The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

November 2011

bit101 i laugh at those who thought HTML5 solved everything. HTML5 will also eat up ur cpu and be used for annoying banner ads

via Hotot (retweeted on 11:53 PM, Nov 30th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

I find myself consistently tired around midnight ever since monday. That’s new… And kind of weird.

via Twitter for Mac

Listening to Spotify (offline mode) on the train. Whenever the cell connection drops/restores, the music playback freezes briefly. Annoying!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

Dear Apple blogs: stop “reporting” about 2 new iPads, a redesigned iPhone 5 and whatnot of you have no solid evidence. It’s getting ludacris

via Tweetbot for iPhone

And what do ya know: 10 minutes delay. Like clockwork. Only later…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Schaarbeek, Brussels

I seriously hope this train has a few minutes delay. Otherwise I won’t make it. Experience suggests there should be plenty of room for that.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Schaarbeek, Brussels

miemosa Massale zelfdoding van knuffels bij Carrefour

via Instagram (retweeted on 5:25 PM, Nov 30th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Heading home early: It’s pizza-night day! That’s the only tradition I actually really stick to!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Brussels, Brussels

owenderby Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, give a man a bank and he can rob the world.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:22 PM, Nov 30th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

duivvv We gaan eens allemaal virtueel staken, dat zal ze leren !

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 11:11 AM, Nov 30th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

@Heeties I am unable to get used to ‘normal scrolling’ again now. I find myself constantly scrolling the wrong way (natural) first :p

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Heeties

I have used the ‘natural scrolling’ for about a week or 2 and then went back to normal scrolling and now I can’t get used to that anymore.

via Twitter for Mac

Fat! RT @tijs: Smart billboard ad by McDonald’s. I’m lovin’ it!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Brussels, Brussels

@simohell Mijn vriendin had hetzelfde voor. 1 jaar lang geen boetes en dan opeens 100€ aan (parkeer)boetes in een maand tijd ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to simohell

Davy Iemand die banners (leaderboards, medium rectangles, skyscrapers…) maakt op freelance basis?

via web (retweeted on 5:42 PM, Nov 29th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

@AugustinDeBie save as .ai (v8 still) file. Not .eps… I think that’s the way I did it ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to AugustinDeBie from Brussels, Brussels

HOLY CRAP! That Mac Pro is fast :|

via Tweetie for Mac

Listening to “Mombasa” (by Hanz Zimmer) while running for a train makes for a rather intense experience.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Schaarbeek, Brussels

It’s been close to a decade since I last went to bed on the same date that I woke up. But I’m exhausted. ZzzzzzZzzzzzz

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Niiiice! Runs very smooth too! RT @woutr_be: Actually pretty nicely done by Microsoft - (open link on your mobile)

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Electronic timetables at Belgian railway stations: Pointless investments.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Ghent, Ghent

Is there a way to use a black/white matte (video) in Flash to mask another piece of video?

via Twitter for Mac

Great read & it made me feel less bad about joining Instagram after all.RT @pixeldimensions:Why Instagram Is So Popular

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Brussels, Brussels

</freelance> <fulltime>
<!— a new adventure —>

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@ryanhiltonis Nothing fancy (Safari is currenlty using 400MB + 90MB which is relatively low).

via Twitter for Mac in reply to ryanhiltonis

Congrats: Thinnest argument ever. RT @MurtenSaerbi: because it’s a MAC.

via Twitter for Mac

@joristi Purge is non of my business. There’s no reason for OSX to be dragging along like this while doing nothing and making me wait.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to joristi

I’m actually not doing anything on this computer (no Flash, no AE, nothing!) and yet the entire RAM is being used.Why!?

via Twitter for Mac

Yup, I caved. For now… Let’s see how long it lasts…

via Twitter for Mac

@ikbenmartijn Gisteren hetzelfde zitten denken. Ben het wat aan het bekijken, maar kvind het best nice :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to ikbenmartijn

wefail If you’re going to build animated HTML5 sites, they have to run on tablets. Otherwise don’t bother, use Flash instead.

