The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

March 2015

That was not the kind of meeting I anticipated at 5:30PM… Oh well.

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It’s been a while since I uploaded anything to the official WordPress repo. Are we still using SVN for that?

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Made another few steps in the development of the new Dooodl WordPress plugin. Close to running final tests before release! Yay!

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I just went to the 3rd page of Google search results. Yes, I’m that desperate.

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I have got to be honest: I did not see that Ferrari win coming. Been thinking about that race all day. 2015 will be interesting…

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Heading to New York during the summer; to Dubai during the winter. Anybody got a few suggestions (hotels, must-do’s etc)?

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@Rishi_Muni @TheVijayMallya I don’t think we’re quite on the same page here. But I didn’t mean to insult anyone.

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@Rishi_Muni @TheVijayMallya she doesn’t know a thing about F1. She never heard of Force India. Don’t read too much into it ;)

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Today, while I was watching the F1 qualifying, my girlfriend asked what “false Indians” meant. She misheard them say “Force India”…

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True story. RT @thijswostyn: If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional. Wait until you hire an amateur.

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Facebook now reminds me several times a day about somebody’s birthday. I hate this like crazy. If I mark it as “read”, leave me alone!

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Today I watched the most fabulous sunset I’ve seen in years. I didn’t take a photo. I just marveled at its magnificence.

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@object404 DAMN IT! I so thought I had this one right :( Thanks for pointing that out, though!

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I have too much OCD to put the Lightning connector front-to-back into my iPhone. I just can’t bare knowing that the logo faces backwards.

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RedBullUK With Clarkson leaving @BBC_TopGear The Stig is looking at his options

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Completed some more work on Dooodl V2 tonight. Migration tool is almost completed. Yes, there’s a migration tool involved. Crazy, right?!

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*writes code for 4 hours*
Now let’s clean some of this up…

*5 minutes later*
Why did it stop working!?

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I’m quite satisfied with the code I wrote today. It’s so elegant… It’s been a while since I felt like this about something I wrote.

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It’s one of these days where I write tons of code and don’t bother to test it. This will bite me in the ass when I’m about to leave tonight.

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It’s Monday again! Let’s rock the shiznit out of this weFYIM

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According to this list I must be a creative person. RT @netlash:

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Watching the guys shred at Tampa Pro live. Some nice runs!

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@tekkie Hmz…That sounds like bullshit… I usually don’t really bother with these things but this one really caught my attention…in a bad way.

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Gathering all my energy and willpower to continue work on Dooodl V2… It’s been months since I last worked on th#shame

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Seriously… Today is a slow day… Got up at 10.30AM. Breakfast was 2 hours later… And I still don’t feel like I’m fully awake yet…

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JohnMasonCTFC Just saw this on my Timehop, absolutely bang on from @frankieboyle :

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I race into the darkness to escape from the light. Into the darkness and the rest of my life.

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Watching the eclipse… Geek-style.

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hannes_bhc Sans Bullshit Sans. The font that replaces every buzzword by a Comic Sans-styled censorship bar lol.

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Somebody at work just walked by in this T-shirt. The geek in me approves.

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@vercoutere You either have very sad experiences with the one or very SPECTACULAR experiences with the other… :p

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Opened a project folder and briefly saw a file that was called ‘Vagina’.I then saw it actually said ‘Vagrantfile’…Clearly I’m not awake yet.

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I love this! RT @netlash: Break them beautifully.

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Okay, let me straighten this story out:“We” are not looking for developers of any kind.*I* was just quoting an insane list of requirements..

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Fuck yea! It’s Monday! What are you going to achieve this week? Have a good one. ðŸYIM

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There were so many stories. The cars that finish are not the point. How they finished is what matters. 2015 will be brilliant.

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Faster hybrid cars, Ferrari is back, Sauber scored points, rookies impressed, McLaren finished, Red Bull in trouble and more!

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If you think the grand prix in Melbourne “collapsed” today, you don’t understand what the results represent.

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All that does to your company is point out that you don’t understand what those skills mean and that you don’t value them.

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I love these job postings… Especially since I know that some people have a full time job developing uniquely in Angular.

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“We’re looking for a senior front-end developer who knows Angular, Backbone and … And… And who is also an expert in … And.. And…”

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To everybody who pinged me about the broken download links of my : They’re fixed! Sorry for the

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Friendly reminder: it’s Steak-And-Blowjob Day today ;) Don’t worry: I’ll only post a photo of theâ€

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I always wondered what happened to Keeley Hazell. She wanted to go acting/writing but she can’t because of her past.

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keeleyscorner Dear Apple, whoever designed Yosemite should be fired.

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Just watched the qualifying in Melbourne. That Mercedes looks quick. So does the Ferrari. 2015 is going to be spectacular. No doubt.

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Holy balls! More than a quarter million views on the Dooodl plugin! CRAZY! And a massive update is coming SO SOON!!

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This must be the most frustrating commute of my life. A drive that usually takes 45 minutes now takes 2h30. And I’m still not there yet…

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My first open-air breakfast of the year.

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RT @tonylukasavage: David Schwimmer gives advice to startups:

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Every day, I love my job a little more. I have never enjoyed working so hard, so much.

