RT @davykestens: Recently, I had a long talk with some students & was interesting in hiring them. Dear students, if someone hands you a …
@angelovm pirate, viking, whatever. What do pirates say? I’m kinda intrigued now…
If my dad had taken care of this house, I could say that I’m kinda happy to be here. But he didn’t. So I’m not.
@delegatevoid Yea, I noticed. Kinda scares me a bit :p However it seems you got better news than I did :p
Finally bit the bullet. Mobistar will never see me again.They’re messing with their client’s trust. I’ll turn all Viking on their ass!Arrrr!
RT @ikbenmartijn: Is dit je straf omdat ik het niet voor Android heb Google? Flauw hoor…
RT @joristi: +1 RT @KatrijnMichiels: They should have free wifi everywhere :)
I hate leaving this place…
@UnitZeroOne It seems you need to ‘share’ a status update with somebody (gmail address). They can then ‘see’ the message after logging in.
Let’s start packing. Heading to Westende for the summer. Not really looking forward to it to be honest.
Wait, first everyone is talking how Google knows too much about us already… And now you want a Google+ invite? Hype-o-crites.
aral Dear Twitter, if I get an @mention with just a link from someone I don’t follow, you can safely mark it as spam. Thanks.
Finally in bed. New server should be okay. Time to get some rest.
Rebuilding Apache once more. Just because I have to. Not because I want to.
If the god damn network wouldn’t fail on me like that, I’d actually be going to bed to get some rest by now… But nooooo…
Rebuilding Red5 apps, updating domain settings, moving directories, fixing permissions, restructuring media directories… So much work!
Seriously, why can’t I just do my job here? First the manager application is unresponsive, then network crashes, now the ISP is down…
Setting up the firewall on my server… If server security is not your primary field, then this is horrible work.
Bern_Morley Well, fuck. http://twitpic.com/5hvss0
Kimsje Thanks @lyntje @noCreativity @greetd @Suiadan @toStephen @davy_delbeke @ashleylynnnl @starvomiter !!
Nameservers are propagating nicely, the new server is coming online nicely, and a lot of stuff is breaking apart. Good stuff!
Together with a stranger, we just saved a helpless pigeon from drowning in the canal. Good deeds ++
Come on, nameservers around the globe! Propagate!
You can clearly see somebody was a human when they started creating UNIX:whereis,who,whoami,uptime…Then all of a sudden:ls,du,rm…WTF?!
Backing up security settings and getting ready to move to the new server. So close!
Nog eentje hierzo! RT @BrunoByttebier Mij opjagen in domme dingen, daar ben ik goed in ja.
Had a great evening with @Lyntje, @wirward and Pascale. We went for a swim to counter the enormous heat! Great way to kick off the summer!
@mobilevikings Perfect! Dank je! Geweldig, die support via Twitter. Jullie zijn een hele stap voor op de concurrentie op dat vlak. Respect!
@mobilevikings Sweet! Wat gebeurt er met de belwaarde na verloop van tijd? (Stel dat ik eens per maand 15€ oplaad)
@mobilevikings Als’k een full-option SIM aanvraag maar enkel in een data-toestel steek (denk 3G stick), zal dan alles normaal werken?
Server migration is taking days but the end is getting near now! Good stuff!
Already did a ton of paperwork and this day is only getting better!!
lafilledo #mobistar3G is een illusie aan zee. flikkert aan en af als een strobo in de Illusion.
@davy_delbeke Da’s zoiets dat we deden toen we nog 16 waren, eh :D
It seems one of my domains is lost. It’s up and working… But nobody knows who’s actually in charge of it…
RT @bichro How To Charge Your Phone At A Music Festival Using Only A T-Shirt — Charge T-Shirt for Glastonbury 2011 http://bit.ly/j94Z7Z
First Sony tries to sue Geohot. Now he works at Facebook. That’s how it works! Congratulations! http://bit.ly/iNVsur (via @object404)
I mostly don’t care a lot about best practices. You know why? Because only machines care.
HAHAHAHA! Just found out some AWESOME news! This might be the best thing I’ve heard all day!