via web (retweeted on 8:15 PM, Nov 27th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

@Lieneuh Er is ook software voor OSX/windows om NTFS/HFS goed te doen werken op de tegenliggende platformen ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Lieneuh

@Lieneuh @stijnproduction Ha, had ik niet gedacht :D FAT is het enige filesysteem dat perfect werkt voor OSX/Windows. NTFS werkt *mss*

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Lieneuh

@StijnProduction Ge kunt daar al vrij veel mee doen ;) Tenzij dat @lieneuh non-stop met 4GB+ bestanden werkt natuurlijk ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to StijnProduction

@Lieneuh Ge kunt FAT formatteren: Kunnen ze beiden lezen/schrijven. Enkel geen bestanden groter dan 2GB dacht ik.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Lieneuh

@peterelst You’re probably right: Undocumented stuff is undocumented for a reason but this still blows. I’d like to know why…

via Twitter for Mac in reply to peterelst

@peterelst Sure, they have to make some money on the Alchemy thing at some point. But why not support the current set of op-codes anymore?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to peterelst

stefanrichter I noticed there is a difference between open standards 100% CPU usage and proprietary 100% CPU usage: the amount of public moaning.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:58 AM, Nov 27th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Can’t wait for those bugreports to come in when people notice all my drawing apps in Flash break due to the Alchemy policy. Fuck you, Adobe.

via Twitter for Mac

Phishing in full force: go to ‘’ and find yourself redirected to this:

via Twitter for Mac

Chilling in the train, all by myself… Good music and scenery passing by the window. Peacefulness…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Flemish Region, Belgium

@AugustinDeBie ah shit :/ kga straks eens naar het resultaat kijken. Ben benieuwd!

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to AugustinDeBie from Brussels, Brussels

@AugustinDeBie tis een gokje; geen idee of ik het goed versta maar al eens gekeken naar addElement() en ContainerMovieClip wrappers?

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to AugustinDeBie from Brussels, Brussels

Heading home after a crash course about one of the biggest projects I’ll manage in the coming 2 years.Not scary at all <insert sarcasm here>

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Brussels, Brussels

Hurray,my train made it 6 stops with ONLY 15 minutes delay! How the hell does that even work? It’s not like there’s traffic jams somewhere?!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Brussels, Brussels

@KennyLeys @hannes_bhc ‘t Is Google Street View. Nie Google Ugly Houses. Context matters. Al vond ik de UBH affaire dikke bullshit.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to KennyLeys

Good move, Ronny. First you forget a word in an ‘important’ tweet. Then you delete it, fix the words… and add a typo. Idiot.

via Twitter for Mac

@boskabout Holy fucking crap! 80 000 tweets! Are you kidding me!? :’)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to boskabout

@boskabout I know about the limited time-tweet-time-crap . However, I also use Tweetnest ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to boskabout

gnore this tweet. I’m just marking this date for future reference (and I’m not using any kind of calendar app… Don’t ask)

via Twitter for Mac

Wow,bad month for Adobe.I’m sorry,it’s just so ridiculous, I can’t even imagine what the management was thinking when deciding on the timing

via Tweetbot for iPhone

sbedaux Is er hier iemand die wel eens pro-Sabam is?

via web (retweeted on 7:56 PM, Nov 24th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

@EmilieDecoutere Yea, dacht dat de gevolgen voor jullie veel erger gingen zijn. Was echt bang die avond :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to EmilieDecoutere

@creativeskills Is IT niet de term voor engineers? As in:Netwerk-admin,hardware-specialist,etc. kzou zeggen ‘IT = mensen achter de schermen’

via Twitter for Mac in reply to creativeskills

So totally in love again with what I do. So much stuff has happened recently. And all of it changed my life for the best. I love you, guys.

via Twitter for Mac

Sorry, that one was too easy… Now let the flaming begin! :)

via Twitter for Mac

I love how Samsung is mocking the Apple-fanboys for waiting in line just because nobody wants to wait in line for a Galaxy S2.

