In love with MyWi and my iPad. If my girl knew she’d be soooo jealous… So shhhhh!!
Last time I’m getting on this train this summer. Heading to westende for 2 more days. Almost done.
I think we all feel your pain ;) RT @W0utR: Damn, 2 days without internet, it almost killed me
About to head out for some shopping. It’s pretty hot outside and yet it’s (a little bit) rainy… Let’s hope for the best.
@peterelst Looking good, Peter! Might just come in handy when I build my new blog theme ;) Great work!
Removed every postcard/poster from my old room. There’s so many… Leaving that room empty like that really gives me the chills.
@HoFa Ziet der goe uit! lol @ 1080p btw xD
How the hell does this work? I go to bed at 6AM and get up without an alarm clock at 11AM… Well, at least I get to enjoy my day!
I’m happy. Like you wouldn’t believe it.
I’m a big fan of Apple and the iPhone but I seriously can’t be bothered to say anything positive about iOS4. It adds NOTHING but trouble.
Been using my iPad all week without a single recharge and it’s still going strong. I want a battery like that in my iPhone. Asap!
The iPhone spellcorrection is truly a miracle worker. Can’t even tell me I wrote “thats’t” in my last tweet. Either help me or leamme alone!
Thats’t it for my last week. Time for a day off and then only 2 more days left. But first: Heading to my girl in Kortrijk. #happytimes
peterelst hate doing DNS changes, it just takes way too long to see if you did it right - not unlike waiting for Flash to compile your project ;)
Uncool things happening at work. Apparently I’m not the only one looking at my last few days there. My boss is quitting too.
@tekkie “ah damn” :p it’s too late already :( thx anyway
Blood + white shirt = “ah damn…”
I just cut myself. With my shirt. And I’m bleeding. What the -?
@BFourneau thx for sharing! seems like good news! Do tell if anything similar comes up. Have fun with your new phone!
@BFourneau we don’t care about the display. Tell us about the deathgrip :p
Almost overslept. Close call! Gotta run to get to work on time though. (and I’m pretty sick)(darn the stupid weather)
iPhone says ‘No service’. Remember what I said about Mobistar earlier today? I wasn’t joking.
Newsflash:I don’t “do something with computers”!I “do something with Flash”.And I’m not a “computer engineer”.I’m an “interactive designer”.
Finally setting up my flipboard on my iPad. Major flaw: I can NOT share something using Flipboard. I can like/comment but no new posts.#pfff
Something seems to be off today. I most definitely don’t like this.
Mobistar mobile data network has been behaving poorly during the past 24 hours. Guys, fix it!
Heading to work. It’s raining. Booooo!
savvas Two seconds of lightning slowed down to a minute and a half:…
Having dinner while watching the sunset.
Off from work early. Meeting my girlfriend in a few minutes. #happytimes
fwa I just customised my iPhone… Dropped it on tiled floor and dented the corner of it. Still works but still no Flash
At work. Delighted to see the door’s still in it’s place. Oh and not seeing any cops is making me feel good too.
Today is one of those days where not getting out of bed would’ve been a pretty good idea.
@joristimmerman kwerk in een Luna park. Alle machines waar er geld in zit is opengebroken.
Well they really made it worth the effort. Opened up every single machine to get the money. Didn’t miss a single one.
Great. Somebody broke in at work. Lots of damage. This blows.
Making mistakes… Been a long time since I messed up this bad…
RT @peterelst: “Given this new ruling, Adobe could, in effect, provide its own App and Jailbreaker which could install Flash, AIR […]”
I love Sobees (Facebook iPad for iPad). It’s pretty nice! Awesome!
RT @peterelst: RT @scottjanousek: Jailbreaking now deemed legal in us.
IM+ for Ipad just keeps crashing on me… Good going!
Well, that was my first iPhone drop. Some dude shot me with a football. Glasses and iPhone hit the floor. Luckily nothing broke. #luckyme
Oh!! I smell - delicious - food!! I’m hungry!! Very hungry all of a sudden!
Apple should really consider an official iOS downgrade to 3.1. iOS 4 is nothing but trouble.
We’re not making a lot of money at work today. It’s as boring as it might possibly get here. Somebody entertain me!!
Nothing really compares to that feeling that takes contol of you and makes you wanna scream from the top of your lungs how much you love her
Waking up after something that should’ve been a good night’s sleep. I’m pretty much what zombies look like in movies, right now.
