RT @joanna_louise0: Just held a persons hand as they died alone, without their family or loved ones by their side. Glad you enjoyed your me…
I just sneezed and legit pulled a muscle wtf
RT @seancannell: You may not be where you want to be.
You may be disappointed with your subscriber count.
You may be tired of not getting v…
@caitchristinee I can’t help but wonder: will it be enough?
Zero. I don’t have an alarm. I hate sleep. I do it because I have to. I just want to keep moving. Life moves fast.… https://t.co/4uIM7wSK0R
I had a dream last night I was watching an @F1 race and an #F1 car crash into a barrier at 220kmh. It exploded and… https://t.co/jX5IsdZy2O
@FunRulers @Zirafa_Na_Pajdu @F1 Already, yesterday in the post-race interviews, Vettel stated that that barrier was… https://t.co/2gfTRfL75M
@FunRulers @Zirafa_Na_Pajdu @F1 Romain (and Vettel) head the GPDA (that also keeps a close eye on safety from a dri… https://t.co/r0FgPBKaQK
@michelvds83x @F1 I think we all agree on all of this. However when confirming the track safety, nobody probably ex… https://t.co/scxdweZYx5
@studio_caro Uw eigen mening?! Op internet?! https://t.co/sMacoSasYR
@John26832054 @Lieneuh Waar staat dat ik huil en eenzame dagen heb? Ik heb toffe mensen rondom mij en ben een geluk… https://t.co/4m0dYe8Fsc
Today #f1 has definitely proven that safety has come a long way but I have 2 remarks:
- how the hell was there no t… https://t.co/mCWRXUzXUC
I can’t help but wonder how today would have ended if Romain would not have been able to get out of the car by himself… #f1
Keep watching that fire. Romain is in there fighting for his life… so glad to see him appear all of a sudden. https://t.co/Qqncv87OrA
@javiersp15 @wbuxtonofficial I was afraid that he might have been burned himself. I’m sure they’ll apply several bi… https://t.co/hb0tSs2hLW
200+ km/h into the barriers. If there were no Halo, Romain would no longer be with us… #f1 safety really flexed i… https://t.co/YQzNUCioj5
This image says it all… #f1 https://t.co/MFH8O2xpLY
@wbuxtonofficial His face looks really red. Is that just bad light or what are we seeing here?
Reading this while seeing the replays on TV of how he climbed out of that flaming wreckage just straight up puts te… https://t.co/DbEE5DVzSG
@joristi Yup. Also appears to have lost a shoe in that impact… how he just got up and walked away… absolutely unreal.
Confirmed: from the moment of ignition until Romain was out of the fire: 27 seconds.
#F1 fireproof clothing is desi… https://t.co/Uh6zzZCYVH
I wonder what Niki would say if he were still around after seeing Romain escape from this inferno almost unharmed… https://t.co/XYjFHMDrHh
That live-speed replay of the initial impact and explosion until Grosjean finally escapes the fire seems to take fo… https://t.co/jiy0gCFM8a
Damn, the images from the remains of that #F1 car give me absolute chills… “survival cell” living up to its name…
I can’t remember the last time I saw an #F1 car ripped in half…
The fact that Romain walked away from that accident is a testament to the efforts made by everyone in F1 concerning… https://t.co/flHOQ9mmf3
@paintedblack @JoshuaDriesen @F1 Was ook mijn eerste gedacht toen ik die beelden van de barriere zag met de cockpit ertussen… daaaamn
Anybody who still claims that the halo is bullshit should look into the late 70’s, early 80’s… without the halo,… https://t.co/KarJ5M7Zbi
@frederikprijck @wouterds Mensen denken enkel aan hun eigen situatie. De mensen die knopen moeten doorhakken moeten… https://t.co/zduC4aRZh9
@tekkie People still think wearing one doesn’t help… it’s actually depressing
@TheRealSkyeGray Sorry to hear. I hope those vaccines work… We’re at the halfway mark…
@wouterds En vooral zeggen dat ze de regels al volgen en dat het anderen zijn die het verpesten voor hun.
