For lots of people ;) RT @nicecrispybacon: Favoriting tweets equals check out link later, at least for me it does.
Same ;) RT @AugustinDeBie: Certainly will remember the barrel roll! #wtf
I love the little ‘roll’ the ‘close’ button in iOS5 notification center makes when you tap it. It’s the small things, really…
Cool! Did you know this? (via @Simon_Gee )
Yup, dat zal het ongetwijfeld zijn. RT @jcolpaert: @noCreativity je klinkt gewoon te geil
25 years old and people still think I’m a woman when on the phone. Unbelievable.
I’m looking for 3D JS libs which do not rely on WebGL. Any ideas here? (I know about Three.js; I’m looking for alternatives)
I’m kinda torn. I just want to be ‘the guy that created that Firefox/Chrome-only demo’. On the other hand, I’m very much in love with 3D.
So very much intrigued by WebGL… Safari not supporting it by default is kind of holding me back a bit to use it.
cfjedimaster Still seeing people saying this. Repeat: Adobe did not buy PhoneGap. Adobe bought Nitobi, the guys who made it. PhoneGap is OS under Apache
Why is WebGL in Safari by default disabled?
Ah, you poorly documented library… You make me choose between torturing myself and giving up. Strangely enough I can’t seem to give up.
dcurtis Google probably made a shitty, buggy Gmail app to make Apple look bad, and Apple probably approved it to make Google look bad.