“If you could do everything all over again? What would you change?” - “Everything since I woke up this morning.”
I’m pretty much a psychic these days. I should start charging money for telling the future.
Echofon really is my favorite twitter app, both for iPhone and iPad! Well worth the 5€!
@savvas fuck indeed!! What happened man?
Heading home. I’m feeling totally bleh. Can’t be bothered to give a damn about anything right now. Food shall cheer me up!!
Time for some lunch!
I’m turning into such a geek… It’s kind of scary… But that’s okay!
Wow, after having worked with an iPad for a few hours, an iPhone feels tiny and kinda stupid all of a sudden.
Really enjoying the Mywi-iPhone-iPad combo. Works like a charm.
Heading home after another awesome Saturday. She does things I just figured weren’t even possible. She’s my fairy.
I do remember this feeling and I hate it with a passion.
Giving Mywi a shot. Digging it already… Nice! Might be well worth the 10$… Big up for the trial feature in Rock!
@thomasheylen Is momenteel nie jailbroken :(
Made the stupid mistake of letting iTunes update my iPad to 3.2.1. I should’ve known that was a bad thing. No way of rolling back to 3.2…
@peterelst Cool Peter! Having fun with it?
Oh wow, 999 doodles on my blog!! Amazing!!
Can’t get up at 8am when I go to bed at 3am, but I wake up spontaneously at 10:30 when I go to bed around 6am. What’s up with that?
Well I guess I should get some sleep then. Night night birdies!
Great, all of a sudden my iPad won’t connect anymore to my wifi (shared iMac Airport). That sucks.
danro Oh Microsoft. Always good for a giggle. > @gskinner:… <— am I a bad person for reading that URL wrong?
For those who didn’t know: I got myself an iJoke today! (What!? Haven’t you ever seen a hypocrite?)
Booting a mac is hell. Especially if you have been using it for 3 years straight.Take almost 5 minutes to completely boot and react properly
Train is Moving towards Kortrijk. Great. Didn’t expect to get there so early!
tanelteemusk Okay. I’ve decided now. I hate iOS 4. Feels like Windows with task manager force quits.
@joristimmerman yea i thought about you when posting the picture.Didn’t have the slightest clue though.they still got some 3gPads there btw
On my way back to the train station with this bag…
In Bruges, heading to the Apple store.
The iPhone was not created to be used like I do. How can I tell? The battery just can’t keep up with me.
About to leave work for my trip to Kortrijk! I’ve sooo been looking forward to today!!
Everybody in Belgium seems to be getting up pretty early today. I wonder why that is. #iPad
It’s been a while since I felt like this. Can’t really tell if I like this or not.
I feel like I brought this on them. If I only had known before.
My ‘real’ mother does’t even know my birthday. She then adds I had a hard youth. You don’t need to tell me. I was there. All by myself.
Spam on Twitter is so insanely idiotic.Get a clue,you bunch of morons.Twitter = 95%(?) geeks.We _know_ spam.Either forget it or do it right!
Pff, still no new Diggnation episode :( That’s what you get for recording 2 episodes at a time, guys :p Let’s hope for the return next week!
4 buggy’s near the exits of the streettrain. Great. No way of getting out.
4 buggy’s near the exits. Of the streettrain. Great. No way of getting out.
@thomasheylen kga srtaks thuis eens kijken of ik de naam/adres kan vinden. Kdacht dat het gewoon m’n retail store was
I’m 24 years old. For the first time in my life, my real mother is trying to get in touch with me. I don’t know if I want to…
Waking up. Way too late of course. Will have to run to make it to work on time.
RT @peterelst: Happy Belgium day — free beer, fries, chocolate and saxophones for all! :)
She’s the answer to all questions I ever had about life.
Watching the sunset in the reflection of her eyes.
Missed the streettrain by seconds. I’m expecting a text message (asking me where I’m at) any minute now.
Heading home early. Have to trip around pretty quick as I’ve got to be back at the casino in 40 minutes…
@joristimmerman never heard of GCA :p I’m going to a simple apple store.
@peterelst 499€ for the 16Gb in Bruges;)
Apple store just called me. I can pick up my iPad this Saturday!
Morning, my Tweeting friends? How are you on this glorious morning? I’m heading out to work. Have a nice day! - Short video of today’s bungee jump. I feel so alive again. Gravity is so awesome!