Heading back to Kortrijk. Can’t wait to be home.
In the centre of Oostende. No 3G. Dear Mobistar, better get your act together if you care about your customers. We pay for 3G. Deliver.
In Westende. Moving around the living room and finally making this place look good.
It seems like it’s weekend in Canada. Server migration seems to be halted until monday, when work is resumed. Thanks for that.
Okay, I’ll give in. Vizualize.Me is launching soon and I’m one of the first in line! Join me. #launch http://t.co/ew3xbrS via @vizualizeme
@ikbenmartijn Yea, heb er zo 3 gehad. Alleja, eigelijk 2 en nen 3330 ook.Da waren nog GSMs.Ge mocht da laten vallen en da was geen probleem.
@ikbenmartijn Staat op nummer 2 op mijn Allerbeste GSM’s aller tijden (na de iPhone) :p
@ikbenmartijn In de Mediamarkt hebben ze van die GSM’s met enorm grote toetsen en gewoon een nummer display. En anders Nokia 3310 ofzo?
Columbo will be missed.
Shooting some pool with @lyntje, @davy_delbeke and @Made_By_Thomas.
@AugustinDeBie Moet ge wel een VPS voor hebben (toegang naar uw server via ssh en wellicht root-rechten hebben)
@AugustinDeBie However it’s only free for 25 CCU. ( == development license). Red5 is completely free. That’s why I stick to Red5.
@AugustinDeBie I have heard about it. I have NOT used it, so I have no real idea about how easy it is, or how good it performs. […]
Last time it took me all night to get Red5 running on my server. This time I did it in an hour, while writing a tutorial about it! Cool!
Installing Red5 on my new box turns out to be easier than last time. I’m writing everything down this time.Will post a tut on it later on ;)
What else to do on a friday than installing Red5 on your new server and redoing EVERY security setting you did over the past 2 years.
@aral they haven’t abused it? What? The account or your butt? ;)
Wow, I really needed to get a good night’s sleep. Feeling a lot better…
“Chat rooms are back”…? When were they gone?!
It was great seeing everybody again at #TFKortrijk! Had a good one!
If Apple were to make a bigger iPhonescreen and keep the resolution the same they’d lose a bit of PPI.Seems like a step back to me.Thoughts?
Coool! I want! RT @yvmadhav Red5 unveils appBlaster iPhone and iPod touch toy http://p.ost.im/p/wXTt9
Just burnt my arm on the oven. It had to happen sometime.
RT @nickvegas Great advice for anybody struggling to get better at something.
@woutr_be i’m here man! Call me if you want to meet up!
joristi Ben ik nu de enige die de domeinnamen als .vlaanderen en .gent ronduit belachelijk vind? #oogkleppen
Woz on Man VS Machine. It’s that simple. http://tnw.to/19Tax via @TheNextWeb
Alright… Servers, sites, apps and API’s might go down any minute now. See you on the other side… (I hate migrating servers)
LMAO RT @timd Howls of anguish emanate from Brighton as @aral sets up a PC. He should be charging Microsoft for this free consultancy…
And aggressive. RT @aral I remember why I don’t use Windows now. It makes me angry. Very, very angry. #ux
bit101 Dear Android tablet makers. stop announcing tablets that won’t be available for 6 months or so. you really don’t get it, do you?
“Well, I think the interview went pretty good…” RT @Boris Ha ha, worst interview ever… http://t.co/IGh4arS via @joeyelgersma
@peterelst Thanks,Peter.I’m merging my Shared hosting & my VPS into the Vexxhost Cloud hosting.Part of preparation for upcoming projects ;)
Today I’m moving my servers. I you see noCreativity.com go down or everything is gone: That’s all part of the plan :)
The only good one out there was Tweetie, and somebody fucked that one up after they bought it… Not too impressed with that.
Twitter is telling devs to not create new clients, but the (OSX) desktop could most definitely use a few other Twitter clients….
Boris I can totally imagine, in 10 years or so, every household having 10 or 20 iPads just laying around. Similar to books now. You just grab one.
