The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @ronnykingfpv ever

November 15th, 2011

This. Exactly. RT @peterelst: blogged “The Flash Platform saga… one week later” -

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

chrisjblack So much hate in the technology community these days. What happened to building cool shit with the technology of your choice?

via web (retweeted on 11:03 PM, Nov 15th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iPhone)

_dte The whole idea behind is ridiculous. I can guarantee that well over 50% of users rely on flash for their daily web use.

via web (retweeted on 7:10 PM, Nov 15th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

@bartclaeys Ik luister al dagenlang naar de gratis versie (UK). Valt heel goed mee vind ik :) En 10€/maand vind ik geen probleem tbh

via Twitter for Mac in reply to bartclaeys

@glenndavid @davy_delbeke Da’s echt eh! 7 miljoen en het ziet er nog altijd nie uit.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to glenndavid

Voor de mensen die na Adobe’s aankondigingen van vorige week wat verward zijn heeft @FlashFocus een mooie uiteenzetting

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@davy_delbeke @glenndavid Zover ik weet is het nog altijd US-only. Vraag me ook wel af waar die opmerking vandaan kwam :D

via Twitter for Mac in reply to davy_delbeke

@glenndavid Lelijk? AB-SO-LUUT. Pointless: Nope! Tis fun. Soort van interactive social radio. Wel een enorme afleiding…

via Twitter for Mac in reply to glenndavid

Ook al zitten denken RT @thomasjoos: vraagt zich af wat er gebeurd als ik een mobile collect&go bestelling niet kom afhalen in de winkel..

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

H0SSg If you expect me to log in to your site to unsubscribe from the email you just sent me, then instead I’ll just report it as spam.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:27 PM, Nov 15th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Looks like Einstein was wrong after all. Approaching the speed of light doesn’t slow down time. Rendering does.

via Twitter for Mac

petehotchkiss @iainlobb @seb_ly FLash is dead I heard. Looking forward to under exposed photo’s everywhere

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:24 PM, Nov 15th, 2011 via Twitter for Mac)

Oh fanboys… You make me want to write a million tweets about how much I hate your shortsighted blogposts and opinions.

via Twitter for Mac

Totally agree. RT @tonylukasavage: Is it just me, or are versioned saves in Mac apps just annoying?

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Cool! Tweetbot has the new “the next big thing”-feature! Good job!

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

Rendering like a mad man! I’d like to wrap this puppy up. Got another cool project lined up which I REALLY need to start working on asap.

via Tweetbot for iPhone from Kortrijk, Kortrijk

@Cuadie Nope! Tried it, didn’t work for me. It’s not enough ‘in your face’. I only used it to keep track of what I’m listening to.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to Cuadie

Spotify is actually the first online service that helps me discover new music. That’s FUN!

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