I…! I feel so aliiiiive!!
I’m about to bungee jump during sunset at the beach. How freaking awesome is that?!
@mikehaugland I wouldn’t know. Give it a shot :p
On our way to Middelkerke with mom, sister and my little brothers. I’m excited!
They’re setting up bungee platform right in front of where I work. Guess what I’ll be doing tonight! #jumpjumpjump
My colleagues were so friendly to put a magnet on a card reader. Result: card reader is now (temp) corrupt. Idiots.
Sitting at the beach. Enjoying it at its fullest. Today is a great day already.
@toStephen Bamboo ;)
Spent all night doodling/sketching and testing my new wacom tablet. Getting the hang of this…Should be doing something serious tomorrow…
Are you kidding me? That spinning wheel really is not an improvement! Just replace the damn picture already!
Seriously, Twitter. Get over yourself. I’ve been trying to change my display pic for weeks. Just do it!
@aral Don’t worry, Aral. We all do. ;)
Barbeque with dad, my older brother and his son. My dad really knows how to mess up a good day. Pff… Only 2 more weeks…
Just had a great sandwich. I’m full! If I’d eat one more bite, I might just explode.
At work. All dreamy. I feel awesome.
The most amazing girl in the world.
Being a geek is awesome! ^^
Moving towards Westende. Sitting next to somebody who went crazy with his AXE Phoenix spray. Well, at least he doesn’t smell bad, right?
@SanderDbe no, but there was a lot of “uh” and “ehm” :p
This is just too awesome not to share with you guys (and gals) but some things just shouldn’t be said on Twitter…
@Lieneuh dommel (in Kortrijk) lijkt me perfect. Betaalbaar, snel, geen limieten, geen klachten (al een jaartje klant)
White power!!!
Is on a shopping spree… New shoes, new wacom, new keyboard. ^^ (I’m such a sucker for white shoes)
It seems I write like James Joyce. Can’t stop wondering: Who the hell is James Joyce?
Awesome little collection of cool stuff!
Fan. Tas. Tic.
Waiting in the train station in Kortrijk. Platform 8. Patience is supposedly a virtue. Most definitely not one of mine.
Heading to @wirward. Haven’t seen him in weeks.
I thought i’d remain a good memory. Instead I found my own face in the thrash.
Home sweet home!
</work> <weekend>
I smell food!! MY food! Muauahaha!!! (ok that probably didn’t sound as dramatic as I intended)
@ikkekietje well thank you very much! That’s so kind of you :(
Had an English customer. Before she leaves, she asked me if by any chance I’m Canadian. Do I sound Canadian? Is that a good or a bad thing??
See! They fixed it! RT @joristimmerman: LOL, since the 4.0.1 update of my iPhone, i only saw a maximum of 2 bars.
Waking up. Tomorrow is my day off. That means today will be pretty awesome!
woutr_be Can we get filters for Twitter please …
Same RT @joristimmerman: @aral Would love to come, if I could afford it :)
Ordering pizza picante and ice tea! Twice!
Ready… Set… *long pause*
hannes_bhc weeral regen. Komt door al die oude taarten en negativo’s die ook bij dat schitterend weer konden zagen: ‘pff, tis toch TE warm hoor nu’
Went to the pharmacy. This should do the trick.
Let’s hope today improves ‘cause waking up with a stomach ache only to see the weather outside sucks even more doesn’t really delight me.
Is there a Nobel Prize for being an idiot? Because I most definitely deserve one this year… (Just pulled another award winning fail-stunt)
Getting dinner. Thinking about her. Time stands still. She can do that. Just like that.
What a great way to end the day. NOT.
I’d totally dig it if it stopped raining in about 80 minutes. A whole lot of sunshine would be more than welcome.
lyntje Iemand ervaring met internationale verzendingen naar de VS? Pakketje moet absoluut binnen de 10 dagen in LA geraken. RT would be nice. #adaa
tekkie Kudos to Chile 1st country to approve net neutrality law via @tekool #netneutrality < E-stonia, where are we at it!?
@erwinverdonk @tekkie it’s a delicate subject. I wouldn’t want to make that call, but I’m glad however. I just hope we did them a favor
That blows RT @BrunoFonzi: Adobe mentioned at UG meeting in San Francisco #Alchemy will remain a lab project no further support is planned.
wernerramaekers Jamie Zawinski: “Linux is only free if your time has no value” (via @zef) (via @jfahrenkrug)
@erwinverdonk @tekkie nice pic indeed :p but by forbidding them you take away the choice. What if some of them actually choose to wear them?