This is probably the most complex thing I’ve ever attempted. #red5
@Kimsje Wel, dan kan ze hem maar beter halen eh! Duim maar goed! Doe ik ook! :D
Figuring out how to remove ID3 tags in PHP while trying to get a hold of myself. What’s wrong with me? :s
Oooh, iTunes Album Art… Thou art a heartless bitch.
@Format_ Coffee… Ugh… But thanks anyway ;)
I feel like a monster ate me alive and spit me back out… Ugh… :/
Great… Just my luck…
Time to get some sleep! Tomorrow should be interesting!
Makes both of us. RT @lyntje Ik loop stiekem de hele tijd op wolkjes. #heelergverliefd
@joristi Error 1069 is one of those you should know by heart by now :p
bit101 I wonder who is having more fun, A. the people posting the sean connery letter. or B. the people informing people in A that it’s fake. ;)
Celebrating my birthday with my best friends @wirward, @philipdubois, @lyntje, Elke and Pascale.
Dinner at the pastabar. Yea baby!!
dimitrivh @aral @adactio @sazzy i dont care how it looks on my kindle. I do care that it works.i do care how it looks on devices meant stuff like that
ikbenmartijn Geniaal, en ongetwijfeld een goeie service voor iOS-developers (check url :) ) http://t.co/zYW7wXL
@fwa Connected and streaming. I hear sound and the video is streaming, although at a low framerate.
@joristi It seems to come at a price: Somebody just told me the moogaloop.swf didn’t load because of that. /cc @vimeo
Hey @vimeo! Why is the old embed code showing ‘application/futuresplash’ when it should be showing ‘application/x-shockwave-flash’ ?
It’s time for some crazy motion graphics coolness! Check this out! Happy monday all! http://nocreativity.com/…
@Kimsje Geen grote plannen. We zien wel hoe het loopt :)
@Kimsje nee, we hebben tot iets voor 12 uur geslapen ;)
Let’s do some work before breakfast! Yea, I know it’s bad, but I’d rather have breakfast in peace.
Meh meh meh!! :(
Posted my first actual question on the Red5 forums. Let’s see how close I am to making this work.
Plowing through tons of docs and tutorials looking for some information about MP3 streaming on Red5. Great server, horrible docs.
Any Red5 guru’s can answer me this? Is there a way to stream remote MP3 files (domainb.com) from my Red5 server(domaina.com)?
Mom sent me a message, wishing me happy birthday in advance because tomorrow she has surgery and is scared… This breaks my heart.
kodel Deze vrouw verdient de nobelprijs. Eindelijk een oplossing voor het klimaatprobleem http://t.co/e7OfC3A /HT @DeVisKar
Zalig xD RT @thomasheylen: Brussel en Antwerpen gepasseerd.. Nog steeds geen Belg gezien.. Ik wil niets zeggen… -_-‘
@dietlev No noticeable change in 2.7 (and no,it’s not due to shitty coding :p ).I guess it’s just for simple games and stuff /cc @avalanched
I’m soooo getting tired of this… What’s up with this crap? http://bit.ly/ktrXbq Anybody knows what’s going on here?
@dietlev Will give it a run, but as is I don’t have high hopes for Flash on iOS anymore…
@hannes_bhc Yea, alleen met 1000 keer meer spanning en een houten stok ipv een gloeidraad :p
Crazy! RT @hannes_bhc Wat er gebeurt als je een stok op hoogspanning gooit http://t.co/L61muXi
Had this great idea for a fun app for iPad. Too bad AIR2.6 for iOS is still not as good as it should be. Will have to learn Obj-C someday…
I could actually get used to never working on a glossy screen again.Especially when working with dark textures, sitting in front of a window
I actually believe computers have a soul because mine seems to be upset about something. Doesn’t want to do anything like it’s supposed to.
Wow, coming up with a cool button for this thing is insanely hard…
Girlfriend just came by to wake me up. Isn’t she awesome?
Well, it seems the most crucial part of this project is finally working… Great! Time for bed now!