Belgian people: Our government is a collection of idiots who are unable to manage this pandemic adequately!
Also be… https://t.co/iR00i2Fj1I
@John26832054 @Lieneuh Kinderen hebben om nie alleen te zijn is een van de meest egoïstische dingen die er zijn…… https://t.co/7bFl0hNt35
@Emoriietv Ik doe mee. Heb ook even 2 weken gestruggled 😅 good luck!
@ultra_e1 Fuck yea! You fucking killed it! Your progress is HUUUGE! Congrats! It’s great to see that even though 20… https://t.co/UIrLja374L
@paintedblack Oh, ik ben wel fan. Zeker van deze tijdens zijn Red Bull periode â¤
@paintedblack Hij heeft nochtans een collega in de andere wagen doe hem ook dit kan aanleren 😉😄
Someone quick! Build this! This could be huge! https://t.co/Qr3uBnDziN
@SarahJaneHunti1 No matter how right your friend might be, knowing that you took a chance will be a better feeling… https://t.co/1i1OoD9j3E
@SarahJaneHunti1 “Fifty years from now, when you’re looking back at your life, don’t you want to be able to say you… https://t.co/TQjLwaJoSg
See, this is the kind of fucking toxic shit we really need less of. What the shit is it with people to tell others… https://t.co/ylroDGbzRS
@wouterds Meanwhile, I’m having troubling tuning a wobble out of my x85 cinedrone…
@davy_delbeke Het is gewoon een polariserend onderwerp waar veel verschillende meningen en perspectieven aan zijn.… https://t.co/I43dymsP2Y
@Nonunsenses Ik steek veel te veel tijd in hoe mijn stories er uit zien vaak… Is bijna als een realtime youtube v… https://t.co/FGzPW9BSwB
@Nonunsenses Fascinerende reacties hier. Grappig wel: ik post veel meer stuff in mijn insta stories dan gewoon in d… https://t.co/5sGwDnwPg1
The only mindset. https://t.co/xtQLV2qRRv
@CMooreHere 😂
@CMooreHere You spelt “month” wrong.
@curtiseinsmann Comments must be maintained in order to remain relevant. That automatically means that I don’t trus… https://t.co/8VQC9JQP0l
@natIou @redbullracing This has got to be one of the greatest photos in F1… That was such a nice celebration. Still gives me chills!
@Sjipoepii Dude…. 😢💔

Oh boy… Can’t wait to see the outrage online about this…
*sits back with a bag of poporn* pic.twitter.com/62MZPevy2c
@Lieneuh Mensen die zeggen dat andere alleen thuis moeten zitten op kerst, hebben nog nie zelf alleen gezeten terwi… https://t.co/makWJlHTgz
@Nonunsenses Ik ben helemaal fan van het feit dat men nu al artikels schrijft “70% effectief; willen we dat wel”.… https://t.co/5153fQSKrb
Yes. Very much. https://t.co/jVOEgZIveZ
On the one hand, my mind is blown that more than 500 people are subjecting themselves to my videos on Youtube. On t… https://t.co/WlfemNBnEF
I get it, you don’t like Twitter stories and the new Instagram UI but DAAAMN CHILL THE FUCK OUT! It’s a fucking app… https://t.co/uyK0ab6A5P
Ah, man… Ya hear that? That’s the sound of all the haters losing their shit… https://t.co/TjEpGTdS3p
When a woman posts a sexy photo.
“This post contains sensitive images that some people might find offensive”
Bas… https://t.co/cmrmlhbxfI
@HeresOUTY Tifa â¤
@studio_caro Stuur maar namen en adressen door. Ik heb iets nodig om mij op af te reageren.
I require boobs to help me lift my spirits… halp? https://t.co/Ea7U1b3Zsl
@Nonunsenses Neeh… veel verwijten enzo.
@Nonunsenses Life happens… ik was heel geduldig maar ook dat heeft een einde.