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Seriously, can anybody say ‘I am the one who knocks’ without sounding like Walter White?

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TIL: I can fix cross-browser layout things using CSS that nobody knew needed fixing. Awesome!

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mikebeecham All I want is a new Thunderbolt display. Is it too much to ask?

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You can only do so many attempts to fix a header using CSS.

Although my OCD is urging me to try fix it one more time…

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ricbadger Looking for talented HTML5 engineers (with games experience) to help grow our portfolio of games. Multiple vacancies

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Wow,… “Web 3.0”… Is that still a thing?

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Also: Apple took ‘making iOS ugly’ to the next level with this brand new disgusting, horribly executed Watch icon.

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Remember when you picked up a MacBook Air and thought to yourself: “God, I wish they could make this thinner. This is too bulky”…

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Also: what’s with the bling? Gold? What are we? Geeks or wannabee gangster-rapping pimps?!

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Quite an underwhelming Apple Keynote today. Pretty curious how many people are going to buy that Watch thing…

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SalvationArmySA Is it so hard 2 see black & blue? 1 in 6 women are victims.

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I hate it when I have to work on a project where everything has been built on content-box. I wish I could just replace them all at once.

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Introducing a new hashtag: Fuck yea, it’s Monday! Use it. Positive energy ftw!

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Susie_Wolff Happy International Women’s Day

To all you brilliant women out there, its time to

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@killthedinosaur heb hier ook nog een 2408 ultrasharp staan. Ook zijn geld waard geweest.

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@killthedinosaur heb er hier al 2 staan trouwens. Alleen beetje zonde da’k ze nie voor wa minder dan 850€ vind.

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@killthedinosaur zelfde paneel maar niet zelfde QC. Ook de kleurconsistentie zou niet altijd ok zijn daardoor. Al redelijk veel gelezen.

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@ivesdeblieck ze moeten van Bernie en de organisatie van Melbourne :p

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@ivesdeblieck ik dubbelcheck gewoon graag dat de top steps van het podium van ons zijn ;)

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@ivesdeblieck add fear, adrenaline and exhaustion ;) Dan de snelste wagen met de meest instinctieve piloot voorblijven :D wishful thinking?

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@ivesdeblieck in een un-developed Manor voorsprong op Lewis in The Mighty Merc? You must be quite quick ;)

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@ivesdeblieck sorry kiddo, als ik mijn huidige carrière moet opgeven, dan enkel voor een gridslot op zondag ;) we kunnen afwisselen? :p

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@ivesdeblieck misschien moeten wij eens gaan praten dan ;)

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@ivesdeblieck they could do worse ;) vinden ze niemand? Nochtans zijn F1 zitjes zo begeert… ;)

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@ctfTijG al veel Dell schermen bekeken. Niet zo overtuigd tot nu. Deze straks ook eens bekijken. Thx.

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I’m considering to buy a new Apple TB Display but MacRumors’ Buyer’s Guide is somehow telling me not to… ‘

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I can’t believe 2Advanced is still a full Flash site. Last of a dying breed2advanced.comVv

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And now I get an email from Flickr telling me there was an ‘unexpected sign-in attempt’. What the actual -!? So much for my Flickr account…

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The fact that I travel anywhere in the world while posting from my mobile phone on the other hand is no problem… Seriously mehkr

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… and then lock me out of my account because I moved to a house 5km from where I signed up with Flickr? (part 2) What the hell, yo?

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Really Flickr? First telling me about your iPad app (which I really don’t care about since I’m using my computer right now)… (part 1)

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We always talks about ‘trusting your gut’… What if ‘the feeling in your gut’ is actually your future self trying to tell you something?

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I got myself a Synology DS about a week ago. Just in time it seems. 1 of my external USB drives (that I used for backups) just failed.

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… aaaand they all came with matching quotes on the back. This is so fucking cool! Thanks @lyntje!

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The misses made some notebooks for me with some of my Everydays as covers. Awesome!

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girlwithatail This is insane. My landlord won’t accept “great exposure” as rent when we all know it’s a perfectly acceptable alternative to payment.

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There’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh print. Finally got the Ugly Belgian Houses book.

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In October 2007, I bought my first Mac. Today it died. While it might only be a machine to you,it was a friend to me.

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“Web design is about mutability, difference, uncertainty. It’s about *not* knowing. “ - Heydon Pickering

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Just found a super simple border-between-items-only solution without the use of first-child/last-child. How cool!

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Oh look! It’s @hannes_bhc on @stubru talking about @uglybelgianhous! He’s talking about his book!

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For those who missed it: I wrote an article on my blog: 5 things I learned as a #freelancer

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@svenpeeters kan het mij nie meteen herinneren, neen. ;)

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My new favorite gist: all countries & codes in JSON.

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I used to do everything in Flash/AS3… Any little tool I needed… Now I do everything in Node.JS… Things change.

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RT @flabbyironman: @noCreativity baby you’re a firework. Show them what you’re worth…

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Somebody at work just said the words “flat is cool”. My head exploded.

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I wrote a new article on my blog: 5 things I learned as a freelancer #freelance

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Can’t believe it’s March already… I feel like time is flying lately.

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