@wautersj I am an iOS dev ;)
@wautersj The stuff in the picture is actually just a jailbreak in execution. But yea: My project will be running on an iPad ;)
I don’t know why but I still think this looks cool: Loads of text rushing over the screen. http://twitpic.com/5cyz26
@wautersj No personal project for a presentation next week. Pretty cool idea. I hope to get this working by then ;)
Let’s do a tiny bit of research before kicking this project into second gear! Deadline is wednesday!
Beautiful.RT @AugustinDeBie Nike’s pushing the limits of webdesign and user experience … again! http://t.co/3a4eNig
Damn you, autocorrect. (Quick fix for your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch dictionary): http://nocreativity.com/…
Airplay on your mac. Might come in handy for the 27” iMac owners ;) http://www.airserverapp….
“Instead of mourning your death, I’d rather celebrate your life.” - Eminem.
Gotta love the positive energy in that line.
Saved the wrong file. Lucky for me I didn’t lose too much work. Scared the crap outta me. I’m wide awake now…
@CarlDieryckx Been working till 6AM :p
I love music. Nothing better than waking up with “Joe Cocker - N’oubliez jamais”.
Pretty hardcore math in this little icon. http://bit.ly/lItNeM
Let’s do some 3D modelling. I have this fun app I want to make! Will be fun!
Okay: Somebody explain this to me. This is driving me crazy. How is 10.3 not a greater version than 10.2? http://bit.ly/lCXb0r
Looking through an old experiment to see how I did something. Holy crap, that stuff was complicated. Totally forgot!
@joniVanBogaert As in: you signed for a job over there? That’s great, man! Congrats!
@davykestens People who are left with nothing because their parents screwed up are given a chance to have a life. For that we are grateful.
Damn it. Haven’t published that last tweet for a second when all of a sudden the stream started. Twitter’s law, my friends. It’s real.
Trying to watch #Diggnation, but my Apple TV doesn’t seem to want to stream it…
@Heeties Wow, you have been on another planet then? Twitter invented their own retweet about a year (or more) ago! http://bit.ly/lWUgiD
@Heeties That’s why they’re pushing the native retweet ;)
Let’s get something straight here because fanboys are clearly missing the big picture: Flash is far from obsolete. Try again in a few years.
@peterelst Damn, you’re right. Very confusing way of sharing numbers. Should’ve been put in perspective with absolute numbers & vs desktops.
@tekkie On their own blog :) http://blogs.adobe.com/o…
I love these statistics Adobe is pushing forward. Android has triple the market share of iOS. Right.
So now Adobe is dropping AIR for Linux. What’s next? Dropping FP for Linux? I remember that already being low priority a few years back…
Wow,just found out about Adobe dropping Linux support for AIR. Oh and btw:Very interesting graph. It tells you nothing. http://bit.ly/lYqcFs
There’s a lot of great stuff going on in my life right now but having such great friends is most definitely the best thing ever!
A lot of bad comments about the Facebook app for iOS. Works fine for me…
@dimitrivh @Evelinesmet I have to give it to Eveline: Ik vul de mijne ook altijd pas in alsk op de trein zit. (Wel direct)(ook al vergeten)
Nothing makes me happier than clients telling me they were satisfied with my work! Great feeling!
Wrote a short manual for an IRC bot I once wrote. Those were the days… I need to do something like that again.
@kristofverm: Ja. info@manvspixel.com ;)
Do any of you charge your clients for making you wait (for several days) for their feedback when working on their project?
Rock solid coolness. http://www.vimeo.com/250…
You know, mail isn’t all that bad. Don’t hold back to use it…
Turntable.fm rocks. Productivity— and social-music-fun++ for several hours. Too bad the UI is (pardon my French) shit.
Really thinking about this project. WIll take a lot of energy… Not really sure if it’s worth it.
francoislaberge The best part of these new iOS location based notifications is that I can zone out or sleep on the Caltrain and not miss my stop!
How do idiots like that even get their driver’s license!? I hope that guy never gets to drive any vehicle EVER again.
“Your life could be over, the next time you cross the street”. I keep telling that to myself…Yet I can’t believe it almost became truth :/
Well, I’m glad I didn’t address that mail to the wrong recipient… That would’ve been… well… Awkward.