via Twitter for Mac

@scottjanousek They should do the Belgian thing and just ask a stranger ‘Hey dude, where’s the beer at!?’

via Twitter for Mac in reply to scottjanousek

Holy crap! Google Streetview in Belgium seems to have covered the entire country already :| Okay, I’m officially creeped out.

via Twitter for Mac

BAM! RT @mikehaugland people should occupy their time with making cool shit, instead of bitching about stuff they don’t like so much.

via Twitter for Mac

It seems that ‘occupying stuff’ is the new hype… Occupy HTML, Occupy Flash and now also Occupy SQL. Good lord…

via Twitter for Mac

@webdevotion What the -?! If I click the download link, it shows me this. Once I logged in, the download starts.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to webdevotion

@webdevotion Go on, hit the download link… ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to webdevotion

There’s a few out there I thought? RT @woutr_be: It’s 2011, shouldn’t we have found another solution for captchas by now?

via Twitter for Mac

As it turns out I don’t have Skype installed on my MacBook.I head over to the Skype site and there’s no direct download.I have to log in?!

via Twitter for Mac

RT @jynse: Iemand geïnteresseerd in een mini-opdrachtje native app development? Design wordt aangeleverd. DM of mail voor meer info! #devine

via Twitter for Mac

RT @bram_: OH: “An SEO expert walks into a bar, bars, pub, public house, Irish pub, drinks, beer…”

via Tweetbot for iPhone

Massive good news in the email! I’m so proud!

via Twitter for Mac

Let’s see if moving files to an external hard drive can outrun a RAR extraction… I don’t think so…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Only 12 years ago, having a computer at home was quite unique. Now it’s strange not to have a device in your pocket with 10 times the power.

via Tweetbot for iPhone

Buuuurrrn!! RT @Heeties: Lol @noCreativity but they are used to Microsoft releasing and patching it later on ;)

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Are you guys seriously reporting that Apple is not releasing a minor software update due to bugs? That’s not news. That’s common sense…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@davykestens Interesting question. I went for a quick test and found this :) Check out the source :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to davykestens

@mykola Sounds like a great idea but at some point somebody has to clean up and I want to make a difference… Although it comes at a price ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mykola

@mykola Lol, seems very true. Found myself working 6 days straight into the early hours… :/

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mykola

@mykola I’ll try to remember that while making a massive list of footage-fuck-up on the client’s side ;) Thanks for the kind words ;)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mykola

@mykola Ha, yes. How did you figure? :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mykola

@mykola You might be right… Still sucks… I always feel horrible when I can’t deliver on a deadline :(

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mykola

Oh boy… Deadline is at 9AM, everybody’s sleeping, there’s missing footage and nobody can be reached. Tomorrow is going to be a bad day.

via Twitter for Mac

mctcommunity de inschrijvingen lopen als een trein, nog 19 plaatsen beschikbaar. Wees er vlug bij voor de goedkoopste prijs!

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 10:03 PM, Nov 21st, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

hannesfostie Looking to try an alternative to MySQL and postgres with Rails, but it needs to make sense of course. Who can help me decide on the tech?

via web (retweeted on 6:57 PM, Nov 21st, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

</project><project> <!— no rest for the wicked —>

via Twitter for Mac

@N_A_G_D Nieuwe logo ziet er geil uit man! Goe werk!

via Twitter for Mac

What’s the official term for pixelpushing in terms of timelines and milliseconds? I’d guess framepushing but that just doesn’t sound right.

via Twitter for Mac

@UnitZeroOne Ah, I have trouble too with .mkv files. Thought it might be a codec issue. The problem here is an MP4 file though…

via Twitter for Mac in reply to UnitZeroOne

@UnitZeroOne Seriously? My 4 year old Macbook runs 720p just fine. Now, I’m all confused… :/

via Twitter for Mac in reply to UnitZeroOne

What kind of old hardware are you running if you can’t even play a 720p video?!

via Twitter for Mac

“Should be a press of the button for the editor”. I can’t tell you how much I hate those statements.

via Twitter for Mac

@peterelst Try @uptimerobot. Works great and it sends you notifications (mail, twitter, etc) :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to peterelst

Hackers are the new superheroes.

via Twitter for Mac

RachelNichols1 GOOGLE: “I know everything!”
FACEBOOK: “I know everyone!”
INTERNET: “Without me you’re all nothing!”
ELECTRICITY: “Keep talking, bitches.”