@tekkie i’m not very fond of the burqa myself, but it’s part of a culture. People should be allowed to expres their own believe.
@MrBrightSky oeh! Close! :D
@MrBrightSky yea, nee… toch liever nie. Dank u :p en ik woon ier mss zelfs al langer dan gij :p (sinds ik 4 jaar oud ben dus 20 jaar :p )
Alarm at work went off. Cops showed up and were armed, thought I were a suspect, pointed guns at me. Almost shit my pants. #wtf
What are you up to in the next life? Will you be the one?
Oh my god! You’ve so got to see this! http://shots.nocreativit…
What about dinner? Right! Dinner!
@mikehaugland You might be right… :/
iOS4 is seriously pissing me off. Worst piece of software ever released by apple.
@Heeties oh good lord! Not again! I thought I was past this :(
All of a sudden I got a splitting headache. Feels like something is trying to tear itself away from my head.
Just made a complete fool out of myself. I should be asking money for doing that because I’m getting pretty good at it.
Heading to work. Another rainy day today. Not enjoying it. I say we vote! Sunny or rainy?
RT @boskabout: met de wijven niks dan last (maar ik zie ze graag hoor)
@matzo All the time :p
If I were given a penny for every typo I let go unnoticed I’d be a billionaire by now. And it’s starting to really annoy me…
My brother’s got an HTC Desire.Cool device,but it’s just not the same experience as an iPhone.Might be bad judgement;only used it for 10 min
I saw that going differently in my mind.
Heading back to Westende in a streettrain. Crowded. Feels like a can of sardines.
Is today some special day for handicapped people? Had lots of them visiting at work up to now.
RT @Nalden: People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. - George Bernard Shaw
Breakfast at the beach. It’s hands down the best way to wake up, ever.
Had a great evening with my brothers! They are so freaking awesome!
Just got lucky. Spotted a little fire in the kitchen. Fire extinguishers rock!
Some people should be told what it means to be polite. Or what a ‘shower’ is.
Auch! RT @djspiewak: Unintended consequence of the retina display: Google Maps feels slower because it has to load 4x as much data.
Queue at the bakery is insane. Are they selling the first iPhone 4 here? Otherwise “what the hell?!” is appropriate.
On the move. Destination? Not as interesting as this tweet made it seem at first.
Got on the streettrain.Theres a very drunk guy sitting right next 2 me,flirting with the limits of my patience.Not going to be a smooth ride
Not all treasure is gold.
About to head back to Westende. Not home. Westende. My home, my life and my heart are lost, somewhere in Kortrijk.
Pasta time!!!
@tekkie yea you’re right. And AE is missing too! ;)
Paid the bills! Unlike other people, I feel great doing this! Why wouldn’t I? No way around it anyway… You might as well accept it ;)
@MrBrightSky Tiens? Ik dacht dat die nog veel duurder was (5000€ ofzo). 2000€ vind ik ok als ge kijkt naar prijzen van andere toestellen
(Too bad the Flex-buddy lost in arm during his trip to Belgium :( )
Check what I got in yesterday’s mail! Thx @scottjanousek!! #adobemaxtoys
… and I bought a case for my iPhone. I hate those things but if I don’t use one at work,my iPhone will look like it went through a blender
Changed my Mobistar data plan. Also insured my iPhone again.
I just can’t stop listening to the new Eminem album (Recovery). As a fan, I’m grateful to see his effort to be back. Respect.
Just watched the most emotional TED talk I’ve ever seen. I have great respect for this guy.
Try it on your iPhone. Yea Flash is really bad… RT @teleject: Nice! Pure CSS animated 3D Super Mario icon -
What’s up with all the cute girls in Oostende?! An more important: why are none of them in middelkerke??
Just had dinner. The weather is great. Couldn’t be better!! I love this time of the year!
Done working. Tomorrow’s my day off. Heading to Kortrijk. Looking forward to it!
She does that magic trick where she just smiles at me and I feel better instantaneously…
Slept pretty bad tonight. Not cool. Heading to work while wondering all kinds of stuff.
Can’t wait for it to be tomorrow… How am I supposed to make it 3 more weeks like this?