@thomasheylen Yea, die fles BRU springt echt meteen in het oog. Waar is de tijd dat merken subtiel probeerde de aandacht te krijgen? ;)
I always wondered about the 3 flights of stairs… Now I finally know! http://www.youtube.com/w…
Can’t believe so many people can’t get this right. http://shots.nocreativit…
@ikbenmartijn Genoeg mensen die heen en weer reizen ;)
Relative statistics are a good thing to get a grasp on things but in no way do they reflect the absolute state of the reality. It’s a trap!
Right, I almost forgot. Since the iPhone will now be sold unlocked in the US, we will now be able to enjoy the low €-$ exchange rates!
@hannes_bhc oei? Slechte service?
Wow, @appcelerator seems to have updated their Q&A-section. Great update! Looking very mature now! Good job, guys!
A few rounds of bowling with Elke, Pascale, @lyntje, @wirwar and @philipdubois. Won the first round. Sucking *balls* during the 2nd round.
As monday dictates: It’s time for a motion clip! This week is about 140dB. If you haven’t seen it, do check it out! http://bit.ly/ki8DIQ
Awesome! RT @Evelinesmet Photoset: What if brands were really honest? http://tumblr.com/xqd2za…
Drop everything you’re doing, turn up the volume, sit back, close your eyes and wait for that shiver down your spine http://bit.ly/iMWi4x
Had a good night’s sleep. Been a felt this good in the morning. Happy Monday, guys. Have a good week!
Listening to Cortney Tidwell - “Eyes are at the billions” and remembering some great memories. I miss you, hunny.
Just for the record: That _my_ girl! You touch her, you die. Comprendo?RT @lyntje Blondie :) http://twitpic.com/5al40k
Digging it! RT @GreenPois0n_JB The Coming Tool To Jailbreak I0n1c Could Block Piracy http://bit.ly/iskUxW
@BWS_Nazz Bestaan gratis scripts voor online ;) Verder is er nog iets als cargo collective. Is zeer stijlvol. Noem maar op :)
@BWS_Nazz Eh, … eh… How!? xD
Thinking about some stuff to do tomorrow. Must create SOMETHING!
It’s 6PM. There shall be pasta!!
@AndyAerts Follow mij eens, zodat ik je kan DM’n ;)
JasperPillen NMBS waarschuwt voor staking in het midden van de examens. Zelfs voor de studenten hebben de vakbonden dus geen respect.
Hilarious :D RT @hannes_bhc TURBO HAMSTER! http://cuteroulette.com/…
@CharlotteFlamee @Kimsje Dank je, schatjes! Super lief van jullie! ^^
Oh my god! This is “ROFL”-worthy! http://www.youtube.com/w…
GreenPois0n_JB Redsn0w 0.9.8 Download Available.. Brings iOS 5 Jailbreak http://bit.ly/mwGijZ [Plz RT]
Aha! Facebook fixed their like-email-notification-shortcoming! http://shots.nocreativit…
@benDesigning Yea baby!
@Kimsje Hahaha! Ik denk niet dat je me naar een Iron Maiden optreden zou krijgen, tbh ;)
I’ve got 2 tickets to Iron Maiden, baby! Come with me friday; don’t say maybe.
As my shower at home is broken (again) I had to take a shower at my girlfriend’s place. Most exciting thing I did all day. No kidding.
Cool! RT @mobilevikings About visual voicemail: we are investigating what it would take to implement it.But there are no concrete plans atm
Wow, you gotta hand it to them: The people at Tentoo payroll services are very friendly and helpful. Awesome!
You know, guys: It’s hard to not be able to go to #OFFF at all. But you guys tweeting about going really makes it unbearable. #booh
@davy_delbeke Go get them!
So Airplay Display mirroring is only available on iPad 2? That’s bullshit.
@joristi No, that’s exactly my problem. Otherwise I wouldn’t care… :p http://shots.nocreativit…
LMAO, naming your kid ‘Luke’. Only so you could say in all seriousness: “Luke, I am your father!” Lame, but sooo funny :D #diggnation