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 7:30 PM, Nov 20th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

@davy_delbeke MK:Legacy is geweldig! Ik vond het destijds al vreemd dat er maar zo weinig mensen van wisten. Nu blijkbaar nog altijd.

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to davy_delbeke from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

mctcommunity wij gaan naar FITC! schrijf je nu in voor 22november zodat we nog aan de super early bird tickets geraken!

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 1:58 PM, Nov 20th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

@MurtenSaerbi True: however, I have a certain expertise they should trust. Example: Why a forum is not a good support-platform, etc.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to MurtenSaerbi

What’s the point of having a developer/designer if the client tells him what to do all the time?

via Twitter for Mac

Sending out emails, doing preliminary renders and changes… At 5AM. I need to go to bed…

via Twitter for Mac

He Proximus! Leuk verhaaltje zo! ‘t Is ook al nie de eerste keer eh…!

via Twitter for Mac

Never have I wanted a Mac Pro more than now. 12 CPU cores, 24GB RAM, 512GB SSD, and a badass graphics card. I could so use that right now.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

“I don’t like that diamond. Please give me a bigger one.”

via Twitter for Mac

leenvanderpoten #dringend op zoek naar een #freelance #jquery developer. Please retweet!

via web (retweeted on 3:01 PM, Nov 19th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Waking up to a feedback mail that throws all my plans for today out the window.

via Twitter for Mac

Finally rendering. Dead tired. Pretty close to a 24h day… 12 hours of which I was editing video. Almost of to bed…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

What were they thinking? Changing the copy halfway through the project… It’s almost 5AM and I still have to clean up their mess.

via Twitter for Mac

Man, I really should stop working through the night like this. I’m actually falling asleep where I’m sitting :/ STAY AWAKE! Must finish!

via Twitter for Mac

I’m really back to the old me. I didn’t want to join 4SQ but lately I feel like I should give it a run. Same for instagram. Must resist.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

RT @ivesdeblieck: Heb nog eens een aflevering van #superfans gezien. Proficiat VT4, ge hebt echt uw dieptepunt bereikt!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Courtrai, Courtrai

Had 2 lovely days at the Saatchi offices while working on a freelance project. I’m going to have a blast there!

via Twitter for Mac

“Just use your creativity on the last bit.”
That’s the best thing I heard all day.

via Twitter for Mac

Having a major deadline in a few hours and my MacBook decided it’s time to stop working… This is BAAAD news.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Brussels, Brussels

@amedee lol, well the last time I used ICQ was about 10 years ago… :)

via Tweetbot for iPhone in reply to amedee from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

ICQ is still around? Wow…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

“Wow” just won’t do. RT @mike_matas: An amazing photo of Dubai.

via Twitter for Mac

I’ve been watching Vimeo clips for almost 8 hours today. And yet I still enjoy watching this one:

via Twitter for Mac

Steffie_91 =)

via web (retweeted on 10:23 PM, Nov 17th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Overheard at work: “you talk verbal diarrhea”. Owkay…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Nazareth, Ghent

RT @HillStaffer: ██ Protect ███ ████ internet █████ ████ freedom ██ ███ not █████ â–ˆ corporate â–ˆ ████ interests â–ˆ #SOPA (stop online pira …

via Tweetbot for iPhone

thenerd_be Im wondering why google put effort in writing an iphone gmail app? Apple Mail supports it and their mobile web version is also great?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:38 PM, Nov 17th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Cool! Painting wifi network strength using light! Loving it!

