@quasimondo @netlash well, duh! ;)

According to this list I must be a creative person. RT @netlash: pic.twitter.com/J1BWvinpjh
Watching the guys shred at Tampa Pro live. Some nice runs! streetleague.com #skateboarding
@tekkie Hmz…That sounds like bullshit… I usually don’t really bother with these things but this one really caught my attention…in a bad way.
Gathering all my energy and willpower to continue work on Dooodl V2… It’s been months since I last worked on th#shame#shame

So here’s a question… W#googleo#chromerpic.twitter.com/WxFi4OaQURaQUR
Seriously… Today is a slow day… Got up at 10.30AM. Breakfast was 2 hours later… And I still don’t feel like I’m fully awake yet…

JohnMasonCTFC Just saw this on my Timehop, absolutely bang on from @frankieboyle : pic.twitter.com/IZ1ciFDcix