@Nonunsenses Breaking up apparently…
🤣💌 https://t.co/u0vKErUxR8
@kvandenhaute @sonybelgie 🙈
Don’t spread negativity.
Stay strong.
Stay positive.
@livguini She looks way more natural in the remake but damn, she remains the only video game character i ever fell… https://t.co/7Kc23YbGNy

Abandoned city in Bulgaria… time for the weather to get hotter again so I can go on an FPV roadtrip! âpic.twitter.com/4kIYDachVVVV
This one has been on my FPV bucket list. I guess this one will never happen then… too bad. https://t.co/jGozF279B4
This is so wrong. As if these people give 2 shits about xmas because it’s somehow a religious thing. People are jus… https://t.co/CM80HcGnDN
@Syr00p Shiiiit, zoveel talenten hier… 😵
My pleasure 😎 https://t.co/Gfr7CMvT68
Sum up your job using a gif.
Freestyle FPV drone pilot https://t.co/a8Ndi5srB0 https://t.co/LZQc50UeBZ
Sum up your job using a gif.
Web developer https://t.co/a8Ndi5srB0 https://t.co/dlcgI5M9ki
@KennyLeys Well that’s just blatant cheating 😂
@Emoriietv Anyway, ik vraag me af waar ze de Shopping tab gaan steken op Twitter. En natuurijk de Reels…
@Emoriietv Twitter heeft vooral een persoonlijkheidscrisis…
@hannes_bhc @een Eigelijk wel maf hoeveel mensen het punt eigelijk volledig missen. Misschien moeten ze toch maar e… https://t.co/W2KApGS2aB
How not to fly a drone… https://t.co/qYi13zyNRy
@secretvaporwave @LinusTech My current client’s project is upwards of 3GB for the dev install. Compiles 5 files of… https://t.co/gzZKrbAXIu
@secretvaporwave @LinusTech 200mb? That’s cute 😂
I turned 18 in June 2004.
Me then: Finally! No more asking for permission. Let’s totally rock this life thing!
M… https://t.co/zU4Il7eKSR
@LinusTech Clearly you ran a node.js project and are now deleting the node_modules folder… 😅
@studio_caro (Da laatste stuk van die video… Zoveel mensen die da moeten zien en even moeten stil staan bij de realiteit van die woorden)
@studio_caro Vooral in 2020 lijkt dit meer voelbaar dan ooit… Teveel mensen die thuis met de vingers zitten te dr… https://t.co/iGOodBSBAg
@valdeff Hey @MercedesAMGF1, let us know how we can chip in to make this happen 😉
@samsheffer Not sure if it feels natural to have stories in Twitter… it kinda feels like they are so late to the… https://t.co/xN99Zs7m94
@studio_caro Beetje zoals de avond voordat de horeca moet sluiten dus? Ik ken nog zo iemand die aan die intermitten… https://t.co/SPH0NzRFA5
Chinese. It took me a roadtrip through Austria with some locals who convinced me to give it another try. https://t.co/JXEd7nNHaC
Hey Belgium! THIS is how you deal with drone infractions! youtu.be/C474T9PaGQA
Those new buttons in the instagram app are great. Actually the whole button rearrangement and the prominent shop-bu… https://t.co/9oURIjggTy
RT @wbuxtonofficial: Trans tennis player Renée Richards was banned from the 1976 US Open after USTA and WTA introduced the Barr body test.…
I’m fairly sure you haven’t seen my latest video? I highly suggest you check it out! No particular reason. Just for… https://t.co/CLjxDAdQ1D
RT @realmikefox: It’s No Time Like the Future day! Can’t wait to hear what you all think of the book. https://t.co/A5mB7T1bJf #NoTimeLiketh…
What’s it look like when you REALLY trust your FPV drone? youtu.be/RSpBoUe7Gnw
Let me give you some perspective: The web tool I’m currently working on does not impact my processor that same way.… https://t.co/VqaZQjxO7h
The Youtube Studio overview page (a page that is completely static) is causing my CPU to throttle. Developers have… https://t.co/wsEcgeHS3f

Remember: it always gets better. pic.twitter.com/WZsxkzypVr
Patience is a virtue until the wrong person tests you, then patience becomes a liability.