via Twitter for Mac

It seems to be pretty hard to find footage of engineers building stuff in the lab which is not related to cars.

via Twitter for Mac

wimvanhenden #codinghorror: “It’s the damn users. They’ve ruined every program I’ve ever created.”

via web (retweeted on 9:01 AM, Nov 17th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

Heading to Brussels to work on a freelance project at the Saatchi offices. I feel like such a grown up… So not like me.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

I think I just did something stupid… Oh god, I’ll regret this sometime soon. I’m sure.

via Twitter for Mac

Is there a way of setting a global shortcut for Spotify to “star the current playing song” on OSX?

via Twitter for Mac

RT @Seth__Rogen: Whenever I delete an iPhone app, the shaking icons make me feel like they’re panicked over who’s getting cut from the t …

via Twitter for Mac

Instawin RT @joristi: Wat als @stubru iedere dag een Spotify-playlist zou maken met de top 20 gespeelde nummers van die dag,een mini-hotlist

via Twitter for Mac

So according to America, I’m living on a healthy diet because apparently I eat a lot of ‘vegetables’. What a joke.

via Twitter for Mac

I actually ‘lolled’. RT @xiotex: Only in America: Congress declares that Pizza is a vegetable.

via Twitter for Mac

neurofuzzy Follow @OccupyHTML. They should at least have more followers than OccupyFlash

via Tweet Button (retweeted on 5:32 PM, Nov 16th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

To those of you who don’t know: Spotify is now available in Belgium ;)

via Twitter for Mac

First thing I did today: Get a Spotify Premium subscription. Hurray!

via Twitter for Mac

RT @devine_howest: Nieuwe Devine Showreel 2011 online!

via Twitter for Mac

@mikehaugland Yea, that’s probably annoying. I would turn the inverse scrolling off in that case. I mean: Duh :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mikehaugland

@mikehaugland All my computers are Macs running Lion right now. No problems there. Might have trouble at my job later on though :p

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mikehaugland

@mikehaugland I upgraded to Lion just a few weeks ago. Had to get used to it. Took me a few days but I start to like it :)

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mikehaugland

@mikehaugland Old news. You can disable it if you want. It does become a natural thing after having spent some time with it, though.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to mikehaugland

This. Exactly. RT @peterelst: blogged “The Flash Platform saga… one week later” -

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

chrisjblack So much hate in the technology community these days. What happened to building cool shit with the technology of your choice?

via web (retweeted on 11:03 PM, Nov 15th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

_dte The whole idea behind is ridiculous. I can guarantee that well over 50% of users rely on flash for their daily web use.

via web (retweeted on 7:10 PM, Nov 15th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

@bartclaeys Ik luister al dagenlang naar de gratis versie (UK). Valt heel goed mee vind ik :) En 10€/maand vind ik geen probleem tbh

via Twitter for Mac in reply to bartclaeys

@glenndavid @davy_delbeke Da’s echt eh! 7 miljoen en het ziet er nog altijd nie uit.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to glenndavid

Voor de mensen die na Adobe’s aankondigingen van vorige week wat verward zijn heeft @FlashFocus een mooie uiteenzetting

via Twitter for Mac

@davy_delbeke @glenndavid Zover ik weet is het nog altijd US-only. Vraag me ook wel af waar die opmerking vandaan kwam :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to davy_delbeke

@glenndavid Lelijk? AB-SO-LUUT. Pointless: Nope! Tis fun. Soort van interactive social radio. Wel een enorme afleiding…

via Twitter for Mac in reply to glenndavid

Ook al zitten denken RT @thomasjoos: vraagt zich af wat er gebeurd als ik een mobile collect&go bestelling niet kom afhalen in de winkel..

