waiting for the PS2 course to begin…
@Folkert: Who cares about Flash anyway? :p
Both my sisters stopped school. I’ll restart next year… Is anyone of us going to make it all the way, ever?
Thinking about a concept for a secret Flash site.
@desaturated: Daar gaan mijn goede voornemens om in alle lessen van dat vak aanwezig te zijn… :)
Goed bezig, Ronny… Note2self: Check je lessenrooster vòòr je vertrekt!
Heading out for school.
Showering before leaving for school.
Nothing like a pretty cool bugfix in the morning :)
@iamdesign: Happy birthday, old man ;)
Waking up at the speed of floating poetry…
Apologize - Timbaland. A great song to call it a night, and go to sleep… Night y’all…
It is official: Chat V2 is up & running… Hurray :)
Aww man! That one roxx! http://flickr.com/photos…
Enjoying the ‘dont worry’-feeling :D Still have to install CS3 on my laptop… pfff
Should I eat right now… Or should I just wait 5 more minutes…?
Waiting for the train to arrive to go back home. I can has pizza plz? Kthxbai
sitting in the train… Waiting to leave for Ghent…
@ikkekietje: you’re right: @TijG roxx :p
should ve staid at home… Boringness…