FINALLEVEL ICE Cold Fact: pic.twitter.com/kyz4hWBcVs
@zd69420 @lnfour @jetaimemerci So where was Bottas (who clearly is not a retard; the guy can drive…)?
Another quote to add to my ling list of motivationals. https://t.co/yp53DSv7I9
My name is Ronny Welter and I approve of the message. https://t.co/2U4pIh1VUQ
Well, there’s irony in this claim coming from the man who demanded the count to be stopped. Anyway, if there is evi… https://t.co/KWyRYYKRIN
Is there a known example of outputting 2560x1440 from a graphics card (standard size display port) to an Apple Thun… https://t.co/J2KYCDHwZ8
@tekkie I’ve heard lots of bad stuff. Don’t run this on your primary (work) machine for now. Could be a shortcut to a really bad weekend 😅
The more you know: nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grote_Homo
I had no idea…

‘k Denk dat Google Maps homofoob is… pic.twitter.com/wqThc6tvKo
If you lack motivation, here’s the best speech ever.
Life is not about how hard you can hit.
It’s about how hard y… https://t.co/GAK0odzDR1
Ya’ll need to stop bitching about how bad 2020 is. We get it: It’s been hard. On all of us. But complaining won’t m… https://t.co/OvJZ3ARUUx
@F1 Starting a petition for Seb to make this his default helmet! Looks epic and shows the important message that many still need to hear.
TOGETHER AS ONE. https://t.co/sPRuKrHsZ1
coastal_eddyLB Corona Virus explained in craft terms: you and 9 friends are crafting. 1 is using glitter. How many projects have glitter?
RT @ZacksJerryRig: @YouTube Woah. I disagree. 2020 has been different. But you SHOULD still have a rewind. Come on. There are plenty of thi…
This actually makes sense… but it also really sucks. I feel like this is a missed opportunity… I kinda get it..… https://t.co/BugENUIS6v
@Syr00p @KennyLeys Gij maakt veel grote beloftes als ge faalt. Kheb de indruk dat ge maar beter slaagt…
Yes, please. https://t.co/ckp6daw8fu
@Veteranpants @mr_crazydude Marry her.
@mr_crazydude Lucky you. Mine doesn’t want to try 😔
@kvandenhaute On my way home I was wondering how I’d go about it and came to the conclusion that the Macbook Air ma… https://t.co/TBfWlQYOh0
Soooo… #AppleEvent what’s it gonna be?
Not sure why but Twitter just defaulted its layout back to white for me. That looked horrible… I’m not much of a… https://t.co/v7YTqG0XYY
@MercedesAMGF1 @F1 Yes.
@botgrinder @mrsteelefpv Looking forward to seeing it!
@botgrinder Interesting! That’s from hardware point of view. You’re happy with the video feed performance? (I take… https://t.co/CjM1myG0O5
@botgrinder What would you suggest needs changing on the vtx side of things?
Going through some of my FPV footage from 2020 and thinking to myself what an amazing year this has been, especiall… https://t.co/Wnp7y6L2YG
@nachosarah 😂
@redbullracing Crazy to see that front wing push down under load like that. Never noticed that before 😲
Watch how absolutely 0% of tech companies will follow suit if this ever makes it into an actual legislation. https://t.co/m9SK5oBCR3
RT @realmikefox: Whatever you do Nas, don’t go to 2020 â¦@LilNasXâ© https://t.co/MDreywsmuQ
I’m not sure how i feel about this considering that i kinda can relate to this 😂🙈 https://t.co/690hHo9ZlD
RT @Amy_Siskind: Germany’s Der SPIEGEL cover Feb 4, 2017 and this week 🇺🇸 https://t.co/rMe2obeZBw
@wouterds Nie te lang met stable/level/horizon blijven vliegen. Smart van op zo een open veld te vliegen. Veel ruim… https://t.co/vqoj4tTHua
This is what hope looks like. https://t.co/T7IMMZgDuM
Back in 2008 when Obama was voted into office, I tweeted “Thank you, America”. Let me just repeat that thought righ… https://t.co/7ko5wnPGrC
@wouterds Waarom een AV receiver? Also, die “do not pull” stickers van de XT60 kunt ge best ook af trekken. Da zit… https://t.co/oqg03WJRfh
When people tell you *that tv show* is awesome and you’ll love it. Hence why I don’t watch those shows when they’re… https://t.co/qx46xlXnBW

KennyLeys The gift that keeps giving pic.twitter.com/bqjbMEWOHY
Count every vote.