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

H0SSg If you expect me to log in to your site to unsubscribe from the email you just sent me, then instead I’ll just report it as spam.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:27 PM, Nov 15th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Looks like Einstein was wrong after all. Approaching the speed of light doesn’t slow down time. Rendering does.

via Twitter for Mac

petehotchkiss @iainlobb @seb_ly FLash is dead I heard. Looking forward to under exposed photo’s everywhere

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:24 PM, Nov 15th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Oh fanboys… You make me want to write a million tweets about how much I hate your shortsighted blogposts and opinions.

via Twitter for Mac

Totally agree. RT @tonylukasavage: Is it just me, or are versioned saves in Mac apps just annoying?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Cool! Tweetbot has the new “the next big thing”-feature! Good job!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Rendering like a mad man! I’d like to wrap this puppy up. Got another cool project lined up which I REALLY need to start working on asap.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@Cuadie Nope! Tried it, didn’t work for me. It’s not enough ‘in your face’. I only used it to keep track of what I’m listening to.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Cuadie

Spotify is actually the first online service that helps me discover new music. That’s FUN!

via Twitter for Mac

@meanlumberjack Ik vind Dreamweaver, Photoshop, After Effects en Illustrator momenteel toch nog killerapps. Totaal het geld waard imho.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to meanlumberjack

@meanlumberjack Waarom zouden de docenten die licenties moeten ‘verpatsen’? Maar don’t worry: Ze gaan Adobe CS nog even blijven gebruiken

via Twitter for Mac in reply to meanlumberjack

@meanlumberjack Geen idee :D Ben geen docent aan Howest he ;) Ik vermoed van wel. Maar da zal erg veel afhangen van wat Adobe nu doet.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to meanlumberjack

@meanlumberjack @joggink Hey!!! I spent a lot of time working on those HPTO’s :( All that work… LOST! :(

via Twitter for Mac in reply to meanlumberjack

@joggink No Flash Player on your browser? And you haven’t had 1 occasion where having Flash would’ve made something easier/better?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to joggink

To those of you who said you uninstalled the Desktop Flash Player well over a year ago and you haven’t missed it once ever since: Liars.

via Twitter for Mac

I think it might be time to empty my trash…

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

This iMac has really had it. Making strange noises… Hang in there, mate… Just a few more months…

via Twitter for Mac

- “Oh look! After Effects crashes! ”
+ “What else is new?”

via Twitter for Mac

@davy_delbeke @joristi Aaah, Belgium… Thou art the stone-age of the internet.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to davy_delbeke

@joristi On behalf of everyone I’d just like to say: “What the fuck?”

via Twitter for Mac in reply to joristi

So, Spotify reportedly coming to Belgium soon (maybe this week). Who of you guys is going to get a Premium account?

via Twitter for Mac

I asked for an image. I get am email with a Word document… with the image embedded in it. I can’t believe this is still happening.

via Twitter for Mac

“Not a single drop of blood.” - “Hm… what’s that?” - “Red sweat.” -> I lolled

via Echofon

There’s nothing like midnight test renders…

via Twitter for Mac

@Chessbow Meh. Lots of pointless killing with a lot of blood. Not enough actual storytelling. Not my kind of movie.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Chessbow

Seated to watch Drive. Let’s see if that movie is any good.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Calling it a night. Literally… I’m watching the sunrise… Beautiful thing to do before going to sleep though.

via Twitter for Mac

Stupid computer, Y U NOOOOO faster? :(

via Twitter for Mac

@_seanmoore_ Sure,JS differs from AS3 in some key aspects but we are nothing if not adaptable.So we’ll be fine.A little change won’t kill us

via Twitter for Mac

@_seanmoore_ Sure, but most of us currently manage to write pretty clean code, right? So why wouldn’t we do so when transitioning to JS/etc?

via Twitter for Mac in reply to _seanmoore_

Why are people *expecting* bad/poor code these days? Is that some kind of hipster-thing for developers? I’ll go away. Just like ‘skip intro’

via Twitter for Mac

@BeateV I’m afraid you couldn’t be more wrong ;) /cc @lyntje

via Twitter for Mac in reply to BeateV

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