Making the bunny talk!
Multi-Mania ’08 Announced on FlashFocus :) http://tinyurl.com/2py8nw
Doing some more adminstuff…
Doing the mail-laundry…
Off to bed… Toedeloe!
And all of a sudden, a poem appeared…
8ball is scaring the crap out of me, each time I get a message… Must change my signature…
LMAO: 59 Friend requests on mySpace… Somehow mail doesn’t seem to come through anymore… Oops :D
Enjoying a movie…
Let’s kill something… I need food!
Nabaztag en mijn gevecht tegen de crossdomain.xml… http://nocreativity.com/…
@ikkekietje: try again (you should see a different SWF)
@Slike: Zeker niet stoppen met dat ding te testen! :D Welkom!
@Folkert: as long as swx is nog as3, I’m not using it :p I refuse to use AS2 again :p
Aced everything but the stuff I had to study… Whatever xD
Wondering about all kinds of stuff…
Talking about this and that with @ikkekietje
Taking a trip outside…
Checking out the DisplacementMapFilter… What a name…
Apperently 10.5.2 update messed up all my filetype-program linkages… Seems like Apple is getting better every day…
Define ‘cool shit’: Bitmapdata or FMS?
Update went perfect. Changes appear not to have broken anything… Happy :)
Updating to 10.5.2
Something must be VERY wrong with OSX today… Seems to be trippin’…
Off to bed… Might consider a browser change tomorrow…
Correction: 5 Times…