No matter who wins.
Every vote shall count.
Every voice shall be heard.
Trump supporters sayi… https://t.co/UAaqHDd9nc
Yea booooiiiii! https://t.co/XQeUFrCdMH
RT @LinusEkenstam: This is how the map should be shown in all media going forward, LAND DOES NOT VOTE, PEOPLE DO.
Words of wisdom. https://t.co/JAIi7vuwnP
Wow 😲 https://t.co/isa5sNtFV6
Well, looking at the latest update of the Trump VS Biden race, it looks like we might in for another 4 years of this shit…
@JimmyKane9 I was going to try to contest this by saying that people in Belgium are smarter, less ignorant and less… https://t.co/96XYtlEbMc
RT @ForeverWithJoeJ: Whoever is updating The Guardian’s live updates has had enough lol https://t.co/GpgUoqp2ms
@KennyLeys @JoeBiden Clearly more people went out to vote. That’s fantastic news. However these number suggest that… https://t.co/59oFvvZtjp
Hardly a shocker but glad to see this confirmed in a more scientific way than ‘gut feeling’ from the schmuck that i… https://t.co/98xVBmLxL5
The fact that Trump vs Biden is a close race is actually terrifying…
I remember when 4 years ago, predictions said that Trump wouldn’t stand a chance. They said it again this time… a… https://t.co/H4Ws9G9oT1
Whoever at @fitbit thought it was a great idea to have the watch interrupt you to tell me I’m earning minutes clear… https://t.co/ULomgm8Tg5
@studio_caro Waarom? Ik ben voor maar dit klinkt bijna te schoon om waar te zijn… en als iets te schoon is om waa… https://t.co/W5c3T6Ewmi
The worst things that covid has done is amplifying the voices of negativity to a degree where the internet is becoming insufferable to me.
Haha, I’m screaming haha youtu.be/1ojcUwSlEHk
I have been on twitter for 12-13 years. I’ve never seen so many people call Americans to vote… I sure hope we’ll get good news soon…
Okay, what are the odds of DJI announcing an event UNRELATED to its FPV system just a couple of days after FatShark… https://t.co/0a8GkTbDGB
@studio_caro Ik heb hier paarse kleuring. Stuur maar uw adres, ik stuur het wel op!
I gotta leave this here because I’ll be proven right about this: Many are underestimating the impact that the new… https://t.co/hPUDsm3pIT
So… @MercedesAMGF1 takes 7th Championship. Lewis first built out a 28.5s lead (he needed 27 for a free pit stop)… https://t.co/gCrjRTA7Lq
@ThomasDJaeg @hannes_bhc Het enige correcte en genuanceerde antwoord. Ge kunt de eerste 2 weken naar de overheid wi… https://t.co/WUKPKE58Fo
This makes me sad… https://t.co/B9pHj3Sp2h
@davidrocknyc Not Trump again.
@JimmyKane9 😂😂😂
@MercedesAMGF1 @PET_Motorsports @LewisHamilton Is it a coincidence that Seb and Lewis are always next to each other during these moments?
@JimmyKane9 Pssh.. running is for noobs! Beat Saber is where it’s at! https://t.co/dqYCZdMTMS
Barack is the dopest president ever. https://t.co/flmPCzKLSf
Close enough. https://t.co/ae2T6nOzVr https://t.co/PROG7YzBdZ