danro Oh Microsoft. Always good for a giggle. > @gskinner: http://msexchangeteam.co… <— am I a bad person for reading that URL wrong?
For those who didn’t know: I got myself an iJoke today! http://bit.ly/cuN0Ae (What!? Haven’t you ever seen a hypocrite?)
Booting a mac is hell. Especially if you have been using it for 3 years straight.Take almost 5 minutes to completely boot and react properly
Train is Moving towards Kortrijk. Great. Didn’t expect to get there so early!
tanelteemusk Okay. I’ve decided now. I hate iOS 4. Feels like Windows with task manager force quits.
@joristimmerman yea i thought about you when posting the picture.Didn’t have the slightest clue though.they still got some 3gPads there btw
On my way back to the train station with this bag… http://twitpic.com/27uwny
In Bruges, heading to the Apple store.
The iPhone was not created to be used like I do. How can I tell? The battery just can’t keep up with me.
About to leave work for my trip to Kortrijk! I’ve sooo been looking forward to today!!
Everybody in Belgium seems to be getting up pretty early today. I wonder why that is. #iPad